Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 07:36 PM

Great part! grumble

More ASAP, please.

MAF hyper
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 08:08 PM

So Lois has no idea that Clark is her secret santa. When will she ever give in. And she didn't even miss a beat when Clark asked her out.

“You’re missing the point. The point is you never date anyone, Kent.”

“I don’t want to date just anyone, Lois. I want to date you.”

“Yeah, right. Whatever. I’m going to go cut up a frog.”
Why can't she just soften up a little and let Clark love her?

Please post again soon! dance
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 08:59 PM
Most excellent. Oh, biology! How I miss cutting up things! <g> Although I have to admit, my lab partner was a cat person, so it didn't go over so well when we cut up our feline friends.

“I don’t want to date just anyone, Lois. I want to date you.”
Way to lay those cards on the table, Clark!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 10:07 PM
Wow. This Lois should learn that there's more to getting ahead than just ability. A little ability to get along with people matters too.

Still, I think that in the end it will be Lois who makes Clark realize that he can channel what he can do into more effective areas. Small acts of kindness are fine, and not to be ignored, but there are more ways to use super powers than that.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 10:18 PM
Special thanks once again to DJ who has a lot of plates to spin and still manages to spin my work to sound half-way decent.
[Linked Image]

The parts you send me are great... I just attempt to make it look like I'm doing something useful. wink

Wonderful part Elisabeth!

-- DJ
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/20/07 10:49 PM
She really had no friends at school.
What do you expect Lois? You won't give anyone the time of day.

But hey... It sounds like Lois is enjoying those care packages... I thought she'd be more interested in where they came from though.

“I don’t want to date just anyone, Lois. I want to date you.”

“Yeah, right. Whatever. I’m going to go cut up a frog.”
Oh, No!!! I can't believe you left it there. Better come back soon!!!

I never open a frog in college.
Neither did I, but I suppose it's possible. I did it in junior high school. If I remember correctly though, if you hadn't had that in high school then you had to take it at the college I went to.

This Lois is not nice.
I totally agree.

Although I have to admit, my lab partner was a cat person, so it didn't go over so well when we cut up our feline friends.
It wouldn't have with me either. We did a pig.

More soon, please!
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/21/07 05:55 PM
I have been highly regligent in responding to all this helpful, much appreciated feedback.

For starters, I never thanked my new readers Anks and Nighthawk for providing fdbk. (The rest of you aren't chopped liver, either.)

SJH said,
So Miss Congeniality has day-old sandwiches for lunch. No wonder she's in a bad mood most of the time.
Miss Congeniality. dizzy I do know I never did a fetal pig; I would remember that.

And she didn't even miss a beat when Clark asked her out.
I don't know about that. She did invite him out to the tattoo parlor. wink Seriously, I wanted to show that she habitually doesn't date. No thought involved. No exceptions.

But hey... It sounds like Lois is enjoying those care packages... I thought she'd be more interested in where they came from though.
She's an investigative reporter. You'd think she would investigate. I promise, she'll find out sometime who done it.

Thanks for all the encouragement and the good, bad and evil feedback.

Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/22/07 07:55 AM
Great chapter, Elizabeth!

I never dissected anything in middle school, but for the one semester I had of Biology in high school, we dissected:

an earthworm
a small squid
a frog

And possibly a couple other icky things.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK:No, In Any Language-Part 10 - 01/22/07 11:57 AM
The care package stuff was great. Does one eat food from a stalker??? LOL!

For some reason I picked up on something this time that I didn't the first time I read this...

“Yeah, right. Whatever. I’m going to go cut up a frog.”
sounds an awful a lot like....

"If they find out who you are they will take you to a lab and dissect you as a frog." o

...or something like that.

James, da hubby.
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