Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ccmalo FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 05:56 AM
I really liked this!

It's sad, tragic even, but it's also so powerful. Think that's not just because of *what* you wrote, but *how* you wrote it, building to an ending that convinces us of the depth of Lois and Clark's love.

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 06:16 AM
Oh, how beautifully poignant, C_A. Perfectly woven. This is definitely going on my Kerth list.

I usually get depressed by stories which separate our heroes for so many years (although that hasn't stopped me enjoying such stories over the years. I'm peverse that way <g>). I can't usually get past the waste of so many years apart, no matter how overjoyed they are to find each other again.

But this story still managed to end on such a hopeful note that for the first time ever I truly buy into the concept that love can survive so many years of loss and that all that wasted time is unimportant.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 10:14 AM
Very Nice.

Powerful and poinient. Excellant blending of multiple sources of inspiration.

Tank (who has always liked glimpses of the lives of 'older' Lois and Clark)
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 10:46 AM
WOw so sad and yet hopeful. Great job. Laura
Posted By: SNL Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 12:26 PM
Beautiful, Moving and very thought inspiring.

Its sad because of what had happened but full of hope.

It gives us all hope for the future.

I would love to read a sequel and maybe a prequel about that sad day when the tower fell.


Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 05:14 PM
OMG, that was...painful, but they found their way in the end. Thank you for that little piece.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 09:34 PM

My only question - was her byline on the story Lois Lane Kent because they actually got married or just because she wanted to pay him that tribute?

I would love to see more, either a prequel/sequel or just simply in this emotional vein.

Thank you!
Posted By: ShayneT Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/18/06 09:39 PM
I'll have to agree that this is powerful and, well, nice. The obvious allegory lends it power, but because it IS an allegory, it removes some of the pain. I liked it...a great deal.
Posted By: C_A Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/19/06 08:50 AM
Whoah. Thanks the very kind feedback, everyone. smile

Think that's not just because of *what* you wrote, but *how* you wrote it, building to an ending that convinces us of the depth of Lois and Clark's love.
Thanks, Carol. That means a lot to me.

But this story still managed to end on such a hopeful note that for the first time ever I truly buy into the concept that love can survive so many years of loss and that all that wasted time is unimportant.
Wow, if this little vignette managed to do that, then I'm very flattered. Thank you. I'm not sure it's Kerth-worthy, but I'm very happy you enjoyed it.

Excellant blending of multiple sources of inspiration.
Thanks, Tank. smile

WOw so sad and yet hopeful.
Glad you feel that way, Laura. I didn't want it to be overly melancholy and sad, but the subject matter does not lend itself to fluff. So I'm happy that you, and the others, did find it hopeful, rather than depressing.

OMG, that was...painful, but they found their way in the end. Thank you for that little piece.
"Painful"--wow, that's a strong word, but very apt, I think. I'm glad you still liked it. smile

Answering a technical question real quick:

My only question - was her byline on the story Lois Lane Kent because they actually got married or just because she wanted to pay him that tribute?
They didn't get married. You'll notice that the lettering on her office door just said "Lois Lane."

SNL and MrsMosley wrote:

I would love to read a sequel and maybe a prequel about that sad day when the tower fell.
I would love to see more, either a prequel/sequel or just simply in this emotional vein.
There won't be either, I'm afraid. I've said all I wanted to say. smile I have written a few other vignettes, which I suppose might qualify as being in the same "emotional vein" as this one. You can check them out here .

Shayne said:

The obvious allegory lends it power, but because it IS an allegory, it removes some of the pain. I liked it...a great deal.
This vignette has many different layers and meanings. It is, as you point out, an allegory and a drawing of parallels, but I will leave the interpretation to the reader smile .

Thanks again, everyone.

C_A (who will go back to making music vids now)
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/19/06 09:35 AM
Great story.

She gave up: not voluntarily, but because time does not just heal, it destroys hope.
Great line.
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 11/28/06 07:01 PM
Aw so sad! It took a few turns that I didn't expect. I second what Tank said:

Excellant blending of multiple sources of inspiration.
I like how he put that.

When I visioned them in my head, it often bounced back and forth between the actors that played Lois and Clark in SR and LACTNAOS.

Ellen—because that was just the way she was—was in a hurry, dragging young Lois from one store to the next, and Lois felt bored [...] The doors turned and people poured out, eager, in a hurry—but a different kind. Not in a hurry to get Christmas shopping done, but in a hurry to go and see, to experience, to note, to report.

He looks into her eyes, his own shining brightly, and asks, “Do you still love me?”
SO SAD! Yet I feel there will be a rainbow at the end of this dreary rain. whinging

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: The Tower Fell - 06/19/08 01:15 AM
A very well done tale.
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