Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Poussin Superman's wife part 9/13 - 06/24/06 02:06 PM
Previously, on Part 8:

He wanted to say the truth to her so badly, but he couldn’t. Not now, Not before everything was over. So, he stayed silent, and held her tighter.

When she calmed down and stopped crying, Clark spoke softly in her ear.

“I’ll bring you home. I’ll write the article myself. Perry will understand.”

Without a word, she nodded her acceptance, and stood, ready to follow him.


When the press conference ended, the Churches turned off the television. They were dumbstruck. They really weren’t expecting the news they just received.

“I guess we’ll have to change the plan, dad”

Bill Church Sr turned towards her son with contempt.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Billy. We’ll just have to change the target.”


And now, part 9:


Clark just finished writing the last sentence of the article about the press conference. He had trouble writing it. He couldn’t focus on the story. Every time he wrote about one of the questions that were asked to him, or about the responses he and Andrea gave, he saw again the haunted expression of Lois when the conference was over. He couldn’t think of anything else. God, how he hated doing that to her!

But he finally finished the story. That wasn’t his better piece, but that’ll do. He signed, and sent the story to Perry for editing. Now, he just had to wait for Perry to give him the permission to go, and he could check on Lois, see how she was feeling. In the meantime, he occupied himself by arrange his desk. Lois always said he was a little maniac, but he knew how her drawers were, and he didn’t want his to be like hers! He really didn’t know how she could find what she was looking for in her desk without the help of super-powers.

Lois. He was so worried about her. How long again before Perry tells him he could go?

Just at the moment, Perry came out of his office.

“Kent! My office!”

Clark sighed. If Perry wasn’t satisfied with the story and wanted him to rewrite it, he’ll never leave. He wasn’t able to do better right now. He just wanted to see how Lois was coping. Nevertheless, he stood up and joined his redactor in chief in his office.

“You signed Lane and Kent”

That was just an observation, but in his state of mind, Clark took it almost like a reproach, and he felt the need to defend Lois.

“Of course, Chief. Lois deserves to have her name on the article; she covered the press conference too.”

“No, son. Don’t get all defensive. I’m okay with you. Actually, if you had signed the article just with your name, you would have heard from me. No, what I wanted, I guess, was to know where Lois is. Is she all right?”

Clark felt contrite. He knew, of course, that Perry wouldn’t have removed Lois’ name from the article. He just wasn’t thinking straight.

“No, she’s not. She feels really bad, actually. She completely lost it, after the conference. She thought that she was becoming closer to Superman, and she was hoping for a…, well… She feels betrayed.”

“Hm. I’m not surprised. With her past, that’s quite understandable. All the men of her life had betrayed her! I don’t know much about her past relationships, but she was yet very wary about men when she first came at the Planet. But then, she let herself seduced by a prick who was working here. He used her to get the story and leave. That’s when she became so hard with anyone. You know, Lois is like a daughter to me, but for years, I just thought she’ll never be able to have friends. She was just so…”

Clark smiled at the words that came straight from Perry’s heart.

“Yes. I remember how she was when I first got hired.”

“Yeah. I like her, but I have to admit she’s not always very nice with people. She never trusted anyone after what that prick did to her. Never. Until Superman came,” explained Perry.

“I guess she saw him as a… perfect man, or something,” told Clark.

“Yeah, that’s it, exactly. But today, she saw once more that the perfect man is a just a myth. And I’m afraid for her, afraid that she’ll never trust anyone again. You know, even her father leaved her, when she was a girl…”

Clark could feel in theses words the fatherly feeling that Perry harboured for the young woman, as well as his guilt to have been a father as bad as hers for his own children.

“I know,” responded he briefly.

“Clark, Lois trusts you too. It had taken time, but she does trust you too. Don’t let her shut you out. Go and see her. You’re probably her only friend, and she needs one right now. Don’t let her alone, or she’ll close up, and she’ll never let anyone close to her again.”

“I won’t, Perry. I’m so worried about her. She was really bad, there. She had a real attack of nerves… She… She cried… she… almost collapsed. In front of everyone. And you know how important her image of hard journalist is important to her…”

“Go and see her. Tell her she can take as much vacation time as she wants. “

Clark nodded and headed towards the door, but Perry’s voice holding him back.

“Clark. Take care of her, son.”

“I will, Perry.”

“You know… I know how you feel about her. Don’t lose hope. Maybe Superman’s wedding will open her eyes, and will permit her to see that there is a good guy who’s always here for her when she needs him…”

Clark was a little embarrassed. His boss was talking about his love life, or lack of thereof. But the reassuring smile on Perry’s face was helping him to relax, and he smiled back.

“Thanks, Perry.”

He went out of the office. The encouraging words of Perry felt good to hear, but Clark didn’t want Lois to turn towards him just because she couldn’t have Superman. He wanted her to love him, just because she felt that way.


As much as he wanted to go straight to Lois, he had something to do first. He took the stairs to the roof and flew into the sky, heading for Andrea’s apartment.

That was what they had decided to do in order to convince the reporters that they were living together, as they said at the press conference.

As he came nearer of the apartment, he noticed that there were yet many paparazzi who were trying to hide on the street below, watching Andrea’s windows.

Showtime! He slowed a little to let them take all the shoots they wanted of him “going back home”, and then entered the apartment by the open window.

He felt like an intruder by entering the apartment without knock first on the window, but that would have looked suspicious if Superman didn’t feel welcome to enter his own home.

Andrea was sitting on her sofa, with Henderson in front of her. They stopped to talk when he appeared in the room, and immediately, Superman felt the need to apologise for intruding.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to intrude… I’m early. I know we said I could do the show at 8PM but I have… well…”

He stopped himself, searching for words. He was about to say that he had something else planned tonight, but that wasn’t wise to let anyone know that he had a real life.

“No problem, Superman,” reassured him Henderson.

“Yes. You’re welcome here Superman. You can come when you want, as you want,” added Andrea.

“Actually, we were talking about the mission, “ resumed the inspector.” I was just explaining to agent Flynn how we’re assuring her security.”

“And how do you do it?” enquired the superhero.

“I have six men all around the building who are watching the place.”

“I hadn’t seen them. I watched who was there when I came, but I didn’t see anyone else but paparazzi, “ insisted Superman.

One of the reasons why he accepted Henderson’s plan was that the man assured him that Andrea’s security would be assured.

“That’s because my men are disguised as paparazzi. That way, they are more discreet. Just a few more in the crowd around the building,” responded the old policeman. “Well, I think I need to go, now. I’ll let the newlyweds alone.”

Henderson’s eyes twinkled, and he raised suggestively his eyebrows. Andrea smiled at the joke, but Superman wasn’t in the mood of appreciate it. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

Andrea followed him to the door, and came back to Superman.

“So. Maybe I should check your apartment to see if Intergang… or reporters… hadn’t bugged it,” proposed the superhero.

“Go ahead,” responded Andrea.

He X-rayed the apartment and was glad that he hadn’t found a thing. He was reassured.

“Nothing. Your place is clean. No bugs, and no cameras either.”

“Good! I wouldn’t have liked to see naked pictures of me showering in the papers. My mother wouldn’t have liked it either!” joked Andrea.

Superman smiled back at her.

“Well, I have to go. See you tomorrow. Err… At what hour can I come tomorrow morning?”

“Is 7:30 AM okay with you?”

“Fine,” replied Superman. “And I promise I won’t come early this time.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow then, Superman.”

She showed him the way to the window, but he didn’t follow her.


“I guess I should leave by the door… Less chances to be spotted when I fly away if I go from the roof of the building than by the window. I can be very quick, quicker than the human eyes can see, but that’ll cause a lot of wind in here, and your apartment will look as if there was a tornado inside…”

<Geez! I’m babbling again!>

“Okay. You don’t need to explain, Superman. The door, then. And I’ll suppose you’ll come back by the roof too tomorrow?”

“Yes. Goodnight.”


After the departure of the superhero, Andrea went to her kitchen, looking for what she’ll eat for dinner. Looking into the fridge, she decided to reheat a leftover of pasta and chicken. She opened the microwave.

“Oh shit!”

She removed from the microwave the pizza she forgot the night before, when Murray called her.


Finally, Clark was on his way to see Lois. He really was worried about her. She was feeling so bad when he had to let her in her apartment earlier that day, just after the press conference, to go and write the article Perry needed.

After leaving Andrea, he thought for one second heading straight to Lois’s, but he was well aware that she wouldn’t welcome him if he came just because he was worried for her. He remembered very well her reaction this morning when Perry informed her of Superman’s wedding. She reacted badly at the least sight of worry for her, insisting that she was fine. He knew she wasn’t, but he knew too that she would prefer to avoid the topic.

So he made a detour first, to bring her pizzas and videos. That was an excuse she could accept, even if she was able to see right through it.

He knocked to the door and waited. But she didn’t respond. He knocked again, but the door remained close.

Even more worried than before, he X-rayed the door to see into the apartment. She was there, and she was physically fine. But she was crying.

He could see her, prostrate on her sofa, crying hard and hugging a cushion. His heart ached for her. He really didn’t like to see her like that. And knowing he was the cause of it made it even worse. He felt bad. He wanted to tell her the truth but that wasn’t an option. But he could comfort her, being here for her, as her friend.

He knocked a third time, but she still refused to respond.

“Lois. I know you’re in there,” said Clark through the door, in vain. He insisted. “Lois. I can hear you cry. I won’t go away.”

“Go away, Clark.”

Clark sighed, relieved. Even if her voice was tearful, she sounded as much okay as she could be in that situation.

“No. I stay right here. I won’t let you, Lois.”

After a short silence, Clark heard Lois’ locks, and then the door opened. He wanted to ask her if she was fine, but she throw herself in his arms almost immediately after having opened the door, sobbing softly on his shoulders.

He put the pizzas and the videos he was holding on the little table that was besides her door, and then lifted her on his arms and walked towards her sofa. He sat down with her on his laps, and let her cry silently.

He held her tight, murmuring some little nonsense soothingly into her ear, and stroking her hair softly.

Little by little, she calmed down, and her tears dried. But she didn’t move. She felt so good in his arms, like that. She felt protected and cherished. She never felt so cherished in her life. That was good. That felt good.

She slowly became aware of the body of the man against her. He had such a hard well defined body. He was strong, and nevertheless he saw tender. So tender with her. She was fine in theses arms.

She blushed a little. Did she really just think these things about Clark’s body? About her partner, her best friend? Had she lost her mind? No, if she was honest with herself, she had to admit that she always found Clark attractive. She noticed it from day one. She just never wanted to admit it, even to herself. Dreaming about Superman was safer, she thought.

But in the light of what happened that day, she knew that she was wrong. Superman wasn’t safer. He was just a man, and he wasn’t better than the average guys. On the other hand, Clark had proved himself many times trustworthy. And now, she was able to admit, at least to herself, that she was attracted to him.

She was conscious that Clark was finding her attractive too. But she knew that he’d never act on it. And she’ll never do it either. Their friendship was too important to her for her to ruin it over a physical attraction, and a need of tenderness. She knew that she wasn’t able to offer him what he truly deserved. A woman in love with him.

And even if she was hurt, and angry, and jealous, and even if she felt betrayed, she couldn’t help herself but to love Superman. Clark deserved better than that.

But right now, she didn’t want to move. She was sitting on his laps, with her head on his shoulders, and he was holding her tight, stroking her hair. And that felt right. She needed that, so she stayed. And she finally fell asleep.

Clark held Lois for a long time after she fell asleep on him. When he was sure she was deeply asleep, and didn’t risk waking up, he lifted her and carried her into her bedroom.

Gently, he put her down on her bed, and tucked her in before sitting on a chair in a corner of the room. For hours, he watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful.

In the morning, an hangover wakened Lois. God, she felt so bad! She was thirsty, she had a lump in her throat, and she had a headache. Slowly, she remembered why. She cried all the day long the day before.

She slowly opened her eyes. The feeble light hurt her eyes, but she forced herself to keep them open and looked her clock. 6:48 AM. It wasn’t yet time to get up but she didn’t feel like staying in bed, or she would think again at what happened. She needed to occupy herself, and going to work was the better thing she could think of.

She sat in bed, ready to get up, and saw Clark asleep on a chair in a corner of her bedroom. She was pretty astonished.

<God. He should have been very worried for me. That’s so sweet.>

Almost against herself, she found herself smiling at her sleeping partner. He looked so good like that; she didn’t want to wake him up, but she couldn’t let him sleep on that chair. That must be pretty uncomfortable, plus he’d have problems with Perry if he missed work. So she shacked him gently.

“Hi, Clark.”

“Hi. How are you?”

His show of concern for her, even though he just woken up, really touched her. She felt the need to cry again, but she held back her tears, and forced herself to smile.

“Not so bad. It’s okay, I’m fine.”

At the doubtful look he gave her, Lois felt that she had to be honest with him.

“Okay, it’s hard, but I’ll be fine. I… I don’t really want to talk about it, Clark, or I’ll… I’ll probably cry again.”

Actually, he could hear in her voice that the tears were probably closer that she wanted him to see.

“Oh, before I forget… Perry asked me to tell you that you can take as much vacation as you need.”

“Thanks, but… no thanks. I prefer to go back to work. I don’t want to let myself go.”

“Okay. If you’re really fine then I’d go back home and prepare for work.”

“Okay,” responded Lois. Clark could hear the deception in her tone, and understood that she felt really bad still, even if she didn’t want to talk about it.

“I… I can come back after to pick you up for work, if you want.”

This time, her smile was genuine.

“I’d like that, Clark.”

“At 8 AM?”

“Yes. Okay.”

He went home, and she went in her bathroom take her shower and prepare for work.


There was day when Super-speed came really in handy. Clark flew home and prepared himself for work when his phone rang. That was his parents. Things just happened so fast he forgot to tell them what was going on. They were pretty shocked to have received the news of his “marriage” by watching the TV. He had to explain everything to them, and by the time he finished, it was yet after 7:30 AM. Time to go to Andrea’s.

He changed into his Superman’s suit and flew at full speed towards Andrea’s building to prevent the paparazzi to see him. He landed on the roof and descended the stairs towards her apartment.

She opened the door almost immediately after he knocked.

“Good morning. I know you said you wouldn’t be early, Superman, but I didn’t think you were meaning you’d be late,“ said Andrea teasing him.

“Good morning. Very funny. I’m sorry to be late, but I was kind of busy this morning,” explained Superman.

“Really? They hadn’t said a thing at the radio. A rescue I should know about?”

At the puzzled look on the superhero’s face, Andrea explained herself.

“You know, if you do rescues during the night, or early in the mornings, when you’re supposed to be with me, well… I should know about theses in case someone tries to grill me about it.”

“No, that wasn’t a rescue,“ responded Superman, debating with himself how much he could tell her. “I just forgot to tell my parents about what was going on and… well… they saw the news on TV, and they were pretty shocked and upset, as you can imagine.”

<God! I can’t believe I said it. That was probably not my brightest idea, but I know she won’t repeat it. Would she?>

“Err… You’ll never tell anyone that I have parents, huh?”

The question sounded so idiotic that she was once again frankly amused. Before meeting him in Henderson’s office, she would never have believed that Superman could be so clumsy, shy and insecure.

“I promise. But now, you have to go by the window make your show. I have to be on my way to work in ten minutes.”

“Oh god! It’s almost 8 AM, I have to go too. See you tonight.”

He flew away by the window, letting the paparazzi took his picture, and went directly to Lois’ apartment.


On the way to work, Lois turned to Clark. For once, she let him conduct her Jeep.

“Clark. I saw the pizzas and the videos on the table. I… I just wanted to say… I wanted to thank you. That was sweet. That’s good to have a friend like you.”

He could hear the honesty behind her words and was touched. It wasn’t often that Lois opened her heart to him that way. He smiled at her.

“You’re very welcome, Lois.”

“Could… Could we… have our evening video-pizzas tonight?” asked Lois in a very insecure voice. Clark looked at her surprised. “ I… I don’t want to be alone,” added she.

“Of course, Lois. I’d be glad to come for an evening video-pizza,” responded Clark, grinning at her. And he was glad to be awarded by a real smile, completely genuine.

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