Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: symbolicangel Exposure 8/? - 07/30/07 05:09 PM
Hello, everyone! I almost forgot that today was posting day! eek

RL has been hectic, it just doesn't want to slow down! Well, here's part 8, I hope you all like it! The next part probably won't be posted until next Monday.

From Part 7:

Clark shut and locked the door behind him. He turned to her, and his gaze drank her in. He could get drunk just from the sight of her. Despite the fact that she was dressed in a wedding gown intended for another man’s enjoyment, he’d never seen a more beautiful sight.

“Lois…” Clark trailed off, confused by the sudden look of fear in her eyes and the way her gaze kept shifting to the wall behind him. Surely she wasn’t afraid of him? He looked behind him, wondering what it was that held her attention, and almost missed it.

One shot of heat vision took care of the barely noticeable camera on the wall. Why would Luthor have her under surveillance?

“Clark…what are you doing here?” she asked once the camera was no longer monitoring their conversation.

“I came to talk to you. Lois, I know that you’re in trouble. Please, let me help you.”


Part 8:

Lois avoided Clark’s eyes, not sure what to say. She knew that Lex could walk through that door at any moment, and he would be *furious.* “I’m fine. You need to leave.”

“No, I won’t leave until you tell me the truth. What’s going on? What has he done to you?”

“Clark, please, just leave,” she begged. “We’ve already said everything there is to say. I don’t love you. You need to let me go.”

<Please, Clark, leave before Lex comes through the door with kryptonite!>

“This isn’t about you and me, Lois. This is about your safety. I will not let you marry a cold blooded criminal! If I have to fly away with you and drop you on a deserted island, I will. I care about you too much to let you jeopardize your safety. I *know* that Luthor’s done something to coerce you into marrying him—that’s the only thing that makes any sense!”

Oh, god. She could see it in his eyes—he was dead serious. He would fly away with her and there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop him. And while he was making sure that she was safe, her sister’s life, and Perry’s and Jimmy’s, would be in danger. She couldn’t risk it. There had to be something she could do or say to make him leave her alone.

Trying desperately to get her emotions under control, she glared at him, hoping that her gaze held enough anger in it to be believable. Her acting skills couldn’t fail her now—they just couldn’t. “What part of ‘I don’t want you’ do you not understand? I don’t love you, Clark! You’re nothing but a small town hack. Do you really think that someone like me would ever give you a second glance? Why do you think I chased after Superman for a year? Now he was someone to behold. But finding out that he’s just you was like finding out that the Easter Bunny isn’t real. My infatuation with your alter-ego is a thing of the past. Now GET OUT!” she yelled.

He looked taken aback for a moment, but instead of leaving the room as she’d hoped he would, he stepped closer. She mentally groaned as the heat from his body reached hers and his scent filled her senses. She would have gladly given away her soul to be able to reach out to him at that moment. It was all she could do not to.

“You put up quite the front, Lois. But I know you, and I don’t believe for a moment that you don’t feel for me the way that I feel for you.” He stepped even closer, his hand reaching out to caress her face.

Lois almost melted from his touch. Her eyes drifted shut of their own accord—her brain certainly hadn’t given them permission—and her heart started to pound as his mouth covered hers. She opened her mouth, her tongue seeking his, craving the taste of him. He was an addiction that she would gladly go back to again and again. He tasted better than she remembered. Her arms wound their way around his neck and he pulled her closer. She could feel every inch of his wonderful body against hers. The feeling was overwhelming, leaving her feeling breathless and out of control.

Lois broke their kiss, doing everything in her power not to lead him over to the bed that sat not more than six feet away and make good use of it. She looked at him through passion-filled eyes and saw her passion mirrored in his gaze.

“Clark…” Lois didn’t recognize her voice; it had taken on a breathless quality.

“Lois…” Clark closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. When his eyes opened and sought hers again, time seemed to stand still.

Lois was instantly lost in his gaze. She’d never felt so safe or loved as she did in that moment. There was so much between them. There was a connection—a bond—that would not be denied.

“God, you are so beautiful,” he whispered, touching her lips with his again in the sweetest, most tender kiss Lois had ever experienced. He pulled away a moment later, and her breath caught at the dazed look in his eyes. “When I kiss you, it takes my breath away. *You* take my breath away; you have from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I have never felt as complete as I do when I’m with you, Lois. Please, come away with me.”

She pulled herself out of his embrace suddenly. What was she doing? Too many people’s lives were at stake for her to be acting so foolishly. Clark had taken care of the camera in her room, but her purse was still there, lying seemingly innocent on the bed.

She had to get him to leave—and she had to do it fast.

But what could she possibly say to him? Being cruel and hurtful hadn’t worked. He had seen right through her. What could she possibly say that would make him leave her alone?

“Lois? I won’t let Luthor hurt you. Whatever it is that he’s done, we can face it together.”

Lois wished with all of her heart that she could fly away with him. They could probably get to Perry and Jimmy in time, but her sister lived on the west coast. Even if they got there in time, there was no telling where she could be, while Lex had his men following her. He knew exactly where to find her. It was just too risky, there was no other way. She had to marry Lex to keep them all safe.

“I can’t leave with you,” she said lamely.

“Why not? Tell me what’s going on. I can’t help you until I know.”

<I wish you could help me with this, Clark. But you can’t. No one can.>

Lois wracked her brain for something to say, anything to get him to leave. She could instinctively feel Lex approaching her room. A chill of fear traveled down her spine. She feared what he’d do to Clark—to both of them—if he found them alone together in her room. Even though Lex was aware that Clark was there, she didn’t want the confrontation that was sure to ignite between them when Lex came barging through the door. And he was about to at any moment, she could feel it. Hell, he probably even had a key.

“Clark, I’m-I’m…”

<God, Lane, think!>

“I’m pregnant with Lex’s baby!”

<Quick thinking, Lane!>

Lois mentally shuddered at the thought of ever carrying Lex’s child. She watched Clark, waiting for his reaction, and hoping that this would be the final shove she needed to get him to leave. But all she received was silence.


<I’m pregnant with Lex’s baby!>

Her words repeated themselves over and over in his mind, torturing him. Clark stared back at her in shock, his feet glued to the spot. Lois stared at him, apparently waiting for him to say something, but he couldn’t seem to get his mouth to form any words. Silence filled the room, the sound almost deafening.

“I’m sorry, but there just isn’t a future for us,” Lois finally said, her voice breaking the stifling silence. “I want to raise my baby with its father—and Lex is the father. I will not have my child grow up in a broken home, not like I did. I won’t do that to my baby.” Lois paused for a moment, lowering her eyes to the floor. “He’s promised me that he’s going to change his ways. We want to be a family. I didn’t want to have to tell you this—I didn’t want to hurt you. But you just wouldn’t let it go.”

“Lois, I…” Clark was speechless. He had no idea what to say. The last thing he’d expected to hear was that she was carrying another man’s child. She was carrying *Lex Luthor’s* child.

Numbness washed over him and the only thought swirling around in his head was that this wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be real.

“Please, I want you to leave. It hurts too much to see you. I’m trying my best to move on and be happy. This is what I want—I want a life with Lex. You need to accept that.” Lois looked back up at him, and Clark’s heart constricted at the pleading look in her eyes. She really did want him to leave. Luthor hadn’t coerced her; she was exactly where she wanted to be, and he finally had to accept that.

Clark jumped at the sound of someone pounding on the door. “Lois, are you all right in there? Come on, Darling, open the door.”

He winced at the sound of Luthor’s voice. He was the last person Clark wanted to see right now. He was so shocked—and angry—that he feared he would tear the man to shreds if he saw him. It seared him deeply to know that Lex had been with Lois in such an intimate way. He worried that he wouldn’t be able to control the anger and despair he was feeling much longer. He needed to get out of there now.

Clark stared at Lois once again, his gaze filled with his conflicted emotions. The sight of her in her wedding gown took his breath away. He fought back tears as he flew out of her open window, becoming a blur in the sky.


As soon as Lois opened the door, Lex stormed into the room. He slammed the door shut behind him, satisfied as Lois jumped at the sound. He stared at her, his eyes cold and relentless. She had definitely crossed the line this time, as had Superman. They would both pay.

He stepped toward her, the memory of watching them together still fresh in his mind. Superman hadn’t found all of the cameras in the room. Lex wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Seeing the two of them wrapped around each other had sent him into the biggest rage he’d ever experienced. He felt completely out of control. Lex Luthor didn’t lose control—ever. That was what this tiny and vibrant woman had reduced him to. He’d never felt so possessive over a woman before. Nigel had once wondered if the pheromone compound had made him fall in love with Lois Lane. Lex was beginning to question that himself. Even so, he had no control over his feelings, and that only served to make him angrier.

“You are to become *my* wife!” Lex grabbed her by both of her arms and pushed her back against the wall, trapping her between the wall and his body. “I told you that if you ever let another man touch you again you would live to regret it.” Lois stared back at him, and the fear in her eyes was not lost on Lex. She probably thought that he was going to take what he wanted from her right then and there.

No, she would lose something far more precious. She would lose her freedom.

“I must admit that lying to him about being pregnant was ingenious. But you will still be punished. You will spend time in isolation, my dear. I have a windowless fortress in the Alps. You can scream for Superman all you want but it will get boring. Besides, we both know that you wouldn’t dare take that risk, don’t we?”

Lois’s eyes widened in horror, but to her credit she hid it well behind a defiant exterior. “The wedding is less than a week away. You can’t send me away now.”

“Of course I can! You remember dining in Italy, don’t you? That’s the wonderful thing about the Lear Jet, it’s so time conscious. You’ll be back in plenty of time for the wedding. And after our passion-filled wedding night, I will send you back to the Alps until I feel that you’ve learned your lesson.” Lex let her go before walking over to the door and opening it. “Nigel, bring my men in here to assist Ms. Lane to my private jet.”

“No! You can’t do this. I promise you, Superman won’t be back. You’ve won! Please, don’t do this.”

“Begging is so beneath you, my dear. You shouldn’t lower yourself to such tactics.”

“No? Well how’s this for tactics? You are a sick, twisted, and disgusting excuse for a human being! I hate you! Do you hear me? I will never love you! I HATE YOU!” Lois screamed, her eyes blazing at him in fury.

Lex stared at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I do love a challenge.” He turned to leave, pausing in the doorway before making his exit. “Enjoy your solitude, Lois. I hope you will use it well. Things will go much more smoothly for you when you realize that you can’t fight me. I own you, my love, and you will learn to obey me.”

Lois grabbed a glass from her night stand and threw it at him. The glass missed its target and shattered on the wall instead. Lex laughed as his goons entered the room. Lois had drop-kicked one and bloodied another’s nose before the remaining two finally got her under control. “You might want to use a sedative; she’s a spitfire,” Lex advised his men before he left the room.

It was just as well that she was safely tucked away. Superman flying off with Lois—against her will or not—was not a part of his plans.


Clark put a fist through the ice, unleashing his anger. The force of his punch caused a massive avalanche, and Clark soon found himself buried deep beneath a ton of ice and snow. He shot up through the heavy blanket of white until he reached air again. The icy mountains of the arctic had taken a huge beating. Clark hadn’t trusted himself around anyone, so he’d flown to the only place that he could truly be alone—the Arctic.

Being alone, however, also meant that he had nothing but his thoughts for company, and they tormented him relentlessly. Just the thought of Luthor touching her was enough to send him into a jealous rage. He couldn’t believe that she was pregnant with that monster’s child. How could she ever think that marrying Luthor was the right thing to do?

Clark could still recall the regret he’d seen in her eyes. She was only marrying Luthor for the sake of her child. Even so, the knowledge wasn’t enough to douse the flames of anger and hurt that flowed through his veins. Didn’t she realize that marrying Luthor would surely destroy her life and the life of her child? He shuddered at the thought of any child being raised by such a psychopath.

When she’d first told him about her pregnancy, he’d been too stunned to say anything. But now, several avalanches later, Clark realized that he had so much to say to her. He’d jumped the gun by flying off so quickly, when what he should have done was try to convince her that Luthor would not be a good father—he was a criminal for heaven’s sake! What was Lois thinking? Maybe it was pregnancy hormones. He’d once read that pregnant women sometimes did and said things they wouldn’t normally do and say otherwise.

He loved her with his entire being and didn’t feel that he could go on without her. There had been many times in the past when he would have given up being Superman, given up his life in Metropolis, if it hadn’t been for Lois. He’d do anything for her—even raise the child of Lex Luthor as his own if she’d let him. And he would love that child as his own. That child was a part of Lois, and there wasn’t a thing that he didn’t love about her. He would protect her and her child with his life if he had to.

Clark suddenly paused as another thought crossed his mind. What if Luthor *had* threatened her in some way? What if Luthor had told her that he would take her child from her? Why would Luthor have her under video surveillance if all was really right with their relationship? And speaking of video surveillance, maybe she wasn’t the only one Luthor was watching. The thought sent a cold chill down Clark’s spine. He’d have to be sure to check out his apartment—and Perry’s and Jimmy’s too. What if Luthor knew they were on to him? Lois could be in more danger than he’d realized.

Clark shot into the sky and headed back toward Metropolis. He had to get through to her, and this time nothing would stop him.


“Where’s Lois?” Clark demanded the moment he spotted Luthor. He’d bypassed all of Luthor’s security guards and had searched the entire building for her, but his search had been fruitless. She was nowhere in sight. A sense of dread settled in the pit of his stomach, where it sat like a dead weight. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

“I have a secretary in the lobby of this building for a reason, Superman. You must think the words “no trespassing” don’t apply to you.”

“When it comes to Lois and her safety, there is nothing on this earth that could keep me away.”

“Yes, well, I’m concerned for her well being too.”

“Like hell you are! The only person you care about is Lex Luthor!” Clark shouted, unable to rein in his anger. The last few days had taken their toll on him, and he was teetering on the edge of losing it.

“I love her—”

“You don’t know the meaning of the word!” Clark spat out, surprised to hear such venom dripping from his words. It was all he could do not to grab Luthor by the front of his shirt and toss him over the balcony of the monster’s beloved high rise penthouse. “I didn’t come here to argue with you. I came here to talk to Lois. Now *where* is she?”

“I’m sorry to inform you that your visit earlier today caused Lois so much upset that she had to see a doctor regarding her pregnancy. The doctor thought it would be good for her to get away. She left an hour ago.”

The dread in his stomach turned into full-fledged panic. “Is she okay? Where is she?”

“She’s fine, and her location is classified information, Superman. The last thing she needs is for you to upset her *again.* Now, I have some business to attend to. You can see yourself out.” Lex walked away, not bothering to give him a second glance.


“Dr. Samson, what is the progress of our project?”

“We’re in the final stages, Mr. Luthor. We had to take the cage apart to install the mechanical lead shield over the kryptonite bars, but so far, progress has been good,” the doctor assured him, and Lex couldn’t help but notice that the scientist sounded much more confident since the last time the two men had spoken. “I expect it to be ready as early as tonight.”

“Excellent! Good work, Dr. Samson. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you. Contact me as soon as it’s finished,” Lex instructed before hanging up the phone. He sat back in his chair, unable to stop the radiant grin from spreading across his face. As soon as tomorrow dawned, Superman would fall right into his trap. Everything was going according to plan. With Lois tucked safely away in the Alps, unable to cause him any trouble, and Superman under his control as soon as tomorrow arrived, Lex knew that he would finally achieve everything he’d dreamed of.

Mrs. Cox entered his office, interrupting his musings. “Lex, I have some bad news.”

Lex sighed, cursing himself for feeling so optimistic. He knew better. When one aimed to achieve greatness, there were always obstacles to overcome.

“What is it, Mrs. Cox?”

“All of the cameras and listening devices in the homes of Clark Kent, Perry White, and Jimmy Olsen are no longer working. The only one still in use is in the apartment of Lucy Lane.”

“And this round goes to Superman,” Lex said.

“It appears so, Lex. The good news is, before we lost the video and sound in Clark Kent’s apartment, we came across some information which I know would be of interest to you.” Mrs. Cox handed him some papers. “All the details are there in the report.”

Lex’s eyes focused on the papers in his hands as he waived his personal assistant away. Puffing on his cigar, he settled back into his leather chair and began reading. As the minutes ticked away and he read further into the report, his control on his anger slipped further.

Jack had escaped. The boy had not been taken care of, as he’d ordered. Even worse, that street rat was out there running around, trying to find evidence against him. They were getting too close, digging in all the right places. His carefully constructed plans were unraveling, and if he wasn’t careful he’d end up with a huge mess to clean up.

Lex reached for the phone on his desk. “Mrs. Cox, I need to see you in my office,” he demanded once he had her on the line. Things were definitely not going as he’d originally planned. Something had to be done about all of this.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Cox stood in the doorway of his study. “Lex, you wanted to see me?”

“As you know, the *boy* you hired to take care of our loose end has failed. Jack has escaped from Juvenile Hall. I want him taken care of! I will not tolerate incompetence, Mrs. Cox.”

“I understand, Lex. I’ll take care of it.” Mrs. Cox walked into the room, stopping behind the chair he sat in before snaking her arms around his tense shoulders. “You are so tense, Lex. Let me help you unwind,” she said, her tone seductive.

Instead of arousing him, as her words were surely meant to, they only angered him further. Of course he was tense. His plans were falling apart! He and Lois should have been planning their wedding together—the biggest social even in the history of Metropolis. Instead, he’d had to force her into marrying him, and now she was tucked away in the Alps to ensure that she wouldn’t get into any trouble before their wedding. No, this was not how he’d envisioned things would go.

“I don’t need to unwind! I need for my plans to be carried through. I want that kid taken care of yesterday! And do something about John Black, too,” Lex ordered, irritated. He felt like he was swimming in a sea of incompetence. “I’m going to marry Lois in less than a week, and I will not tolerate anything left standing in the way!”

“Lex, can’t you see that this obsession with Lois Lane is not good for you? She doesn’t deserve you!”

Lex shot up out of his chair and took Mrs. Cox’s arms in his tight grip. She looked startled, whether from his actions or from the words that had slipped out of her mouth, he wasn’t sure. “Lois Lane is the most exquisite creature I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes upon. She is everything in a woman that a man could ever want. I will not tolerate you bad-mouthing my future wife.”

“I understand, Lex, and I’m sorry. I just hate to see you so upset.”

“That’s what you are here for, Mrs. Cox. You know just how to calm me.” His lips sought hers in a hard and demanding kiss. Lex swept the items from his desk before picking her up and setting her on top of it. Positioning himself between her legs, he kissed her hungrily.

Mrs. Cox moaned as his mouth found the sensitive spot on her neck. “Oh, yes, Lex. I need you just as you need me. I can make you forget all about Lois Lane.”

Lex suddenly backed away from her. “No one will ever make me forget about Lois Lane. If I hadn’t needed to lock her away in the Alps, I would be with her instead of you right now. Don’t ever forget your place, Mrs. Cox. You are my personal assistant, and I am a man with needs. This is nothing more than you seeing to those needs,” he said angrily before shoving her until she was lying down, her back against his desk. He failed to notice the look of pure fury that flashed in Mrs. Cox’s dark eyes as he quickly pushed up her skirt.


Ten minutes later, Mrs. Cox left Lex’s study, quietly shutting the door behind her.

Out of all the women in the world, a mere reporter had been the one to send Lex Luthor into madness. He was so far gone in his obsession with Lois Lane that he didn’t know the difference between up and down.

Mrs. Cox was beyond humiliated by the way Lex had just treated her. She shouldn’t have been surprised by his actions, though. She knew him—knew what he was capable of. She’d been foolish to believe that she’d never find herself on the receiving end of his anger. They’d mixed business with pleasure freely during the many years they had worked together. But never had he taken her so callously—so angrily—as he had just moments ago on his desk. Her cheeks burned with humiliation and anger at the memory.

The situation was quickly getting out of hand. Lex was becoming irrational. The billionaire’s smooth and calm exterior was deteriorating, leaving something scary in its place.

Mrs. Cox didn’t have time to stew over the changes that were taking place in her boss. Clark Kent and his Scooby Gang were closing in on Lex—in on *her.* She’d read the report and knew that Jimmy Olsen was out at that very moment, trying to track down the boy she’d hired to kill Jack. And Jack was still very much alive, causing his own brand of trouble. She’d have to do something about that.

Lex was a fool for wanting to marry that nosy reporter. Lois Lane would end up being his downfall, Mrs. Cox was sure of it, and when that time came, she worried that he would end up taking her with him.

smile TBC...
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