Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Simona FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 04:09 PM
YAY! Erin, I'm so happy you're writing again! hyper

I still have to read this new story, I just see you're posting it, but I'm going to do it right now and I'm hoping to have little time tomorrow to give my fdk properly!

later tomorrow

Simona smile

Edited by admin to add story part no. to the header.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 04:46 PM
Long contented sigh...

I promised myself that I wasn't going to start any more WIPs right now because I'm just too busy.

But when I saw who it was and that it was only 3 parts. I made an exception.

Oh, and boy, am I glad I did! Erin that was wonderful. You tugged and pulled on my heartstrings beautifully. I loved it.

If this is the kind of stuff that comes from your fingertips, you need to be posting more often.

Thank you so much for sharing and I will be here waiting for you to post part 2.

(I sent you a PM about something too, btw)

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 05:52 PM

It's great to see something new out of you. This one is right up my alley.

"What do you mean, you're getting married?!" Lois sputtered, clutching the phone more tightly to her ear. "Lucy, are you *insane*?"
Great way to start off - right in the path of Lois' wrath!

Lucy, you hardly *know* this Neanderthal!
I like where you put * around the words. They really help me know where Lois is putting extra effort into her verbal tirade.

Watching out for more. Ah, I have happy fuzzies all around.

Clark! Make her feel better.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 06:07 PM
I have to admit, though, I was very nervous about dipping my toe into the writing pool after having been away
Good grief, woman. You are a published
author. You shouldn’t feel nervous…

A small pang in the area around her heart made Lois catch her breath. Love. What was that? As much as she longed to know, she *didn't* know.
Awww… Poor Lois.

It was the voice her little sister had used successfully on her for years--the plea that Lois had never been able to refuse. Apparently, it still worked.
Ah, I just loved that.

she opened the cupboard doors beneath the skin and reached for the bucket of cleaning supplies.
beneath the skin? I lost you here.

I mean, I still think she's making a mistake jumping into marriage like this, but...she really does seem happy. What's wrong with me that my life has to be such a shambles?"
I so feel for Lois here.

He fought for all he was worth to keep himself from leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.
Ah, just kiss her, Clark.

The words--heartfelt and meaningful--drove the hurt more painfully into his heart.

Best friend.
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 07:22 PM
Aww, how sweet and sad. Poor Clark, being a great friend while wanting more. And Lois, Clark's gonna have to show you what real love is.

Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 07:40 PM
Erin, that was absolutely beautiful...so well written. I could feel Lois's desire for love and Clark's painful desire to be loved. Please, back soon with parts 2 and 3! hail
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 08:22 PM
Very glad to have you back, Erin.

Beautifully written. Please come back soon and make Clark realize he is being considerate for the totally wrong reason, and please make Lois say something that can make him take a hint!

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 09:30 PM
Ok, I have to admit, I'm reading almost no fanfic these days, but I still nose around, and I did something like, "*Gasp* Erin wrote a story!" I'm majorly looking forward to the rest of this story!

Posted By: Capes Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 09:34 PM
Have to say I had to look twice to see you had actually posted a story, Erin. But I'm thrilled I had time to take a look!

Closing her eyes, she made a heartfelt wish on those stars--a wish for a better life...a life filled with happiness and love.

Even if love didn't really exist.
I love this. Someone hoping for something they're not sure they actually believe in--it really struck a chord.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/12/06 10:49 PM
Since I spent the day baby-sitting and didn't get any writing done, I had time to peek at the message boards on and off during the day. A new story by Erin is always a reason for me to take a few minutes to read, only now I want to see more.

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 04:54 AM
New story by Erin! [Linked Image]

Erin, I'm so, so happy you're writing again! I love your stories and when I saw you'd posted a new one, I dropped everything and ran to read it. smile1 I was missing your awesome stories.

I have to admit, though, I was very nervous about dipping my toe into the writing pool after having been away from it for so long,
Erin, don't be modest. You're such a great writer. No reason to get nervous. You couldn't write a bad story if you tried. goofy Anything you write is superb and worthy to read. [Linked Image]

When she spent many an evening crying on Clark's shoulder over her doubts and insecurities that had arisen from having been involved with a man like Lex, she never once let on that those weren't the only reasons why her heart was aching. She could talk to him about many things, but not about this. Never about this. How could she tell him that, even above the feelings of being betrayed by Lex, she was hurting because she was seriously doubting that she was capable or even worthy of being loved?
Poor Lois. It's heartbreaking. [Linked Image]

Uh-oh. Intense scrubbing. Chocolate ice cream.

Melting and forgotten chocolate ice cream, at that.

This was bad. Very bad.
Hee hee. He knows Lois. wink

Clark didn't respond, figuring what Lois needed right now was to let off some steam. He watched her finish wiping down the counters in silence. When he wasn't sure she would say anything else, she spoke again.

"The thing is," she said in a small voice, "she seems...happy."
Sniff... sniff... [Linked Image]

His thumb moved on its own accord of the hand she still held captured under hers, and he trailed it along the smooth skin in a loving caress. Her lips parted slightly as she gave a contented sigh, and his gaze dropped to them once more. He fought for all he was worth to keep himself from leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.
Don't fight it, Clark. hyper

Andreia (bowing in awe before Great Erin) notworthy notworthy notworthy
Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 07:53 AM
You couldn't write a bad story if you tried.
That's what I said. goofy Fortunately - after a time - she believed me. laugh

You're in for a treat with the remainder of this - but then you don't need me to tell you that.

LabRat smile
Posted By: ErinK Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 08:47 AM
Originally posted by LabRat:
You couldn't write a bad story if you tried.
That's what I said. goofy Fortunately - after a time - she believed me. laugh
Wow! Thanks, guys! blush I have to admit, though, I'm not a complete believer, LabRat. wink I just remember how AWFUL the very early draft of this was. It was enough to make me think I'd lost it for good. dizzy But thanks to LabRat, at least I had the courage to stick with it, and I feel better about it now. At least it's readable. wink

And thank you all SO MUCH for the wonderful words of encouragement! I was blown away when I popped on here this morning to see so many of you expressing excitement to read something I'd written. Wow! I'm touched and honored to hear that so many of you dropped what you were doing to read this humble little story of mine. blush You guys are great! I just hope the rest of this lives up to your high expectations.

I plan to post part 2 this afternoon, and 3 tomorrow afternoon. And please, if you spot any continuity issues, typos, etc., let me know! I've already spotted a few that need fixed, but my eyes aren't so fresh anymore.

Thanks so much for your kind words, everyone! You make me want to keep writing. sloppy
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 02:23 PM
This afternoon? As in, any time now...?

<puppy-dog eyes>

This was lovely, Erin. Heartbreaking, but lovely.

Want more!

Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 02:30 PM
Oh Erin I am so glad you are back. Your stories were the first L & C stories I've ever read. This is just another perfect beginning of a story. My favorite one of you is still "The long road home".

I love every word of it and can't wait for the next parts. I hate time-zones. :p
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 02:31 PM
This was wonderful. I love the idea of Lucy getting married before Lois, and Lois' consequenting fit of jealousy. Even if she oesn't believe in true love. But Clark should be able to fix that. thumbsup
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Longings of the heart 1/3 - 12/13/06 07:56 PM
This is really lovely. Looking forward to more!

One, teeny, tiny nitpick:
"My parents." Clark met her gaze without blinking. "They've been happily married for almost fifty years."
Actually, Clark mentioned in Ides of Metropolis that Martha & Jonathan have been married for thirty years.
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