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Posted By: mervoparkite fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 11:52 AM
Oh Wow, Just cut my heart out with a dull butter knife why don't you? whinging It would hurt much less!

eek He didn't come back???? How has he been living for 10 years just being Superman?

I'm a bit surprised Perry retired--but only a bit.

I'm not a bit surprised about Jimmy--He was always amazing with the computer.

Jonathan picked up the remote to fast forward again, but before the program restarted he heard the familiar whoosh and he looked towards the door his son had just flown through.
Please tell me Clark has gone off to find Lois--not to sulk. Someone has to do something positive here.

More soon Please!!

Posted By: Laura S Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 12:55 PM
Oh no! That was so sad! Will there be more? Lois' future was so terrible sounding without Clark. You could probably leave this off as a vignette, but I'd love to see more. Wonderful, if angst filled, job!
Posted By: princessanna Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 01:58 PM
Yes...more, please? It will serve to heal my heart that's been cut into with that same dull butter knife that Vonceil was talking about...

I really hope Clark's gone to find Lois... But how would she react if he did? If after ten years he found her and told her who he really was?

I want to find out! Please? grovel

Posted By: TOC Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 02:33 PM
At first I was almost angry about this, because - I mean, how could Clark do this to Lois? It seemed as if he allowed her to go on thinking that he was really dead and gone, and so she apparently grieved and mourned herself into an early grave. When he could just have told her!

Ah, but there is apparently more to your story than just the first part. So I hope that Lois isn't dead. And I, too, hope that Clark is searching for her. (Why didn't he search for her sooner, though? Ah, well - I guess you'll tell us, won't you?)

This is really well written, as others have said. So please come back with more soon and restore my faith in Clark! Show me that he isn't the kind of guy who lets his girl needlessly believe that her beau is dead!

Posted By: Tank Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 05:40 PM
Interesting premise. Nice alternate take on TOGoM.

Clearly Clark's death has had significant affects on his close friends at the Planet. Some have taken postive steps such as Perry and Jimmy and some, like Lois has let the loss of her friend ruin her life.

This story now faces a real tricky situation. Where is Lois, and what's she doing, and what is Clark going to do about it (if anything, after ten years). The considerable time that has elapsed makes it very difficult, if not impossible for any sort of revelation and reconciliation between the former partners.

Can Superman help Lois?

I'll be interested to see where this goes.

Tank (who feels that Lois isn't going to be in any sort of forgiving mood if she finds that Clark really wasn't killed ten years ago)
Posted By: Framework4 Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/10/07 05:46 PM
Clark wouldn’t have wanted that, he loved her feisty side – you could see it in the way his eyes would light up when Lois would get all riled up, even if she was yelling at him at the time. It felt like two of my closest friends died that day rather than one.”
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Wow, how could he do this to her? Did he just avoid her and not see what was happening?
Posted By: sunshine6812 Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/11/07 08:46 AM
Ahh, I nearly had to cry, but....I really like your story so far.

More please soon laugh
Posted By: SNL Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/11/07 10:42 AM
Wow!!! hyper

Very moving and interesting!

Looking forward to some more especially why Clark has stayed quiet to Lois for 10 long years...

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/11/07 01:40 PM
I really can't see Clark doing this - he'd find some way to let Lois know he was alive, even if it meant telling her the truth.

Meanwhile what is supposed to have happened to Superman?
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/11/07 02:56 PM
wow - and I've thought I've read every single possibility about TOGOM. The idea is just great and I long to see what'll happen next so don't let us wait too long, ok? smile
It's not totally clear what's happening yet, but since Clark was in Malaysia the night the special aired and his parents taped it for him, it makes sense that Superman is still around.

As far as where Lois is and what she's doing, it makes sense to me that Superman did come to her and tell her the secret, but that neither of them could figure out how to bring Clark Kent back from the dead. Because Lois finally admitted that she loved Clark, and because there was no way for her to be with him in Metropolis, she's been traveling around the country, waiting for him to be with her when he can. At least, that's what I'm coming up with now. And I've been wrong before.

But if this is what's going on, this is so very sad! Clark can't be with Lois as himself or as Superman, nor can Lois work with the people she came to regard as her second family or at the place where she won such acclaim and had so much promise.

And that would be as terrible a tragedy as the other scenario I'm envisioning: Lois knows that Clark is alive, but can't countenance not being with Clark unless he's really Clark and not using some other fake identity. And she can't be Superman's girlfriend for so many obvious (to us, anyway) reasons, so they're both alone except for the times when the longing just gets to be too much for one of them (like this night, maybe?).

Like I said, I could be wrong. This is probably worse than I've described here. Okay, go ahead, wrench my heart in an awful manner. I only hope I'll survive.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: fdk: Ten Years in the Making - 06/13/07 07:35 PM
Well written. The premise itself is a little shallow (the ten year anniversary of the clones would, in reality, warrant only one or two sentences before the reporter moved on), but I've been known to right shallow premises, too, just because it was the story I wanted to write.

I love what you did with Jimmy & Perry. I love how CK's parents want to protect him from the story.

I'll be looking for the next part. thumbsup

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