Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ank. K. S. FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/21/07 11:14 PM
Yay! A new chapter.... at last!!! smile

My favorite crack-you-up line thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: vsp Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/21/07 11:46 PM
Yeah, Clark wondering why the heck Lois is dressing him up in spandex, LOL smile

Great chapter!
Posted By: Caroline Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/22/07 03:40 AM
Yay! I was so glad to see you'd updated. And you can keep going for ten more parts as far as I'm concerned. What does Mel like? Chocolate? Pizza? Pita chips? wink Whatever it is, I'll send it along.

He noticed her presence and held up the picture to her, pointing to her expression in the photograph. "This look on your face, that was because I was editing your copy, wasn't it?"
Yay! He's remembering! And the picture gets to be part of the revelation, which I was hoping for. Now I'm hoping that her inkling in the kitchen was enough to get her past the worst of the shock.

Clark was standing in the middle of her living room wearing Superman's suit, asking her why she'd made him wear it.
I love this.

And fascinating revelation, with poor Clark so confused throughout. It kind of stands the typical revelation on its head. Usually Lois is the one whose hopelessly confused, and here, she's still confused, but she holds more cards than Clark does.

Why the lies? Why the different names? And, for goodness's sake, why the spandex?

"I remember that I love you. Actually, I don't think I ever forgot that."

Oh, wow! I didn't see that coming smile Apparently Lois didn't either!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/22/07 11:33 AM
So Superman knew he was the guy in the picture, but didn't know that that guy was named Clark? For some reason that amuses me no end. And I loved how he asked if he'd been editing her copy.

Sweet note, too, the way Lois thought of that picture.

Now let's get her past the weepy stage and get to some good stuff laugh

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/22/07 03:58 PM
Killer, it's great to see another part!

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/22/07 10:18 PM
Great job! Poor confused Clark. Laura
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/23/07 06:09 AM
Great to see there is no concrete number of chapters wink

Keep posting!

Jose hyper
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 02/25/07 04:49 AM
Oh, how adorably sweet. I love how you show us this Clark's absolute innocence and modesty, as shown, among other ways, in how he cringes at the name "Superman" and at the colorful super-suit.

But most of all I totally, totally love how you show us that the truth and constancy of his love for Lois is the absolute core and essence of his being:

What could he say? What *should* he say? He remembered the way he kept his apartment? He remembered the way he made spaghetti? He remembered the way he made her coffee...

He *did* remember the way she took her coffee, and that he always brought her a cup in the newsroom every morning. And he remembered...

"I remember that I love you. Actually, I don't think I ever forgot that."
Oh Sara, this is so extremely beautiful. And Lois is crying. Surely it is because she is happy - because she understands the depth and wonderful honesty of his love for her?

In this story, the innocent essence of the farmboy from Krypton has been confronted by the convoluted strangeness of his weird double life. But all he is sure of is - that he loves Lois.

Absolutely wonderful, Sara.


He woke up to the sound of a sharp gasp and looked over to find Lois in the doorway to her bedroom with her mouth hanging open. Why was she staring at him like that?
Because he’s kind of raised up during the night.

Floating? He looked around himself. Oh god. He was floating!
Let’s hope he’s not floating above a lamp or something…

"Oh my god!" She'd moved closer, her hand held out as if she wasn't sure what to do. "Are you okay?"
She’s really not that used to having an invulnerable houseguest, is she?
LOIS: What? No. I’m talking about Mr. Table over there.

Floating. Invulnerable? Why did that sound so... familiar?
Because he’s seen Clark do it? Maybe he should mention that to Lois?

He felt a warm--and familiar--flutter in his chest when he looked at her in her oversized t-shirt and sleep shorts.
Thinking back to their honeymoon?

, how would she react if he simply out and told her about what he'd been feeling ever since she'd rescued him last night?
He’d probably need a mop to clean up the puddle of goo she’d turn into…

Did she have feelings for him and Clark both? Or maybe she and Clark were in a relationship, so she wasn't free to pursue one with him. Maybe that was why she seemed so unsettled, especially when he'd been... less than clothed.
Maybe she’s a skank and he’s violating the bro-code?

And so what if she'd gotten the same flutter in her stomach as when Clark had smiled and told her that?
So, she’s no longer over the moon for Superman, then? Given she’s reacting to him only as much as she’s to Clark?

It didn't mean anything. And it certainly didn't mean... that.

Because *that* was an impossibility.

Clark didn't fly; he tripped over his own feet.
shock jawdrop

especially because, despite all her struggling against it, her best friend had started becoming her crush, too. And she just wasn't sure if she could handle all that.
She could always date Lex Luthor?

"This look on your face, that was because I was editing your copy, wasn't it?"
eek Oh boy. Oops?

Clark was standing in the middle of her living room wearing Superman's suit, asking her why she'd made him wear it.
So…oops? Also, because he wouldn’t join her naked in her bed?

"What?" The concern dropped off his face and left confusion there all by itself.
So…now he’s wondering whether to return a video, get his monthly cheese, or feed the neighbors cat first?

She bit at her lip and tried not to let the all the hurt surface, but his cutting remark about the name--the one she'd given him--nudged a small hole in her defenses. "I... um..."
Oh boy. Also, maybe she should mention that it wasn’t his idea?

And, suddenly, she was mad at him because she couldn't be mad at him.

And, for goodness's sake, why the spandex?
To cut down on wind resistance. And to distract female reporters from his face.

"I remember that I love you. Actually, I don't think I ever forgot that."
Oh boy.

. Oh, no. He hadn't told her before.
Oops? On the other hand, might have been worse the other way around, what with her not knowing about his secret life with Zara.

He started trying to come up with some way to backtrack, but then the creases smoothed into a meager attempt at what he hoped would have been a smile. And then she started crying again.
Oh boy. I can see why FoLCs might have been wildguy about the TBC clap

wave Michael
Posted By: mrsMxyzptlk Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 06/16/14 10:20 PM
Wow! Great story! I'm glad that you're going to finish it. I was wondering how long it would take Clark to mention that it was him in the picture. I like the reveal there.
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 06/17/14 12:54 AM
That was really great. I enjoyed it. Excuse the post at the end of the TOC please. Too early in the a.m.
Posted By: Tailee Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 06/17/14 01:40 AM
I just speed read thru the chapters...just wow. Really loving the ....er ...the everything? How Lois is reacting. How Clark is...again jealous of himself. Love the reveal. Just great.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 06/17/14 12:24 PM
Superb revelation! clap thumbsup clap

I love that Clark can only tell the truth when he's suffering from amnesia. Very well described. I also love that Lois cried. It's very in character for her at that particular moment.

Of course, being told that Clark/Superman has always loved her has got to be a shock. (Unless she somehow knew it down deep.) But it's still a shock to the system.
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Super Shook Up 4/?... wohoo!!! - 06/29/14 09:01 PM
Thank you all so much for the feedback!! blush

I'm so glad you all liked the reveal! It's one of my favorite parts of this story. laugh And thanks for the nearly line-by-line feedback, Michael! You're definitely earning your donation prize. smile1

Part 5 coming up shortly...

Sara smile
Hi Sara!
And thanks for the nearly line-by-line feedback, Michael! You're definitely earning your donation prize.
blush Thanks!

wave Michael
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