Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Matrix 50 First Revelations - (24/23 - bg) - 04/13/07 11:31 AM
OMG! It's here! It's really here!

<DJ runs around frantically>

It's the last part. <cries - takes deep breath>

Okay... we've had several dream sequences all throughout this story, but have you all noticed that they've been Lois's dreams? And have you also noticed that normally when we are in a dream sequence I write from only "one" pov? And you know someone mentioned a few parts ago after Lois's *ahem* dream, that Clark should have a dream too... although I'm fairly positive what I did wasn't what they had in mind <snort>

Okay, I'm shutting up now and ceasing in my babbling. All other thoughts and thank yous will come at the end. Thank you ALL!!! Happy Friday!!!

Table of Contents


From Part Twenty-Three


“Stop!” She held up one hand in front of her. “Stop right there. Don’t move!” Her hand fumbled to get the covers off of her and she climbed weakly out of bed away from him, causing a couple of monitor leads to be pulled from her body.

His heart was breaking inside him. The doctor had told him that he didn’t know how extensive the damage would be, that they wouldn’t know for sure until she woke up. But he had warned Clark that it was very possible there could be permanent brain damage – permanent memory loss.

Besides the pain in his chest that was cutting off the air to his lungs, Clark was numb. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. He had saved her. She was supposed to be okay.

Lois continued backing away from him, pulling wires and machines with her, until her back was against the wall. Alarms were now blaring in the stark silence of the room. She yelped when one of the monitors tipped over and crashed to the floor beside her.

Clark reached out for her instinctively. “Wait! Don’t. You’re going to hurt yourself. Please.”

Lois looked like a cornered animal and her hand came out to slap his away. “Get back! Don’t touch me! Help! Someone help me!”

Clark reeled and closed his eyes, trying to steady himself. But he found that he couldn’t. Lois was gone. Everything was gone.


The End.....NOT!


AHEM - Okay, just forget about that "The End...NOT" thing... Here comes the conclusion!!!!




Clark felt himself falling. His world was turning upside down and whirling around him. His eyes snapped open just a second before his body hit the floor.

He caught himself, hovering mere inches above the hardwood floor of Lois’s bedroom. Her deep, easy breathing continued on undisturbed and he let out a sigh of relief.

It had only been a dream.

Clark floated up and turned himself upright, looking over at Lois sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her face held a soft, warm glow from the small lamp that was illuminating the room against the dark night outside, and he couldn’t remember a time when she had looked more beautiful.

They had left the hospital hours ago. Lois had been discharged after a day and a half of monitoring, and her new doctor, Dr. Hendricks, had told Clark to keep a close eye on her and to call if he noticed anything unusual.

But so far Lois had just slept. That’s all she had done at the hospital, and then on the way home in the car. Clark had carried her up to her apartment and she had managed to shower and clean up before practically collapsing on her bed.

He longed to talk to her – to see what she remembered. She had looked so delicate and frail lying in that hospital bed. The images from his dream with the tubes and monitors – that part had been real enough.

Would the rest of it be real as well? Would she wake up, not remembering who he was? The thought made Clark’s blood run cold. He had told her that he loved her and wanted to be with her even if her memories never came back, and that was true. But what if she didn’t even remember him? What then?

He knew the answer. He would just have to earn her trust again. There was no other option. He would patiently stay by her side, allowing her to learn about him, about the life they’d had, gaining her trust... until she realized what he already knew.

That he couldn’t live without her.

Clark walked over to her and reached out with his hand to brush a few loose hairs from her forehead. “Oh, Lois,” he whispered. “I almost lost you. What would I have done...?” He broke off, unable and unwilling to complete that thought. The words echoed eerily through his mind as he realized he had said something similar only a week ago. He had been afraid that he’d lost her once before, when he had seen her lying so still after the explosion at Bob Fences laboratory.

She had been okay, that time. But then he’d almost lost her again for a completely different reason - because of his own thick-headedness and stupidity. Clark leaned down and pressed his lips lightly to her forehead.

Lois’s eyelids fluttered open at the contact. “Clark? What happened? Where are we?” she whispered hoarsely, glancing around the room.

Hope swelled in his heart. She remembered him. It was a start. “It’s okay, honey,” he offered the endearment hesitantly. He let out a sigh of relief when he didn’t see a shred of shock in her face. “Everything’s all right.” He wasn’t sure if he was trying to assure her or himself. “You’re safe now, back in your own bed.”

She moaned quietly. “I’ve certainly felt better...”

Clark smiled softly at her. “I know. I’m sorry. Knox electrocuted you, more than once.” He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “The doctor said it was probably going to take a few days before you were back up to speed.”

Lois nodded at him and glanced down at her left hand. Her eyes widened and she looked back up at him in panic. “Clark! My ring! My ring is gone!” Where had she lost it? She remembered having it on when she was with Knox - when her memory had come back to her. What could have happened to it since then?

“Lois, it’s okay...”

“No, Clark. It’s not okay. I’ve lost it. Maybe it’s in my bed?” Lois started to peel her covers back to search for the ring. Maybe it had come off in her sleep?

“Lois,” Clark tried again, taking hold of her questing hands in his, “I’ve got your ring. I... had to take it off...”

“You had to take it off?” she interrupted him, ceasing in her search. “Why?” Then she frowned at him and began to shake her head. “No. Oh, no, you don’t, Clark Kent. I said ‘yes’ and I meant it. You are not taking it back because of some flimsy excuse like...”

Clark cut off her words with a kiss, slightly overwhelmed by the moment. This was his Lois. She was back. His legs felt a little weak and he sat down on the bed beside her before kissing her again. “Oh, Lois,” he murmured into her mouth as he slid his hand through her hair, cupping the back of her head and drawing her against him. “It’s really you, isn’t it? You’re back.”

She pulled away from him and gave him a watery smile before nodding at him. “Yeah. I remember everything.”


She raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes, *everything*, but especially that proposal...” she snuggled against him, “and my ring. Why did you take it off?”

“The hospital had to remove your jewelry for some of the scans they needed to do. If you’ll notice, your earrings are missing too.”

Lois leaned away and reached up to feel one of her ears. Yep, they were gone too. She smiled timidly at him. “Oh.” And then she watched with her breath held tightly in her chest as Clark reached into his pocket and withdrew the precious possession between two fingers. Even in the relative darkness of the room, the ring still managed to glimmer.

Her eyes threatened to cloud up when he took her left hand in his.

“Lois Lane, will you marry me?” The anxious expectation in his face made her smile. He was such a... farm boy, sometimes. The world didn’t know it, but it needed Clark Kent as much as it had ever needed Superman. She knew she did.

“Yes. I haven’t changed my mind. I will marry you Clark... you. All of you.”

Clark closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh before sliding the ring onto her finger. He would never let her go again. He watched as Lois looked down at the ring. She twisted it slightly, straightening it, and he felt a little light-headed when she smiled and reached out for him. He leaned into her waiting arms and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Lois, I’m so sorry...”

She interrupted him, pressing her lips to his mouth in a soft kiss. “No. No more apologies,” she murmured against his lips. “We’ve spent too much time lately in apologies. This wasn’t your fault and it had nothing to do with Superman. So don’t even think of bringing that up again.”

He shook his head. “No. You’re right. When I finally came to my senses, I realized that you are perfectly capable of getting into trouble all on your own,” he teased.

She laughed and smacked him lightly. “Watch it.”

He grinned at her. “That’s when I realized it was much more dangerous for me to stay away from you.”

“Yes,” she said quietly, looking at him through veiled lashes, “I *need* Superman.”

The hazy desire he saw in her eyes sent all the blood in his body rushing south. “And Superman needs you.” He leaned in to brush his lips against hers, cupping the side of her face in his hand, before taking her top lip in his mouth and gently tasting it.

He felt her tremble softly just a moment before her tongue slipped inside his mouth. He moaned and felt her smile as she deepened the kiss. Clark kissed her hungrily in return.

She was here, she was safe, and she was going to be his wife.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” he murmured quietly. “Is there anything you need?” The look she gave him in response stole his breath and his face flushed.

“Mmm. I can think of one or two things...” She grinned mischievously. “But, yes, actually, I could use a glass of water. My mouth and throat feel like I’ve been drinking sand.”

“Is that *all* you want?” Clark smiled suggestively at her before getting up from the bed.

It was her turn to blush. “Umm, why don’t we discuss the rest of my *demands* when you get back?”

Clark felt his heart rate jump in response to her insinuation and he sprinted out of her bedroom, headed for her kitchen.

“Oh, and Clark?” he heard her shout from the bedroom. “See if I have any ice cream in the freezer, please?”

He smiled to himself. She had to be feeling better if she was ready for some ice cream. Clark grabbed a glass and opened her refrigerator, pulling out her bottled water. He then opened her freezer to get some ice and see if she had any ice cream – preferably chocolate.

Nope, no chocolate, but she had some rocky road. A minute later he had her water and two bowls of ice cream. He carried them at normal speed to her bedroom so he didn’t spill anything.

He was surprised to find her asleep again when he walked in. He had only been gone a couple of minutes. Setting the bowls and glass down quietly so he didn’t disturb her, he walked over and kissed her softly. “G’night, sweetheart,” he whispered.

“Mmmm,” she murmured sleepily. Her arms came out from her blanket and tugged on him. “Come to bed, Clark.”

He sucked in a shaky breath at her words. How he had longed for the day that he would hear her say those words to him. He floated into bed, coming to rest behind her body. Draping one arm around her, he pulled her snugly against him and she let out a contented sigh.

Clark had wanted nothing more than to fall asleep with her in his arms last night and that was precisely what he planned to do tonight.


Lois woke up when she heard voices. She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was in her apartment, in her own bed.

Her eyes caught sight of two bowls on her nightstand. She rose up and peered inside them – melted ice cream. And then it came back to her.

Clark had slept with her last night.

She remembered waking up scared a couple of times during the night. But then she had felt the solid warmth of his body against hers and the weight of his arm wrapped around her.

She had never felt so safe... so loved.

A smile touched her lips as she thought about the fact that very soon she would have that same feeling every night. She had actually wondered how she would adjust to sleeping with someone in the same bed. Now she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to sleep alone again.

Lois shuddered when she thought about how long it had taken them to get to this place, and how long her mother would probably try to drag out their engagement. That thought in itself was enough to send her into an almost panic attack.

She wondered how Clark felt about eloping?

Where was Clark?

There was soft laughing coming from her living room. One laugh was clearly distinguishable as Clark’s and it made her smile. But she thought she recognized the other voice too.

Climbing quietly out of bed, she padded silently to her bedroom door and peeked out.

It was Dan! He was standing just inside her front door, talking to Clark. A smile tugged at her lips. Clark was still in his cotton pajama pants and shirt from last night. And he had never looked better.

Lois craned her neck to hear what they were saying.

“You better be careful or they’ll end up putting you on desk duty at work,” Clark was telling him with a broad grin.

“Don’t make me hurt you, Kent. I’d hate to have to explain to my sergeant why I saved your life only to beat you up later with my one good arm.” Dan took a half-hearted swing at Clark and grinned. His other arm was bandaged up at the shoulder. The only reason Lois could tell was because Dan had another one of those god-awful Hawaiian shirts on that he was so fond of. This one was even more hideous than usual – bright orange with big blue flowers. Blue flowers? Since when? The shirt had short sleeves and she could see the bandages peeking out from under the sleeve. His arm was held tightly against his body in a sling.

“Hey, don’t injure me,” Clark protested. “I still have a patient to look after.”

The teasing grin left Dan’s face and he turned a little solemn. “How is Lois, anyway?”

“I think she’s better. She’s pretty much slept the whole time.” Clark let out a quiet sigh. “But she was awake long enough last night to tell me that she had her memory back.”

Dan nodded softly. “You take good care of her, Kent. I mean it. Or I *will* have to come back and hurt you. You’ve got a real special lady.”

“Yeah. I know.”

Clark’s expression threatened to make Lois teary-eyed. She felt ridiculous standing there listening in on their conversation, but she was too engrossed to stop.

Dan straightened up, looking a little uncomfortable with all the sentiment. “When she wakes up tell her that I came by, will you?”

Lois couldn’t let him leave without saying goodbye. “Why don’t you tell her yourself?” she said a little loudly and walked out of her bedroom.

“Lois!” Dan exclaimed, meeting her halfway. She was a little surprised when he embraced her with his one good arm and gave her a tender hug. “How are you feeling?”

“Me? Not bad. Obviously better than you.” She eyed his shoulder. How had that happened?

“This? Nah, just a flesh wound.” He flashed a smile at her. She realized that while she and Dan would have never made a very good match – whether she was involved with Clark or not – the man did have a killer smile. It was infectious and she found herself smiling back at him.

“Sure.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “Were you really going to leave without telling me goodbye? In person?”

Dan shuffled his feet and looked away. “Yeah, well, I had to get back down to the precinct. Henderson needed some more information from me, and Dr. Klein...”

“Oh, my god,” Lois interrupted. “Dr. Klein!” She looked over at Clark. “Clark, he’s innocent. Knox admitted that Dr. Peterson was drugging Dr. Klein too. And his assistant, umm... Mandy? They were using her to...” She broke off when she noticed that both men were nodding their heads at her. “You already know?”

“Yeah,” Dan told her. “Mandy called Inspector Henderson yesterday from her parent’s house where she was hiding out and confessed. Told him that Knox had threatened to kill her family if she hadn’t agreed to cooperate. Apparently she had lifted a sample of the Nirvana drug from the vault and slipped it in Dr. Klein’s coffee. But that appears to be the extent of her involvement. Poor girl seems crushed by what happened to Dr. Klein.”

Lois frowned. Part of her wanted to be upset with the girl, but Mandy had only done what she did to protect her family. “But she turned herself in, right? That’s got to count for something, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, that, plus Kent’s testimony, and yours, and the fact that Dr. Klein doesn’t want to press charges...” he shrugged, “She’ll still be charged, but that will definitely weigh in her favor.”

Lois nodded at him and caught Clark out of the corner of her eye. He had this smile on his face - a smile of complete contentment. Lois smiled shyly back at him and moved past Dan to give him a quick hug. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” He squeezed her back gently.

“Uh, yeah,” Dan said, looking uncomfortable. “Well, anyway, now that Knox is dead, Mandy felt comfortable enough to come forward. She’s coming back to Metropolis today to turn herself in.”

Lois felt her mouth drop open. “Hold on. Knox is dead?”

Dan nodded softly at her. “Yeah. But that’s a story I’ll let Kent tell. I’ve really got to be getting down to the precinct. I’ll call and check on you before I leave town.”

“You’re leaving?” Lois asked and then realized how dumb the question sounded.

Dan cleared his throat a little, “Yeah. I was only here to testify at the Knox trial... and... and there isn’t really anything to keep me here.” He looked away from her, letting his gaze drop to the floor. “Anyway, I’m gonna hook up with my new partner in Philadelphia. She’s already started our investigation of a large pharmaceutical company there.”

Lois felt the color deepen in her cheeks. Dan really was a nice guy. “Dan, for what it’s worth... I’m sorry for leading you on. I wasn’t really quite... myself.” She paused for a second and realized what he had just said. She looked at him mischievously. “She?”

He smiled at her. “Yeah, Christine. It should be interesting. I think she could even give *you* a run for your money. I hope I can keep up.”

“Hah.” Lois laughed. “Don’t bet on it.”

Dan smiled again and walked towards her front door. He stopped just long enough to give Lois a quick hug. Clark’s hand came out to stop Dan from walking away and the two men shook hands.

“Thanks, Dan.” There was an intensity in Clark’s face that caught Lois off guard. What had happened between the two of them to bring about such a radical change?

“You’re welcome. Bye you two. And try to stay out of trouble... although that might be asking too much of Lois.” Dan smiled.

“Hey!” Lois cried in mock protest.

Dan simply smiled again. “Oh, and Lois, Inspector Henderson wants to get a statement from you as soon as you’re feeling up to it.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I need to talk to him about Mindy Church too.”

Dan raised his eyebrows. “Mindy? Bill Sr.’s wife? Why?”

“Because I think she’s the one running Intergang now that her husband and Bill Jr. are in prison. I couldn’t ever get Knox to actually admit it but he kept referring to his boss as a woman. It has to be her.” She sighed. “But Dr. Peterson is dead and if Knox is dead too, then it looks like we might have a hard time proving it. I’m sure she’s destroyed every paper file and wiped every computer file related to Nirvana by now.”

Dan nodded. “Yeah, but if anyone can do it, you two can.” He opened the door and hesitated just a second before continuing, “Listen, you guys be careful and call if you need anything.” He pointed at Clark. “Take care of her.”

Clark nodded and something unspoken seemed to pass between the two men.

“I’ll see ya around,” Dan said, stepping out into the hallway.

“Bye, Dan.” Lois and Clark said together.

When the door closed, Lois turned an appraising gaze on Clark. “That sure was an about face. I would almost think the two of you were friends.” She smirked.

“Dan’s not such a bad guy.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “Really...”

Clark took her hand in his and led her over to her loveseat. At his urging she sat down with him. “He... He saved my life. Maybe not in the way he thinks he did, but he saved it nonetheless.”


“It’s hard to believe, it all happened so fast. Knox shocked you and was about to pull the trigger to shoot me. But then Dan came busting through the doors. Knox shot Dan in the shoulder but Dan shot him in the head. That’s how Knox died. And that’s how Dan saved me. He risked his life for both of us that day.”

Clark was quiet for a few seconds before continuing, “Dan was released from the hospital just a few hours before you. He lost some blood but the bullet passed through cleanly. So there wasn’t any infection to deal with.” He smiled softly at her and reached down with one hand to squeeze her leg. “After that, I didn’t see how I could be mad at him.” Clark knew what he owed Dan and he knew just what Dan had lost to him. He gave Lois’s leg another squeeze.

“Mmm. I see. And what about me?” She ran her hand up his leg and took her turn giving him a squeeze.

Clark shivered. “What about you?”

“What are you going to do if I’m still mad at you?”

“Are you?” Clark felt his palms start to sweat. He hadn’t even considered the possibility. He probably should have, but after everything...

“No.” Lois laid her hand against the side of his face and felt of it tenderly. “I’m not mad. I remember what I learned about you and your fears of losing me... and that you realized that being together means making decisions together. I remember how hard we worked to get here. In fact...”

She stood up from the loveseat and urged him to do this same. He stood up questioningly and then moved out of the way at her insistence. Lois lifted up on the cushion of her loveseat and withdrew a familiar burgundy journal.

“Would you do me a favor?” she asked earnestly.

“Anything,” he promised.

“Burn this.”

He furrowed his brow. “Burn it? But it has all of your memories and the things you had written down the past week.”

She nodded. “I know. But I have those memories now, Clark. And that’s all they are now, just memories. They’ve already begun to fade. If I ever read this journal again, it will just bring everything back to stark reality. I have no reason to keep it. Plus, it has information in it about you that could be dangerous if it got out. Burn it.”

She handed the book over to him and Clark carried it into the kitchen and set it in her kitchen sink, lowering his glasses to turn his heat vision on it.

“No wait!” she exclaimed.

Clark jumped and jerked his glasses back up. “What?”

Lois ran over and picked up her memory box from where it still sat on her floor. She rifled through it until she found what she was looking for. She brought it over and handed it to him.

Clark looked down at the envelope in her hands - ‘Tax Info 1995’.

“This too,” she instructed.

He raised his eyebrows at her. “Umm, Lois, I don’t...”

“Trust me, Clark, just do it.”

He laid the papers down in the sink with the journal and tugged his glasses down once more. A couple of quick blasts of heat vision and the paper was burning. He reached over and opened her kitchen window before giving the pile a couple more bursts for good measure.

And then it was gone. Nothing but a pile of light-colored ashes remained.

Lois breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. She walked up behind Clark and wrapped her arms around his waist, smoothing her hands up and across his chest. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” The hair on Clark’s neck stood up when she brought one hand up to tug at the neckline of the cotton shirt he was wearing. She went up on tiptoe and placed a soft kiss at the base of his neck. She pulled the shirt a little lower and trailed a couple more kisses down. Her lips were so soft and tender that Clark grabbed hold of the counter to steady himself. He wondered if he would ever get used to the feel of her lips on his skin.

He turned to face her, capturing her in his arms. A small yawn escaped from her lips and she gave him a timid smile. “Sorry. Guess I’m still recuperating.”

“Maybe you should go back to bed.”

She shook her head softly and laid it against him, snuggling into the bend of his neck. She inhaled his masculine scent combined with traces of fabric softener from his shirt. “No. I’m not ready to give this up yet. The feel of your arms around me, the warmth of your body against mine.”

Clark scooped her up in his arms and she let out a little gasp. “You don’t have to,” he murmured. “I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.”

Lois ran her fingers softly across his chest, smoothing out a wrinkle in his t-shirt, and looked up at him. “What about after I fall asleep? Will you hold me then too?”

Clark gave her a tender squeeze and she laid her head back against his shoulder. “You’ll be lucky if I ever let you go again.” He carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently down on the bed. She covered her mouth trying to conceal another yawn. Clark smiled warmly at her and pulled the covers back on her bed, sliding in beside her. He wrapped one arm around her to hold her loosely in an embrace.

Lois shivered a little at the solid feel of his body against hers and tears threatened her eyes at the rightness of it. “I love you,” she whispered.

Clark tightened his arms around her and nuzzled her ear. “I love you too, honey.”

Honey. The word thrilled her in a way she had never imagined and a smile spread across her lips. “Will you be here when I wake up?”

“If I’m not, I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise.”

She knew he would and she closed her eyes to fall asleep in his arms.


The End

AUTHORS NOTES (from Sue and DJ):

I'll go first - age before beauty. <g> Four months ago DJ came up with this awesome idea for a fic. I was so insanely jealous that I hadn't thought of it that I immediately began a campaign to flatter, charm and finagle her into "co-writing" it with me. And she fell for it! So DJ would write, write, write her guts out. Then I would read it and be the world's most intrusive beta and just flat-out make changes instead of suggestions. She would go over the part again and send it back to me. I might tweak a word or two and then - voila! - she would post and the accolades just rolled in. I had several pangs of conscience that people were lumping me in with her since she really did all the heavy lifting on this one.

I'm deeply grateful to DJ for letting me ride shotgun. It was a blast and I'm afraid she's going to wish she'd never done it the next time she sends me something to beta and I just go to town on it.

Thanks DJ - for the laughs, the fun, the bomp-chicka, and (above all) for putting up with me sharing a corner of a spotlight that should have been yours alone.


Now DJ. Where do I begin? Okay, the thank yous. My first thank you has to go to Sue. Sue, I honestly am at a loss for words for how to properly thank you for your help on this story and for co-writing it with me. I have learned so much over the past (checks calendar) four months writing this with you. Wow! Has it really been over four months? <checks calendar again> Yep. I posted the first part of this story on November 30, 2006 and here it is April 13, 2007. Wow.

Anyway, I’m getting off track. <g> Sue you were a wonderful inspiration. I know you keep trying to convince everyone that this was my story and I was the one writing it, and blah blah blah... But they didn’t get to see all the spitballing sessions you had with me. How you gave my muse just the right nudge sometimes. Or how you would write something and send it to me and it would be absolutely perfect for the scene we were working on. Not to mention all the little “one word” corrections you obsessed over – to get it “just right”. <hugs> This story would not have been what it was if I had written it on my own – certainly not as in-depth and multi-faceted (at least as I hope it was).

<DJ bows and scrapes>

So thank *you*. Thanks for everything – especially for all I’ve learned from you. <sniffle>

And to all of you readers out there – thank you so much for going on this four-month-long journey with us. Encouraging us with all your funny little comments – not to mention your threats about how you expected the story to proceed and end. <g> I truly hope you had as much fun reading it as we had writing it. FDK truly is the drug of choice for the writers on this fandom – without it our muses would just dry up and wither away. <g> So thank you for keeping Babbles so fat and happy – she sends her regards.

I also want to thank Nancy for allowing me to PM her a few times about medical questions and such – she is always so willing to help a girl out. <g>

In case any of you want to see where any of my research came from (yes, I did try to do some homework to make this story believable) you can check out the links I’ve posted below. They contain information on neurobiology, amnesia, and also Project MKULTRA that I mentioned a couple of times. The information was all obtained from Wikipedia – so take that into account when considering the validity of the information.

And now, though I do have some other stories in the works, I believe I am going to take a nice long break (Babbles is already breaking out the martinis <g>). Thanks again everyone for a wonderful four months.

-- DJ

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