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Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/21/07 05:54 PM
All disrepancies will be explained in time, I promise. evil

Let me know what you think!
Posted By: jacalynsue Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/21/07 06:40 PM
Loving it! I'm glad to know that mature Lois didn't fade into non-existence. I'm tickled with the fact she has managed to save Clark and Superman from the original plot. No matter what happens now, Clark at least knows about a green rock that can kill him. He may get himself into trouble in new and creative ways, but it won't be out of total ignorance of Kryptonite!

I'm figuring the second body is a look-a-like Lex was using to rattle Lois into THINKING Clark had been killed.

More ASAP- no, you may NOT wait to post new parts just to appease Tank! :-)

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/21/07 07:25 PM

Great part! thumbsup This knowledge will help him to start looking for the kryptonite so Luthor can't find it.

The body had been in almost perfect condition. It had been left in a freezer, buried in the back of a Lexcorp meat packing plant.

Lois still didn’t want to remember what they had done to him. Lex had obviously planned to send a message. Her mind simply shied away.

It was his face…his hands. The wallet was his as well. Lois didn’t recognize his clothes, but that didn’t mean anything.
A clone! eek

On day two hundred fourteen, the news had gone out across the globe.

Shiva was coming.
Shiva? hyper
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/21/07 11:06 PM
Simply Superb!!! thumbsup thumbsup

But my favorite line was...
Shiva was coming.
Your one-line statements are awesome dance smile cool
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/21/07 11:23 PM
Ah Shayne! You are making me a happy girl with all these posts!

I really hope you come up with a way for Lois to have a happy ending. I would hate for her to have ruined her life so much that she can't be the person she was. I think that might kill her inside. Right now her focus is on Clark and and Superman but once that is all taken care of... what is going to be left for Lois? She still has a long life to live after that. I really hope you can fix that. frown

Great chapter Shayne, I can't wait for more.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/22/07 12:39 AM
The one thing Clark couldn’t understand was this business with two bodies. The rest of it made sense…too much sense. But Lois seemed as sincere in this as she did everything else.
The second body is clearly one of the clones. Nicely done.

Lois pointed to one. “If the flying doesn’t clue you in, this will. He wears this on his chest.”

It was the symbol that had come with his baby blanket.
Very nice. Proof that he is Superman in a way that goes right past Lois. Very well done.

On day two hundred fourteen, the news had gone out across the globe. Shiva was coming.
Shayne This is very well done and it leaves so much scope for sidebar stuff.

So clearly Clark needs protect Lois. But How?
  • Clark becomes Superman early?
  • Lois leaves town, changing schools?
  • Lane and Kent write a story that takes down the Metros? Perhaps exposing Luthor as well?
  • They get married and travel the world? (They can come back in time to take down Luthor and stop Nightfall and Shiva.)

“If it’s even me that’s running things in 1993. How do I know it won’t be her…the idiot?”
“The idiot?”
“The one person in the universe who’s even more of a screw-up than I am…my seventeen year old self!” Lois grabbed her bank statement and stuffed it back into her pocket. “It’s obvious that she doesn’t have all my memories, or she’d BE me. But what she’s been doing….I’d have thought I had more sense.”
Maybe but maybe she is trying to get on the inside and take them all down, it may be the only way she thinks she can get the Planet to notice her.

Lois was still holding him tightly when she looked up. “I’ve wasted most of my life, and there’s no guarantee that we’ll live to the morning.”

She kissed him, and for the first time in his life Clark found something as good as flying.
No. Please no, huh </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Shiva--a 30 billion-ton comet set to hit earth with the force of 250,000 H-bombs
A gigantic asteroid the size of a mountain
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/22/07 03:39 AM
No time and no internet connection, but as long as I'm here...
I love this story so much and te only thing wrong with it is that the chapters are too short and they all end with cliffies that leave us going wha?? until the next one.
Now, this may seem like a good thing in some cultures, but I don't thin I can handle any more cliffhangers. I'm positively anti-cliffie, by now.
*Chains Shayne to the computer and howers over her, glowering and weildig a pitchfork until she posts the next part*
Shiva, eh? I thought you'd named it after the Hindu God of Destruction, Lord Shiva.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/22/07 10:45 AM
Some questions answered here, thank you! And I do admire the way you communicated so much more to Clark than Lois thought she was saying laugh

The prospect of older-Lois going back to sleep & letting the younger one out is worrisome. Even if it's not at a really awkward moment, younger-Lois (probably) won't know Clark or why she should let him help her at all. Plus there's the whole Kansas/Metropolis distance issue -- how much could he help from Midwestern? Unless he transfers schools <g> But practical difficulties aside, you've done a great job getting L&C on the same page.

I have no idea where this is going, but I'm looking forward to more.

Posted By: ShayneT Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/23/07 04:32 PM
Lady Mirth has it right. I hadn't read the Shiva book, and I DID name it after the Hindu god of destruction.

Hmmm...Framework...you have a lot of ideas. How many of them come true....we'll see. evil

The same thing to you Pam... wink (And thanks for your quite detailed feedback all of this time).

Jojo...trust me. Mostly happy endings are my specialty (and sometimes wholly happy endings.)

Thanks Anks, Jackie, Maria. You guys have been very supportive.

I've written 2/3rds of the next chapter already. If only I knew what to do with this whole gang problem. (And Luthor is not the gang leader. It's Louie's boss.)

Well, off to see "The Astronaut Farmer." Maybe Louie will decide to build a rocket.... laugh
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/23/07 06:36 PM
Originally posted by ShayneT:

I've written 2/3rds of the next chapter already. If only I knew what to do with this whole gang problem. (And Luthor is not the gang leader. It's Louie's boss.)
peep May I suggest.. peep

Either Lois is out her depth in stopping it. Likewise Clark is way out of his depth. However Bill Henderson might be of some help.

It is too early for him to be "Inspector Henderson" but he's sure to be around.

Louie and Bobbie both know the storm is coming. If Lois and Clark seek out Henderson he can express disgust with the mess and the coming war.
(they don' have to tell him about Lois's bets)

He can tell Clark and Lois that the only way is for one or the other group to show overwhelming force. Or for a third gang to stir things up. causing both sides to pull back and conserve resources.

He can explain that MPD has been tracking both gangs but lacks admitable evidence to move against either.

Being a much younger man he spouts off at the mouth and Clark listens.

In '93 we know Luthor was moving in on these gangs but clearly he's not here yet.

After talking with Henderson Clark could decide to stir things up by carrying out a series of mock attacks on both side. Destruction of property but not loss of life. along the way Clark takes all the most recent stolen materials and dumps it on the MPD.

so Cars, car parts, jewells, drugs, you name it all shows up at the MPD impound lot.

Both groups are now ducking for cover and are weakened by the loss of capital goods and some loss of face.

Not a perfect solution but it does stop the war with all those deaths from happening.

And when Luthor comes calling he will find both groups are more paranoid than in the original timeline. Might slow him down somewhat.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/23/07 06:41 PM
Originally posted by ShayneT:
Lady Mirth has it right. I hadn't read the Shiva book, and I DID name it after the Hindu god of destruction.
oh, sorry i just assumed...
Posted By: jacalynsue Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/23/07 07:15 PM
Originally posted by ShayneT:

Well, off to see "The Astronaut Farmer." Maybe Louie will decide to build a rocket.... laugh
<Cough, choke.> Excuse me, but did we give you permission to go see a movie? <looks around at everyone else... sees blank looks> No. We did not.

<best mom face> You are hereby grounded from all activities not directly related to work, chores, and fanfic writing. This will last until the entire story has been completed and posted. NO movies. No evenings out. You will write and post. We will allow you time for short meals, 8 hrs of sleep, and gainful employment. No more. All other time must be spent writing.

Honestly! After all we do for you, providing feedback, moral support, helpful suggestions... and this is how you repay us? Like I said: grounded.

Okay, all joking aside.... when can we expect the next part? wink

Posted By: Framework4 Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/23/07 10:39 PM
Originally posted by jacalynsue:
You are hereby grounded ... Like I said: grounded.
If that doesn't cause writer's block.... wildguy wildguy wildguy
Posted By: jacalynsue Re: Comments: Time and Again 8 - 02/24/07 11:31 AM
Hey, you have to admit it worked! Part 9 was posted rather promptly, don't you think? laugh

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