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Posted By: Chaos FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/19/06 04:45 PM
Interesting, interesting. smile

I'm very happy that we are already 6/10, the suspense is killing me, and somehow I suspect Superman will have to fly up and knock on a window.

I'll take a stab in the dark and tell you, who I guess the murderer is.
I hope that's ok.
I think Major Vukovich is Courtney Macmillan and killed Claude and the now the Zimmermanns.
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/19/06 07:36 PM
I tend to agree with it being Major Vukovich. I don't know if she is Courtney Macmillan or not. But I think the introspection by the Sergeant and his being "puzzled" about the Major, her size and her touching of Lois, ("When Karen had left, she’d walked past Lois, even though the path around the other side of the desk was clear. She’d put her hands on Lois’s shoulders almost gently, and left them there a little longer than necessary.") all add up.

Or it could be skillfull misdirection on Terry's part,

Posted By: Onaleia Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/19/06 09:53 PM
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/20/06 04:21 AM
Hi Terry,

I knew there had to be more deaths, and I'm part way to agreeing with the other posters suspicions.

I'm going to keep my options open about the dual identity though. The Major seems to have a fancy for Lois, so would she be interested in a sleazeball like Claude? Of course, she could 'swing' both ways. wink

Keep posting, Terry.

Yours Jenni
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/20/06 01:32 PM
Well, Terry, I'm sure going to miss my space station fix when you wrap up this story!!!!

But... eh, no, this is not my favorite part so far. Terry, you killed my favorite couple, Ben Zimmerman and Maria Gomez Zimmerman! How could you??? goofy )

But if we lost two of my favorites, Ben and Maria, then at least your delightful gallery of idiosyncratic characters just got another addition, computer specialist Pauline Yu. I just loved this:
"So, you're saying that you did not succumb to his blandishments?"

"Did I what?"

"Succumb to his blandishments." At yu's blank expression, Lois explained, "Did you accept his objectionable invitation?"

Yu tilted her head at Lois. "You talk funny, you know that?" Lois waited with a Dragnet-like 'just the facts' non-expression on her face. Yu exhaled sharply. The force of it made her lean back, but she rocked forward again and didn't seem to notice. "No, I refused to join his not-very-exclusive club of female sex partners, and I never did anything to him except threaten to report him to station management.
LOL! lol Terry, I love it that there is at least one female on the Prometheus who didn't fall for Claude's "charm"! And I love Lois's deadpan self-control! Oh, and I love Karen's way of summing Pauline Yu up, too:

I think that if Claude had been messing with her computers she might have killed him, but I also believe that her next move would've been to call maintenance to get the body out of her way.
LOL!!! lol And there is that bit about Lana O'Meara, who'd once been a stripper who broke her client's arm in the mud wrestling pit!!! Oh, Terry, next year, there's going to be a list of Kerth nominations for best original or supporting characters courtesy of Terry Leatherwood as long as my arm!!!

I liked it that you had Lois musing about that Agatha Christie book, Murder on the Orient Express. Guess I always like it when a writer brings up a story, a movie or a character from the outside that can shed light on the story you are reading, or just generally get your mind going!

And there is Karen, of course. Always that Karen. In this chapter, she is showing ever so slight lesbian tendencies. Well, is she one or isn't she? And if she is, does that make her more likely or less likely as a murder suspect? Questions, questions. But, Terry, I really don't like this:
"Didn't Matt tell you? They cleared all the shuttle passengers." Karen looked away. "Except you, of course."

"Of course. And I know I didn't do it."

"I'm glad you're so certain."

Lois frowned. "You should be as certain of my innocence as I am of yours by now."
You should be as certain of my innocence as I am of yours by now.... Lois, honestly!!! How can you even suggest that you are certain of Major Vukovich's innocence? Is that a genetic disorder of yours, that you can pick out all the suspects except the really obvious ones? You didn't catch Lex, so now you aren't catching Vukovich, either?? :rolleyes:

Naahh, it's obvious that Clark is going to have to make his entrance on the space station sooner or later. I love how Lois pictures the way it's going to happen:
She smiled to herself as she envisioned Superman holding his breath and knocking on a window of the station and signaling whoever was inside to open the airlock. It was almost funny.
Yeah, indeed it was, Terry. Like so many other things in this story. Well, I hope things aren't going to turn too creepy and scary in the next few chapters, though, and I also hope that you aren't going to kill too many of your delightful characters.


P.S. Oh! I suddenly realized something. If Karen is a lesbian, what if she is going to fall in love with Lois? What if she makes a really, really obvious pass at Lois, and Lois rejects her? (The latter part seems more than probable....) What if Karen decides she has had her heart broken by Lois??? And what if she is this cold-blooded, calculating murderer.... What do they say, "Hell hath no wrath like a woman spurned", eh? Terry, please, don't let Karen go after Lois with that kind of wrath in her eyes! 'Cause I promise you, I'm going to be so scared that I'm going to have to read the rest of your story with my eyes closed!!!!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/20/06 01:48 PM
Count me in, too! I'm also convinced for now that it's Vukovich. Looking forward to the next part.

Posted By: lovetvfan Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 02/20/06 07:05 PM
This just gets more and more interesting! I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see who the murderer is! You've crafted a brilliant mystery here! Keep up the good work smile
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - The Write Stuff - 6/10 - 03/02/06 10:12 AM

Great part. hyper
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