Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MrsMosley FDK: Lois & Cl - Kal-El 11/? - 11/29/06 05:19 PM
“The Wincote building over there has sub-basement and a bomb-shelter that doesn’t show on the regular floor plans and so does the Wannamaker building.” Jimmy saw the dubious look in Betty’s face. “Remember who I work with? Bomb-shelters are lead-lined, so anytime we’re looking for something someone doesn’t want Superman to find, we start with the old bomb-shelters. There’re bomb-shelters under both those buildings that weren’t on the list.”
I never knew that reporting caused one to learn so many random things until I joined this fandom! Makes sense, though.

Lois is seriously going to kill him!!!???

You eat angst for breakfast, don't you?
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Lois & Cl - Kal-El 11/? - 11/29/06 05:50 PM

You choose to leave us there of all places!

If it weren't for the fact that I don't think you're that evil razz , I could almost be angry. mad

As it is, please continue this soon.
Posted By: SmirkyRaven Re: FDK: Lois & Cl - Kal-El 11/? - 11/29/06 05:50 PM

<breaks down sobbing uncontrollably>


<can't speak for crying>

You are so amazing. I saw that you had posted two chapters in two days and felt like Christmas had come early. The last chapter was amazing, but I'm sitting at work right now balling by eyes out. Good thing I had my coworker leave before I started reading, or I would have to explain.


You. Are. Ripping. My. Heart. Out. Of. My. Chest. I love it. I see now why my best friend calls me morbid. I'm on a angst-induced high right now, even while my heart is breaking.

Congrats, your magesty whinging

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Lois & Cl - Kal-El 11/? - 11/29/06 06:53 PM
Hmmm.... I'll be back later, when things are better and Clark is alive. (And if he isn't, neither he nor I will be back....)

whinging whinging whinging whinging

That *physically* wrenched my gut! I just...this was so horrible! But a good kind of horrible, if you know what I mean.

So, they're rescued now, and Clark is going to be alive (or else!), and Lois and Clark are going to get counciling and draw crayon pictures of what happened while a lady with a clipboard and glasses tells them that it wasn't their fault and they'll be okay, and everything is going to go back to normal! smile

Right? ...Right???? grovel
Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Lois & Cl - Kal-El 11/? - 11/29/06 11:15 PM
Hopefully, although the lady could wear contacts.
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