Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sheila FDK: Exposure 7/? - 07/23/07 03:09 PM
Well Angel, you were successful at portraying Lex as the creep that he really is.
“You will have to learn to control your anger, especially after we’re married. I can’t have my wife going around throwing tantrums, now can I?”

“What are you talking…?” Lois trailed off as what he’d said registered. He’d seen her bout of anger back in her room, and if that was the case, then that meant...

That rat! He’d had a camera put in her room! He’d been watching her—watching her undress! Lois’s eyes filled with rage at the thought that he’d violated her privacy so completely. She shot up out of her chair in an instant.
Lois called him a rat. I can think of a few other words that I would like to use for Lex.
“You’ve been *watching* me?” Lois exploded, her dark eyes spitting fire.

“You didn’t expect otherwise, did you?” he asked nonchalantly, seemingly ignoring her anger. “I know better than to trust you alone, my love.”
Lex is a truly sick individual.
“I can’t do this, Lex. I can’t marry you…I *won’t* marry you,” Lois said, folding her arms across her chest.

“Sit down, Lois,” he commanded calmly.

“No! I will not sit down!” Lois shouted, her temper getting the better of her. “I’m not your little puppet! You’ve caused me and Clark enough grief. I won’t let you get away with it!”

“I said SIT DOWN!” Lex roared as he jumped up from his chair, startling Lois at the sudden movement. She sat down in stunned silence, fear making its way back into her heart at the crazed look in his eyes. “What makes you think that you are in any position to tell *me* no?” Lex shouted before knocking over their breakfast table in a fit of temper, the dishes crashing to the floor before shattering. He stood, his chest heaving in anger for a few moments before saying, “Clark’s life isn’t the only life at stake, Lois. I’ve had men following Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and your sister, Lucy, since yesterday afternoon. One phone call is all it will take.”
Anyone who would go to this extreme just to get someone to marry them... Didn't Lois see the scenario getting worse when she "agreed" to his proposal? Surely she knew better than to believe that Clark would be the only pawn here.
This time she didn’t fight him, instead she did the only thing she could do in order to keep her sanity—she pretended that it was Clark she was kissing.

She thought of Clark’s gorgeous brown eyes and of the love shining in their depths. She thought of the way she’d always felt so safe—so cherished—in his arms. She remembered with startling clarity how it had felt to kiss him, how her heartbeat had raced as his mouth had opened to hers, and their tongues had danced and mated. She could recall the texture of his shirt underneath her palms, and she remembered her surprise at finding that she’d been gripping the material in her fists. The memory was so vivid that she could practically taste him—the lingering taste of tea and something that she knew was the essence of Clark. She could still smell him, the scent of his soap and aftershave filling her nostrils, a scent that she’d been familiar with for a very long time, but had never paid attention to until that moment. She could still feel his hands on her body, still feel the way they ran up and down her back before pulling her closer.
I was hoping that she would slip up and call Lex Clark. He can't make her not think of Clark. That would be the ultimate insult.
“I’m here to see Lois Lane.”

“Superman?” the woman behind the counter asked in surprise. “I’ll check to see if Ms. Lane is accepting any visitors.”

Clark shifted his feet, growing impatient as the secretary picked up the phone on her desk. He looked around the lobby, watching as people eyed him curiously as they went about their business.

The woman hung up the phone a few moments later. “I’m sorry, Superman, but Ms. Lane is unavailable right now. May I take a message?”
Just what Clark needed; confirmation that Lois was there.

“No, thank you.” Clark left the front desk and headed for the doors to the lobby. Once he was back outside on the sidewalk he x-rayed the building, quickly spotting Lois on the penthouse floor. His heart plummeted to his boots at the sight of her.

She was stunning—breathtakingly beautiful. He was sure that if he wasn’t Superman he would have melted into a puddle of goo right there on the sidewalk.

Lois stood as a woman fussed over the wedding gown she was wearing. A wedding gown that she would wear in less than a week to marry the most dangerous criminal mastermind Clark had ever known.

No way would he let that happen!
Yes! I knew that the prince would come and save his princess.
“Lois…” Clark trailed off, confused by the sudden look of fear in her eyes and the way her gaze kept shifting to the wall behind him. Surely she wasn’t afraid of him? He looked behind him, wondering what it was that held her attention, and almost missed it.

One shot of heat vision took care of the barely noticeable camera on the wall. Why would Luthor have her under surveillance?

“Clark…what are you doing here?” she asked once the camera was no longer monitoring their conversation.

“I came to talk to you. Lois, I know that you’re in trouble. Please, let me help you.”
Oh, Clark of course Lois is not afraid of you. And please let Lois agree to let him help her. Sure Lex has Kryptonite but Lane and Kent can do this!

When will it dawn on Clark that his apartment, Lois's apartment, everything he can think of has been bugged?

At least Clark now knows that there is something up and Lois is being forced into marrying Lex and she's doing it for Clark, mainly. This should be Clark's proof that Lois really does love him and that she is over her Superman fantasy.

Angel, you have painted Lex so vividly; so evil and conniving. I could really see these scenes playing out before me. Great job. Now don't keep us waiting for the next part too long! party

Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Exposure 7/? - 07/23/07 08:36 PM
Part 7 is here! hyper hyper hyper

Whew. That chapter was so frustrating! Lex is pure evil. As I've said... multiple times. You wrote this chapter beautifully. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I can't wait for Lois and Clark to beat him!

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Exposure 7/? - 07/24/07 09:14 PM
Hello, everyone!

Sheila wrote:
When will it dawn on Clark that his apartment, Lois's apartment, everything he can think of has been bugged?
Don't worry, he'll figure it out soon. smile Thanks for the fdk, Sheila. I'm glad that you're enjoying the story. I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for the next part.

Laura S wrote:
You wrote this chapter beautifully. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I can't wait for Lois and Clark to beat him!
Thanks for the fdk, Laura! It means a lot to me that I've been able to keep you on the edge of your seat. In the past when I've written stories, I've always been inpatient, so this time I'm really working on drawing things out to build suspence--I hope I'm not drawing it out too much.

Thanks again for the fdk, Sheila and Laura!
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