Lois & Clark Forums
ooh well Lois was still very honest at answering his question, huh?

I still adore this story with all the waffy scenes. aaaw always love that!! goofy

Looking farward to the last part, even if it is a little shorter. I hate that I could't read the original. I'll have to wait a few years but I would really like to read the scenes I missed now!! patience....
Ooooh yummy! The WAFF fest just keeps getting better.

It was hard to pick out my favorites in this part, but I loved this paragraph:

“Uh… well… OK, so maybe I had something else in mind, too. Is that so wrong? Seriously? And it’s not what you think, either. I mean, I know what it looks like, but that… um… thing… I wasn’t going to start walking around in it, you know – not like that! I just thought…” She sighed heavily before finally blurting it all out. “So sue me for hoping I might use this weekend to try and win you over. Or back, rather. Something like that. But, I swear, that thing, it was just, um, plan B. OK? It was plan B. It was a bad idea, I know. I wish I’d had the good sense to leave it at the store!”
Totally cracked me up! Especially that she would tell Clark she hadn't planned on walking around in it. LOLS! I bet Clark wishes that she would.

I loved the line about her possibly getting her cake and eating it too.

And then Clark offering to clean the place up at super speed <sigh> that could really be so handy.

Lois seems to be too busy writing herself to read anything else... <sigh> I sometimes know the feeling <g>

Oh and that line in the kitchen were Lois says she isn't useful in the kitchen and Clark kisses her and tells her that was very useful. I giggled and let out a waffy sigh all at the same time.

Eeeeeeeeee! Loved it Lara! And thank you for taking the time to PGify this. I'll be back shortly with fdk for the final part <<<hugs>>>

-- DJ
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