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Oh, boy.

Really. Oh, boy.

The fan is spinning and the particulate matter will not be spread evenly. And you couldn't have picked a worse time (or, actually, a better time) or place to end this chapter.

You've managed to jack up the tension to record levels here. I can't take much more of this! [me grabs chest dramatically] Elizabeth, here I come!

Lok Sim and Enza are in the middle of a firefight. Clark and Zara are in session with the council and are vulnerable, unless there's an airfield close by where Zara can zoom a fighter into the air quickly. Or maybe her brothers will play a role in the final disposition of the rebels. That might be a bit of poetic justice for Nor, being thwarted in his last desperate attempt to rule something by a few cadets. And I hope the aforementioned cadets survive the thwarting.

And Rae Et has betrayed her last minion, I think. Such a heartless, cruel woman! She is the epitome of an amoral person. No one really loves her and she doesn't care because she doesn't really love anyone. Even her professed love for her son is really selfishness, because I can't imagine that she'd want to rescue him if he couldn't fill some twisted emotional need in her. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that one of her confederates will turn on her and whack her.

I will say it again: Let Lok Sim and Enza live!

The cause is lost. Even the 'middle managers' of Rae Et's once-powerful group know it. This is a rescue mission wrapped up in vengeance, and I can't help but wonder who is the planned target for that vengeance. But you've done a masterful job in bringing all the main characters into the mix at the very last. Since you've apparently committed to wrapping this up in just two more chapters, I expect that the next one will end with another WHAMmy cliffhanger, and the last one will end with Lois either getting the news that Clark is coming back or seeing him in the flesh for the first time.

Lois's dream is also a terrible thing to behold, because she is (as you said in the previous chapter's feedback) letting go of her expectation of Clark's imminent return. She pretty much has to, I think, because she would indeed burn out under the constant disappointment of his not being there for her if she tried to live like that. But Sam Lane's greeting at the airport was very encouraging. He may be one of those men who is a far better grandfather than father, or he's just finally realized how badly he messed up when Lois was younger. Even without Clark, Lois's life is looking up. And that promises to be a complication when he does finally return.

I forget. Do Lois's parents and sister know about Ultra Woman? I think that they don't, and if so, I wonder when (or if) she'll tell them. She'd have to tell them a lot more than that, of course, and that would be longer than her upcoming book.

I also wonder how Clark's eventual reappearance will be explained. It should be very interesting. Of course, we probably won't see all that until the third installment.

Is chapter 70 posted yet?


And I see we only get 2 more sections to this story?!!!


You're not going to let us wait too much longer to find out what happens, are you?????


P.S. Wow

Great part! grumble

She grabbed the lapel of his vest and pulled him down, kissing him fiercely. "I love you," she said in a harsh whisper.

"I love you," he replied immediately, almost as a reflex. He looked down at her. She fought tears, but her mouth was set in a defiant line. She didn't say a word, but he knew exactly what she was telling him. 'Don't tell me it'll be all right. Don't say we're going to make it. Don't tell me Thia will be fine. Don't make me cry because I won't be able to do my job.'

She was saying goodbye to him. Just in caseā€¦he couldn't even bring himself to consider the thought.
Get back here! hyper
Get back here! hyper

MAF hyper
Maybe I'll post more FDK than this, Rac, but I don't promise. The way you have stepped up the suspense is incredible. Of course, with my preferences, I almost can't take it. Will Lok Sim be all right? Enza? Thia? (God....)

What about Zara? Ching? Zara's brothers? Talan? Talan's brothers? Her brother's family?

Oh, God. And the worst and most poignant thing is that Lok Sim kept chasing these shadows, kept suspecting that something was wrong, and yet he gave up in the end. He listened to the siren song of his wife, didn't he? What if something terrible happens to their little family because of Rae Et's plans? Will Enza blame herself for asking her husband to give up? Will Lok Sim blame himself, and maybe Enza as well? Oh God, if something happens to Thia, I don't think I'll be able to stand it, Rac. It will be plenty bad enough if something happens to cheat Zara and Ching out of their long-awaited marriage.

Lois's dream boded ill as well. Even so, I still believe that Clark will soon come back to her.

It was good to see Sam be so much nicer to his daughter now that she was a successful, award-winning career woman who had also given him a grandson. I'm not absolutely convinced that he would have been quite so appreciative if little Jon had been little Jonna, however.

I so hope that nothing horrible will happen in the next chapter, Rac. At the same time I hope you'll post it soon, because I almost can't stand the waiting, either.

love it more please
Thanks for your comments, everyone. As you can see, pretty much everyone is in mortal danger right now and there are only two (albeit *bonus sized*) parts left to this story.

Hi Terry. Thanks for your comments and I'm glad to see that the tension ratcheting in this section worked. To answer your question, Lois's family does not know that she's Ultrawoman. I know most people would never keep something this tremendous from their parents, but Lois's relationship with her folks has always been a touchy subject and I can totally understand her reticence to let them in on this secret. It's not entirely clear that they would take it well.

Thanks for commenting, Jo. There are, indeed, only two sections left, but an entire third story to deal with everything that doesn't get resolved here. I'm going to post more shortly.

Hi Maria. We don't yet know who the prisoner Rae Et's keeping is, although it isn't Jen Mai's brother. All, however, will soon be revealed as they say. Thanks for the feedback.

Ann, thank you for your comments. I don't think I agree that Enza encouraged Lok Sim to give up, or that he even gave up on the search. He started to wonder if he hadn't been imagining things and she encouraged him (not for the first time) to trust his instincts. She suggested he get some rest and try to come back to the search with fresh eyes, but given how ephemeral and inchoate the threat was, I can understand exactly why she did so.

Hi Shelley. Glad you're enjoying the story. More is coming up.


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