Lois & Clark Forums
I know I've already told you this, but I just adore this little vignette Catharine. smile A very sweet, short little fic that shows how Clark came to the decision that with Lois was where he needed to be for the holidays. The description of the Kent's Christmas parties sound SO Martha and Jonathon and Clark feeling not right despite all the family and friends around him...just super sweet smile

*huggles happy fic again*
Aw how sweet! Laura
What a sweet story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. love
Very nice! Very warm, very soft, and very cheery. I enjoyed it, and I hope you find the "post" button more often.

The only problem I can foresee is that now someone will have to bust Clark for lying to Lois twice! Not only did he tell her (in the show) that he couldn't get a flight out because of the snow, he actually flew out and back (as Superman, in this vignette) and didn't tell her! Oh, wait, this lie was for her own good? To salve her feelings? To let her know (in an oblique manner) how much she meant to him? Hmm. Maybe slapping people in the face with the truth all the time isn't the way to go after all.

Something to think about, anyway.
oh how sweet, the real thing for a boring sunday morning.
That was lovely, Catherine. So warm and loving. And welcome back here with new stories.

Awwww! love That's so cute!

I loved it. Good job!

See ya,
Absolutely wonderful! thumbsup I loved this!! thumbsup

~Julia wave
Awww, cute! smile

Hooo boy. I've been going through a lot of my stuff to get stuff submitted to the archive, and I can't believe how little I respond to feedback! But just know that each and every one is like chocolate to my ravenous muse. (Who, sadly, has been very absent when it comes to ficwriting as of late. Tsk!) Thank you all!

And yeah, I realized when I posted this that it was way too early (or too late, depending on your point of view) to post a Christmas story, but what can you do? If I'd kept it for Christmas, I woulda lost it on my laptop that just recently bit the dust... (file recovery possible, but its gonna be a pain in the heiny and involve begging someone with greater knowhow than I, and may even involve baking of some sort.)
Hooo boy. I've been going through a lot of my stuff to get stuff submitted to the archive, and I can't believe how little I respond to feedback! But just know that each and every one is like chocolate to my ravenous muse. (Who, sadly, has been very absent when it comes to ficwriting as of late. Tsk!) Thank you all!

And yeah, I realized when I posted this that it was way too early (or too late, depending on your point of view) to post a Christmas story, but what can you do? If I'd kept it for Christmas, I woulda lost it on my laptop that just recently bit the dust... (file recovery possible, but its gonna be a pain in the heiny and involve begging someone with greater knowhow than I, and may even involve baking of some sort.)

(The story is here , so you don't hafta sift through if you wanted to see)
This is so nice and sweet. I love it.
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