Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsMosley FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 05:21 PM
A dark shape, nearly snarling with anger had her assailant tackled on the ground. The man struggled, but he was obviously no match for his attacker and Lois’ angel.
YAY! But we knew he would come. smile

“Clark?” she said a little timidly
Oooh, we're calling him 'Clark', now!

Thankfully both Lois and her assailant were too busy to notice that he jumped out of his third story window in his haste to get to her.
Very dramatic and touching, of course, but for some reason the idea of Clark just up and jumping out the window made me smile.

But the whole thing was so damn intimate.
Just what I was thinking!

She felt a few other things, most of them things she wouldn’t dwell on until later, but no fear.

“Hi, Mr. Kent, or should I call you Clark? No, you see, I can do that. I’m actually 23. Undercover. Yeah. So… why did I tell you? Oh um… I just thought we could go back to your place and I could jump your bones?”
LOL! And, yes, Lois, please do!

when someone you loved was threatened
Oh! Look what Martha said! And it went right over his head.

“I guess, but… wait, Mom, love? Are you serious? Are you feeling okay? I don’t love Lois. That would be wrong.”
Oh, darn, he did catch it. I was hoping he wouldn't because I knew he would protest. Oh, well.

His words sent a flash of bright fire behind his eyes and his shoulder burned where Lois had rubbed it. God, his mother hadn’t been speaking in literal terms. He needed to get a grip.
That is great.

"I’m not in love with anyone.”

“Are you sure about that, Clark?”

Clark was silent for a long moment. “Yes, I’m sure.” His face burned as he crossed his fingers behind his back. “I’m positive.”

“Goodnight stars… goodnight air…goodnight noises everywhere,” he quoted sleepily to himself, recalling years and years of falling asleep to the same story. “Goodnight moon.” Clark paused and got up from his seat. He tumbled into bed, pulling the covers tight around his chin in a mocking version of his childhood routine. “Goodnight Lois,” he whispered to the dark room.

Silence filled the apartment.
Beautiful paragraph.

I really love this story, Laura, and every chapter, I think, 'it's too short, more!' I feel greedy saying this since you just put up chapter eight a half hour ago, but I hope to see chapter nine soon!
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 06:00 PM
Wow, Laura. You never stop amazing me. This is great...wonderful,,,beautiful even.

I really love this story, Laura, and every chapter, I think, 'it's too short, more!' I feel greedy saying this since you just put up chapter eight a half hour ago, but I hope to see chapter nine soon!
I couldn't have said it better.
The knife grazed the front of her shirt, tearing though the fabric before a roar filled the night air. The knife was gone, her skin miraculously unbroken. Lois forced her eyes open, but they felt glued shut. A dark shape, nearly snarling with anger had her assailant tackled on the ground. The man struggled, but he was obviously no match for his attacker and Lois’ angel.
Clark came! I knew he would!

“Lois, please call the police with that phone right there. You’ll be perfectly safe, I assure you. I won’t take my eyes off you.”
I'm sure he wont take his eyes off of you. Bwah! rotflol
The voice was calm and gentle, at odds with the fearsome picture he made in the dark. It was familiar. Soothing. Clark’s.

“Clark?” she said a little timidly, not even realizing her lapse. Clark didn’t seem to notice either.

“It’s okay, Lois. You’re all right. Just go call the police and then this will all be over.”
Clark? Now isn't that intimate? What made her haul off and call him Clark?
Actually, he had been watching a basketball game in his apartment when he had heard her heartbeat. At first he thought his tortured musings were following him home and he nearly covered his ears with his hands, desperate to stop the mental images and dreams. The heartbeat refused to leave him however, and he paused. It was speeding up and then… another heartbeat? What? Though he had always had an active imagination he couldn’t fathom what his subconscious was trying to tell him by throwing in another heartbeat into the mix. Finally he caught the breathless, near cry for help and he realized that it hadn’t just been his emotions kicking into overdrive. Lois needed him!
Clark is already so attuned to Lois's heart beat. Face it. Clark is whipped. He'll have to leave to have any success at escaping those feelings.
“Aren’t home?! It’s midnight. Where else could they be?”

“My parents are separated. My dad’s a doctor and on call at the hospital right now,” Lois stopped there, content with her explanation. Clark frowned at the evasion.

“Where is your mother?”

Lois’ eyes flashed angrily. “What’s it matter to you, anyway?”

Taken aback, Clark shot her a sharp glance as he drove to a 24 hour pharmacy.

“It matters.”

“I don’t see why it should.”

“It just does, Lois!” He finally exploded just as he pulled into a parking space. He twisted the ignition to shut off the car and he jerkily opened the door and waited for Lois to follow. “I care about your well being.”
Now, that was a nice innocent way to put it instead of being straight forward...<I'm in love with you Lois.>
Clark’s fingers had been deft and gentle and warm. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at him out the corner of her eye. In the dark his body was a mere shadow, but the light from the dashboard clearly threw his face in relief. He looked tense. Without thinking, Lois rubbed his shoulder.

The muscle underneath her gentle fingertips was steel, but it relaxed after a moment. A blissful smile crossed Clark’s face and he looked at her. His eyes roved her face for a moment, horror dawning in his eyes. His shoulder suddenly became rigid muscle again and she let her hand drop, for her sanity as much as his.

There was no other way to explain it. It was insane. She couldn’t fight the rampant attraction between them and she didn’t want to have to. She shouldn’t have to. She was 23-years-old, a consenting adult. She needed to tell him. She tried to form the words in her mind in a way that didn’t sound certifiable.
Poor Clark is struggling with his feelings for Lois.

Yes Lois you are a 23 year old consenting adult. TELL HIM! Clark, think about what Claude said!
“Clark, I…”

“—Don’t. Don’t Lois. Call me Mr. Kent. Please, for my sanity."
Clark feels the intimacy of Lois calling him "Clark". And it is tearing him apart that he "cannot" receive that intimacy and reciprocate it.
“But Cl—Mr. Kent, I have to tell you something.”

Clark stared stonily out the front window.

“Go on, then,” he said brusquely. “What is it?”

Lois took in his rigid form and sighed. “Nothing, Mr. Kent. Thanks for everything tonight.”
Aw come on Lois, tell him! This time it's not just Clark afraid to reveal something about himself that could be compromising. So when he tells her that he is "Super" she'd better not get mad.

Oh, but Clark has to make another rescue first...rescue Lois from Claude...or Claude from Lois when she finds out that he stole her story. But then she will probably shut down like Fort Knox and not trust Clark either after that.
“Clark Kent, if I was there right now I’d tan your hide for saying such things. You are not dangerous. You acted on fear and adrenaline and when someone you loved was threatened, it merely magnified the emotions. You didn’t harm a hair on that man’s head, did you?”

“I… I knocked him into the ground.”

“He deserved that.”

“I guess, but… wait, Mom, love? Are you serious? Are you feeling okay? I don’t love Lois. That would be wrong.”
So, it took Martha...as usual...to lay Clark's feelings out for him. In spite of what Clark says, he's going to think about what Martha said.
“Clark, matters of the heart are mysterious. And I can’t solve this for you. All I can tell you is that when love taps you on the shoulder, you can’t just shut the door in its face. That usually backfires.”

“Solve what? Mom, you’re wrong. There’s nothing to solve. I haven’t been tapped on the shoulder.”

His words sent a flash of bright fire behind his eyes and his shoulder burned where Lois had rubbed it. God, his mother hadn’t been speaking in literal terms. He needed to get a grip.

“I appreciate the sentiment, Mom, and I’ll be sure to keep it in mind. But you don’t need to worry. I’m not in love with anyone.”

“Are you sure about that, Clark?”

Clark was silent for a long moment. “Yes, I’m sure.” His face burned as he crossed his fingers behind his back. “I’m positive.”

“As long as you’re honest with yourself, Clark. You know your father and I love you very much?”
Clark is trying to justify to himself more than to Martha why he "can't" be in love with Lois.

Yes, Clark...as long as you're honest with yourself.

Just fabulous! hail


PS...You did interject a heart to heart with Martha. You accepted my hint! :rolleyes:
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 06:11 PM

Great part! smile1

“I was so… angry. Fearful, but angry. I wanted to kill him. I’m terrified of what I would have done if Lois hadn’t been there. I’ve never felt such an all consuming rage. I can’t feel like that, Mom! It’s dangerous. I’m dangerous.”

“Clark Kent, if I was there right now I’d tan your hide for saying such things. You are not dangerous. You acted on fear and adrenaline and when someone you loved was threatened, it merely magnified the emotions. You didn’t harm a hair on that man’s head, did you?”

“I… I knocked him into the ground.”
Love Martha! thumbsup

Martha bit her lip, though Clark, with all his powers, couldn’t see her. He was right; it was wrong. But yet her mother’s intuition was telling her she was spot on and she couldn’t disregard it. It had never failed her before.

“Clark, matters of the heart are mysterious. And I can’t solve this for you. All I can tell you is that when love taps you on the shoulder, you can’t just shut the door in its face. That usually backfires.”

“Solve what? Mom, you’re wrong. There’s nothing to solve. I haven’t been tapped on the shoulder.”

His words sent a flash of bright fire behind his eyes and his shoulder burned where Lois had rubbed it.
Mother always knows. thumbsup

“Goodnight stars… goodnight air…goodnight noises everywhere,” he quoted sleepily to himself, recalling years and years of falling asleep to the same story. “Goodnight moon.” Clark paused and got up from his seat. He tumbled into bed, pulling the covers tight around his chin in a mocking version of his childhood routine. “Goodnight Lois,” he whispered to the dark room.

Silence filled the apartment.
He never said Lana! thumbsup

mad When is Lois going to give a lesson to Claude about not to steal other people work? mad hyper
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 06:14 PM
Ahh, I love it. Clark saves the day, fixes Lois' wounds...lets himself get a little more tortured about her...sure, Clark, she's just like anyone else...Last period should be interesting again.

Posted By: mervoparkite Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 07:10 PM
“Goodnight stars… goodnight air…goodnight noises everywhere,” he quoted sleepily to himself, recalling years and years of falling asleep to the same story. “Goodnight moon.” Clark paused and got up from his seat. He tumbled into bed, pulling the covers tight around his chin in a mocking version of his childhood routine. “Goodnight Lois,” he whispered to the dark room.
[Linked Image] I love this story--One of my favorites that I read my kids. You couldn't have picked a better one for this location in the story.

I have to feel sorry for Clark here. I'm a teacher and while I have never been in this situation (and never understood any of the ones that have shown up on the news--ick) in the first couple of years of my career I wasn't all that much older than my oldest (senior) students. One or Two of them did seem to have fairlly strong crushes on me (why? I'll never know--I NEVER had any guys following me around when I was in HS.) It made me unconfortable to say the least--and took some work to convince them that I was happily married. Clark has alread had one student make inappropriate advances--now sees Lois in this same student's company--and now Lois seems to be "returning" his hidden feelings. <shiver--for Clark>

All I can say is that While I love angst--you had better have a VERY happy ending planned for these two--just to make it up to Clark or my little friend [Linked Image] will have to come and visit you.

More soon please
[Linked Image]

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 07:22 PM
Love the little whipping guy in post above. well why did LOis back out! she should trust him to keep her cover, and then he wouldn't feel so dirty and icky for being attracted to a student. Poor Clark, he lost his wife, cut him some slack soon. More soon. Laura
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 07:40 PM
Wow, great chapter, Laura! I was too freaked out by Lois's situation to comment on the previous chapter, but this was just great!

The knife grazed the front of her shirt, tearing though the fabric before a roar filled the night air. The knife was gone, her skin miraculously unbroken. Lois forced her eyes open, but they felt glued shut. A dark shape, nearly snarling with anger had her assailant tackled on the ground. The man struggled, but he was obviously no match for his attacker and Lois' angel.
Clark saved her! I wasn't absolutely sure he would. I didn't think you would kill Lois, of course, but this Clark has seemed so in denial about Lois and about his own powers, so...

&#8220;Lois, please call the police with that phone right there. You'll be perfectly safe, I assure you. I won't take my eyes off you.&#8221;

The voice was calm and gentle, at odds with the fearsome picture he made in the dark. It was familiar. Soothing. Clark's.

&#8220;Clark?&#8221; she said a little timidly, not even realizing her lapse. Clark didn't seem to notice either.
He calls her Lois. Of course. He is her teacher, and although I myself had a French teacher way back when who insisted on calling us by or last names, you really expect your teacher to use your first name when speaking to you.

So he calls her Lois. And she responds, calling him Clark. I just love how natural and inevitable it sounds. And yet, in this story it is so forbidden.

Actually, he had been watching a basketball game in his apartment when he had heard her heartbeat. At first he thought his tortured musings were following him home and he nearly covered his ears with his hands, desperate to stop the mental images and dreams. The heartbeat refused to leave him however, and he paused. It was speeding up and then&#8230; another heartbeat? What? Though he had always had an active imagination he couldn't fathom what his subconscious was trying to tell him by throwing in another heartbeat into the mix. Finally he caught the breathless, near cry for help and he realized that it hadn't just been his emotions kicking into overdrive. Lois needed him!
Well, this is what I meant about Clark being in denial. Just consider that Clark might have been sitting in his own apartment listening to Lois being killed right below his window, and furiously telling himself that he must stop fantasizing about Lois.

Well, sigh. I tell you, Laura, this student/teacher relationship isn't a healthy thing for Lois and Clark.

Thankfully both Lois and her assailant were too busy to notice that he jumped out of his third story window in his haste to get to her.
I have to agree with Lisa that there is something delightfully funny about this image, though it is very satisfyingly dramatic, too. Like it had been taken out of a swashbuckling pirates movie... if pirates jump out of apartment windows? Or if it was from a swashbuckling old Tarzan movie... if Tarzan can be swashbuckling?

&#8220;I think you had better call your parents now, Lois,&#8221; he said softly. His gaze fell on the shallow slice across her throat. It was thin, no longer oozing blood, but it still glittered malevolently in the light as a constant reminder of what had nearly happened.
Wow. I, too, can see it and feel it.

Since his marriage to Lana, he had stifled the cries for help in his head. He helped when he could, oftentimes at night and dressed in black. The guilt never truly went away but he could function normally alongside it.
His guilt. Interesting. Since his marriage to Lana he has ignored many cries for help in his head. He still does, even though Lana has been dead for - I don't know, a year? Certainly for many months. And he still feels guilty. Guilty of what? Guilty of betraying Lana? Or guilty of betraying himself and his own natural instincts to help? Guilty of letting people die even though he could have saved them?

Interesting. You know, Laura, in the long run, I don't think Clark could have been happy living this way, ignoring cries for help for Lana's sake. He may have loved her, but she wasn't right for him. Because she didn't love him back. Not really. She loved him as the man she wished he was, not as the man he was for real. And he had to pay for living up to her ideals by letting people die.

If Lois Lane had died because he had been too busy watching a basketball game to notice she was being mugged and threatened just outside his window, his world would have crashed around him.
I'm glad that he realizes what an utter catastrophe that would have been. And now I hope he will reconsider the wisdom of his decision not to use his powers to help others, at least not usually, and for Lana's sake.

He handed Lois his cell phone and watched as she dialed a number.

After a few minutes, Lois hung up, giving the phone back to him with a shrug. &#8220;Sorry, Mr. Kent. My parents aren't home, I guess.&#8221;
Clark wants Lois to go home to her parents. And I, too, wish that she would. I haven't forgotten that you had Claude wait for Lois in her apartment, and he most certainly wasn't up to anything good.

&#8220;Sorry about this.&#8221;

&#8220;Sorry about wh&#8212;AHHHH!&#8221; Lois squealed as the peroxide bubbled and burned her raw legs. &#8220;This stuff can't be legal,&#8221; she gritted out, squeezing her eyes shut as it stung.

&#8220;I'm afraid it is. And recommended too.&#8221;
Poor Lois. But you actually had me giggling.

Without seemingly caring that he was slowly burning her to death, Clark gently held her calf and bandaged the various scrapes on her legs. Through the stinging haze, Lois became aware of a different kind of heat. His large hands glided effortlessly over her legs, never pausing, never approaching anything remotely a caress.

But the whole thing was so damn intimate.
Wow, Laura. This was so unexpectedly, incredibly erotic. And at the same time, Clark was only doing what he could be expected to do as a responsible teacher, caring for his injured student.

The area wasn't the best and Lois was sure the stoned kid who sold them the supplies wouldn't be able to tell that a scream from the parking lot warranted investigation. But she was with Clark and she didn't feel the slightest sliver of fear. She felt a few other things, most of them things she wouldn't dwell on until later, but no fear.
Was it Lisa who gave you a smiley face for this? Okay, you'll get one from me, too. laugh

Lois unconsciously ran her own fingers over her injuries and the spaces of unbroken skin between them. Clark's fingers had been deft and gentle and warm. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at him out the corner of her eye. In the dark his body was a mere shadow, but the light from the dashboard clearly threw his face in relief. He looked tense. Without thinking, Lois rubbed his shoulder.
In one way, I'm not absolutely sure that this Lois would touch this Clark that way in this situation. But in another way, I feel it is inevitable that she would.

The muscle underneath her gentle fingertips was steel, but it relaxed after a moment. A blissful smile crossed Clark's face and he looked at her. His eyes roved her face for a moment, horror dawning in his eyes. His shoulder suddenly became rigid muscle again and she let her hand drop, for her sanity as much as his.
Gaaaah. I tell you, Laura, they have to drop this teacher/student pretense.

&#8220;Hi, Mr. Kent, or should I call you Clark? No, you see, I can do that. I'm actually 23. Undercover. Yeah. So&#8230; why did I tell you? Oh um&#8230; I just thought we could go back to your place and I could jump your bones?&#8221;
The "jumping his bones" suggestion is a good one... but actually, Lois, you should tell him because the two of you ought to crack this case together. (And then you can jump his bones when the whole thing is wrapped up... laugh )

Lois jerked out of her musings and looked around. They were at her parent's house. Right. Clark thought she was a high school student and that she lived here.
He did drive her to her parents' house! Happy waiting for her, Claude! razz

&#8220;Clark, I&#8230;&#8221;

&#8220;&#8212;Don't. Don't Lois. Call me Mr. Kent. Please, for my sanity. It's time for you to go home. Be sure to tell your parents what happened to you tonight. Go to the doctor tomorrow.&#8221; Clark paused and his voice nearly cracked on the last bit. &#8220;Do your homework. I'll see you tomorrow.&#8221;

&#8220;But Cl&#8212;Mr. Kent, I have to tell you something.&#8221;

Clark stared stonily out the front window.

&#8220;Go on, then,&#8221; he said brusquely. &#8220;What is it?&#8221;

Lois took in his rigid form and sighed. &#8220;Nothing, Mr. Kent. Thanks for everything tonight.&#8221;
And they can't communicate. Now that is something we've seen before. Where is the "deep sigh" emoticon?

&#8220;It was terrifying, Mom. I was almost too late. And when I tackled him, I wasn't myself.&#8221;

&#8220;What do you mean "you weren't yourself?' Who else would you be, Clark?&#8221;

&#8220;I was so&#8230; angry. Fearful, but angry. I wanted to kill him. I'm terrified of what I would have done if Lois hadn't been there. I've never felt such an all consuming rage. I can't feel like that, Mom! It's dangerous. I'm dangerous.&#8221;

&#8220;Clark Kent, if I was there right now I'd tan your hide for saying such things. You are not dangerous. You acted on fear and adrenaline and when someone you loved was threatened, it merely magnified the emotions. You didn't harm a hair on that man's head, did you?&#8221;

&#8220;I&#8230; I knocked him into the ground.&#8221;

&#8220;He deserved that.&#8221;
Wow. Great conversation. Clark confesses that he was afraid of himself and of the prospect that he might lose control of his fury and his terrifying powers. Is that Lana speaking to his mind? And then Martha tells him that he loves Lois.

Hmmm. I wonder. Would Martha be all right with the idea that Clark is in love with one of his students? Or has she guessed that there is more to Lois than meets the eye?

&#8220;I guess, but&#8230; wait, Mom, love? Are you serious? Are you feeling okay? I don't love Lois. That would be wrong.&#8221;

Martha bit her lip, though Clark, with all his powers, couldn't see her. He was right; it was wrong. But yet her mother's intuition was telling her she was spot on and she couldn't disregard it. It had never failed her before.

&#8220;Clark, matters of the heart are mysterious. And I can't solve this for you. All I can tell you is that when love taps you on the shoulder, you can't just shut the door in its face. That usually backfires.&#8221;

&#8220;Solve what? Mom, you're wrong. There's nothing to solve. I haven't been tapped on the shoulder.&#8221;
Wow! Oh yes, Clark, you have!!!!

His words sent a flash of bright fire behind his eyes and his shoulder burned where Lois had rubbed it. God, his mother hadn't been speaking in literal terms. He needed to get a grip.
Martha seems almost frighteningly knowledgeable!

The feelings in his heart weren't the same as they had been for Lana. With Lana, things had been so easy. He hadn't had to question falling in love. It had just happened. Now things were achingly similar and heartbreakingly different. Clark laid his head on his arm in exhaustion.
I'm so glad that his feelings for Lois aren't the same as the ones he had had for Lana. I need his love for Lois to be unique, unlike anything else. I like your remark that Clark had fallen in love with Lana because it had been such an easy thing to do. There was no guilt involved, no questions to answer, nothing to doubt. Well, not a lot of it, anyway.

&#8220;Goodnight stars&#8230; goodnight air&#8230;goodnight noises everywhere,&#8221; he quoted sleepily to himself, recalling years and years of falling asleep to the same story. &#8220;Goodnight moon.&#8221; Clark paused and got up from his seat. He tumbled into bed, pulling the covers tight around his chin in a mocking version of his childhood routine. &#8220;Goodnight Lois,&#8221; he whispered to the dark room.
So this is what American parents teach their children to say when they go to bed? How sweet.

And of course, I love the fact that there was only one person he said goodnight to. Lois.

Great chapter, Laura! I loved it.

Ann wrote:

I have to agree with Lisa that there is something delightfully funny about this image, though it is very satisfyingly dramatic, too. Like it had been taken out of a swashbuckling pirates movie... if pirates jump out of apartment windows? Or if it was from a swashbuckling old Tarzan movie... if Tarzan can be swashbuckling?
Pirates jump a lot, apparently, and from various platforms and varied heights, if the movies are any indication. But Tarzan never buckled a swash - or a belt - except in "Tarzan's New York Adventure" where Johnny Weismuller tried on a suit coat and stretched his arms forward and tore the back open.

Tarzan's buckle-swashing notwithstanding, this is a very interesting story. I've seen teachers who seemed to attract the inappropriate attention of some students without meaning to, and occasionally it has generated some awkward situations. So despite his deep and powerful desires to do otherwise, Clark can't act on his attraction to Lois without betraying every principle he holds dear. Those kids are in his charge, he's responsible for them, and he can't allow any of them too close or he'll lose his objectivity.

Of course, once Lois reveals her "secret identity" to him, he'll be angry at her for deceiving him for so long and not trusting him with the truth. And then he'll make her earn back his trust over a period of time while she all but begs him to forgive her!

Nah, not really. Couldn't happen like that!

Could it?
Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 11:21 PM
Great section, but such torture! Lois needs to confide in Clark so they can start acting on their feelings. Good old Martha...she always sees what other people don't. smile Again, I'm looking forward to the next part. thumbsup
Posted By: princessanna Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/14/07 11:34 PM
Oh, Laura... This was a wonderful part! I was so excited to come to the board after work and find another chapter from you already! smile

I loved that Martha was clued in on what Clark was feeling, even if Clark wouldn't let himself admit it to himself. I think Martha senses that Lois may not be who she says she is, because otherwise I don't see her giving Clark the go-ahead to fall in love with a student.

Lois should have told Clark who she was - that she's really 23 years old etc etc etc. Please, promise me that she does in the next chapter? grovel Please?

Anyway, loved it and looking forward to Part 9! laugh

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/15/07 12:11 PM
When she hung up, the fact that her English teacher had just saved her from certain death and was pinning a man twice his size to the ground rushed to hit her on the head.
I love the description of being hit over the head by it all.

“Y-you,” Lois began
Dumb thing to say. It sounds a little overwhelmed. While mugging and attempted rape is certainly overwhelming, she's speaking to a man who was told that not everybody will be as understanding about his abilities. If he suspects she saw something or figured something out, even just for a moment...

The knife was gone, her skin miraculously unbroken.
His gaze fell on the shallow slice across her throat. It was thin, no longer oozing blood, but it still glittered malevolently in the light as a constant reminder of what had nearly happened.
Kind of confusing for me. So her throat was hurt, but he didn't break the skin when he aimed at her heart? (Sometimes you have to speak slowly and use little words when you talk to me.)

“If this is about my legs, they’re fine. Obviously the cops didn’t think I needed a hospital.”
“Yeah, well. I guess I’m a real nut for wanting to bandage up that.” Clark gestured vaguely to her raw and scraped legs. She had nearly forgotten about them in the excitement, but obviously Clark had noticed.
Another segment I don't quite get. If she has forgotten about them, then why say her legs are fine? And they didn't even use big words, so why don't I get it? /me pouts

This stuff can’t be legal,” she gritted out, squeezing her eyes shut as it stung.

“I’m afraid it is. And recommended too.”
Poor, dear. Actually, it's not recommended anymore since it can damage the healthy skin as well as cleaning the infected, dirty, goopy stuff out, but lots of people still do it--myself included. It works so darn well. /me shrugs

I love the prattle in Lois' mind. She just doesn't know the way out of the whole she's dug herself into.

“Clark, I…”

“—Don’t. Don’t Lois. Call me Mr. Kent. Please, for my sanity. It’s time for you to go home. Be sure to tell your parents what happened to you tonight. Go to the doctor tomorrow.” Clark paused and his voice nearly cracked on the last bit. “Do your homework. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Both a professional and a gentlemen. Perfect. (Even if he is kicking himself for the way he's feeling.)

“But Cl—Mr. Kent, I have to tell you something.”

Clark stared stonily out the front window.

“Go on, then,” he said brusquely. “What is it?”
I have no problem with Lois keeping her mouth shut. Who wants to spill their heart to brusque Mr. Stoneman. Besides, it would be easier if she told her life story in a Creative Writing assignment. Fiction does mirror real life, doesn't it?

"What do you mean ‘you weren’t yourself?’ Who else would you be, Clark?”
Haven't I read somewhere, "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."? I could have sworn I've seen it somewhere. wink

Oooh, we're calling him 'Clark', now!
Of course, she does. She disassociates from the stress of the moment and then, in her half-removed state, she calls him the name she calls him in her dreams. It's perfectly logical.

So this is what American parents teach their children to say when they go to bed? How sweet.
Goodnight, Moon is a popular children's book that's been around forever. We started reading it to our girls when they were pretty young. It's great because they get to point to every little detail in the house, and then they say goodnight to every little detail in the house. It is very sweet.

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/15/07 12:53 PM
Wonderful part!

I loved that Martha was clued in on what Clark was feeling, even if Clark wouldn't let himself admit it to himself. I think Martha senses that Lois may not be who she says she is, because otherwise I don't see her giving Clark the go-ahead to fall in love with a student.
That's exactly what I was thinking!

Poor Clark. He's fighting his feelings for Lois, and Lois wants to tell him that she's of legal age, but she's holding back.

I'm looking forward to when she finally tells him--although I have a feeling that she won't get the chance. I wouldn't be surprised if he found out on his own.

Bring on the next part! laugh
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/16/07 11:14 AM
Yay for feedback! I'm hoping that my thanks won't get eaten up by my hungry computer this time. So was the general consensus this time that I was too mean to poor Clark? Yikes. Sorry guys. But I do promise that this story has a happy ending! Okay, onto some individual thanks:


YAY! But we knew he would come.
Of course he would! No story is complete without a cliched mugging scene. smile Thank you so much for the feedback! It made me smile so much. You know there's some feedback that gently points out some mistakes and you're eternally grateful, but still feel a little foolish and then there's some that just makes you beam and want to write more. Yours definitely fell into the latter category. Thank you!

Sheila-- Thank you! blush I loved reading your thoughts as you read. And as for this:

You did interject a heart to heart with Martha. You accepted my hint!
It was a brilliant idea! I should have added thanks in my author's note. Thank you so much!

MAF-- Thank you!

Lois has a cell phone!
Does she? I guess I'm just assuming she left it at home. I'm glad you liked it! School's starting soon so I'd like to try and get this story finished before then. Chapter 9 should be up soon.

JD-- Hey! Glad you liked it. Is it sadistic that I enjoyed writing this scene? Maybe I'm just too used to writing fluffy romance. It's a little fun being the mean author. wink But... that's not to say there won't be waff! There will be! Just not right now.

I love this story--One of my favorites that I read my kids. You couldn't have picked a better one for this location in the story.
I'm glad everyone liked that! That was a really random stroke of inspiration. I was hoping it wouldn't bomb, since it was a little out there. And aghh!! That little friend is terrifying. IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING! IT DOES! IT DOES! *runs and cowers*

... thank you!

Laurach-- Yup. Clark needs some slack. Hopefully it'll be soon. I can tell everyone's getting antsy! Thanks for the feedback.


Of course Clark saves her! I'm glad I had you a little worried though. I was a little unsure about that last chapter. I thought people might think it was a little TOO cliche. But I do love Clark to the rescue. Though I love a good "Lois kicks butt and saves herself" scene too.

Interesting. You know, Laura, in the long run, I don't think Clark could have been happy living this way, ignoring cries for help for Lana's sake. He may have loved her, but she wasn't right for him. Because she didn't love him back. Not really. She loved him as the man she wished he was, not as the man he was for real. And he had to pay for living up to her ideals by letting people die.
Very interesting and probably very true. I think Clark would have been unhappy in the long run as well.

So this is what American parents teach their children to say when they go to bed? How sweet.
Yup. It was my favorite as a kid. Anyway, I loved your feedback! It was so insightful. Thank you so much. Don't worry, this story is uhm... don't take this the wrong, gutter minded way everyone... but climaxing pretty soon. And then Lois and Clark can be let off the hook. laugh I believe this is the longest story I've ever written where they haven't kissed yet. Gosh, I have no restraint. Usually they're kissing by the second page, lol. This is crazy! See? I'm just as anixous as you guys to get this silly teacher/student pretense over with!

Terry-- Hey! Interesting theories, all. laugh It's strange having things on the other foot... having LOIS have the big secret that Clark needs to forgive. Anyway, I'm glad you're hanging on and reading. Hope you like the next chapter!

Groobie-- Hi! Who doesn't love Martha? laugh Glad you're enjoying it so far.

Anna-- Hi! Chapter 9 should be here soon! I really do want to finish posting before school. So... *writes frantically* it should definitely be up soon. thanks so much for the feedback!

Elisabeth-- Yikes. I probably do need to clear some things up there. Thanks for pointing it out. These past few chapters have been unbeta-ed and therefore... I miss a lot. Thanks for pointing it out.

Who wants to spill their heart to brusque Mr. Stoneman. Besides, it would be easier if she told her life story in a Creative Writing assignment. Fiction does mirror real life, doesn't it?
Aghh that creative writing assignment is such a good idea. I wish I had thought of it before I planned out the ending! Thanks for the feedback!

Symbolicangel-- Thanks so much for reading! I can't tell who tells who or if he finds out by himself, but I hope you like it anyway! Thanks for reviewing. laugh

Thank you EVERYONE. Chapter 9 to be up shortly.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/16/07 02:15 PM
Lois has a cell phone!
No, she was heading to use the pay phone when the ungentlemanly suitor came to visit... err.. mug her.

By the way, I was giving the story some thought (I do have a real life, but sometimes I prefer fiction). I was thinking about Claude. I had assumed he would be sneaking into Lois' apartment and leaving with a copy of her notes, but then after reading Ann's comment, I wondered if Claude would be waiting at her apartment for some retribution. Yuck!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/16/07 02:40 PM

The building shouldn’t look so innocent. Why was that? Groaning in frustration, Lois picked up her cell phone to call her sister. If she could just remember what was eluding her, she’d feel much better. She punched in the number and waited impatiently for her sister to pick up. On the next to last ring, Lucy finally answered her cell phone.


“Luce? It’s Lois.”
From part 1.

She did have a phone!

Maybe Lois didn't want the phone on in the most inconvenient moment. huh

MAF blush
Posted By: Cartooned Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/16/07 07:55 PM
Poor, poor Clark. So confused...

Now we just need Lois to finally tell him she is actually an undercover jounrlist and she's an adult. wink

I'm really enjoying the whole story so far and can't wait for more!

thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (8/?) - 08/21/07 05:42 AM
“Sorry about wh—AHHHH!” Lois squealed as the peroxide bubbled and burned her raw legs. “This stuff can’t be legal,” she gritted out, squeezing her eyes shut as it stung.
First... sorry that this is the first thing I'm quoting in this part - but I got so caught up in Clark rescuing her that I forgot to look for my favorite parts to quote -- so just know that the whole rescue was my favorite. <g> But this quote... ack, poor Lois! I've felt the sting of peroxide many times. Is Clark going to blow on it for her? Oooooh, how nice would that be? <me - reads on>

“Hi, Mr. Kent, or should I call you Clark? No, you see, I can do that. I’m actually 23. Undercover. Yeah. So… why did I tell you? Oh um… I just thought we could go back to your place and I could jump your bones?”

“Solve what? Mom, you’re wrong. There’s nothing to solve. I haven’t been tapped on the shoulder.”

His words sent a flash of bright fire behind his eyes and his shoulder burned where Lois had rubbed it. God, his mother hadn’t been speaking in literal terms. He needed to get a grip.
I can't help but snicker a little here... *ahem* but poor Clark. <g>

Ummmm, naughty, naughty... don't you know you can't lie to your mother, Clark? And you certainly can't lie to yourself! Ugh!




Surely the part can't be over already! Sheesh! Where did the time go!?

Ooooh, but I loved this part, Laura! You simply must write faster! I'm almost caught up! Only one part to go!!! Eeeeek! This won't do! It simply won't do!


-- DJ
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