Lois & Clark Forums
Weekly Reading Suggestion Week 1

Please post feed back for stories from week 1 here. I am also providing author email contact for each story if you would like to email them personally.

Firestorm by Irene Dutch Email: sirenegold@yahoo.com
Recognition (Truth) by Carol Malo Email: Ccmalo@aol.com
Smallville Players by Barb Pillsbury Email: Megats1776@yahoo.com
What if the Prince? by Coreen C Email: COREENC@aol.com
Purgatory by Stopquitdont Email: Stopquitdont@bellsouth.net
SPEEDING BULLETS by zoomway Email: Zoomway@aol.com
President Kent by Pam Jernigan Email: ChiefPam@nc.rr.com
The Only One by Tracey Email: supertlc19@aol.com

Have suggestions for week two??
Since this one got started late I'll do all of them at once. In the future I'll probably do them one at a time. smile

I suggested Firestorm and my fdk and approval of the series was given in my suggestions:

I love second generation stories. Adore them. This story is the first in a series of stories that Irene Dutch wrote about Lois and Clark's children and grandchildren. I ate every story in this series up and it is one of my favorite series on the archive. Excellent read. ^_^

I really enjoyed this story. Not only was the romantic bits nice and romantic but there was a real story line here. I enjoyed trying to figure out who was murder along with the characters. One thing I really liked about this story was the fact that we had a lot of new or author created characters in the story. What was so nice about this is that they didn't distcract from the main characters or story and Carol did such a nice job of introducing them that before you were done with the story you had forgotten they were original characters. Very nicely done. smile

Smallville Players
I had read this one before and really enjoyed the series. I liked seeing Lois and Clark in different professions than reporters. This one was especially fun because you can still see that they are the same type of people. Trying to do what is best and not taking anything for face value. If you are looking for something to read that is a great alternat universe... you will like this one a lot.

What if the Prince?
This is a pretty short story and was very cute. It was pretty much all WAFF though and so I can't really say much about it other than it is a great little story to read if you are looking for a quick pick me up.

More coming later today... cause I realized I hadn't ready Purgatory yet... or if I can't remember it off the top of my head. Which is weird cause I was certain I had read all of stopquitdont's stuff. Ahhh! *runs off to read it*
I can't believe I had never read this one! I don't know exactly how I missed it but I really rather enjoyed it. Clark's interaction with his son was just to adorable. ^_^This one has a lot of emotion to it and isn't just a light fluff piece so beware if you are looking for something very fluffy. This one has it's moments but on the whole is angsty and emotional. I love both of those things so it was a perfect read for me. ^_^

Anyone else out there who is reading who would like to give reviews on these? ^_^ I've already had an author or two who popped up to say thank you for the review. laugh So they are waiting... even if it has been on the archive for a while. ^_^
I re-read Irene Dutch's entire Firestorm series this weekend--I remember reading it in parts when she first posted it. It was just as good in the re-reading! I like how she weaves in tidbits about Lee in some of the stories to explain how Lee feels about Clark in Firestorm. My heart breaks for Lee in Broccoli Dancing. And Sam and Astrid's first meeting is amazing, and how you handled Jon and Marty's reactions to Sam and Astrid. Marty's story is so compelling, and so is Vicky's. It's nice how you started Vicky off living in a black and white world, and by Gale Force Winds, there is so much gray around her, that she doesn't know what to do! Anyway, thank you for a wonderful weekend of reading!
Nethra: My favorite of the series was Jon's story. But I loved them all... I kept hoping that they would have more kids so she would write more stories. LOL
Well, Marty has children... wink
I just read Carol Malo's Recognition Series. I think I missed it the first time around. It was really good--I liked how Lois found out for herself about Clark, and I thought her fears about marriage were well done. I liked how the plot was so intricate with the senator, bureau 39, etc. Plot points from the first story carried all the way through the third. Anyway, I enjoyed it!
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