Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Rhea Clark Kent vs. Superman 6 / - 01/13/07 09:49 AM
First off, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to post this part. I'm writing a bit slower than I thought and I want to thank everyone that has stuck through with me on this one. Your feedback means the world! Thank also go to Lisa (MsMosley) for all the time she put into this. It is so much better for her comments and edits! Thanks again!


“Well, well, well. Isn't this a charming scene? I didn't expect to see you on your feet so soon, Superman. In fact, I was told that the green meteorite dust would have a more lasting . . . shall we say lethal result. Tell me, Mr. Kent and Ms. Lane, do you think I should ask for a refund?”

Story: Clark Kent vs. Superman
By: Rhea

Part Six

The woman was dressed a bit too flashy for Lois' taste. She had a great deal of cleavage showing, fingers flashing with an abundance of jewels, and her red hair was pulled into slick coiffure. She also had a glowing green vial in her hand. Lois guessed that it was the kryptonite in some form. The woman waved it around casually and 'Superman' did not react at all to the meteorite's presence.

Clark however was a different matter. He had grown pale and Lois grabbed his arm to keep him upright. She was suddenly desperate to keep the woman from noticing the effect that the kryptonite seemed to have on her partner. Lois was in shock and was hardly in any condition to confront the woman who had apparently attempted to take Superman's life earlier that day. Lucky for them, he had chosen the wrong man in the blue suit.

Lois gazed at her partner. She could see it so easily now. With his hair matted down with the dust from the fire, he looked so much like Superman that she worried that the woman would notice too.

Clark’s eyes pleaded with her and she couldn't allow herself to get angry or to even think too much about the implications of Clark Kent and Superman being the same person. He had tried to tell her. Lois just hadn't believed him. She could deal with her emotions later. Right now, they had other more pressing problems.

Lois managed to maneuver Clark to a stool beside the imposter's bedside without the red head even glancing in their direction. Lois stood protectively in front of her partner hoping that her body would shield Clark . . . or Superman... from some of the kryptonite radiation. She wouldn't allow anyone to harm him; she claimed rights to first blood. Lois glanced down at Clark and couldn’t decide if she wanted to punch him or kiss him. Maybe both. But right now, she needed to figure out a way to get rid of the kryptonite.

“You! How did you find me?” The imposter sat back down on the bed, still weary from his injuries. He silently watched them in silence, his face contorted as if he were trying to remember something.

“You don't recall, do you?”

"Of course I do," answered the imposter. "You tried to kill me."

She waved her hand dismissively. "Before that, you insensitive Neanderthal! You don't remember that night we shared together?"

The imposter continued to look at her blankly.

The woman's voice grew harder. "After Luthor's party?"

Clark winced at her tone and managed to share a questioning look with Lois even though he was in a great deal of pain. Lois had to admire his ability to keep silent when he was obviously suffering.

Clark inspected the woman closely, at least as well as he could under the circumstances. His eyes widened in horror. He did remember her. She had practically thrown herself at him at a charity event months ago. It was one of those rare times when he had to maintain a polite façade as Superman endorsed one of Luthor's 'charitable' endeavors.

He had planned on making a token appearance, just enough so that the orphans of Metropolis would get the funding they needed. It had been a fancy affair of glittering jewels, a full orchestra, and enough food to serve the entire city's poor. The cost of the event could have accomplished what its purported goal was said to be.

Once he had seen the sheer extravagance, Clark had felt like little more than another of the evening's entertainments. But he had given his word and so he accepted the check on behalf on the Metropolis Foundation for Children.

Lois had attended in a beautiful red dress, but she had spent the evening in a dark corner engrossed in interviewing a fast rising star of the Senate. The shadows of the room had deepened the color of her dress to burgundy wine. He remembered feeling vaguely disappointed that Lois seemed unusually oblivious to his presence.

Clark hated to admit it, because he knew it was petty, but the lack of her customary awe had actually bothered him. Any attention from Lois was preferable to dismissal. His heart craved the rare inklings of affection she bestowed on him. While he generally preferred that those gestures be directed at who he was most of the day, namely Clark Kent, he realized that evening that he enjoyed the attentions she showered on his caped alter-ego as well. It was silly, really. When she fawned over Superman, he felt uncomfortable, but when she didn’t, that didn’t please him either.

So while Superman had stalled in a vain attempt to find an opportunity to interact with Lois, a well dressed, attractive woman in a bright gold dress pressed herself against him. She propositioned him, right there on the steps from the stage.

It was the same woman now holding a vial of kryptonite dust.

Instead of politely brushing her off, he was still preoccupied by Lois, waiting for her to acknowledge him. The feel of a warm body pressing too close for comfort could not be ignored for long and he looked down in surprise as he felt something being pressed into his hand. The woman in the gold dress had obviously taken his silence for acceptance of her suggestion. She had shoved a hotel key into his slack hand and backed away before he could protest.

Not wanting to alert anyone to what had happened, Clark had made a quick retreat. He had dropped the key like it burned and flew out of there just a bit too quickly for politeness. On his way out, he had used his x-ray vision to destroy the film in a camera that belonged to the Daily Star’s photographer, afraid of the repercussions of being seen pressed against a strange woman. Now he suspected that Luthor had witnessed that exchange and had formed a scheme involving an imposter to tarnish Superman’s reputation. Had he known that Suzette had such a violent temper that she would turn to murder once spurned?

The sound of the other man’s voice returned Clark’s thoughts to the present. The man in the hospital gown put his hand to his head and said in a dazed voice, “I feel as if I’m two people right now. I still feel as if I’m Superman, but I know somehow that I’m not. I remember putting on the suit dozens of times, but I think it was just a job, something I did on the side for extra money. I don’t know why I thought it was real.”

“You’re not Superman?” The woman asked, lowering the vial in her hand. She didn’t even notice when Lois took it from her.

“That night at the Luthor charity event. How could I ever forget you, Suzette? Mr. St. James hired me to go to the Hilton to meet with you.” He glanced at the Superman costume folded on the table beside the bed. “He wanted me to go as Superman. For a private party, he told me. But you have to understand, that night was amazing.”

Neither of them seemed to notice Lois walking quickly to the bathroom. She dumped the green meteorite dust down the toilet and flushed three times for good measure.

Clark felt the kryptonite’s absence immediately. He had no idea when he would regain his strength, but at least the pain had receded. Lois reentered the room slowly and gave Clark an assessing look. Clark smiled wanly at her and silently mouthed ‘thanks’.

Suzette’s face had turned red, and everyone watched her wondering if she was going to go into a rage or burst into tears. “But I saw you that night. You had powers; you flew away right in front of me. I don’t understand. You were hired to meet with me? But I gave you that key.”

“I had never met you until I arrived at the hotel room that night. I was told that you were a special friend of Mr. Luthor’s and that you always wanted to meet Superman. I think he did something to me. I do a couple of gigs here and there mostly for parties and such, since I look so much like him. I thought, why not? But ever since that night, I’ve actually believed I was Superman. I didn’t plan for what happened later, baby. But I can’t say that I regret it. It was one of the best nights of my life.”

“Really.” The red flush faded away out of her face and Suzette took his hand. “Me too.”

Lois shook her head, “What a minute. This doesn’t make sense. Just a minute ago you actually believed that you were Superman. Why were you at that burning building? Why did you think you really had superpowers? And why did you come to see me?”

The man looked at Lois with a confused yet blank expression. “I don’t really know. I seem to remember that psychologist doing something to me. I can’t believe I really thought I could fly.” He turned his attention back to Suzette and continued, “I thought we had something special, baby.”

Lois rolled her eyes at the endearment. How had she ever believed even for a moment that this man was really Superman?

Despite the gravity of the situation, Lois’ expression made Clark feel like smiling. It couldn’t quite make it to his lips, but his heart felt just a bit lighter now.

“Why did you try to kill me?” the imposter asked Suzette.

“I thought that night meant nothing to you. Lex Luthor sold me that meteor dust, telling me that it was the only thing that could hurt Superman. And believe me; I really wanted to hurt you for leaving me like that. I’m no one’s one-night stand.”

“They made me forget you, honey. I’ve been a puppet. I think I even set that building on fire. Why would I ever do that?” The imposter turned to entreat Lois and Clark, “You’ve got to believe me. I never meant to hurt anyone. I just was so confused.”

The sound of someone clearing their throat got their attention. “Perhaps we can discuss this someplace a little more privately.” Nigel St. James stood in the doorway with a gun pointed at them. “If you will, please. This way.” The nurse that had assisted them earlier smiled conspiratorially behind him.

Lois whispered into Clark’s ear, “I knew there was something fishy about her.”

Clark groaned as he rose to his feet to follow the others. This was turning out to be a very long night.

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