Lois & Clark Forums
Okay, I just HAD to start one of your fdk threads... I'll be back shortly...

Okay, Lara, I loved this little piece of light-hearted fluff. The banter you had going between them starting at this point:

"Nothing that concerns you," he replied, with a silly grin.
Was priceless. I could totally see Clark holding those sheets up out of her reach and her trying to get them. Way too funny.

"Take cover everyone," Jimmy warned, "Hurricane Lois is in the building."
Hee hee - but it turned out to only be a mild tropical storm with plenty of loud noise and flashes of light... tee hee.

"Oh yes, absolutely," he confirmed. "Let's see if I can remember how it went..."
Hmm, smart-a** Clark, we don't see him too often. I like it.

And I loved the Pizza Hut reference.

Thanks for the reprieve from writer's block. I've been trying to write all day long, unsuccessfully, my muse is being lazy and has instead been enjoying reading.

-- MR angel-devil
Hah! That was great!

The secret identity stuff slayed me in the beginning. And just about the rest of it, too. DJ already quoted a couple of my favs. goofy

I can only agree with MetroRhodes and Shadow. Funny, fluffy stuff.

Lois thinking of a secret ID was wonderful, and her sudden change of mood when she remembers a certain beer night is just soo Lois that I honestly can't imagine any other reaction.

But, more than everything else, I liked her fantasy about life with Superman and her realization that Clark would fit in there even better than Superman.

It's a pity you can't write a sequel to that one, too.
Fabulous! smile Loved it. My very favorite part is when she asked him to fly her home... again... and then to stay forever. thumbsup

Great story. Loved it.

Sequel to that one would be Lois gets amnesia?
Thought about that one, too. But I feel it's too unlikely. (Not that there wasn't enough of amnesia going on in the series alone...)
Sweet, funny, happy ending. Fun! laugh
Ditto what Rivka said. smile
[Linked Image]
Doin' the happy dance!

I'm glad you guys enjoyed this little thing. Thanks SO much for the feedback! smile

A sequel to that? mmmm... well, I'm not going to say "never", but I don't see myself writing one in the near future. I've got too many WIPs going on that I really want to work on - then again, who knows when Lois is going to decide she wants to interrupt my work and do something totally out of character. LOL! (Clark of course is way too nice to do that to me!)

Thanks again for the comments! sloppy
I particularly aaaawwwwed and lolled at this:

From there her thoughts strayed and she found herself building the ideal dream life with Superman, in her head. A house in the country with a cute little picket fence - for the cachet - a big old cat sleeping lazily on the porch all day and a couple darling little dark-haired kids running around the yard. Everything plus total marital bliss, of course. She sighed.
I can just see the picket fence and the cat, and the little kiddos playing in the yard, and Lois calling out to her spandex-clad hubby, "Superman, dear, will you take out the trash? And then fly to the nearest K-Mart for me, because we're out of Rocky Road? Oh, and Junior and Junior-ette, quit juggling the car and come in and have your milk and cookies!"

"What are you dreaming about?" Clark asked, pulling her back to the much less interesting reality of the newsroom.

"Nothing that concerns you," she replied, absently. She turned to look at her partner and suddenly found herself wondering if perhaps Clark could fit into her imaginary life, instead of Superman... She blushed and looked away as she realized that he'd be perfect for it.
Okay, small correction. Lois calls out to her spandex-clad hubby, "Clark, dear, will you take out the trash? And then fly to the nearest K-Mart for me, because we're out of Rocky Road?" And then, before she can tell the kids to stop juggling the car and come in and have their milk and cookies, spandex-clad hubby comes in to get the trash, and Lois takes his face between her hands, removes his glasses, kisses the tip of his nose, affectionately pats his behind and tells him, "Now, dear, you're ready to fly!"

And hey... this was so funny, too:

"Are you sure you want to try wrestling me for them?" he asked, laughing. "You don't know who you're dealing with, here!"


Lois got the strangest sense of déjà-vu. She was pretty certain she'd never wrestled Clark to the ground - she would have remembered *that* for sure - but there was something about that thought that sounded awfully familiar for some reason.
Suddenly, the details of a certain Beer Night came flooding back to her conscious mind.
I can see the details of Beer Night come flooding(!) into her mind!!! lol

She'd dared him to an arm wrestling match... Yes, she remembered now. He'd vehemently refused and had argued that she had had too much to drink and then... Oh dear!

Lois grabbed the end of Clark's tie and tugged at it sharply.
Love her tugging at his tie!!!

"Conference room. Now!" she ordered. She turned on her heel and walked away as quickly as she could.

Clark dropped the papers on his desk. He wasn't certain what had angered Lois so, but he wasn't laughing anymore.

"Take cover everyone," Jimmy warned, "Hurricane Lois is in the building."

As Clark walked past him, on his way the conference room, he heard Jimmy say, "Nice going, CK! You've awoken the beast again!"

Actually, Lara, I had expected Lois to be a little more, well, *firm* with Clark in the conference room. But I certainly loved this:

"That night," she started, "I remember something about you planning on collecting on a kiss that I'd mentioned. And you know... the one thing that angers me the most... is that, for the life of me, I cannot remember that kiss. I mean, there *was* one, wasn't there?"

"Oh yes, absolutely," he confirmed. "Let's see if I can remember how it went..."

"Clark?" Lois asked finally, a twinkle in her eyes, "Would you fly me home? Please?"

"With pleasure," he told her.

"You do realize what this means, don't you?" she asked, suggestively.

He raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "I'm not entirely sure I'm following you," he admitted.

"Well, once you get me home, you have to know that I'll never let you leave again. You'll be stuck with me for the rest of your natural life... You know... Since you *are* Superman..."
Is Superman moving into her apartment? And never getting out of there, either? I thought they were going to live in a house with a picket fence in the country. Oh, well... You can't have everything, can you? wink


Ann, you're such a riot! You had me laughing so bad, my stomach hurts. Those two little dream sequence descriptions are priceless!

Love her tugging at his tie!!!
So do I! That was the image which inspired the rest of the story, to tell you the truth.

Actually, Lara, I had expected Lois to be a little more, well, *firm* with Clark in the conference room.
I know... and I can only agree. There just wasn't enough time for me to write all of *that* and finish it before lunch was over. As it was (probably bcause I spent a little while researching the Pizza Hut part) my lunch hour was over by the time I finished this...

Maybe I'll start from there and turn it into something longer, with a more Lois-like reaction. Someone else actually mentioned this, so I guess it's really going to have to go on my list of things to work on. smile
I just wanted to chime in a "me too" on this one - it's so cute and sweet - a perfect little distraction from the day!

oh, and can i tell you how much this

"You do realize what this means, don't you?" she asked, suggestively.

He raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "I'm not entirely sure I'm following you," he admitted.

"Well, once you get me home, you have to know that I'll never let you leave again. You'll be stuck with me for the rest of your natural life... You know... Since you *are* Superman..."
reminds me of those "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" children's books? I was lol at that point! (probably b/c I read them *all* to my neice the other night before bed - but I still think it's super cute!)

Thanks again, and great stories!

reminds me of those "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" children's books?
Never heard of those, but now I'm curious... I'll have a peek next week, there's an English bookstore near the office. smile
Lara, thanks for quoting my favorite Superman-related guy talk! Even I, who have seen so little of Lois and Clark on TV, can remember that delightful exchange between Jimmy and Perry, where these poor guys complain about just being there to advance Lois and Clark's plots!!! rotflol And when I saw "Stand By Me"... well, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from whooping with delight and making everybody in the movie theater furious with me!

hehehe! I'm almost sorry I changed my sig now. LOL!

I was tired of the chocolate reference, but I couldn't decide what to put instead... I had two before this one from the latest episode of Smallville, but I'm not all that happy with that either. I may go back to Perry and Jimmy... hehe!
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