Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: FinLi FDK : "A Cut Above The Rest" 1/2 - 04/12/06 05:56 PM
Congrats on your first story(well, first half anyway.) party

It was great! The banter between Lois and Clark is just like the show.

I could really "see" the whole scene in the Daily Planet. You describe it really well.

I especially loved this part.
"Morning, Clark."

"Morning, Lois," he replied bending over her and handing her a cup of coffee. He gave her a light lingering kiss on the cheek that sent playful little feelings all through her. "It had cooled off a little bit since you hadn't gotten here yet, but I *warmed it up* for you," he said emphasizing what he had done by tipping his glasses down on his nose slightly.
It's sooo sweet love

I can't wait to read more.

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK : "A Cut Above The Rest" 1/2 - 04/12/06 06:13 PM
Thanks FinLi. blush After watching the Kerths and reading everyone else's stories, I just had to try writing a fanfic. It looked like so much fun. I'm glad someone liked it.

I've finished my editing and revisions and the second half is posted now.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK : "A Cut Above The Rest" 1/2 - 04/12/06 06:38 PM
I see you got your nerve together to post the story. <g>

It's a good story, and your agitated Lois is certainly in fine form. I think you did a good job with it.

Posted By: Kent28 Re: FDK : "A Cut Above The Rest" 1/2 - 04/12/06 09:01 PM
Great job! I thought this was a totally believable explanation for why Lois got the cut! Loved it!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK : "A Cut Above The Rest" 1/2 - 04/12/06 09:19 PM
Hi Nan! Oh that makes me mad. I was so concerned with how to post my story that I forgot to thank my two beta readers for their hard work and helping me with my story.

That's it. I'm going back to edit my post so I can put that in there.

Many many thanks to Nan and Suz for their hard work in reading my story, providing their insights, and helping me. Sorry I didn't put that in my original post. You guys were great!

And thank you to Marcy! I'm glad you liked it. That makes it all worth writing, if it is enjoyed. smile
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