Lois & Clark Forums

Great part! thumbsup Batman can help too?

"Mom," I say. "I'm only twelve. And you're my mother. And you're the best mother in the world. And I love you to bits and I can't live without you. But that's my father up there in space and he's dying right now and I'm the only one who can do anything to help him! I must help him!!!"

"You can't", Mom says. "I forbid you."
confused Which side of the family is that temper coming Lane or Kent?

I know Mom is a famous reporter, but there's no way she's making enough money to pay for all the property I keep destroying. Maybe Batman can fix this door, too, just like he fixed Sheriff Harris' cell?

I'll worry about that later, because now I'm outside. I can see some Metropolis skyline, so I know I'm more or less at home.
confused Did she destroy the door?

confused What about the security of Star Lab?

No matter. I fell. But I didn't hit the ground. I flew.

"I'm going out there on my own," I say to Mom. "If you don't let me have a space suit and a space ship I'll go there anyway."

"You're going to die if you try," Mom says quietly.

"Maybe," I tell her. "But maybe I'll survive if you'll let me have the suit and the ship."

Mom is just looking at me. Then something seems to, I don't know, leak out of her. She's looking smaller. Defeated somehow.

Then she straightens up and looks at Doctor Klein.

"How soon can you have the suit and the ship ready?"
eek How did Lois find her?

AHA! I was soooooooooooooooo right! Clara is going to save the day!!

Woo-hoo! Next post, please~!!!
Great part!

More feedback later.

I'm chatting simultaneously. It's not easy to read and chat, but giving proper fdk is near to impossible. Unless you type faster than a speeding bullet.
Oooh! A new part! *happy dance*

Only Dad may very well be dying of Kryptonite, so he could be a corpse when he arrives.
Nooo! Ann won't let that happen, will she? No.... She couldn't!

And worse - when his ship hits the Earth, he's gonna radiate us all with Earthite and take me and Mom and Grandpa and Grandma and Rick and Batman and the whole kit and caboodle of this planet with him into into kingdom come!
Aaaaaaaaah!!! Even worse!!!!

"Chances are that less than ten thousand people would perish," Doctor Klein continues.
Oh, well, of course, *that* makes it much better!! ...scientists!!!

"I have given the matter some thought," says Doctor Klein. "And I believe our best chance of bringing your father to the Earth and getting rid of the ship is to send you, Clara, out in space to deal with the ship and rescue your father."
Super Clara, to the rescue!! dance

I have to get up there! I have to! But can I survive if I do? Ah, who cares about that if I can't get up there in the first place? I have to learn to fly!!!!
Go Clara! You can do it! We know you can!

Great part, Ann! I can't wait to find out what happens next!! smile
Well, Ann, I'm just now realizing that you posted part 6. duh... Well, I'll read and post feedback a bit later.
Oh, how sweet. Clara wants to save her father. What will Clark say when he finds out that he has a daughter and that she saves his life?

Hurry back!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK:The Adventure of Clara Ellen Lane-Part 7 - 03/18/07 01:05 AM
Feedback! Yay!!! smile1

Let me just pop in here with a few replies, particularly to Maria's questions. As for what Batman can do to save the day... well, he may or may not be able to help Clara save her Dad and hurl the deadly ship into the Sun, but we haven't seen or heard the last of old Bats, I promise.

As for whether or not Clara destroyed the door, I'd say that yep, she pretty much totalled it. So what about Star Labs security? Uh... it wasn't designed to withstand the force of Clara when she's running straight into it at pretty much full speed? But this is one of those instances when I think Batman is going to prove very useful. If he can't repair the door, he will certainly pay for it.

And as for how Lois found Clara... well, she would have run after Clara as fast as she could, and while there is no way she could keep up with her daughter, the destruction of the door that Clara smashed through would be enough to tell Lois where Clara had exited the compound. As soon as Lois got out, I imagine she would have looked around and seen the tower and realized that Clara was climbing it. It wouldn't be very far off, and Lois would just run there.

As for what happened to Wayne Irig's globe, well, I'm pretty sure that Bruce Wayne bought it. But I'm afraid that Clark may have fainted up in his spaceship, so he may not be sending any messages through the globe at all, at least not right now.

And just a few more comments...

...yes, Chris, you were right! thumbsup

Hey, Mellie, I can just see you chatting and leaving fdk at the same time, and typing faster than a speeding bullet! rotflol

And Lara! Hi, Lara!
Only Dad may very well be dying of Kryptonite, so he could be a corpse when he arrives.

Nooo! Ann won't let that happen, will she? No.... She couldn't!
Well, I'll confess... if Clara brings Clark back to Earth and Doctor Klein has to declare him dead upon arrival, I will be so, so disappointed!

Hi Nancy! You'll leave more FDK? Yummy. Hmmm, I know, I really have to try to remember those blue arrows.... (Thanks for reminding me, Mellie!)

And Sheila...
What will Clark say when he finds out that he has a daughter and that she saves his life?
I sure hope he will be very grateful!

Thanks for the FDK, everybody!

ok time to get Clark before he dies
So, now to the *real* FDK. Chatting will have to wait. Until I'm done here, and with betaing, and maybe some writing. *sigh*

"No, the Earthite content of the ship isn't sufficient to kill off more than, at a stretch, a few million people," says Doctor Klein. Oh, thank goodness for small mercies, I suppose!
I love Clara's sarcasm. Very fitting!

"Chances are that less than ten thousand people would perish," Doctor Klein continues. "Since there are more than six billion human beings on the Earth, that means that most of humankind is certainly going to survive even in the event of a worst-case scenario. Still, such a situation would be very unsatisfactory."
Does that mean that the earthite will be used up when someone dies from it? confused

"Won't the Sun itself become poisoned by Earthite that way? So that it starts shining on us with Earthite light?"
Love that question! But wouldn't the sun be able to change it? It's a nuclear fusion reactor, so to speak...

"What? Sending Clara out in space? She is only twelve years old, Bernard - I forbid it!"
That qualifies for "Stupid Mom Lane". What is she thinking?

"What? Sending Clara out in space? She is only twelve years old, Bernard - I forbid it!"
She's pretty much like her mother, isn't she?

"You can't," Mom says again. "I know you can't fly."
I believe I can fly...

Maybe Batman can fix this door, too, just like he fixed Sheriff Harris' cell?
I doubt his anti-dent spray will work here.

I grab hold of the metal plating of the tower and dig my fingers into it, leaving holes.
More destroyed property... Lois should have raised her in Smallville!



Mom!!!! I didn't see her before! She scared me to death!!! I'm falling! Straight down on her!!!! I'm going to kill her!!!!

I plunge downward. Faster and faster. Mom's white face is rushing toward me. I'm going to flatten her face against the ground... I'm going to...

...I'm going to...

... fly?
This bit had me in stitches!

Mom doesn't seem to care. She's staring at me. Wow. I've never seen her face so white, or her eyes so big and black, for that matter.

"Clara... Clara, baby... you scared me to death...."
Well, not much more, and it would have been more than just a scare.

Mom is just looking at me. Then something seems to, I don't know, leak out of her. She's looking smaller. Defeated somehow.

Then she straightens up and looks at Doctor Klein.

"How soon can you have the suit and the ship ready?"
Now, the last sentence sure sounded like good old Mad Dog Lane. wink

Looking forward to the mission in space and Clara and Clark finally getting to know each other.
Okay, real feedback...

New stuff....
I love how you do that. Cute...

an Earthite dust storm might spread in the atmosphere and poison very significant parts of our planet.
Oh, no! Can’t have that!

"I have given the matter some thought," says Doctor Klein. "And I believe our best chance of bringing your father to the Earth and getting rid of the ship is to send you, Clara, out in space to deal with the ship and rescue your father."
Oh, I do hope she rescues Clark!

"You're wrong, Mom," I tell her. "Because I 'm so going!"
You tell her, Clara!

I loved the flying scene!

Mom is just looking at me. Then something seems to, I don't know, leak out of her. She's looking smaller. Defeated somehow.
Nice imagery. Poor Lois.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK:The Adventure of Clara Ellen Lane-Part 7 - 03/21/07 12:44 AM
More feedback! Yay!!! smile1

Shelley, I'll try to save Clark before he dies... but just because you asked... (no promises, though! Hey, what's that? One of those crazy guys with pitchforks???)

Mellie! Look at all that great feedback!

Does that mean that the earthite will be used up when someone dies from it?
Good question. Well, hmmmm... how about it just gets diluted to levels so low that it isn't deadly any more, after a certain time, at least?

Love that question! But wouldn't the sun be able to change it? It's a nuclear fusion reactor, so to speak...
Naaaahhh... seeing that the Sun must weigh, oh, some ten to the power of twenty (that's a ten followed by twenty zeroes) as much as the Earthite weighs... no, I don't think the Earthite would be able to "poison" the Sun! (And hey, remember that the Sun already contains trace amounts of all kinds of nasty substances... arsenic... uranium... plutonium... no, I don't think a little Earthite would do any harm to it!)

I doubt his anti-dent spray will work here.
Heh! I think you're right!

More destroyed property... Lois should have raised her in Smallville!
Yeah, because there are all those tornadoes there levelling all the farmhouses anyway... sorry... that wasn't very funny, I know.

And I'm so glad you liked Clara's learning to fly and the near-flattening of Lois that ensued! And yes, Clara will be on her way into space... soon... I just have to find the time to write it, you know? <ugh>

And Nancy! So glad to have you here, too. I'm happy you liked how I wrote Clara's description of Lois's visual defeat. It's harder when you have to write it so that a twelve-year-old girl might have thought it.

So... next weekend I hope to work on the next part! Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

more please
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