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Posted By: MrsMosley FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/11/07 11:24 AM
"We have members coming in from all around the world," John explained. "They're ready to do whatever needs to be done."
Ohh, do we get to meet some new family members?

Great chapter, Nan. You are so good at grabbing the reader's interest and holding hard!
Posted By: Shelley Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/11/07 01:02 PM
I would love to see Fred and his friends get what is coming to them. That one who told Fred not until the trail at least isn't so bad.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/11/07 02:49 PM
With that many supers around they ought to be able to find her. Be VERY nice to see Gaia's children finally come to a sticky end.
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/12/07 02:14 AM
*is all giddy*
So Velma knows, poor woman, she doesn't even know half of it... of why that baby is so important.
I have the feeling Gaia's children have no idea that they have rattled a hornet nest with that kidnapping... *evil grin*

Also, it's great to see everybody, superpowered or not, rooting for Lori. Shows how many friends she and Clark have made.

Will we see Mariann in this story, too? Or will she find out after the fact in what kind of danger her daughter was?

Sira - very happy and more or less patiently waiting for more.
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/12/07 06:09 AM
Good movement with Velma Chow! thumbsup

Why do I suspect that Meriel and Carla are going to be very important? :p

Keep it rolling! hyper

Jose notworthy
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/13/07 07:34 AM
Wow, I seriously need to look your muse up and see if it will tutor me!

Now I see why D8a goes on and on about your writing. It is wonderful to read.

Gaia's Childern will not know what hit them.

D8a's Muse.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/14/07 11:45 AM
Nan - as promised, I have reread HOME this week! *big waffy sigh* All of them - parts more than once ! *more big waffy sigh*

I have to wonder if somehow Velma and/or Lori's parents are going to find out the 'whole truth' about Clark in this story somehow. I also wonder if Velma isn't related to Henderson somehow [or do we know that?].

As I was rereading the others this week [to the exclusion of schoolwork, which is what I really should be doing now!], I found myself wanting to know more about the other members of the Kent family tree. I know it wouldn't likely be an overly popular idea, but I'd love to know Ryan and Marcy's story or one of the 4 kids, etc.

Okay so it's been a couple of days now, where's the next part!?!?!?!

Posted By: Patti Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/15/07 03:37 PM
I'm greatly enjoying this new Home story very much too. I'd like to echo that in this or some future
story i'd very much like to see some of the backstory of the 4 children. I like the idea of
Clark as a patriarch of a large extended family.
I'll be eagerly looking forward to future chapters. Oh, and my favorite of your series is the alternate universe one, where his identity is known. I hope you'll write some more of those stories too when your muse cooperates. Maybe?
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/16/07 10:01 AM
Thanks to everyone for the comments. We'll see Mariann and Rob and a new member or two, as well as get acquainted with another one that has appeared only briefly in another story.

As for back story on the kids and possibly Marcy and Ryan, we'll have to see. I've got a lot on my plate at the moment but if something occurs to me you never know.

Part 4 will be up shortly.

Posted By: Shelley Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/18/07 09:38 AM
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/24/07 12:57 AM
Okay, tell me how John Olsen is related to Clark again. I looked at the generation chart, but I couldn’t make the connection of his mother, Lynn, to Clark. I saw later in the story that Clark is his great grand father. Who was his grandparent?

I like that Velma Chow now knows the truth!

Great part, Nan.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Home: Vendetta 3 - 03/24/07 06:54 AM
Lynn is CJ's daughter.

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