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Amazing, Tank. I stand in awe of your ability to lay out a situation so completely.

Btw, great job on the Super Who as well.
I agree with Woody, that's quite a scenerio for poor Wendy! Though I suppose hers for you wasn't too nice either... anyway... wow. I can't wait to see where this goes.

Woo-hoo! Happy Dance happening here! dance Wendy is going to have such a good time with this one...I love these Tank and Wendy fics!

Tank, you are evil. You are sooooo evil. I love your evilness. I love this setup. I really, really want to know what the heck is going on. Are we in an alt-verse here? How can there be a dead Clark and a live Superman? Argh!!

Hurry up, Wendy!

Is it live, or is it Memorex?

Wow, if this isn't another challenge fic from the DVD, then it's a new Tank/Wendy challenge. hyper
Why would Clark be pretending to be dead? He'd had to fake his own death before, but why didn't she know about it? Why hadn't he discussed it with her? And why was he acting so strangely? Was someone watching her?
Ooo, Tank are you giving Wendy hints as to how to solve this one, or are you making the challenge harder by forcing her to pick another solution?

It would make sense that she'd think about their past experiences with Dillinger or with Jason Mazik as an explanation, but it seems to me like there is an alt-Clark involved.
Her mind was in turmoil. If Superman was standing out there, then how could Clark be in the coffin pretending to be dead? It didn't make any sense. She turned back to the figure of her husband lying so still in the pillowed silk. If the person in the coffin wasn't Superman pretending to have died, then it was someone who was actually dead... but who? It couldn't be...

Her hands began to shake. "No." Her voice cracked. "No, no, no." Her head shook slowly back in forth in denial. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she slipped to her knees in front of the casket. "No!"

Please, please come and fix the toys soon, Wendy.
ACK! Wendy, post your solution to the hideous set up quickly, please!

Lisa (who is kinda confused about how Clark could be dead - for real - while Superman is alive. Unless it's not really Superman.)
Well, Tank...you've certainly got me on edge!

Sheila (who cannot seem to figure anything from this scenario).
And she didn't even get a haircut! Well, I'll wait for Wendy's response. Laura
Wow! I'm completely stumped on this one...don't have a clue what's going on or what Wendy might be able to come up with.

Should be fun finding out!
Man, you guys truly give each other some evil challenges! I can't wait to see how Wendy wrote her way out of this one...

Wow, what a set-up for Wendy!

Call me ungrateful or something, but I can't believe that Clark is really dead. There are so few Clark deathfics posted on these boards, and I just can't believe that this is one of those rarities! (On the other hand... Tank, in fact, has written one of the very few Clark deathfics that I can remember. Oh, well... Wendy is going to finish this story, and I just can't believe that she is going to leave poor Clark dead! smile )

Of course, it does seem to me that Lois has been transported to another universe or something. Could there be a universe where Clark and Superman are really two different persons, and Clark is just an ordinary man? In that case Clark could indeed be dead. I doubt that such a situation would satisfy Wendy, so she has her work cut out for her!

By the way, Tank, I so often love your writing. Just think of this little snippet:

Often it was only Clark's special abilities which allowed them to make it to work on time, as they found waking up and getting out of bed didn't always follow one another in quick succession.
Adorable, Tank!! smile1

Okay, now it's up to Wendy to make sure that Lois and Clark can have many more delightfully almost-late-for-work mornings in the future! thumbsup

Aha, I see you're all as intrigued by this evil, evil scenario as I was when it came my way about 16 months ago. devil I'll try to post the second part later tonight!

Wendy smile
Thanks to all the gentle readers who enjoyed this little set-up.

Yes, this was the other DVD challenge fic. We each took a set-up and a resolution.

I, long ago, gave up trying to stump Wendy, it's just not possible. Instead I've taken to giving her some stuff she can have fun with. And believe me, she had some fun with this one. (At least that's what it looked like when I read her resolution.)

These have always been fun for Wendy and I, and we've written quite a few of them. Hope you all enjoy the resolution to this one.

Tank (who points out that he didn't have to cut Lois' hair because this was married Lois who already has short hair)
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