Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 06:25 PM
This was a fundraiser fic, but now it's a birthday fic -- happy birthday LCFICMBS!

These boards first officially opened on April 9th, 2003. Hard to believe it's been four years dizzy

And how do I remember that date? Well... <scuffing toe on rug> y'see, it's my twin's birthday, too wink Happy birthday Rivka!

I posted a little early, but I'm hoping to get lots of yummy feedback all day tomorrow. laugh

And, um, I sure hope you enjoyed the story!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 07:42 PM
Something like this only goes to show how Clark managed to do things the hard way with all kinds of complications thrown in for good measure.

Very waffy, Pam. Clark is his usual self(and lunkheaded doesn't even describe it, considering that he was going to tell her and then did an about face guaranteed to get him in trouble with her later for more mishandling of the truth) and Lois is being Lois at her best.

Posted By: mmouse Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 08:02 PM
Oh, Pam! I love it! What a much better way to start ATAI, with Clark not being a lunkhead and Lois being, well, investigative! I really like this WAFFY sweet story.

"We can discredit anything he's got," she replied confidently. "Trust me, the idea that Superman is really a regular guy with a job is ridiculous. No one will believe it." Her voice turned heavily ironic. "Ask me how I know."
I really liked that line. It really captures the essence of Lois at that time.

She sighed. "Will you forgive me? Clark... it's taken us a long time to get here, and we both did stupid things along the way." She reached out to capture his hand, staring into his eyes. "All I really want to do now is get to know you again."

"Lois, you know me better than *anyone*."

She shook her head. "No, I don't know you at all, Clark. I mean, I know you as Clark, and I know you as Superman, but I need some time to, well, mesh the two together in my mind. Sort out what lies you've told me, and find out things you've hidden."

He flushed. "Lois, that was only--"

"I know, Clark." She squeezed his hand. "I know it was necessary to keep your secret. I really do understand that. And in the end, you did tell me. Sort of. But my point is... I don't really know you as well as I thought I did, and that's what I want to do -- spend time with the real you -- an ordinary guy who just happens to have superpowers."
And this captures the essence of Clark, a really ordinary guy with extraordinary abilities.

Very nice, Pam! Thank you!

Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 08:26 PM
Aww, very sweet! I always wanted her to find out right then.

Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 09:09 PM
Oh Pam! That was so cute!

"I know. And, well... I don't want to say yet that I love you. But..." Her smile turned more intimate. "I loved Superman, and I love Clark, so I'd say the odds are pretty good that I will love Clark-as-Superman."
That line... I really, really liked it. Especially the bit with the verb tenses. I think Lois just made Clark's wildest dreams come true with that tiny little "ed" on the end of love in the part with Superman! Perfect scene to put in ATAI. Wish they had done that themselves, though I suppose that might have ruined the plotline a bit... :p

Laura smile1
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 09:31 PM
These boards first officially opened on April 9th, 2003. Hard to believe it's been four years [Dizzy]
Are you serious. goofy This is officially the second-longest activity in which I've ever participated.

Anyway, great twist having Lois hear all of Clark's practice speeches!

Have a happy birthday! laugh
Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/08/07 10:03 PM
Aww! That was such a sweet revelation story! I really liked it!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 12:38 AM
So sweet, Pam. And so Clark! That scene when he's confessing to the photograph is great. Perfect idea to have Lois hear him!

But then Clark, the lunkhead - the super duper lunkhead - starts confessing for real, but then he backtracks and comes up with one more of his idiotic excuses!!!

But like Nan said, this story really showed us Lois at her best. These are some of my favoirte quotes from this fic:

"All I really want to do now is get to know you again."

"Lois, you know me better than *anyone*."

She shook her head. "No, I don't know you at all, Clark. I mean, I know you as Clark, and I know you as Superman, but I need some time to, well, mesh the two together in my mind. Sort out what lies you've told me, and find out things you've hidden."
That's telling him, Lois!

He laughed, and for the second time today said, "I love you."

"I know. And, well... I don't want to say yet that I love you. But..." Her smile turned more intimate. "I loved Superman, and I love Clark, so I'd say the odds are pretty good that I will love Clark-as-Superman."
Aaaaawww!!! sloppy

He leaned forward and kissed her -- a kiss full of promises. She put her hands on his chest and kissed him back.

When he pulled away, she had a dreamy smile. After a moment, though, she glanced at her watch. "But before we can do more of that--"

"We've got work to do. Right."

"Don't worry, Clark. We'll get him." She buttoned up her jacket and headed for the door.

He held it open for her. "With you on the case, I haven't got the slightest doubt of that."
Oh, so adorably Lois!!!

Great fic, Pam!

Posted By: princessanna Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 02:05 AM
I loved this story. Short, succinct - able to be read in one sitting.

But that's not really why I loved it. I loved the way Lois' personality really came out, even when she was a little angry at Clark.

She seated herself on the couch.

Clark pivoted to follow her. "Lois, maybe you'd better, ah... sit down."

"Oh, yeah," she commented sardonically. How cliche can you get, Clark? "This is good news."
I also liked this bit:
And it looked like he was about to confess; that would start to make up for some of his more boneheaded moments.
The word 'boneheaded' especially. So Clark. So classic smile

Well done! I always like reading your stuff, Pam. laugh

I also liked the trailer for this one!

Posted By: The Little Tornado Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 06:35 AM
Happy Birthday to the boards! Just popped in to say I love this story and I will be back later with more detailed FDK!

The Little Tornado.
Posted By: beethoven Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 07:08 AM
OH yes, great.... purrrrrffeeecccttt

needs a sequel if you ask me...
just calms all of my anxt from that ep/
Posted By: beethoven Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 07:09 AM
Hey, and i just realised its my birthday too
(well in that i've been a member for 1 year, my real birthday is in november)
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 07:12 AM
Oooh! Pam!

<DJ tries to recover from waffy pool on the floor>

That was a lovely episode rewrite. Seriously, wonderful. Mmmmm! And everyone's mentioned it already, but I loved those verb tenses too. How nice that she lov'ed' Superman but she loves Clark. <g>

I hope I remembered to comment on this story in the DVD thread last spring - if I didn't, I apologize. I was still sort of a newbie. blush But I did read it way back then, and I just re-read it now... and loved it both times. <g>

-- DJ
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/09/07 09:03 PM
NIce! Much better then the original. I even really like this Lois too! Laura
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/15/07 02:21 PM
awww! that was excellent. smile Absolutely loved it!!
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/16/07 04:32 AM
Yeah I LOVED it too!!!!!!!!
Really great story.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/16/07 03:07 PM
Eep... I was so busy enjoying these comments I think I forgot to thank you for them! blush

Well, plus I was busy with *tons* of real-life stuff last week. Between me and my kids we've had 3 birthdays in the last ten days, so we've had various celebrations -- plus I got a job! smile I've been doing the job for eight months already, but only as a temp; as of today, I'm an official permanent employee. Yay, me! It's the first full-time permanent job I've had since 1997. So, anyway...

Thanks, Nan -- yes, that was certainly not one of Clark's brighter moments. It was fun writing Lois's internal reactions to "Waldo" & the rest. I wanted to reproduce the scene from the show but with a very new viewpoint, so it was fun describing their words & actions.

Mmouse, I'm glad you think I captured their personalities. That's the goal, but sometimes it's hard to know if I've gotten close enough.

Jackie, yeah, that was such a fun scene and she was *so* close to overhearing it...

Thanks for liking the verb tenses, Laura smile That's one of my favorite lines, too, I confess.

Yes, Jen, it's been four years. And I had a lovely birthday, thanks smile

Glad you liked it, symbolic!

You always leave lovely feedback, Ann -- thanks! And I do like writing "Lois rescues Clark" types of stories.

Anna, thanks for mentioning the trailer. I was terribly insecure about it.

Glad you liked it, Little Tornado, Beethovan, DJ (DJ, I can't remember if you gave feedback before, but regardless, I appreciate you giving some now smile ), Laura, Lara & Another Folc smile You guys are good for my ego.

Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/16/07 04:48 PM
So sweet, Pam! smile
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/17/07 10:45 PM
well Pam, you deserved it!! wink
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Breakfast at Callards - 04/22/07 07:32 PM
Nice one, Pammy. And how devilish you are to say, "It's my twin's birthday."

I imagine Lois would be much more forgiving if she knew that Clark intended to tell her.

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