Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SirRodStewFan Switch Pt 1/? - 02/16/06 09:49 AM
This is a story that I have been thinking about for a while. I have read three or four stories where Clark has been switched with an alt or younger counterpart so I've chosen to punish Lois, but I'm not sure where to go with it so it may never get finished, but I thought if I posted itsomeone maybe able to help. i want to try to avoid it taking the same direction as the Clark switches.Here's Switch pt1

Switch Part One

The morning sun came streaming into the bedroom and on to Lois’ face she wasn’t ready to get up yet, she was too happy she had a great career, a handsome husband who was just as madly in love with her as she was for him and two beautiful children she adored and another on the way.

There was aloud knocking on the door Lois moaned.

“Clark, someone’s at the door.” She said in a sleepy voice. The knocking continued. “Clark they’ll wake the kids.” There was no reply she opened her eyes and sat up. “Clark?” She called but got no reply. She got up, wrapping the sheet around her and went to answer the door, she didn’t notice the heap of white lace and satin that she stood on. She opened the door. “Clark, what are you doing there?”

“I came to see how you’re feeling and a brought you a pain a chocolaté and a coffee.”

“Thanks is it from that Parisian bakery, why did you bring me coffee though you know the smell makes me nauseous.”

“You said you can’t start the day right without a coffee.”

“That’s why I’ve been off the last two weeks.”

“You’re not hung over then.”

“Why would I be hung over?”

“Well we did have a bit to drink last night.”

“Yeah right you won’t let me have more than one glass of wine. Are you alright?”

“Me, are you alright?” Lois looked around the room and taking in her surroundings for the first time then looked at him and noticed the old frame glasses and his hair was longer he wasn’t her Clark or not yet. “Lois?”

“UH I’m going to be sick, move, move.” She runs to the bathroom and is sick Clark follows her.

“Lois are you alright?”

“Yeah I forgot how much I hated this part?”

“What part?”

“Morning sickness.”

“Morn… you’re pregnant?” Clark felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. He didn’t allow himself to think of Lois sleeping with that monster but they were engaged so he suspected they had this confirmed it she was carrying his child. “Luthor’s?”

“No. he’s yours.”


“We need to talk.”



Lois squeezed her eyes shut to stop the sun that streamed in the window penetrating her eyes the light was giving her a head ache.

“Uh who turned on the sun?” She moaned and rolled over and felt something solid she opened her eyes and was faced with a firm, warm, muscular, male chest. She jumped up when she saw the content happy face of her partner. “What the hell are you doing?” She yelled Clark opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“I like the outfit when did you change into that?” He said and Lois looked down at herself she was wearing a white matching bra, panties and suspenders holding up white silk stockings she grabbed the sheet pulling it off him, he didn’t try to cover up her eyes fell to below his waist, she blushed and tried to focus on the wall behind him. “I remember removing all your clothes last night.”

“You undressed me?” Clark just smiled. “Did we have sex?”


“Oh god! Did you use a condom?”

“Why would I need to?”

“Because I’m not on ‘The Pill’ or using any birth control I could get pregnant.”

“You are pregnant.”


“Are you alright?”

“No my head is really fuzzy I think we were at a bar, I know there was alcohol. Last thing I remember was us coming back to mine and I think we kissed. Could you cover up?”

“OK.” He picked up his sleep shorts from the floor where Lois had thrown them during their love making the night before. “There, now you want to tell me what’s going on?”

“I…” Just then a dark haired boy ran into the room squealing and jumped onto the bed.

“It’s my birthday, it’s my birthday.” He said jumping up and down. “It’s my birthday isn’t it mommy?”

“Err yes.” Lois said.

“No, it’s not your birthday for another two days.” Clark said stopping the boy from jumping. “Go annoy your sister and ask her to put on your cartoons mommy and daddy will be down in a minute.”

“Okay.” He jumps off the bed with a thud then ran out the room.

“Lois are you okay? You look pale you going to be sick?”

“Who was that?”

“Kai, our son.”

“We have a son?”

“Yes and a daughter Kira. What is with you?”

“I think I’m dreaming or having a nightmare how can I have two children and with you I just turned down my fiancée at the alter.” Clark looked at her, her hair was long she wasn’t his Lois, not yet.

“Lois we have to talk.”



Lois and Clark were sat on her couch Clark looked dumbstruck at what Lois had told him.

“We’re married with two children.” He said.

“Yes nine years.”

“How old?”

“Kira is seven going on twenty-seven and Kai is…” she broke off.

“Is what? What is it?”

“He’s going to be three in two days and I might miss it.”

“Are they, I mean have they shown any signs of being different?”

“No, but you didn’t develop powers till junior high. Kira always thinks she knows better and always right, Kai is always getting into trouble he got stuck on the barn at your parents a week ago and broke his arm falling out a tree in the summer he’s always climbing he could get out his crib at nine months walking by ten he was into everything.”

“Sounds like they take after you.”

“Huh… yeah I guess you’re right. Kai looks like you he has jet black hair and big brown eyes. I really miss them, the only time I’ve never been away from them for more than 24 hours since they were born.”

“We’ll figure it out somehow.”

“How? I don’t even know how this happened.”

“We’ll figure it out.” He repeated.

“I should get dressed I just hope I have something to cover this bump it would look a little strange if yesterday I wasn’t pregnant and today I am.”
Clark nodded.



“We’re married?” Lois said stunned.

“Yeah.” Clark said.

“And we have two children.”

“Yes, well a third on the way.”

“You and me.”


“Me and you, we…” She gestured to the bed.

“Well yeah, many times did you think they were left on the doorstep?”

“I’m just finding this very hard to take in. How did this happen?”

“I have no idea but we’ll get to the bottom of it, but right now we have two hungry children to deal with.”

“You have to deal with, I’m useless with kids.”

“No you’re not you wait you’re wonderful mother.” Suddenly there was a scream from downstairs. “I should…” Lois nodded as he headed out the room and down the stairs.

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