Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/05/07 12:55 PM
Well, here's the next part. I look forward to getting your comments on this part.

Oh, and I hope you enjoyed your little teaser into part five laugh

ML wave
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/05/07 02:33 PM
LANA LANG!!!???!??!?!?


I love that our lois and clark are together but forgot all about her. how are they going to fix it if she catches them? Or it could be one of those soap opera edits where you THINK your husband heard you tell your coconspiritor about killing his brother but he really didn't.

More please smile .
Oh dear.

This part was excellent!!! Uh---I mean, awful. Way too short. How are we supposed to follow anything unless we have lots more to work with? wink

seriously, though, this is great stuff.

“Ten, nine, eight,” Lois began. “Seven, six, five...”
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! They're togeather!!!! smile1
OOOOOOOO!!!!! Lana's there! jawdrop Watch out Clark!!

More Please!!!!!

Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/05/07 06:36 PM
Love the HOL scene. Lois makes some darned good points.

And yay! Clark managed to come to his senses! That was a close call. Who knows what color the walls would have been if he'd messed that up...

But... hmm... we have some new information. Up until now, they haven't gone back more than a couple of years. Now, though, they've gone back considerably further... and they're in their teenaged bodies. Which means that it's their souls moving through time rather than their physical bodies.

Which provides a possible explanation for everything. HG Wells and the Soul Tracker. He's been following their souls. Poking at them with his little gizmo. Even took them for a few rides. In point of fact, at the beginning of the story, they've only just gotten back from a series of trips using the Soul Tracer.

All of that could have disassociated their souls in time. Weakened the... connection... whatever it is... that holds their souls to the present. And so they're adrift in time. And, being adrift, they're naturally drawn to key moments in their personal histories.


Except that doesn't quite explain what they're doing here, since I don't think either of them knew the other was so close at the time of the camping trip. (And I'm not sure how that happened in the first place, but coincidences do tend to crop up around those two.) Or maybe their souls did know, did somehow sense the physical proximity through their soulmates bond.

Or I could be wrong about the whole theory. That's always possible. (Dammit, where's Sam Beckett when you need him?)

Anyway... They're there. Then. Whatever. And Lana is in the way. Extricating themselves from that without significantly altering history could be difficult. Or maybe not. They seem to have managed fairly well so far. A few bumps, but things still working out. History adjusting itself or whatever. Paint not withstanding.

Well, whatever the case, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Very interesting story you've got here, ML!

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/05/07 07:09 PM
Nice! More soon. Laura
Just thinking, wouldn't their changing past experiences change their other past experiences? Or is their personal history unaffected for the same reasons the changes to Utopia have been minor at worst?

Okay, so this is definitely soul-surfing.

So far, Clark has gone from
Pilot -> PML -> (Pre-Lnc)Camp

And Lois has gone from
Mayson's Reign of Evil Terror! -> HOL -> (Pre-LnC)Camp

So, only Lois has gone steadily backwards thus far, IIRC.

My theory: The Soul-Tracer is under HG Wells' couch cushions. Every time he (or a fat visitor) sits down, Lois and Clark travel.


The soul-tracer was stolen by Mr. Wells' kleptomaniac downstairs neighbor, who thought it was a calculator and is now doing his taxes, causing LnC's souls to migrate and Mork to devolve into a chicken.

Posted By: MLT Re: FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/06/07 06:18 AM
You know, guys, I definitely think I must be posting too much. The reason I think this is because last night I had a nightmare where I accidently posted my pg version in the nfic folder and my nfic version in the pg folder you guys were all mad at me laugh .

So... maybe I should cut back? What do you think? Just for the sake of my beauty sleep. I could always post once a week or something? wave
Posted By: C Noetal Re: FDK: The Destruction of Utopia - Part 4 - 04/06/07 10:28 PM
“Clark, what are you doing?” she asked, even as he wrapped the blanket he was now holding around her body.

“Surviving. I can’t do this, Lois. I love you too much to betray your trust like this,” he said, wishing with all his heart that it wasn’t the truth.
I love this. Nice recovery, Clark.
But just how out of it is Lois? Is she going to remember him telling her this?

You know, if they keep up this whole changing the past business, they are going to wipe out the universe with a horrible time paradox Back to the Future style.

Everyone waited, but as predicted, it wasn’t bad. And very quickly, it passed, leaving Utopia essentially in tact.
...But for the fact that Andrus's tunic has changed from solid blue to psychedelic plaid... wink

She hadn’t owned a denim shirt since she was fifteen.

Just how does Clark plan to explain this?
"It's okay, Lana. I know we're dating, but I'm not cheating on you, because that's my wife who I just married two weeks ago in the future." Yeah, that'll go over well.

Great part, ML!

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