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Posted By: symbolicangel FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 02:13 PM
That was too funny!

Within seconds, Lucy had joined her on the floor as she was handcuffed by the airport police. She laid her forehead on the dirty airport floor and couldn’t help but smile. Obviously the maid of honor thing was out the door, but that had been worth it.

Then her smiled faded and she sighed. Her mother was going to kill her.
Poor Lucy! This was my favorite part!
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 02:34 PM
rotflol That was great, Lisa!

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 02:35 PM
Nice challenge response - thanks for giving it a try!
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 02:54 PM
Also, I am not a very experienced writer, meaning that my ability to turn out fascinating, funny prose in such a short time isn't great, so please be kind with the feedback!
Oh, BLAH! Lisa, I think you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for!

Lucy didn’t stop to think. She let out a right hook that dropped the woman like a stone.
Hadn't expected that one! Good going, Lucy! smile

Then her smiled faded and she sighed. Her mother was going to kill her.
Oh yeah. And just think what Lois will do to you once your mother is done. hehehe!

Seriously, Lisa - you should post more like this. I had a great time reading it! Come on, now, get those fingers tappin' on the keyboard a bit. wink
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 03:09 PM
Beep! Beep!

Loved it! I take it Lucy doesn't know the fine art of taking off one's bra without exposing a thing...

Yes, Lisa, you really should try your hand at some stories. I really enjoyed 'Damn Good Thing', too.

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 08:19 PM
Lots of fun, Lisa! And very nice writing. But hey, Lucy, I don't know many parlour tricks, but I do know how to take off my bra without getting off all the rest of my clothes. Remind me to teach you one day, okay?

Glad to see that Lucy is indeed Lois's sister! She won't just take no for answer, will she? goofy

But pray tell me (well, it was you who introduced that expression on this site, you know goofy ), was Lucy supposedly on her way to Lois's wedding?

Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 09:33 PM
Thank you for all the kind comments, ladies!

Lucy probably *does* know the removing-the-bra trick - it just seems like a skill she would have laugh - but it was the principle of the thing, you see!

Lara, Nancy - I do have a few stories in mind, and DJ graciously looked over the first couple of chapters of one of them for me, but I have been kind of stuck on it and I am not sure it will ever reach the light of day. But I really do appreciate the words of encouragement!

Ann, yes, it was Lois & Clark's first wedding that I had in mind. smile
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/07/07 09:33 PM
whoops, posted twice!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/08/07 12:53 PM
Oh Lisa! That was hilarious! Very well done. clap

You know, I've always wondered just what happened from that snippet. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.

And what's this about your other story(s) not ever seeing the light of day!? Aaahhh! Don't make me come after you with my hoard of men with pointy sticks. wildguy wildguy wildguy It wouldn't be pretty.

Besides, how mean is it to tempt me with such a deliciously promising story, only to tell me later that it "might not see the light of day". <me cries>

But lovely job on this one. I expect more later...nay, I demand more later. wink

-- DJ
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/08/07 01:40 PM
Just wondering, but how difficult would it be to put a bra on under a shirt?
Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/08/07 02:53 PM
Only slightly more difficult than taking it OFF under the shirt, Woody.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/09/07 09:22 AM

That was great! and sooo Lucy!

Posted By: Rhea Re: FDK: The Brassiere Incident - 01/11/07 11:44 AM
That was really cute. Now, I'm going to have this scene in my mind whenever I think of Lucy's no show at the wedding.

Great piece!

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