Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/10/07 07:44 PM

Great part! hyper

No! NO! NO! NO!NO!!!!!

Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 01:00 AM
oh my god poor Lois. I couldn't stand it, if Lois and Lex ....

Hope Clark can save the day.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 01:59 AM

Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 08:52 AM
Well, before I posted, I did say that this chapter may be a deal-breaker .....

Let's be glad that Bruce Wayne entered the picture....shall we?
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 09:18 AM
<DJ waves>

Hi Chris.

I must say that I have woefully little time to read very many stories. I mostly stick to vignettes. I wait and read longer stories once they are posted to the archive...but even then, I seem to have this long, long, long long long list that I haven't gotten to yet.


I do read other people's fdk from time to time. I do love reading the FoLCs fdk. So imagine how my curiosity got peeked when I read the fdk for this chapter (I've read fdk for some of your other chapters as well... yes, I know it's like peeking at the end of the book before reading it, but, well, what can I say? -- I do that too. blush )


The fdk intrigued me, so I went and read this part of your fic.

I'm very intrigued over the situation you've put our poor Lois in. Wouldn't most of us do anything we could to protect the man that we love? I know I would. But cheat on them? Shades of Indecent Proposal come to mind. All too often, when women cheat on their husbands/significant others due to blackmail or whatever else just to "save them", it ends up backfiring. Their mate just can't seem to get past the act of cheating. Would Clark be able to get past it? Because I just somehow know he would find out. Or, even worse, I wouldn't expect Lex to be a gentleman about it. Lex wants to see his arch rival devastated. He'd make sure Clark found out.

But I understand why Lois is hesitant to come out and tell Clark what happened. She thinks she can save him, make things right, if she does this. I'm sure she thinks if she tells Clark, he won't allow her to go through with hit. Plus, she wouldn't want him to know.

She could tell Bruce, though, maybe Bruce could offer some clear-headed advice and help.

Anyway, I actually had some time this morning to offer some fdk (my muse is woefully unwilling to cooperate with me this morning and give me something decent to write).


-- DJ
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 09:49 AM
Hey DJ, welcome!

You've summed up Lois' dilemma and her thought process about it very well. Here's a gal who was never attractive to guys, was burned by the one guy she thought was different, get abducted and loses years of her life...Mr. Right (Clark) comes along, all of sudden, good looking men are finding her sexy and attractive...and she gets an indecent proposal from one of them.

On the one hand, she's not married to Clark yet and she doesn't want to disappear in the time stream again or have his life at risk. Lex Luthor is a powerful man who isn't issuing an idle bluff. He gives her no time to think things thru.

Lex is totally evil here. He's jealous of Clark's powers and goodness, Tempus has fueled his hatred, and this is the one thing that he can do that will truly hurt him (just like on Smallville, Lex wants to marry Lana so he can rub it in his face).

Somehow, it's going to be a good thing that Bruce Wayne was around today.

I have two chapters to resolve this -and if it's not to our beloved FOLCs' satisfaction, I dare never post another fic on this board LOL!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/11/07 03:39 PM
Somehow, it's going to be a good thing that Bruce Wayne was around today.
Oh, I so hope he was really listening in, Chris!

NONONONONONONONONO!! You simply can't let Lois sleep with Luthor. Folks already know about kryptonite - Clark's first exposure was on national TV (in the alt universe) so that shouldn't be a worry, and it shouldn't be too much trouble to show that Luthor is an evil man!
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/12/07 06:00 PM
Ye of little faith....the last two chapters will be pulling out "all the stops", I promise....

having said that, I'm in the middle of writing performance appraisals and they're due by the 21st and I'm just starting now and I have to do 7 of them...yikes!

so it may be two weeks before the next post...hopefully sooner though.

thanks everyone for posting feedback..this chapter was a bit scary for me!

Posted By: woody Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/12/07 06:48 PM
I believe you'll pull it out, because with the situation set out, I think Luthor would try to kidnap Lois or something. And I don't think "their"(LnC's) relationship could survive if it happened. Clark could forgive the act I think, but not the fact that Lois didn't confide in him.
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/13/07 05:00 AM
If your Lois is anything like 'my' Lois, she might have given Lex the impression that she'll go along with his 'proposal' to gain her some time to figure out what she has to do. BUT, she would never actually go through with it because it would be too much of a betrayal of the man who has come to mean so much to her, and it would make her like all those who had 'used' her for their own gain.

Tank (who has confidence that Chris will have Lois 'do the right thing' or all the folcs will simply storm her castle, torches in hand)
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 02/13/07 12:09 PM
Right, Tank. I'm definitely not giving out my address to any FOLCs right now!

Think about how embarrassed Lois was to have Clark see her sans clothes....can you really picture her doing it with a complete stranger?

The wheels are turning in her head (and mine) as we speak......
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 03/05/07 09:29 PM
Where are you!?
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 03/11/07 07:18 PM
I'm here and work is kicking my -$$ right now but I'm going to try to write a little each night before I go to bed. I don't want to disappoint anyone with these last two chapters ...I want them to be really special....thanks for asking.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK:Girl's Not Attractive-Part 24 - 03/02/12 11:30 AM
NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNO!!!!! Oh, no, Lois cannot go through with it. It would devistate Clark to have her cheat on him (willingly, if not reluctantly) with Luthor. And Luthor, of course, would let Clark know... probably even post pictures / video on the internet. Hello, bad guy, never keeps his promises.

Lois needs to confide with someone. Clark would be the best, but I'd take Bruce, Lucy or Perry at this point. Does she still have Bruce's ring? Let's hope it had a radio transmitter despite Luthor's "wand" thingy and he heard everything. I hope that he'll be able to save the day if Clark cannot (due to lack of information). Because even if Lois agrees to the "date", I cannot see her going through with the sex, and I CAN see Lex forcing the issue. I only see bad things coming from this.
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