Lois & Clark Forums
Please post anything related to When the West Wind Moves here.
Elle, thanks for reposting the parts of When The West Wind Moves! I'm liking this story very much indeed, and really enjoying your portrait of a lonely Clark who has suddenly had hope reawakened. You're doing a great job with the secondary characters, too.

Hope it won't be too long before you post more!!

Wendy smile
Ah, now I know I hadn't left fdk previously on part five of this, because I was just about to settle down and read it when the mbs went down. laugh

Still moving along at a lick, Elle, and thoroughly enjoying every moment.

Maybe this wasn't meant to be, Clark reflected. Maybe this world was supposed to get by without a Lois Lane. Maybe he had been the Clark Kent chosen to live his life alone, always wondering what could have been.
Awwwwwwww. Don't give up, Clark!

Wonderful introspection in this segment, Elle. From Clark's loneliness and despair - and what a bleak future he paints for himself here  - to his anger at Lois for raising his expectations and making him aware of what he's been missing all this time, not to mention exposing him as having superpowers to the world...all beautifully done.

Perry had already said she was stubborn as hell and was probably still alive just because she didn't agree with dying.
ROTFL! What a marvelous insight. And I can just see Perry's expression and hear the tone he would use when saying this. LOL!

Phone messages forgotten, Clark sped as fast as humanly possible to the stairwell.
As he did so, the fifth message, asking him to call bus passenger Angela Martin about a missing photo, fell from his desk to the floor below.
Awk!!! Now I'm going to worry until you post part six, Elle! That's mean. <g> Nice cliffhanger though. laugh

LabRat (who might have to go track down Elle's other story and read that to keep her going until part six... wink )

Thanks for reposting! smile

Clark's emotions are extremely well portrayed.

I'm enjoying this immensely and look forward to seeing what happens next.
Please post more soon.

Tricia cool
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