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Well, we’re certainly off to a cheerful start, are we not? dance
My goodness! 154 parts?! Better get some popcorn if this first chapter is anything to go on. Anyway, I'm hooked. Superman let Jimmy die? Lois LEFT him? Clark's divorced? Seems a little topsy turvey for Superman's world, lol can't wait to see what comes up next.
And don´t forget that Superman want´s to kill the Planet´s staff eek
Could the posting date possibly be relevant?
Could the posting date possibly be relevant?
Yup, I would say so.

Brilliant, Mary! I happen to love angst, and this little "teaser" packed a wallop. So if you want to write any of the 153 further chapters, feel free to post them!

Kathy laugh

Hey, this is pretty good, although judging by the posting date...
OMG! At the first moment, I thought this was serious! 154 parts? Not a bad April joke! rotflol
Yeah, nice start. You know we will take you seriously!!!!

wildguy Waiting for 153 more parts wildguy
April Fools. PS. Clark can't get drunk unless he is without Super powers! LOL. Laura

April fools, indeed! That was a good one!
OK, you had me going when I was reading the story--until Jimmy PROPOSED to Lois and then jummped and. . . well you know the rest. (I was even worried about Red K with Clark's attitude and getting drunk.)

Great April Fools joke!
Aww crap. Why is it that I totally just now saw that it was April Fools??!

Lol I feel stupid. And I need to go plot to trick my friends. OH jeez. *walks off shaking head*
Aw, there there, Laura. ^.^

Yep, this is an April Fools joke. laugh
Hope y'all had fun today! smile
Oh, I've been HAD! I didn't even realize it was April!

Wow, I didn't take the 154 parts seriously but I thought this was your attempt at writing a tank ending, since you've been having "trouble" writing humor recently.
Originally posted by Shadow:
Oh, I've been HAD! I didn't even realize it was April!

It's my oldest niece's birthday today, so I tend to notice.
154 parts... and Mary who is known for writing such lengthy fics, too.... thumbsup

A big man and a smaller man were in the top floor bar of the Metropolis Trade Center, sharing shots and arguing good-naturedly about - well, nature.

"Don' believe it," slurred the smaller man.

"Sure! I done it a buncha times!"

"Nah. The wind ain't gonna blow you back up here if you jump off the balcony. I seen than one on Myth Busters last month."

The tall man stumbled from his stool and pulled his companion to the edge of the balcony. "You shtay right here. Be right back."

Before the smaller man could grab his inebriated companion, the larger man jumped. He plummeted down to about the twenty-fourth floor before gently reversing direction and drifting back up to the balcony.

As he landed - on one knee and both hands - the tall man laughed. "Man, what a rush! Your turn!"

The smaller man, completely bald and sneering slightly through his alcohol-induced haze, nodded loosely. "Awright. You can do it, I can do it."

"Thass th' spirit! Just jump over right there."

The smaller man stepped over the rail and did a perfect swan dive - until he realized he wasn't slowing down. His pinwheeling scream cut off as he splattered against the sidewalk.

The tall man waddled back to the bar and shouted, "Gimme another bottle! I wanna celebrate!"

The bartender set the bottle on the bar and stepped back. "You know, you sure sure do make a mean drunk, Superman."
Hmm, have you been watching Losing Lois Lane ?
Toc: Bingo. wink

Terry: LOL!

Framework: Bwahaha.
Yeeeees! Deliciously deliciously eeeeeeeevil! Muahahahaahahahahahahaaaaaa....

Whaaaaat?? You mean... there aren't REALLY gonna be that many chapters??

*pouts* But.... Evil!
Oh dear....

I didn't notice the date at all. I seriously thought that while you weren't going to let it run to 154 parts that it was a story you were planning on continuing.


The Little Tornado.
late to the party... sorry. I barely noticed we'd gone from March to April. eeep! (I blame it on the perfect margarita... *lol*)

Most excellent for an April Fool's story. I would actually love to see some of the 153 other parts...

Hey... you guys have me doing 26 on mistaken identities of the bat-kind!! I can *totally* ask for 153 more of "depressed and drunk Superman". :p
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