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Great part! hyper
Well, this part might be short, but it's heavy on angst. And, honestly, I couldn't stand much more in one single part, so it's just perfect, if you ask me.

Wayne Irig is looking at the way we fill up the table, and we suddenly all start shuffling our chairs to get back the empty space that Batman left behind.


That was Rick. He sounded like he was choking or something.

"Yeah, and so?"

"Nothing, uh, it reminds me of.... Bruce Willis?"
Bruce Willis? Not Wayne? Bad association, Batboy!

"This incoming Kryptonian ship is a missile bound for the Earth, which may scatter deadly Earthite over large areas as it hits us? We've got to destroy the ship before it's getting much closer, Doctor Klein!"
I thought you were a fan of the old, slightly funny Batman. This one is more like the cold-blooded type from recent publications. frown Anyway, as much as I hate it, he *is* right. You can't sacrifice thousands or even millions to have a chance to save one. huh

Can't wait for the conclusion. Maybe Clara is impervious to both earthite and kryptonite, being neither fish nor fowl, so to speak?
Oooh! A new part! smile

"Nothing, uh, it reminds me of.... Bruce Willis?"
"Well, dear, maybe Wayne Irig here reminds you of a sports star?" That was Grandma, doing her bit to help. "Let's see, that Canadian hockey player... Gretzky... what's his first name again?"
ROFL!!!! Bruce and Wayne. I'm dying of laughter!

"Don't bother, Rick," says a pleasant male voice from the stairs.
Ann? Can I ask whose voice he has? So I can imagine the pleasant male voice properly, you know... Or did you imagine he was someone other than one of the actors who played him?

"Yes, Clara. He did indeed call you. And he is on his way here in a Kryptonian spaceship. He is already quite close to the Earth. Unfortunately, something seems to have gone wrong. [...]
YAY! and YAY! And... Oh NOOOOO! ...but, you know... YAY!!! wink

Batman. He wants to destroy my father's ship. He wants to kill my father.
GRRRRRRRRR!!!! You know... I don't want to know whose pleasant male voice he has anymore. Couldn't care less! Mean old bat!

Ann - I loved this part! The way you wrote the whole part with the globe was just brilliant! smile I hope you come back real soon with the rest!
Dr. Klein is going to make Clara a lead-lined suit so she can fly out into space with a missile and destroy the ship, after rescuing her father first!

Can't wait for the next part!
As I'm sure Ann will tell us, just blowing up something in space that's headed your way doesn't mean that bits and pieces of it won't continue on the same path, or close enough to the same path so that they are captured within the gravity well of the destination mass. I'd guess that Clara would be susceptible to both the Kryptonite and the Earthite, so sending her wouldn't be the best idea they could have. (That's an interesting term, by the way. Is it from the older Superman comics?) So Batman's suggestion probably won't be adopted for any number of reasons, Superman's survival being just one.

But unanswered are these questions. Why was Kal-El communicating over this Kryptonian link? Why did Wayne Irig have it instead of his parents or Lois? And why, oh why did Clark talk to Clara and not someone else? Does he now know that he's a daddy, or is that the real reason he's on his way back?

Very nice clifhanger, Ann. We have warm fuzzies, a revelation or two (or three, if you count a suddenly avaricious Wayne Irig), a pending WHAM, and some forthcoming scenes between Lois and Clark which promise to be - ahem - interesting.

I know you're busy with school, but if you could fit the rest of the story into your life without shortchanging the actual important stuff, I know I'd read it. And I'd bet that lots of others would, too.
Sorry I haven't answered until now, people! Please understand that I love reading your feedback! goofy

As for whose voice Batman uses when he's speaking... uh, why don't you choose for yourself? Since I have only ever watched one Batman movie, the first one, and I don't remember much of it (and certainly not Batman's voice), why don't you choose your favorite Batman actor and give my Batman his voice? And then you can tell me whose voice you picked! laugh

Eeehh.. you've changed your mind about imagining Batman's voice? frown Oh well. Just because Batman wants to save the Earth by destroying Clark's ship and kill Clark?

And thank you, thank you for telling me you loved this part! wave

Oh, Ann, first I want to apologize for being so terribly late with feedback. I've just been so darn tired that my reading has greatly suffered.

Second, because I'm told that Americans don't have custard with their apple pie, and because I want this story to be set in the U.S.A., I have changed the custard in the previous chapter of this story to ice cream.

I loved the Batman vanishing act.

"Wayne Irig
Darn it all! I was hoping for Clark.

....a little pearly white glass ball of some kind. Then he takes out kind of a glass shell of the same material. He puts the ball inside the shell and...
What is it!?

Kryptonian signalling device

Great part. I loved it.
Glad you liked my getting rid of the custard, Nancy! And I'm glad you liked the chapter!

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