Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: DSDragon FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 06:48 AM
I'm still reading.

And you've done a great job with the PML re-write so far.

I'm curious as to the reason why you've switched Rehalia and Perry, but suspect it has something to do with the pheromone possibly only affecting women?
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 10:48 AM
Oh, wow. What can I say? I guess that I always want them to "do it", but I'm not sure you are going to let them "do it". Anyway, chances are that this Lois is going to be furious beyond belief if Clark so much as kisses her when she is under the influence of the pheromone.

Oh, groan. How can this Lois come around? What can make her admit that she is attracted to Clark - that she loves Clark? I hope that will happen in this story, Elisabeth.

Well, it is certainly an interesting story!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 11:12 AM
Aaggh! Clark had better go with his common sense for this one or Lois is going to kill him.

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 12:59 PM
Wow, what a PML rewrite! It's hot, it's totally elseworld - I especially loved the bit about Rahelia and Perry being different - and still, it was basically the same. Great work!
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 01:23 PM
What a perfect way to shake up the situation between Lois and Clark. I hope you let Clark get in one good kiss, and if Lois faults Clark for that, so be it. If I were in a similar situation, with the person I love suddenly returning the affection, I'd want a kiss to remember.
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 01:50 PM

Great part! hyper
Posted By: vive60 Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 02:16 PM
clap Great part. Lois is definately going to kill Clark if he does anything though.
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 02:21 PM
I think of this story as so much more than a PML story. I think of it as more of a rewrite of the entire series and PML just happens to be one of those turning points in that over all story. So don't think that people will think you are jumping on the bandwagon. Your story is great and I am loving every minute of it!
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 03:36 PM
“It won’t be the same without you,” she quietly told him.

“Well, why didn’t you say so? I can stick around another hour, if you like.”

“Oh, you don’t have…”

“Not a problem. I insist.” Clark smiled at her.
Making headway, maybe???

He jumped. Was that…? Then, it happened again. Lois couldn’t possibly have, but then, of course, she did… She was whispering kisses just under the edge of his collar. It was distracting. Okay, who was he kidding, it was mesmerizing.
“Wait!” Clark tried to warn her, but it was too late. She had already bounded across the newsroom and thrown open the door.
Oh, Dear! blush

Clark wasn’t gone for long before Lois started to miss him. She glanced at her watch. It was six o’clock. That gave her only a little less than fourteen hours to prepare for his return.

A few hours later, she arranged her purchases upon her bed. $119.95 at Victoria’s Secret for the little blue number with all its veils, $48 for the custom-fitted bra that made her look so good—even if it did hurt her ribs a little, $39.80 for buy four thongs get one free, $44.50 for white pumps, $5.75 for the softest pantyhose she could find, $204 for makeup and skin care and $88.50 for the dress. Such a beautiful dress—lacey and as white as her love for Clark was pure. She could hardly wait to see Clark’s face when he saw her in it.

Then, of course, there was $79.50 for the fragrance.
/me gives a long low whistle. $630! Eye-chee-wha-wha!!(That's the phonetic spelling of some Spanish word.)
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 04:15 PM
Oh, and I forgot to say how cute I thought your description of the copy room activities was. Technicolor, indeed. And Lois calling it beautiful? Don't think Clark's gonna want to tell her about that when she "comes" to.
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/15/07 11:13 PM
Hey, I thought you did a great job handlinig PML. It seems like it could be an important part to the story, but it's not THE story, and I don't feel like, "Ohmigosh it's another PML story." (Even though it's one of my favorite rewrite topics laugh ) So keep it up! I look forward to what happens next!

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/16/07 08:27 PM
She decided not to read it until she had located a quiet corner in which to celebrate… or castrate her no-good co-worker, whichever the situation called for.
Hehehe... Somehow, Elisabeth, I imagine you blushing madly when you wrote this. (Pretty good imagination since I don’t know what you look like...)

But hey, you never told us of Lois’ joy when she really did find her name.

“It’s an advertising campaign for some new fragrance
Boy, those Pheromones are getting a good work-out lately. I love it!

Lois followed him down to an empty desk that was closer to the action. The two of them leaned back to enjoy the show and were quickly joined by Jimmy, who was so busy lusting after the scantily-clad models that it was doubtless he noticed when Lois arrived.
Very odd... I read this and once again realized that even though this was Michael Landes’ Jimmy at this point, I always imagine Justin Whalin’s Jimmy in fanfic.

eau de wet dog
I like ‘eau de wet dog’ far better than ‘eau de sweat socks’ as used in the show. Well done!

Loved the Rahelia twist.

“I know something that will help you relax,” she purred. She leaned in for a kiss, but Clark deftly slipped from her grip.
The next thing you know the world will turn topsy-turvy and you’ll start writing for the ‘other’ side... (Funny, I just said something like that to Nan, too.)

A few hours later, she arranged her purchases upon her bed. $119.95 at Victoria’s Secret for the little blue number with all its veils, $48 for the custom-fitted bra that made her look so good—even if it did hurt her ribs a little, $39.80 for buy four thongs get one free, $44.50 for white pumps, $5.75 for the softest pantyhose she could find, $204 for makeup and skin care, and $88.50 for the dress. Such a beautiful dress—lacey and as white as her love for Clark was pure. She could hardly wait to see Clark’s face when he saw her in it.
Oh, no!! (Ay, Chihuahua, I believe, James... er, Santiago in Spanish.)

I enjoyed your PML! And I can hardly wait for more.... But as others have said, this is just one aspect of your story...
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/17/07 10:13 AM
I just hope that Lois and Clark don't do something that makes Lois hate Clark and not trust him due to the pheramones. She already has trust issues.

Hurry back. This ought to be good! evil
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/17/07 02:27 PM
Shhhh! Be very quiet. Don't tell James I'm posting feedback while he's busily cleaning out the basement. If I'm quiet enough (or conversely, if my legs look good enough to distract him), maybe I'll get the opportunity to post the next part before he notices. (I wouldn't count on the legs, though. There isn't a scrap of the US that hasn't been hit hard by winter these past few days and I'm dressed for the worst weather God can throw at us.)

I'm curious as to the reason why you've switched Rehalia and Perry, but suspect it has something to do with the pheromone possibly only affecting women?
That would be because I'm such a fan of Perry White that I couldn't possibly imagine him cheating on his wife--not even under the influence of the worst drugs imaginable. But I need to set the scene correctly in PML, so Perry can't get off unscathed somehow.

Anyway, chances are that this Lois is going to be furious beyond belief if Clark so much as kisses her when she is under the influence of the pheromone.
Aaggh! Clark had better go with his common sense for this one or Lois is going to kill him.
Great part. Lois is definately going to kill Clark if he does anything though.
I just hope that Lois and Clark don't do something that makes Lois hate Clark and not trust him due to the pheramones. She already has trust issues.
I just love a consensus. I hope you enjoy the unusual remedy Clark comes up with.

I hope you let Clark get in one good kiss, and if Lois faults Clark for that, so be it. If I were in a similar situation, with the person I love suddenly returning the affection, I'd want a kiss to remember.
Wouldn't we all. Especially since, if I remember correctly, Clark is male. I hear guys like that kind of thing. wink

She went broke!

She better wake-up in time to return most of those thinks back.
I figure, even with the cost of tuition, room, board, books and all those nasty little fees, Lois still has more money than she would like to admit. She has a full-time job, where most of us squeak by on a few hours of work-study and a few hours of part-time work. She'll survive.

Clark wasn’t gone for long before Lois started to miss him. She glanced at her watch. It was six o’clock. That gave her only a little less than fourteen hours to prepare for his return.

You only think that one's funny because we've been married for so long. We're way past the point of me putting a little lipstick on as the car heads out for a date to the stage where I'm trying to slip on pantyhose without taking off my seatbelt. Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but it is a good thing you drive.

Oh, and I forgot to say how cute I thought your description of the copy room activities was. Technicolor, indeed. And Lois calling it beautiful? Don't think Clark's gonna want to tell her about that when she "comes" to.
Glad you liked it. That was the scene that made me blush, not the one earlier that Classicalla mentioned.

Somehow, Elisabeth, I imagine you blushing madly when you wrote this. (Pretty good imagination since I don’t know what you look like...)
I'm that 98 pound weakling with the very pale skin that reflects light at the beach. I have hair like Lady Godiva, but I dress much better. Does that help?

But hey, you never told us of Lois’ joy when she really did find her name.
All in good time, my friend.

The next thing you know the world will turn topsy-turvy and you’ll start writing for the ‘other’ side... (Funny, I just said something like that to Nan, too.)
You must have confused me with somebody else. angel-devil

I'll have to post later. My toddler just painted the kitchen.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/18/07 03:09 PM
I left in such a hurry, I forgot to welcome vive60 and thank her for reading. (The rest of you aren't chopped liver, either.)

PS Woody, you're right. If you can be a very patient man, I promise I'll give Clark that memorable moment.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/18/07 08:16 PM
Excellent stuff. I can't believe that she spent all that money, but I liked how you told us that she did. It illustrates how OUT of her mind she is!
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/19/07 11:58 AM
Still reading it.. didn't post comments on previous few parts.. sorry frown

A PML twist.. how awesome!! goofy thumbsup
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: No, In Any Language 17/? - 02/24/07 08:11 PM
Oh, no!! (Ay, Chihuahua, I believe, James... er, Santiago in Spanish.)
Santiago? Does that mean Elisabeth has to stop calling me Jaime?

Okay, so it never occured to me that the spelling was the same as the dog's name, since I rarely get that excited about dogs.

James in English
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