Lois & Clark Forums
I, personally, favor the WAFF over pesky little details.
Yeah, truth be told, I'm not that picky about who got shot. laugh I was way more concerned with Lois' heart breaking over the please-let-him-be-Superman and then awwing! over their reuniting.

Nice story. wink
The end?? Already? Woo! How you spoil us Sue.

What if he had survived the shot and the drop? What if he was barely clinging to life out there? Her mind replayed Lex turning over Bender's body and the sightless stare of his dead eyes. Clark was face down and her mind refused to picture him the same way.
*cries* Oh Sue… that gave me the shivers. Damnit if I start crying at work… *shakes fist at Sue for the sadness*

Her mind stuttered and she let out a gasp. Her gaze shifted to the deck outside. Clark hadn't been afraid to die. If anything, Clark had almost seemed eager for Nigel to shoot him.
Good girl!! You did much better than I would have. It’s always bugged me that a lot of people thought Lois was so dense. But if you think about it… she didn’t have the inside knowledge that we did. Sure sometimes the series did stretch that a bit far but for the most part I don’t think I would have figure it out. She is a much brighter person than some give her credit for I think.

There were no drag marks on the hillside, other than the ones she had created when she slid. Wherever he went, he didn't leave a trace. Because he flew away, she told herself. It's because he flew.
I feel so bad for her. She has that sliver of hope but part of her isn’t sure. What agony to think you might be right or that all your hopes will come crashing down.

For a moment he stood absolutely still. Then his face broke out in a smile. It was the same smile that had melted her insides the night before and made her feel like she was his favorite person in the entire world. All at once his arms were around her, lifting her against him. She buried her face in his chest and found she couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
*cries* I hope you know the only reason I don’t have the tears running down my cheeks is that I’m trying to keep a professional façade here at work. LOL

If you can think of a better ending, let me know. I, personally, favor the WAFF over pesky little details.
Ahh a woman after my own heart. Don’t get me wrong, I love those things as well but for a story like this... WAFF > than all else.

I loved this story Sue. ADORED it. I’m so glad that DJ talked you into this. I would offer DJ some of the margaritas but… looks like she is all set with her martinis. DJ I meant to reply to that comment. It made me laugh so hard but real life pulled me away. Stupid real life getting in the way. *grumble*

Thanks again Sue! I hope you know that hours of pleasure you have brought all of us with your captivating stories.

*goes to wipe the brown stuff off her nose now*
I went to hide in the computer lab to read this, this morning *g* because I was suuuuure I'd cry... and I did... sadly enough, I was caught doing it, too. And looked like a pathetic fool when the person who found me there, sniffling and looking awful, realized I was reading an L&C fanfic - of all things. (you know, 'cause it's OK to cry if your computer crashes, but deep emotional drama, now *that's* pathetic! riiiight!)

Anyhoo... this is just absolutely aaawwww!

I'll come back a little later (when I'm not at risk of looking pathetic to yet another coworker) and leave you better FDK. smile
And looked like a pathetic fool when the person who found me there, sniffling and looking awful, realized I was reading an L&C fanfic - of all things.
Awww. I understand. (Although your story did make me laugh cause I could totally see myself in your shoes) It's better than having some stored on your DS Lite and letting a coworker borrow it while her computer is being fixed. Then having her announce loudly to everyone in the office:

"Is this Superman fanfiction??"

Yeah... I hid in my cubicle with a big blush on my face. Then she said jokingly:

"Don't worry I skimmed it and there were no steamy parts. So where do you hide the good stuff?"

I laughed it off and went about my business. All I could think though at the end of the day was. I'm glad that was smirky's fic and only had torture going on at the time and not one of Sue's nfics. >_< HAHA
Aww, I totally agree, I'd rather have the WAFFs then the details too. That was great!

What they said... it was great how Lois figured things out, with none of the usual angst/anger "he's been lying to me, the ratfink" stuff we usually see. Here, it's a such wonderful hope. If he's Superman, he's not dead. Please let him be Superman. Very nice.

Plus I love, love, *love* the lawyer-joke reverse revelation. It's such a fabulous tie-in to their earlier closeness, only now it shows how very much closer they've become. Wonderful.

who only noticed on the third time through that before Lois asked Clark to fly her home, she gave him a kiss on the cheek laugh just as they'd joked about.
This story was wonderful! I loved the revelation, so original. I'm a sucker for waffy happy endings.
I enjoyed this very much, Sue. I especially like how the lawyer jokes went full circle!
Awww! Sue that was so fantastic! laugh Who cares about loose ends? They're overrated anyway. I loved having a revelation where she was EXCITED about him being Superman. laugh It was just so... WAFFy. Great ending to such an emotional/awesome fic.

laugh Laura
Who cares about an A plot? I personally loved the ending. Great job! I really enjoyed it!
Sue, this was marvelous. I really enjoyed it, especially
She saw, for the first time, that she had known him all along. Their eyes were the same. The Suit was distracting, but how had it fooled her for so long? She should have known him sooner.
I loved, loved, loved that Lois figured it out and didn't get mad, but instead was wildly hoping that 2+2 really did equal 4, since that would mean that Clark hadn't died.

Thank you, Pam for pointing this out:
Lois went on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his cheek. "Fly me home, Clark."
That was so wonderful!

Sue, thank you. I don't think you understand how much we all enjoy a new fic from you. Your writing is just so spellbinding. Thank you for this wonderful, WAFFY fic.

And DJ? Thanks for nagging Sue. It's appreciated. sloppy

It was Jen who opened this thread, wasn't it? And she became a Pulitzer member by doing it? Then she must have the right idea here. The WAFF blanket is back, so who cares about the (A-)plot announcements?

I loved the heartbreaking beauty of this:

Her numb fingers were still clutching his shirt, but his warmth was gone from it. Lois moved ahead of Lex, putting on Clark's shirt to loosely embrace her as she walked back into the house.
Clark's shirt embraces her, when he can't do it any more.

But he can embrace her again, of course. I love how Lois turned Clark's words over and over in her head and matched them with the way he had seemed worried about the Kryptonite to figure out that he was Superman. Yes!!! Hey, the woman is a Kerth-winning investigative reporter, so she must have it in her to figure things out. Nice to follow step-by-step how she did it this time! thumbsup

I love how she broke out of the bathroom, too. Reminds me of last year when I saw a pair of blue tits squeeze themselves between some impossibly tight ventilator slats to get inside, where they apparently had their nest and their young... well, if you have to get through, you will.

"The answer is three," she told him, praying that she was right and he would know what she was talking about. "There are only three lawyer jokes. The rest are all documented cases."
Took me a while to figure this out (I'm a terrible person to tell jokes to). Only three of the supposed lawyer jokes are just jokes, and all the other lawyer stories are true, and there is documentation to prove it. Groan.

But what a way for Lois to say to Superman: Hey, you are Clark, aren't you? And this is the rest of the joke you started to tell me before Bender caught us spying, isn't it?

And then the WAFF blanket returned, like Jen pointed out, and wrapped itself around Lois and Clark. sloppy

What a beautiful story, Sue.

Aw just adorable. So now will there be an nfic epilogue? Laura
Thanks guys! There's nothing nicer than coming home late on a rainy night to find feedback waiting for you. sloppy

I'm sorry if I made anyone cry at work. It was a happy ending, you know? I thought maybe I'd get an "awww" or a roll of the eyes over how I've become so sappy lately. <g>

I was delighted, however, to see that some of my favorite details in this fic were commented on. Lois did figure it out on the show - and she handled it gracefully. It seemed right to me that her biggest concern would not be that Clark had been lying, but that it was entirely possible he was still alive.

A gold star on the forehead for Pam, who picked up on the fact that, just like they had joked about the night before, she kissed him on the cheek before asking him to fly her somewhere. Originally I played that up more, but I edited it out in favor of rewarding those with an eye for detail.

I'm also glad that you picked up on the symmetry of the closing lawyer joke. I thought it was a fun way to have her reveal that she had figured him out.

And DJ? Thanks for nagging Sue. It's appreciated.
Oh, let's not encourage her! She nags me enough already. She's already making little hints and noises about the next fic I owe her. She's a mean taskmistress (or is that "taskmaster"?).

So now will there be an nfic epilogue?
Heh - nice try, Laura. What part of "I'm no longer writing nfic" am I not stating clearly? laugh

Thanks again for the feedback. I think this little confection is one of my favorites, so it's very heartening to see it get some love. jump

Congrats on the Pulitzer, Jen! Speech! Speech!
Congrats on the Pulitzer, Jen! Speech! Speech!
Har! Well, on this glorious midnight of sculpting and trying to type with my fingers all taped up, I think the boards speak for themselves by announcing that I talk too much. <g>

But actually, I think I'll set aside my sarcasm for about a sentence and think nice thoughts about all you people here who have my made my life so much more interesting in the past four years. <g>

quote: And DJ? Thanks for nagging Sue. It's appreciated.

Oh, let's not encourage her! She nags me enough already. She's already making little hints and noises about the next fic I owe her. She's a mean taskmistress (or is that "taskmaster"?).
Hah! [Linked Image] And don't think I'm gonna let up on you just because you got this one finished, either. <g>


What am I saying? <bows and scrapes> It was wonderful Queenie. <hugs & smoochies> I adored it...

Whew... I haven't popped in to quote my favorites yet, have I? Never fear... I'll be back <DJ frowns at all the groans and whines she hears...> grumble


I think the boards speak for themselves by announcing that I talk too much. <g>
LOL! rotflol

Awwwww! But we love you for it Jen!
These were my fav "awwww!" and "*melts*" moment from this fic. *lol*
I love you, Clark, she thought. I just didn't want to admit it.
It was the same smile that had melted her insides the night before and made her feel like she was his favorite person in the entire world.
Clark was alive. Having him whole and well was even more overwhelming that the knowledge that he was Superman. She had not lost him and he hadn't suffered.
This one, of course, being the ultimate melt moment:
"Fly me home, Clark."
oh... and by the way...
The Suit was distracting[...]
*raises an eyebrow* sheesh! no kidding! Boy is it ever distracting! (in all the right places... *dreamy sigh*)

I, personally, favor the WAFF over pesky little details.
What do you mean, "pesky"? Oh... wait... what the hell am I saying? I prefer waffy, too! *lol*

Thanks, Sue! notworthy notworthy notworthy
Okay. I'm back. I've been so lazy lately without Babbles here to keep me on track.

Let's see... oh, yes, fdk...

I loved how Lois slowly worked through things and figured things out. And when she put his shirt on and continued clutching it in her numb fingers. I was totally sniffling. You did a wonderful job of keeping my heart in a vise. <g>

Suddenly the teasing tone of those words and the gleam in his eyes when he said them took on new meaning. Her breath caught in her throat. What if? The idea was so wonderful that she just couldn't let it go. Believe it, she told herself. Believe it. Clark is Superman.
I love that. It was such a wonderful thought - she so wanted to believe it was true.

"Second door on the right, my darling."
That last part made me totally squirm with revulsion. Ugh!

For a moment she wavered, almost collapsing as a wave of grief and self-pity washed over her. No, she was right. She had to be.
I so feel for her here. She wants to believe he's Superman but she still isn't positive and she hasn't seen him and oh please let him be...

For a moment he stood absolutely still. Then his face broke out in a smile. It was the same smile that had melted her insides the night before and made her feel like she was his favorite person in the entire world. All at once his arms were around her, lifting her against him. She buried her face in his chest and found she couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Clark," she whispered and threw her arms around his neck, holding on to him for dear life. She repeated his name over and over in a soft litany of gratitude. "Oh Clark, Clark. I thought you were dead. I thought..."

"Shh. Don't cry," he whispered, rocking her in his arms as his hands smoothed across her back and through her hair. "Please don't cry. It's all over now. It's okay."

"You idiot," she sobbed. "I'm crying because I'm happy." Her hands cupped his face as she drank in the sight of his beloved features. Clark was alive. Having him whole and well was even more overwhelming that the knowledge that he was Superman. She had not lost him and he hadn't suffered.
Sorry to quote that whole part, but I just loved it and had several points to make. First, I loved that he picked her up into his arms and held her against him <waffy sigh> and then the way she kept whispering his name -- such relief. And I love it when Clark "shhh's" her <another waffy sigh> but totally cracked up when she called him an idiot and told him she was crying because she was happy. LOL. And then that last part... that he hadn't suffered. Mmmm, nice.

And of course I loved that she went up on tiptoe and gave him that kiss on the cheek so that he would fly her where she wanted to go...

Awwwwwww! I just loved this fic Sue! Thank you so much for indulging me and writing it! <checks ending notes> ...

Darn tootin I MADE you write it! It was way too good to get left on the cutting floor. <g> And awwwwww <sniffle> thank you for the thank you.

I loved it Sue! I'll be holding my breath for #2 of 5 stories that you owe me. <snicker>

-- DJ
Very nice ending, Sue. (Not quite as WAFFY as part 1, I notice--but it works quite well.)

I've never been a firm believer that everything has to be wrapped up with a little bow, as long as the ending itself is solid. This one feels done, although a tag-on at the end wouldn't spoil it.

Looks like everyone else has pointed out all of my favorite parts, so I'll just leave with one parting thought: I wonder what kind of poker DJ and Sue were playing that would leave a debt of 5 fics. Hmmm...

I wonder what kind of poker DJ and Sue were playing that would leave a debt of 5 fics. Hmmm...
It was a foolish, foolish bet that I lost big time (but I'm still thrilled to have lost, or, uh, won).

You see, back when the Kerth noms were announced DJ was certain that I would win something. I was certain that I *wouldn't*. So certain, in fact, that I bet her that I would write any story of her choosing for each Kerth I was lucky enough to win. Which now leaves me heavily in her debt with one down and four to go. blush
Loved this last part.

You see, back when the Kerth noms were announced DJ was certain that I would win something. I was certain that I *wouldn't*. So certain, in fact, that I bet her that I would write any story of her choosing for each Kerth I was lucky enough to win. Which now leaves me heavily in her debt with one down and four to go.
Well, YAY for us! DJ was very right. Although it was close. She's a great author too. It was tough deciding this year.
So we're waiting. But Part 13 of Platonic first, please.
And we are the real winners.
It was a foolish, foolish bet that I lost big time (but I'm still thrilled to have lost, or, uh, won).
That's the reason you don't bet against a man like DJ.

who is happy to keep the rumors flying about is the very feminine DJ a man or a woman--no matter what thread she's on
So DJ's officially a man now? Should I just start referring to 'him' in the masculine?

Hey! LOL! I'm all for a good rumor... as long as it's not about me!!! <DJ decides maybe she should start a rumor of her own to get the focus off of her...> Let's see... hmmm... Did you know that Sue has put in an application to be a mail order bride? <snerk> CIHC is quite upset, claiming it's one thing to live in Sue's closet... but he's not willing to share quarters with anyone else. <snort>
Now that's a rumor worth sharing!

By the way, how did this thread get totally off-topic. (Why is everybody looking at me?)

A mail order bride? <snort> Actually, it was a want ad in the newspaper with my picture and the caption "Free to good home."

<sigh> So far, no takers. But I'm housetrained! I can cook and clean (and write!) for you! I've got skills, baby! Skills! laugh
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