Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: AmandaK Between Two Worlds (5/?) - 02/21/24 02:03 AM

Between Two Worlds
By AmandaK

Summary: A coup on New Krypton sends Clark fleeing back to Earth with his nine-year-old “son,” Jor-El. He arrives in Smallville to find Lois and their son, Jon. Clark must now find his place on Earth once more, while helping Jor settle in and becoming the father Jon never had.

Author’s Note:
For the purposes of this story, Kryptonian dialogue will be noted by <>. Telepathic communication will be noted with []. Hopefully, this will be easy enough to follow.

This chapter deals with character death.


Chapter 5

Clark kept his eyes on his lap as he finished telling Lois and his parents about that fateful conversation with Jor-El. Admitting he didn’t know whether he would return to Earth had changed Clark’s whole view of his time on New Krypton. Up until that point, it had always been his plan to help end the war and then book it back to Earth – to Lois – faster than he could say, “up, up, and away.”

He had never intended to be there for that long. He had never thought about anything beyond ending the war and going home. But suddenly he had been plagued by a thousand questions and ample time to lay in bed worrying over them.

Would the Council let him leave?

What would his leaving do to Zara? To Jor?

Would Lois even still be waiting for him?

“You weren’t coming home?” Lois finally broke the silence.

Clark shook his head helplessly but didn’t meet her eyes. “I wanted to. But there was Zara and Jor to consider. And the Council – I had no idea how to convince them to let me leave. And…” He finally looked up at her. “It had been eight years. I never intended to be gone that long. I always meant to keep my promise to you. And yet, I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had given up… moved on.”

Lois bit her lip and looked away.

Clark sighed and pushed his hair back. “Anyway, after a few more months of rest and a lot of physical therapy, I was fit enough to get back to work. It was light duty and they kept me far away from conflict but it was enough to keep my mind off things I couldn’t change and decisions I couldn’t make – at least until the war ended.”

“You defeated Nor?” Johnathan asked.

Clark scoffed and shook his head. “No. Actually, Nor died suddenly and ostensibly of natural causes. Without their leader, his forces were unable to hold together. The war just sort of fizzled out, but it left New Krypton in shambles.
“The people had been content to let the government handle things while the war was going on. Once it was over, however, they started questioning whether the Council could be trusted to keep them safe, if the old Kryptonian rule was going to be enough going forward or if it was time for a change. Even Zara, who was always loved by the people, came under fire. And no one trusted me at all.

“Zara and I were actually on the side of the people. We pushed for the Council to consider a gradual turnover in the government – rework it into something more like a democracy. But, other than Trey, no one would listen. Bunch of grumpy old men, stuck in their ways. Unfortunately, our speaking out against the Council turned them against us and, I think, contributed a great deal to what happened just before we left.”

“You mentioned that you and Jor had to escape?” Lois prompted. “Zara and Ching were killed. What exactly happened, Clark?”

Clark looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “It was stupid. I made a mistake – one I should have realized would cost us everything. But, at the time, my only concern was Jor.

“We had been out for a hike, near some cliffs. It was something I had taken to doing with him once I was back in New Kandor for good. We would walk and talk about things. We were really just starting to get close; you know? And then… one day he got too close to the edge. He was looking for some irahshakh wedhin eggs –”

“What eggs?” Lois cut in with a bewildered expression.

Clark opened his mouth to respond and then shut it again, pondering how to explain. “It’s like a… big flying lizard except… not really. Anyway, Jor thought he saw a nest and wanted to get a closer look, but he fell. It wasn’t very far but he hit his head hard and was bleeding. By the time I got him back to the Medical Plaza, he had lost a lot of blood. The first thing the doctor’s asked me was if I’d be willing to donate my blood to him. I said yes without thinking, only to find out that our blood types don’t match. That’s when everything fell apart.”

“Was it so strange that your blood types didn’t match?” Martha asked.

“I wouldn’t have thought so. But apparently Kryptonian blood types are different from humans. Boys always share their blood type with their fathers and girls with their mothers. So, it became apparent right away that Jor wasn’t my biological son. And, given the state of affairs in New Krypton, we couldn’t trust the doctors to keep quiet about it.

“The Council was furious. They had built up this idea of Jor being the next great leader of New Krypton and were using that to soothe the unrest among the people. Once the truth got out, the people began protesting, rioting. They were done with the Council, done with the old system of government. They demanded something new. But instead of conceding to the will of the people, the Council decided to use us – Zara, Ching, Jor and I – as scapegoats, blaming us for all the problems New Krypton had faced since it’s founding.

“Their plan backfired though. They meant to turn the focus of the people’s anger on us and away from themselves. Instead, they just stirred the flames into an inferno. The people revolted. The Council fell. And we were next.”


< “We could talk to the Council again – convince them to give the people what they want,”> Zara continued to pace the room as she spoke.

Clark looked up at the odd family he’d gained on New Krypton. Zara was agitated, worried, her emotions barely contained behind once strong mental walls. Ching hadn’t moved in some time, ever vigilant in his post by the door to their apartments. He looked as stoic as ever but Clark could feel the tension stirring in his brother’s mind. Everything had gone wrong so quickly. The Council was angry, the populous in an uproar. None of them knew what to expect.

As for Jor… the boy sat by the window, staring out at the barren landscape of New Krypton. He’d barely spoken since his accident – the accident which had revealed the truth that he was not actually the son of Kal-El. Clark could only begin to guess at how Jor felt about it. Ching had always been like a beloved uncle to the boy – more of a father figure than Clark had managed to be himself. But to find out that Ching truly was his father, that he had been lied to his entire life…

Clark sighed, wishing… he wasn’t even sure what he wished or how anything could possibly make this situation better. They hadn’t been able to leave their apartment in days. The people of New Krypton were on the brink of revolution and their small family had been set up to take the fall.

< “We have tried that already, Zara.”> Ching answered his beloved. < “They will not listen. They are set in their ways. They will try to save themselves by setting the blame on our shoulders.”>

There was fear in Zara’s eyes as she looked from Ching, to Clark, and finally settled her gaze on her son. < “Then we must leave. We must flee New Krypton before it is too late.”>

Jor looked up from his silent musings at her pronouncement. < “Leave? Where would we go?”>

< “To Earth.”> Zara answered without hesitation. She looked at Clark. < “We will go to Earth. That is, if we would be welcome?”>

Clark stood up and crossed the room to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. < “Of course you are welcome. You are family.”> Then he looked at Jor and Ching. < “You are all my family. But Zara, are you sure?”>

On the one hand, a part of Clark was thrilled at the prospect of finally, finally returning home. But on the other, he worried about leaving New Krypton in shambles. The planet he had come to help save was now worse off than before he had arrived. He couldn’t help but wonder how much of that was because of him.

Zara nodded. < “It is the only way. New Krypton will no longer follow me. All that is important now is ensuring the safety of our family – of our son.”> She looked back at Jor, who immediately turned away. Zara sighed and then crossed to Ching. < “We must prepare to leave at once.”>

< “Of course, my love. I will –”>

He was cut off by a sudden pounding on the door. The three adults in the room stared at the door in apprehension but remained silent. Another knock came, followed by a voice. < “Lord Kal-El! Lady Zara! It is Trey. Please let me in!”>

The man sounded frantic. Zara nodded to Ching who, nevertheless, grasped his Drei before opening the door. Trey shuffled into the room quickly and shut the door behind him, engaging the lock. He then turned to look at them, wringing his hands together anxiously. His mind, while not fully open to them, was buzzing with barely suppressed apprehension.

< “What is it, Trey?”> Clark asked when the man failed to immediately explain his presence.

Trey locked eyes with him and Clark could see the fear behind the other man’s gaze. < “The people… they have revolted. The Council… the Council is gone. Those who aren’t already dead are in hiding. There is no time. You must all leave, immediately.”>

Zara’s distress rolled off her in waves before she managed to suppress it. In a moment, she was by Jor’s side guiding him to the door with her arm around his shoulder. Ching was still at the door, ready to lead them all out into whatever awaited them. Clark and Trey followed close behind. They had not yet made a plan. They only knew they could not remain in their apartment – that was the first place the rebels would check.

Words were not spoken as they made their way into the empty halls of the Palace compound. Distantly, they could hear sounds of shouting and breaking glass. Clark thought he smelled smoke. He could feel the anger of the people as though it hung in the air around them. He had once wondered what would happen if a planet full of empaths allowed their emotions to freely reign. Now he had his answer.


There was no telling if New Krypton would survive this. But there was no time for him to dwell on what would happen to New Krypton. Right now, their own survival was in question.

Ching led them on a circuitous route, avoiding main hallways and common areas. They encountered few people and those were in the process of fleeing themselves and paid them no mind. They turned a corner and Trey suddenly came to a halt.

< “I am afraid this is where I must leave you. I trust that you have a plan for escape?”> He looked to Ching, who nodded tersely.

Trey shook his head. < “Do not tell me. If I am captured, it is best that I know nothing of your whereabouts or intentions.”>

Clark frowned at his old friend and advisor. < “Why don’t you come with us? Where will you go?”>

< “I have someone waiting for me on the outside. I cannot leave her. I would not have come back except that…”> Trey looked from Clark to Zara to Jor, conveying the loyalty to them he still felt, despite everything.

Clark clasped a hand on the man’s shoulder. < “Thank you, Trey.”>

Trey shook his head again. < “No. Thank you my lord. You tried to do so much for us. I only wish… it does not matter. You must go. Goodbye my friends.”> Then Trey turned around and headed down a different corridor.

A moment later, Ching beckoned them forward silently. Clark reached out with his mind. [What is our plan, anyway?] he asked.

Ching did not spare him a glance but answered mentally. [There is a ship in the East Hanger. It has not been used in some time but is kept fully stocked for deep space travel. If we can make it there, we should be able to leave New Krypton.]

Ching conveyed little beyond determination in his thoughts, but Clark caught the faint twinge of concern slip through his walls. [If?]

[We must pass close to the main courtyard. I fear we will be seen.]

Sure enough, Clark could hear the sounds of shouting grow louder. But Ching was right. There was no other way to the East Hangar. Clark fought to stifle his own fear. He knew that Zara was struggling to keep her emotions in check. And Jor – the boy seemed nervous but focused. He trusted them to keep his safe, Clark realized.

If only they could guarantee his safety.

They came to a door. Clark could hear the people just beyond and feel their emotions. It felt like sheer chaos.

Ching gripped his Drei tightly and turned to them. < “I will guard the rear, fight off any who come near. If I fall, do not stop.”>

Zara visibly trembled, her face grim. Ching placed a hand on her cheek. < “No matter what happens, I will always be with you, Beloved.”> He placed his other hand on Jor’s shoulder. < “As I will be with you, my son.”>

It was probably the only time Ching had openly admitted that Jor was his son. The moment lingered and Clark could only imagine what Zara and Ching were telling each other mentally.

Clark stepped forward. < “Ching. Let me take the rear. Go with your family. I will –”>

< “No. I am more skilled with the Drei. And they will need you on Earth.”>

Clark wanted to argue but Ching’s determination pressed upon him and he knew his friend would not change his mind on this. He nodded solemnly and huddled close to Zara and Jor, prepared to usher them through the door on Ching’s mark.

There came a sound like a laser firing and Clark grit his teeth. < “They have energy weapons.”>

Ching nodded. < “Be on guard. Move quickly.”> A breath. A moment. And then - < “Go.”>

Clark pushed through the door, angling his body to be between Zara and Jor and any potential threats. He saw the crowds and heard the moment they were spotted and all hell broke loose. He kept his focus on the door on the far side of the courtyard. If they could just make it there…

Ching stayed close behind them, fending off attackers, dealing blow after blow. They were halfway there when Ching was held up by a larger group. Clark urged Zara and Jor on. From the corner of his eye, he saw Ching take a hit, but he didn’t go down.

Ching fought back and managed to break away. He raced to catch up to them, still fending off the converging masses.

Clark pushed back a few attackers of his own, desperately longing for the powers which he had not possessed in ten years. They were almost there.

Ching was suddenly caught up in another group attack. Clark pushed Zara and Jor forward and reached the door just as the energy weapons opened fire. He felt the heat of a laser beam skim past his ear and pushed Jor and Zara through the door.

Just as he ducked through himself, Zara turned slipped back out – her eyes frantically searching for Ching, who was no where to be seen. She let out a sob as Clark tugged her back inside and slammed the door shut.

He locked the door, but that wouldn’t hold the people back for long. Already they were pounding for entry.

Zara was shaking, arms wrapped around herself as tears streamed down her face. Clark wanted to cry as well but there wasn’t any time to morn his brother.

< “Zara, we must go.”> He didn’t wait for her to respond, but grasped her shoulder and Jor’s and propelled them both down the hallway. He took several turns, hoping to make their route difficult to follow, while still driving them towards the hangar.

The rebels had broken through the door and were in pursuit. He could hear them shouting.

Another turn.


Gradually, the sounds faded away to a distant echo. The hangar wasn’t far now.

Clark steered them into an alcove and stopped to let them catch their breath. He wasn’t feeling too great himself. His chest ached as his old injury flared. He peered out into the hallway, making certain that they were alone.

< “Mother?”>

Clark blinked at the sound of Jor’s voice. The boy had been silent since they had left the apartment. Clark had not ventured to guess how horrific this whole ordeal was for a nine-year-old – witnessing such violence; losing Ching, his father. But Clark had kept his focus on getting them to safety. They could deal with mental trauma once they were safe.

But Jor’s voice didn’t sound scared in the way Clark would expect. It sounded more like…

Clark turned and sucked in a breath at the sight of Zara on the floor, blood pooling at her side. He realized suddenly that she had been hit by one of the energy weapons.

Crouching at her side, he warred with himself on what to do. He had no first aid kit, but perhaps there was one on the ship. He wasn’t sure she could make it that far. Her face was already so pale, her breathing so shallow. “Zara…” he breathed. “What can I do?”

Zara looked up at him. The fear he had seen in her eyes before was gone, replaced by acceptance. She knew her time was short. “Get Jor to the ship. Save him,” she pleaded.

Clark nodded and then shut his eyes tight against the wave of grief and denial that rushed over him. This couldn’t be happening. But it was. And there was no time to grieve. Opening his eyes, he watched Zara reach out for Jor. The boy fell to his knees beside her, grasping her hand in his own.

< “You must go with your father now,”> she whispered. < “Listen to him. He will help you find your place on Earth.”> She drew in a ragged breath, struggling to continue.

Jor was shaking his head slowly but couldn’t seem to find any words.

Zara touched his cheek and tried to smile encouragingly. < “Do not worry for me. I will be with Ching.”> A single tear spilled from her eye and rolled down her cheek. < “I am so proud of you, Jor. My sweet boy.”>

Then she raised her eyes to Clark and nodded. It was time.

Clark placed a hand on Jor’s shoulder. He hated to tear him away from his mother in her final moments but they could not afford to linger any longer. < “Let’s go, Jor-El.”>

Jor didn’t stand. He only shook his head and suddenly found his voice again. < “No. No! We cannot leave her!”>

< “We must!”> Clark grit his teeth and grabbed the boy, forcing him to stand, to turn and run.

[Zara, I am so sorry,] he sent his thoughts back to her as he urged Jor onward. [I will never forget you. I will never let Jor forget you or Ching. I promise.]

[Ehrosh :bem, Kal-El. Good-bye, Clark.]
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