Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: rkn Smallville Style Part 5/12 - 04/24/07 03:02 AM
Note: You will notice that I have used the script for some scenes. I take no credit for the dialog, and applaud the L&C writers for doing such an incredible job.

Lois greeted Clark with a hug. He had declined her offer to pick him up at the airport, and told her that he would just come to her house. Lucy was there, but she had just come by to see Clark and did not plan to stay. They enjoyed an evening around the coffee table eating pizza, playing a few board games, and then settling in to watch a movie. Clark sat on the floor with an arm around each of them, except when he occasionally moved to reach for the popcorn. The credits began to roll and they prepared to stand up. Lois and Clark laughed when they noticed that Lucy had fallen asleep. Lucy woke up and finding them laughing at her, she grabbed a pillow of the sofa and took a swing at them. She missed, but the activity roused her and after hugging them both, she left to drive back to the dorm. Lois turned to Clark, “Well, you know where the bed is, so I’ll just head on to my own. I’ll be out of the bathroom in ten, and then you can have it. If you’re not ready to sleep, feel free to watch some more TV. I’ve got to be up early for work tomorrow, so I’m going to “hit the hay” to use a Smallville colloquialism.”

“Sleep well. Thanks again for the bed.”


Lois woke a few hours later and groaned. It was only 3:00 am, but with all the soda she had drunk the evening before her full bladder was demanding attention. She hated when she woke up during the night because she had the hardest time getting back to sleep. And some of the methods she employed she could never do with Clark sleeping next door, she thought blushingly. Maybe some warm milk. . . Dragging herself from the bed, she tiptoed down the hall to take care of her full bladder. As she then snuck towards the kitchen, she noticed the flickering light of the TV. Had Clark accidentally left it on when he went to bed? She crossed the room to flip it off. As she reached for the control on the coffee table, a light snore came from the floor in front of the TV. The first thing she noticed was a sleeping Clark Kent. Then she saw that he had nothing other than a pair of boxer shorts on. The next thing she noticed was that his bare chest was the nicest one she had ever seen. He must spend time at the gym on a pretty regular basis! Her eyes ran over him, ogling him, she admitted to herself. With that thought, she gave herself a mental shake. This was Clark, Lois! She turned and pressed the button on the TV. She turned to tiptoe from the room.

“Lois,” came Clark’s sleepy voice. Drat! She stopped and turned slowly. Clark had sat up and rubbing his eyes. Then he began to stretch. Aw, don’t *do* that, she thought. I don’t need to see those muscles flex!

“Clark, I couldn’t sleep, so I came out to get some warm milk. I thought you’d be naked- Asleep! I mean asleep. In the spare room.”

“I’m sorry. I tried to go to bed, but the noise is just different than at home. I decided to watch TV for a while and try again. Guess I fell asleep.”

“Well, since we’re both awake, how about I make us both some milk?”

Clark’s eyebrow lifted, “Do I want to say yes?”

Lois smiled, “I was just going to stick it in the microwave. I really don’t want to have the Metropolis Fire Department out tonight. Although it’s a great way to meet cute guys. . .”

Clark laughed at that. “Why don’t I make the milk? That way we don’t have to worry about the fire department. It’s better made on the stove anyway.”

“You’re on. Uh, it’s a little chilly. I think I’m going to go put my robe on.”

When she returned, Clark was slowly stirring the milk. He had obviously found the time to put on a shirt and sweat pants, although he was still without his glasses. ”Want some chocolate in yours?”

“Do you have to ask?” She opened the fridge and retrieved the bottle of chocolate syrup.

“I’m sorry if the TV woke you.”

“It didn’t. I drank too much soda last night.” She knew her cheeks flushed and she was glad that the only light was from the bulb above the stove. Clark switched off the burner and quickly poured two mugs of hot chocolate. Lois took a sip of the one he handed to her. “Mmm. This is perfect, Clark. I’m going to take mine back to my room. This should put me right to sleep.”

Well, it would have. Except that every time she closed her eyes, she saw Clark’s perfect chest. Maybe if just one of her boyfriends looked half that good, she would have been able to ignore Martha’s voice in her head. She admitted to herself that she had always felt a little attracted to Clark, although once she had moved to Smallville, seeing him everyday, living in the same house with him, she had become accustomed to being around him and no longer blushed and stammered in his presence. And she had hardly seen him and only heard from him sporadically the last five years. She had long ago decided those feelings were a schoolgirl crush on a boy who was nice to her when she needed a friend most, and locked them away in a mental “not to be opened” box. The rush of- yes, it had to be said- desire she felt when she saw Clark laying there so vulnerable in sleep had released the lock and opened the lid.

She realized that in her fantasies, there was already a “face in her head forever”, as Rachel had put it. That face belonged to Clark, and she had never been able to put that aside to let another man’s take its place. She had thought that it was a nameless, faceless man that she called into being when she. . . Lois blushed in the darkness of her room. Suddenly, there was a face and a name, and it had been there in the back of her consciousness all along. Lois groaned, pulling the pillow over her head. She was in some deep trouble. Clark had never, not once, given her a second glance. He had never thought of her that way, probably never would. Did that mean that she was destined to live her life a frustrated virgin? Always alone with only her fantasies to provide some relief? It was so unfair. If she had never met Clark Kent, she would have Paul’s face in her mind. And maybe that wouldn’t have been so bad. She had liked Paul. She had liked the way that he made her feel. Clark Kent had the perfect life- wonderful parents who believed he could do no wrong, un-tapped writing talent, journalism and law degrees, years travelling the world- why did he have to have her heart as well?

And, of course, the man could cook. She didn’t know when she had finally fallen asleep, but she awoke to the delicious smell of coffee and pancakes. Rats. She had been thinking, before her body betrayed her by falling asleep, that she would sneak out of the house early, just leaving Clark a ‘Good Luck!” note. Now she had to face him without letting on to the conclusions she had come to in the wee hours of the morning. What time was it anyway? She frowned at the clock. Oh, great! Now she was going to be late to boot, and there was a staff meeting at 8:30. She could hear Perry now, “Glad you could join us, Lois. Did you sleep well?” Cat Grant was sure to input some comment about how one slept better with a partner than alone. Lois made herself get up, gather a work outfit, and dash to the bathroom. She couldn’t quite make herself greet Clark with morning breath and sleep-tousled hair. She would have to get over this ridiculous attraction, but it wasn’t going to be this morning.

Lois squared her shoulders and walked into the kitchen. “Good morning, Clark. That smells great.”

“Good. I figured it was the least I could do since we were up half the night.” Lois shot a concerned glance at him. Had he heard her toss and turn after she had gone back to bed? Her bed did creak and groan a little and Clark had exceptionally sharp hearing. His face revealed nothing unusual and she relaxed a little. She headed to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup.

“How many?”


“Pancakes. How many?”

“Oh, just two. I’ve got to eat fast, though. I overslept and I’m already running late. There’s a staff meeting this morning. Coffee?” she asked, lifting the pot.

“Sure.” He slid his cup towards her. She filled it and then took her own to the table, breathing in the aroma. Just the smell brought her stress level down a notch or two. She started in on the pancakes.

“You’re quiet this morning. Is everything okay?”

“Oh, yes, fine, Clark. This is great. I’m a little tired, I guess. And my mind is already starting to go over my plans for the day. You’ll be back tonight?” Why, after dreading to see him this morning, was she suddenly loath to let him out of her sight?

“If that’s okay.”

“Of course, it’s okay. Why don’t I pick up some Chinese and DVDs on my way home?”

“Sounds great! And I can tell you all about my interview.”


Of course, she was late to the staff meeting. Perry apologized for the staff meeting interrupting her social life. Lois knew that Perry meant it in jest. He had to maintain the gruff exterior. Cat, of course, answered “What social life? Lois, I’m sure spent all night watching infomercials, looking for her next great story.”

“Sorry, I’m late, Perry. I had someone to fix me breakfast this morning and I forgot to allow for extra time.” Let Cat Grant chew on that one! After she picked her jaw up off the floor, of course. Lois felt a little guilty for the implication, but Clark would never know, so it wouldn’t hurt anything. And the looks on her co-workers’ faces were priceless.


“Clark Kent? Perry White.” Clark shook Perry’s hand. He knew that Perry was sizing him up. He wondered if he’d passed or been found wanting. “Professor Carlton called me about you. I haven’t seen him in, well,” Perry shuffled some papers on his desk ,”Ah, yes. Here it is. Law Degree? Not going to practice law?”

“No, I-” The phone rang. Perry argued with the person on the other end for a moment before slamming the phone down.

“Can you believe I had to order a blood pressure monitor?”

“Paava leaves.”

“Excuse me?”

“Paava leaves. The Yolongu of New Guinea uses them to bring about a meditative state. Maybe you should try it”

“That’s right, you’re a world traveler.”

“I have some samples of my work.”

“Alright, let’s see ‘em.” Perry looked through the articles. “Impressive, Kent. I remember this one you wrote on Darfur. Very moving.” Perry sat down behind his desk. “Look, you’re obviously a very intelligent guy, but this is the Daily Planet. You can’t walk in here with no newspaper reporting experience and expect a job. And if you have a degree to practice law, why do you want a reporting job?”

“I’m a good writer and a hard worker-”

“I can see that, Kent, but I just don’t have a place for you.”

“Thank you, sir. I knew it was a long shot. I appreciate you taking the time to see me.”

“Tell you what. You still got some contacts in Darfur?”


“Why don’t you write a follow up article? I’ll have it printed in a Sunday edition. It’s not a job, but it might help see you through until you find one.”

“I’d really appreciate that.” Clark shook Perry’s hand, quickly releasing his grip when Perry winced.


Lois entered her apartment, shut the door and leaned against it. Then she began searching through the desk in her entryway. Ah, there they are. With a sigh of relief she lifted her shirt and used the scissors to cut away the binding material. She groaned as she rubbed her aching breasts. Brilliant idea, but she was not anxious to try this disguise again any time soon. She heard a rustling sound and glanced toward the living room. Clark’s head was looking over the back of her couch. He lifted an eyebrow at her. Embarrassed, she quickly removed her hands from her chest. “Clark. Sorry. I forgot to ask you what time your interview was.”

“This morning. Want some help with that?” he asked indicating the faux mustache and goatee. Lois nodded walking towards him. “Fast or slow?”

“Fast.” She squeezed her eyes shut and Clark pulled the offending hair off quickly.

“Ouch! I got a great story, though. Women reporter sticks out like a sore thumb, but derelict teen blends in to background. How’d the interview go?”

“Mr. White said he didn’t have a place for me, but he did say if I would do a follow-up on my Darfur story he will put it in the Sunday edition. Do you mind if I crash here a little while longer?”

She desperately wanted him to leave, so she could put her feelings back in the box and lock them away, but she would never turn away a Kent in need. “Like you even have to ask. I could never repay your family for taking me in when I needed somewhere to stay.”

“You know we’d do it again in a minute. I just don’t want to take advantage, and I didn’t know if I might be, uh, in the way. You are still dating Mitchell. . .”

“It’s not that serious. Besides, Mitchell is a hypochondriac. He is my escort to the White Orchid Ball in two weeks, but I probably won’t see him after that.”

“Alan, the dentist?”

“Lucy says I scared him off dragging him to my Women in Journalism seminar, “Weak Men and the Wise Women Who Love Them’.”

Clark wrinkled his nose, “I can see how that could be intimidating.”

“So, as you can see, you don’t need to worry about ‘cramping my style’.”

“Well, you deserve a really super man, Lois. I’m sure he’ll come along, when the time is right.”

“Now you sound like my father. I’m only twenty-six!”

Aaagghhh. Clark Kent was staying and she had to try to sleep knowing that gorgeous hunk was lying next door. Was he wearing the sweats or just the boxers? Lois! Stop thinking about Clark. You can be sure he doesn’t think about you that way. She groaned again. Maybe Lucy would come spend the weekend and distract her from her lascivious thoughts of jumping Clark Kent’s bones while he slept.


Perry was thrilled with her story. “Great work, Lois.”

“Thanks, Perry.”

“Uh, sorry I couldn’t do anything for your friend.”

“I really didn’t expect you to, Chief, but I know Clark appreciated the opportunity. He’s getting started on that Darfur story, too.”

“And he’s staying with you?”

She nodded. “Until he finishes the story.”

“So when you told Cat someone fixed you breakfast-”

“Clark, but Cat doesn’t need to know that.”

Perry chuckled. “I guess not.”


Clark brought his story in to Perry. It had taken him longer than he would have liked, but he had wanted to do a good job for Perry.”

“Great work, Kent. This will make a great addition to Sunday’s paper. Hopefully you’ll see some increase in donations as a result.”

“I also brought you in some paava leaves.”

“Uh, thanks. I’m sure they’ll-”

Just then a young man burst into Perry’s office, “Alright, Chief, I fixed the horn for your golf cart.”

“Not now Jimmy.”

“The tone’s still off, but-”

“Not now Jimmy!” For the first time, Jimmy seemed to realize Clark was there. “Uh, Jimmy Olsen,” he offered extending his hand.

“Clark Kent,” Clark said taking the proffered hand.

“Kent? As in-”

Lois burst into the room, “Chief, I think there’s a story here. I think we should have the crazy guy checked out. You know the one from this morning.”

“Lois, can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here? You know Clark, of course.”

“Clark, hi. I didn’t know you were coming in today,” she greeted him distractedly, then turned back to Perry. “Chief, he worked on the Messenger-”

“Messenger! Wait a second, what happened to that mood piece I had you working on about the razing of the old theater down on 42nd Street?”

Jimmy slipped out in an effort to avoid his boss’ wrath.

“I wasn’t in the mood,” Lois said dryly.

“Wasn’t in the mood- Lois, who do you think assigns stories around here? You or me? When I say I want you on a story-”

Jimmy knocked on the glass. “Phone call, Lois!”

“Gotta go, Chief. See ‘ya tonight, Clark.”

Perry sighed, “See why my blood pressure is skyrocketing? I swear, if that women wasn’t the best investigative reporter I’ve ever seen, she’d be outta here just for the sake of my health!”

“She is good, isn’t she?” Clark said proudly, more of a statement than a question.

“That she is, Clark. But, hey, I’ve got a paper to run, so-”

“Yeah, I’ll see myself out.”


Lois was arguing loudly on the phone. “No, I don’t want to talk to Mr. Luthor’s assistant! This is Lois Lane-Kent and I will not be ignored! Tell Mr. Luthor that I would like a one-on-one interview with him. I don’t care that he doesn’t give interviews. I’m a respectable reporter at the Daily Planet, so some two-bit hack from the DirtDigger!” Clark raised his eyebrow at her. She grinned. “See you tonight,” she mouthed. “No, I will not hold- hello? Hello? Why do they ask you to hold if they don’t wait for an answer?” she queried to no one in particular. Clark chuckled amazed at the sight of “Mad Dog Lois” in action. What to do with the rest of his afternoon? His feet began walking toward 42nd Street.


“This is a helluva story Kent.”

“Smooth,” said Jimmy, with awe in his voice.

Lois waved her hand dismissively, “Sure if you like that touchy-feely stuff. Just where do you get off stealing my story though?” Her teasing grin at Clark took any sting out of her words.

“I’m impressed, Kent. I didn’t see how you could have a law degree and still want to be a reporter, but I can really see your talent and passion in this piece. I still don’t have a job for you, but I’d be happy to have you freelance for us, and when a position opens up if you’re still interested. . .”

“Thank you, Mr. White. That’s more than I could ask for.”

Seems Clark might be in residence in her guestroom a little while longer. And all she wanted was a quiet evening alone with her “Ivory Tower” tapes! Lois mentally whined.

Suddenly a commotion broke out in the newsroom, “The space shuttle’s on fire!”


“I’ll need a task force. There are over a hundred colonists scheduled to be on the next launch. If something is wrong, I need to figure it out and fast. I can’t do that alone.”

“You can have Jimmy.”

“Jimmy’s the best, Chief, but we’re talking about the space program here. It’s a little over his head and definitely outside of his job description. What about Myerson?"

"He's busy."


“Still in Budapest. What about Ralph?”

“Humph! Not if you want him back in one piece.”

“Take Louise.”


“Blonde, glasses, sits across from you at staff meetings?”

“Her name’s Louise? Sure, I’ll give her a try.”

“Be nice, Lois,” Perry growled.

Lois just laughed. “Never say that Lois Lane-Kent is not a team player, but don’t forget. This is *my* story. My name is going on the byline.”

“It’s your story, Lois.”


Clark stopped by the Daily Planet two days later. He and Lois had plans to go to lunch together. Clark had been spending his time looking at apartments. Lois insisted he was more than welcome to stay at her place, but if he was staying in Metropolis long term, Clark knew that he needed his own place. Lois was yelling for Jimmy. A blonde was slamming the door to Perry’s office, evidence of tears on her face, “I quit, Perry. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m just not Daily Planet material.”

“Lois!” Perry bellowed from his office.

“Oh, Jimmy. I need you to look something up for me.”

“Now, Lois!”

“You’d better go see what Mr. White wants, Lois,” Clark said.

“Clark! It is lunchtime already? Jimmy, tell Clark about the good lunch places around here while I go see what Perry wants.”


“Louise quit.”

“She was hopeless, Perry.”

“The last thing I need is you running off my reporters! You asked for a task force, Lois, and I gave you one.”

“I’m sorry she couldn’t handle it.”

“Louise has worked here for a year. She can handle it. She just couldn’t handle you.”

Lois met his eyes, “Do you want me to go apologize?” she asked sheepishly.

Perry chuckled. “Wouldn’t do any good. Besides, if she can’t handle you, she’ll never be able to handle the pressure of real stories. She’d have made an okay, average reporter, but she’s no Lois Lane-Kent.”

“So, now what?”

“What do you mean, now what? You still have a story, and you have no help. You’d better get to it!”

She looked out at the newsroom. “Clark.”


“Clark. Let me have Clark.”

“Clark doesn’t work for us, Lois.”

“So he can freelance. It’s not like he’s busy. And if I chase him off, it’s no skin off your nose.”

“Kent, huh?”

“It’s just one story, Perry.”

“Okay. You got it. Want me to tell him?”

“Oh, no. Let me. If he’s going to work for me, he’s got to know who’s boss from the start.” Lois exited the office. Perry grinned. “Well, this should be interesting.” He watched as Lois slapped Kent on the arm and practically dragged him to the elevator.


“Let’s hit it,” Lois commanded, slapping Clark on the arm.

Clark put down the phone book he had been perusing in search of lunch options. “Do you mind if I ask where we’re going?”

“To interview Samuel Platt. He’s convinced the Messenger was sabotaged.”

“What about lunch?”

“Lunch can wait, and let’s get something straight. I did not work my buns off to become an investigative reporter at the Daily Planet so that I could baby-sit wanna-be newspaper reporters.”


“Perry wants you to help me with the story. And that’s another thing. You are not working with me, you are working for me. You are low man, and I am top banana. And that’s the way I like it. Comprende?”

“You like to be on top. Got it.”

Lois grabbed his arm and pulled him into the elevator growling. “Don’t push it, Kent. You are way out of your league.” When the doors closed she burst out laughing. “Clark, Martha would wash your mouth out with soap for that comment!”

Clark looked around the elevator. “I don’t see her anywhere. Do you? What was that all about anyway?”

“I have a reputation to maintain. I chew up newbie reporters and spit them out.”

“So I am. . .?”

“We’re getting you some newspaper experience. You’ve always been better at science than I am. You’re coming along to interpret Dr. Platt’s ramblings.”


“Dr. Baines seemed helpful.”

“When I invited you along, Clark, it wasn’t to flirt with the interviewees. I don’t trust her.” Dr. Platt’s story had led them to talk with Dr. Antoinette Baines about the report Dr. Platt said that he had filed. Dr. Baines denied receiving the report.

“Very attractive. Young, for a woman in her position.”

“Typical,” she scoffed.


“Typical male response.”

“Lois, I am not your typical male.”

“Just because she’s- okay looking-”

“Very okay looking.”


“What’s blonde got to do with it?”

“-you automatically assume she’s telling the truth.”

“And you assume she’s not. That’s pretty cynical, Lois.”

“This is Metropolis, Clark, not Smallville. Everyone has an angle.”


Lois stood at the coffee machine, filling her cup. Cat whistled. “Who’s the new tight end?” Lois looked to where Jimmy was giving Clark a tour of the newsroom.

“Why don’t you throw your usual forward pass and find out?” Cat Grant looked at her and removed her jacket revealing some sort of pleather strap ensemble that Lois assumed passed for a top.

Clark and Jimmy must have concluded the tour because Clark came up to get himself a cup as well.

“Catherine Grant. Cat’s Corner.”

“Oh, I’ve read you column.”

“So my reputation precedes me.” She held out her hand to be kissed. Clark shook it instead.

“I know what it’s like to be new in town. Perhaps you’d like me to—show you around?”

“That’s very nice of you, but Lois will probably show me around, Miss Grant.”

“Humph! Not like I would! And call me Cat.”

“Cat. Maybe when I get settled in. . .”

She patted his chest as she sashayed away. “It’s a date.”

“So that’s Cat Grant. You’ve mentioned her.”

“Be careful of her Clark. She’s just looking to put another notch in her garter belt.”

“Have you seen this garter belt?” he teased.

Lois frowned at him and started to comment but her phone rang. “Hey, sit for a minute. I’m going to take this and then we’ll go.”

“Go? Where?”

Lois picked up her phone. “Lois Lane-Kent, Daily Planet.”

Seconds later, Lois hung up her phone disgustedly. “Come on, Clark.”

“So where are we going?”

“I don’t suppose you know what your measurements are.”


“Mitchell just cancelled on me for the White Orchid Ball tonight. He has the sniffles.”

“He’s the hypochondriac?”

“That’s the one. So you’re taking me.”


“I mean, I was just wondering if you wanted to- look do you wanna take his place or not?”

“I could go to bed early,” he countered with a grin.

Lois slapped his arm, and laughed. “This is the social event of the season, Clark, and you’re coming. Just consider it research.”


“Yes. I am going to land the first one-on-one interview with Lex Luthor if it kills me.”

“Luthor, the philanthropist?”

“Or the root of all evil in Metropolis. Depends on whom you talk to. I tend to go with the latter. Let’s go find you a tux.”


Lois groaned. She was doing that a lot lately. What was she thinking dragging Clark to the White Orchid Ball? More, what was she doing sitting outside the dressing room waiting for him to come out in his tux? She could hear the sound of his shirt rustling and the rasp of his zipper- ooo-kay. Enough, Lois. She stood up to get away from the sounds of Clark’s undressing. Hmmn. Should they go with red or black for the cummerbund?


She turned. Oh, my. “Black, definitely the black.”


“For your cummerbund.” She turned to the clerk. “I’ll take him- It! I mean we’ll take the tux.”

She was in such trouble. The sight of Clark in the tux made her weak in the knees. How was she going to make it through tonight and keep her hands off of him? Funny, now that she knew what- who- she wanted, she didn’t think she’d have any trouble expressing her feelings. The problem was going to be suppressing them.


Lois let the valet park her car. “If you get so much as a scratch on it, I’ll have your job.”

“Lois, he parks Porsches and Lamborghinis. He’s not going to scratch your aged Jeep,” Clark insisted.



Clark hung out with Jimmy while Lois kept an eye out for Luthor. “He’s a recluse. Rarely seen in public.”

“But he’s throwing this big party?”

Jimmy shrugged. “It’s tradition.”

“Lex Luthor. Why haven’t you returned my calls?” Clark felt his heart swell with pride. With a simple statement, Lois had commanded the attention of the entire room, most especially, that of her target, Lex Luthor.”

“Lois Lane-Kent. Daily Planet.” She held out her hand to shake his. Luthor lifted it to his lips. “I assure you. I’ll never make that mistake again. Care to dance?”

He was a good dancer. No, he was a great dancer. Very accomplished . And he reminded Lois of Claude. His practiced charm. The assuredness that she found him attractive just because any woman would love to be in her shoes. “I have had one or two bad experiences with the media.”

“Not with me.”

“So why don’t we make it dinner.”

“I’ve had one or two bad experiences with men,” she countered.

He leaned forward, rubbing his face against hers to whisper in her ear. “Not with me,” he repeated her words.

Lois shivered and Lex smiled. He probably thought she shivered with attraction, rather from the disgust that she felt.

“Mind if I cut in?”

Clark! “Uh, Lex, this is Clark Kent. He’s helping me out on a story right now.” The men shook hands. Lois couldn’t help but notice that Clark was taller than Lex and, while Lex was very handsome in a suave, sophisticated way, in Lois’ book, Clark’s rugged good looks outshone Lex’s any day.

“My pleasure. If you’ll excuse me, Lois?” Luthor made his way across the room to greet another group of his guests.

Lois punched Clark on the shoulder as he took her in his arms. “I don’t know whether to thank you or kill you. It’s taken me years to get this close.”

“How close Lois?” He pulled her to his chest. “This close.”

Ah, yes. Just like that. Hold me closer, Clark. No! She had to break the spell. “I always thought line dancing was more your style.”

“Actually, I learned ballroom dancing from a Nigerian princess who studied in London- where are you going?” Lois had pulled herself out of his arms and turned to cross the room.

“To investigate. I’m an investigative reporter. You should try it sometime.” Clark followed Lois as she wove through the guests and entered what was obviously a private office and shut the door.

“Lois, isn’t this breaking and entering?”

“I don’t plan on breaking anything. Clark, if you want to be a lawyer, fine, but do it on your own time. If you want to be a reporter, help me look around.”

“What are we looking for?”

“Something, anything. Lex Luthor is a slimy snake and in three years, I have not been able to lay a single crime at his door. It’s driving me crazy.” She entered the next room. There had to be something. . .

Not finding anything, she returned to the room that she had first entered to find Lex and Clark starting at each other. Busted!

“You have a lovely home, Lex. I hope you don’t mind us looking around.”

Lex turned towards her, breaking his eye contact with Clark. “Not at all. You should see the view from here.”


Space Station Luthor? Now who do you suppose would benefit from that? Oh, sure, any people on earth who were cured would benefit, but the profits that Luthor would rake in would be innumerable. Why couldn’t anyone else see him for what she knew he was?


They were walking towards the Planet the next morning when they heard a rumble. “What’s happening-” began Lois. The crowd began to murmur and she ran forward to see what was going on. Hands lifted a city worker up to the waiting arms of his co-workers.

The worker pointed at Clark. “That, that man. He saved me.”

Lois looked at Clark. “Still pulling rescue stunts, Clark?”

Clark waved his hand. “He’s delirious, obviously.”

She sent him a glance of disbelief. “Clark, you’re a mess,” she said patting the dust from his coat. “When you do get a job, be sure to bring an extra set of clothes to work with you, in case you get dirty during the course of the day. That’s what I do.”


“Cat napping?” Lois had noticed that Cat had been all over Clark when Lois exited the elevator.

“She wants me to go to dinner with her,” Clark explained.


“I don’t think she’s my type, Lois. Now tell me what you’ve found on Dr. Platt.”


Clark sat with her for hours trying to piece together Dr. Platt’s report. After her stomach growled for the third time, he volunteered, “I’ll go get us some Chinese food.”

“Don’t you want to know what I want?”

“I’ll get an assortment.”

The food was delicious. How had Clark found such a great restaurant when he hadn’t even been in Metropolis for three weeks? She thought she had been to every Chinese restaurant in the city. Somehow, she must have missed one.

“Remember the first time we had Chinese?”

Lois smiled at him. “Yes. It was the first time we met. And we had those hokey fortunes. And these, look at these. They’re written in Chinese. What’s with that?”


Lois turned her face into Clark’s shoulder as he pulled her to him to shield her from the sight of Dr. Platt’s still sizzling body. She let herself breathe in his scent for minute. “Clark-”

“We should have stopped it. We should have done something.”

“Clark, you can’t rescue everyone. The best thing that we can do f or him is to prove him right, and save the space station.”


“So Platt’s theory was correct!” Lois gave Clark a quick hug. It won’t hurt, she argued with herself. Besides, she reasoned, if she suddenly treated Clark like a stranger, he was going to start wondering what was up.

“So we can write the story?”

“I can write the story. But I might let you help.”

“We should go out to dinner to celebrate.”

An evening in Clark’s company without other people around to ensure she kept her hands to herself? Not a good idea. So why were the next words out of her mouth, “Sure, Clark, that would be- oh, wait. I can’t. I’m having dinner with someone else.”



“Lois, just how far are you willing to go to get this story?”

“Not that it’s any concern of yours, Clark, but this is business. It’s an interview. And I am not sharing this story. And I have never, never slept with anyone to get a story.”

“I didn’t mean to imply-”

“Yes, Clark, you did. I thought you knew me better than that.”

“I do. Lois, I’m sorry. Are you sure there’s a story there? Luthor seems squeaky clean to me.”

“Exactly. No one is that good. Not even you, Clark.”


Lois disgustedly threw her purse on the floor and slammed the door. Clark’s head came up over the back of the couch. “Did you get the interview?”

“No. He managed me. I wasted three hours, and I let that, that- louse! kiss me, and I got nothing.”


“Physical evidence. Perry wants facts and we have to find them.”

“I’ll call Dr. Baines.”

“Clark, Baines thinks you’re cute, but she is not going to hand you evidence against her. She’s probably involved.”

“I’ll check anyway.”

“Fine. I’ll take Jimmy with me.”


And that’s how she ended up tied to a support beam as the chemicals headed towards the drain where they would mix together causing an explosion that would end their lives. Clark had shown up, the door flying off its hinges- another mystery surrounding Clark Kent- but he hadn’t thought his “rescue” through and was tied up right beside her. Jimmy had been hit over the head and he was still unconscious. “I’m sorry Clark. I’m sure dying wasn’t on your to do list for today.”

“It’s still isn’t. Come on.”

“Wait a second! How did you. . .?”

“Look do you want me to stay here and explain it while we get blown up, or shall we get out of here?”


“I’ve got him. Let’s get out of here.” They barely made it out of the building before it exploded. The force of the explosion carried them upwards and then dropped them in a mud puddle.

“Where, what happened?” mumbled Jimmy, beginning to come around.

“Look!” Clark pointed to the sky.

It was Antoinette Baines in her get-away helicopter. It suddenly burst into flames. “Guess she didn’t get away, after all.”

“Clark, I’ll bet they discover that explosion wasn’t an accident anymore than the one that landed us,” she held up her muddy dripping hands “here was.”


“They’ve found the same problem with the colonist launch vehicle. They’ve installed the correct equipment and are set to launch tomorrow morning.” The room erupted in cheers. “It’s a no go for you, Lois,” Perry spoke in a lowered voice. “No reporters allowed.”

“But, Perry, imagine the Daily Planet getting a personal, exclusive account of being on the colonist transport.”

“No can do honey. I tried. I can’t get you on there. Officially.”

“All right. Another time.”

“Clark, you’ll be glad to know that Dr. Platt’s widow and daughter are back on board,” Perry told him.


“So, are you giving up on being on the shuttle?”

“Not even, Clark. You heard Perry. He can’t get me on there officially.”

“Right. So-”

“Which means he’s giving me permission to get on there unofficially.”

“How will you-”

“Ah, ah, ah, Clark. A girl’s got to have some secrets.”

“Just- be safe, okay? Perry and Mom, not to mention Ellen, would kill me if I let something happened to you.”

“I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time now, Clark. But you can wish me luck.” You could kiss me. . . for luck. Of course, he didn’t.

“Clark! In my office. Pronto.”

“You’d better go, Clark. The Colonel bellows.”


“So, Clark, did Lois tell you she scared another of my reporters off?”

“No, but I heard. I happened to be here when-”

Perry cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Not important. But it does leave me with a vacancy in my newsroom and I did promise you a spot. And since you have a front page article- Are you still interested?”

“Of course, I’m interested, but front page article? What front page article?”

Perry smiled and thrust a Daily Planet towards him. “Didn’t you take a look at this?”

Clark looked down. Yes, there was Lois’ story. “Prometheus Sabotaged” by Lois Lane-Kent and. . . Clark Kent?

“She shared her byline.”

“She did. I was surprised, but she insisted since you saved her life, she couldn’t have possibly gotten the story without you. So, are you working for me?”



Her fake ID guy had very little trouble making her a pass for the shuttle. “What I’m hoping,” she explained to him, “is that with a hundred passengers, no one will be watching too closely and I can slip by.”

It worked just as well as she had imagined. The attendant never even looked at the pass. Her ID was the same size and felt the same as the others, and after 73 tickets, the novelty was starting to wear off. Once inside the shuttle, Lois broke away from the other passengers to find a place to strap in for the launch. She didn’t want to end up finding they were short a seat if she followed the other passengers. She located a fold down seat with the appropriate straps. Hopefully she would be safe here. Except what was that beeping? It looked like. . . She quickly unbuckled and ran over to the box with the numbers quickly counting down on it. Yep, it looked like a bomb because it was. She began calling for help, but as rockets prepared to fire, she knew that no one would be able to hear her. How could she attract some attention? She grabbed a pair of pliers from a nearby toolbox and began cutting any wires that looked important. The rockets began to die down. Suddenly Clark burst into the room. What was he wearing! Martha would have a fit- right after she stopped laughing. Maybe Clark had watched too many Justice League cartoons with Lucy. Clark walked right past her and grabbed the bomb, not even acknowledging her presence. “Hey, get away from that! What kind of a lunatic are you!” Clark turned toward her as he put the beeping switch into his mouth.

“That is a bomb!” It certainly was, but the explosion was muffled. Clark let out a tremendous burp.

“Excuse me,” he apologized. Only Clark would worry about manners at a time like this.

“What *are* you?” She knew this had something to do with Martha and Jonathan’s discussions with Clark that always ended abruptly when her presence was noted. Clark just smiled and left the room. She followed him to where the passengers were beginning to de-plane. “There was a bomb,” she began to explain. “He. . .he . . . he *ate* it!” Clark kneeled down in front of Amy Platt’s wheelchair.

“Hi,” he said casually, like he ate bombs every day.

“Hi,” she replied. “I like your costume.”

“Thank you. My mother made it for me. What’s your name?” Martha made it for him? What was she thinking? It was so. . . tight!

“Amy. Amy Platt. Who are you?”

“A friend.” So he wasn’t going to reveal himself as Clark Kent. Probably a good thing, because she was certain that any one of the scientists on board would love to get him into their lab and dissect him like a frog. Wait- where had she heard that before?

“Can you teach me how to fly?”

Clark began to reply when a voice came over the loudspeaker instructing the passengers to leave the shuttle.

“Why?” Lois asked.

Dr. Platt’s widow answered. “Once the thrusters have fired they have to be replaced. By that time, we’ll have missed our launch window.”

“I guess this is it for Space Station Prometheus,” Lois said glumly.

“No,” cut in Clark. “There’s nothing wrong with this transport vehicle or the station. You only need a way to get there.”

“And where will we find a way?”

“Easy,” Clark answered smiling confidently. “I’ll give you a boost.”

“You can do that?”


Lois hardly knew where to start. The colonist launch was a great story. But a man who could eat a bomb, lift a shuttle into space, and fly it to the station? That was a really great story. She began jotting things down on paper, but she was still in a state of shock. How had she practically grown up next to Clark Kent and never acknowledged that he could do these things? Looking back, she knew that the signs had been there, if she had put it all together. But she had avoided digging into the oddities surrounding Clark Kent because of her loyalty to his family.

Odder still was the fact that Clark had not addressed her by name. She had figured out that since he did not introduce himself, he wanted to keep his identity private, and he did look very different with his hair gelled back and without the glasses on his face. And that suit! I wonder what size cup Martha sewed in there- do cups come in sizes? She blushed and shook her head. Clark’s. . . attributes were not the story. Not the one Perry wanted anyway. Though she would bet money that several women’s magazines might be interested!

Her presence was discovered upon the passenger’s departure. Probably, if everyone was not so flustered, she would be looking at trespassing charges, and God knew what else, but they simply insisted that she return with the shuttle back to earth. She wasn’t going to argue. It looked like the bigger story was there any way.

“May I offer you a ride?” Clark spoke as she exited the shuttle.

“A ride?”

He nodded. “I can fly you to your home, if you give me directions,” he added quickly. Lois was puzzled. Clark knew very well where she lived.

“Uh, no. I mean, yes, I’d like- love!- a ride, but no, not to my home. Take me to the Daily Planet.”

“You’re a reporter, then.” Suddenly it hit her. Clark did not think she recognized him. . . and he didn’t want her to. He must have forgotten, or hoped that she had forgotten, that she had seen him many times without his glasses, fresh out of the shower, in the years she had lived in the Kent home.

“Yes. And I’m going to want an interview with you.”

Clark nodded, then picked her up like she weighed nothing and headed in the direction of the Daily Planet.

Why didn’t Clark want her to know he was. . . whatever he was?

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