Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kent28 His Girl Lois 4/? - 04/18/06 09:01 PM
Sorry this is a shorter post...all feedback appreciated. Story based and some partial dialogue used from the Cary Grant movie His Girl Friday, though none in this post. No copyright infringement intended. Special thanks to Labby for beta-reading.

His Girl Lois, Part 4:

For the rest of the cab ride, Lois had reclined her head back against the seat cushion of the cab, her eyes closed. She tried to make sense of the muddled feeling which engulfed her insides at that moment.

Had it really been six months since she walked out on Clark? It felt like it had happened both yesterday and an eternity ago...simultaneously.

On a visceral level, Clark had always made sense to her. But up in her head region, he made no sense whatsoever. He was such an enigma. One minute burning hot with passion and devotion, but in the next distant and cold. The only thing for certain was that Lois never felt indifferent to him. Only excited or mad. At total peace or total chaos. With Clark, there was never an inbetween.

With Dan, things had been different. Emotionally, Clark had been a speedboat. While Dan was like riding the “It's a Small World” ride at Disneyworld. Sure there was a lot to see -- at least the first time around. But there was no danger in it. He was predictable and safe. For the first time in a long while, she worried if that would be enough.

<I mean, who wants to ride that ride a hundred times? Once you get that stupid song in your head, it's the kind of thing that will drive some people to drinking! >

<Get a grip, Lois! We've thought this through. Dan is dependable, reliable. He never runs out on you in the middle of a conversation.>

Lois bit her bottom lip. <Good grief, Lane! You sound like you're describing a Labrador Retriever! Clark may be a total lunkhead, but you feel things with him you've never felt with Dan, and you know it!>

<Yeah, well, I “feel” things with chocolate. That doesn't mean it's good for me.>

<Maybe not, but are you ready to give it up for the rest of your life? Goodbye, Double Fudge Crunch Bars! Hello, Broccoli!>

<Oh, shut up!> She ground her teeth with firm resolve. This inner dialogue was getting her nowhere, and she refused to rethink her firm decision anymore.

“We're here, Lois.”

Startled, she opened her eyes to realize they had indeed arrived at the criminal court building.

Clark quickly paid the cabby, and hustled around to open the car door closest to her and the building.

Stepping out, she surveyed the quagmire around her. The Chris Jeffers case was definitely high profile, as was evident from all the protesters and news crews standing outside the temporary jail just across the street. The excitement of a big story hung in the air like the scent of rain before a thunderstorm. Lois felt almost giddy with anticipation despite herself.

“Wow,” was all she could muster.

Clark just grinned. “Never gets old, does it? Admit it, Lois. You're going to miss this life.”

Lois stamped down her enthusiasm, as his comment hit her like a bucket of ice water.

“Which part, Clark? Getting shot at, nearly drowned, or stalked because of a story, or the part where you were constantly running out on me?”

Clark inhaled sharply. Lois felt some small satisfaction that her comments had hit their mark.

Before Clark could reply, Lois turned back to the criminal court building and grabbed his hand unconsciously, out of some old habit. “Come on, I've got a story to bag.”

She only realized she had grabbed his hand when Clark slowed his pace. Turning to glance at him, she caught that far away look in his eye he had always gotten when he was a flight risk. <He's doing it again! He asked me to do this, and now he's gonna drop me like a hot tamale!>

“Don't you say it, Clark Kent!”

“Lois, “ he began, and she knew he was already gone. Breathing deeply and swallowing back a lump in his throat, he continued. “I'm not going to lie to you anymore. There's no cheese of the month shipment, no overdue library books. But there is a reason I've always walked out on you, and I'm asking you to trust me this moment that I can't tell you right here, right now. But I promise you, before you leave with Dan, if you still want to know, I'll cut myself wide open for you. But not right now. “ Tugging at his tie in what she knew to be that nervous tic of his, he was already scanning the building for something, she knew not what.

The words were stuck in her throat by her anger as he backed away from her. “Fine!” was all she could stammer.

Before he turned to go, he added, “Get the interview with Jeffers, then I'll meet you back in the criminal court building in an hour so we can get it typed up and off to Perry.”

She watched in shock as Clark ran down the street and ducked into an alley. Desperately clinging to the anger within her to keep her emotions in check, she refocused back onto the assignment before her.

Marching into the criminal court building alone, she spoke to Clark Kent, although he never heard her.

<Clark Kent, I will get that interview. And the story. And then, I am out of your life.>


Well, that's all I've got! A perfect ending right? peep Just kidding!!!NO tomatoes!
I told you, I like happy endings too. So bear with me as I figure out how I am going to put the toys back together again.

All feedback appreciated
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