Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Watching Your Life Go By - 12/07/23 07:20 PM
DarthMichael announced that there was going to be a downtime for the boards, possibly interfering with Ficlet Friday. So I post this a little early, since technically, it's not even Friday here. But I'm sure, somewhere...

I'd say, hope you enjoy, but well... Consider yourself warned.

The story fits into the continuity of this series that was never meant to be

Watching Your Life Go By

“Lois? You're here? I had no idea!”

I stumble back, catching myself against the banister, unsure what slams into me first. Is it Luthor's hand as he pushes me out of the way, the dizziness that makes the room spin or the intense wave of agony? Every cell in my body is on fire. My legs buckle underneath me. Only by sheer force of will I remain upright.

As quickly as the attack came on, it fades as Luthor barges further into my apartment.

His words are muffled by the ringing in my ears. “What a lovely surprise. I wanted to convince Mr. Kent to come to our wedding. Seems like you beat me to it.”

“Lex!” The alarm in Lois’ voice sends a rush of adrenaline through me.

I manage to blink back the cobwebs as I hold onto the banister for dear life while I lock my legs underneath me. The pain is lingering in waves, fainter now with the increasing distance to Luthor. Still, I feel the radiation of the poisonous rock draining me.

Does he know I'm Superman?

But his attention is on Lois alone, as if I'm not even there. Wouldn't he taunt me and gloat, especially if he has kryptonite, if he knew?

Taking a deep breath, I manage to calm my racing heart and try not to look as if I'm about to collapse.

Luthor holds out his arms to embrace Lois, but she retreats, one step back for each one he takes toward her. She fumbles with the engagement ring, turning it in an attempt to get it off. With a final step she comes up to the wall behind her and suddenly, Luthor’s awfully close.

My stomach churns as I watch him invade her personal space, kissing her cheek though she tries to withdraw. I grip the banister tighter, preparing to launch myself at Luthor.

I need to stop him, though right now I’m not even sure if my legs will carry my weight. Getting closer to the kryptonite will likely have me crumble in a heap right before his eyes. The situation is beyond frustrating.

Lois raises her chin in defiance. “There will be no wedding, Lex.”

“Of course, there will be a wedding.” He uses that gentle, yet condescending tone meant for scared children. “You're just nervous, my dear.”

She shakes her head. “I know what you did!”

Lois finally pulls the ring from her hand and throws it at Luthor. It hits his chest before it clatters to the floor. There's a moment of silence. Lois’ face shows relief, though I'm afraid the sentiment is premature.

“You blew up the Planet, you're trying to kill Superman.”

“Did he tell you that?” As he points at me, his mask slips. Rage mares his features, before he schools them back into that jovial mask of a devoted fiancé. “Darling, Lois, these are the fantasies of a very desperate man. Nothing about this is true.”

His gaze drifts toward me. “Kent, I never thought you’d stoop so low and tell such blatant lies.”

There's something smug about his expression as if he's daring me to contradict him. The anger burning in my chest makes me forget all about the pain racking my body. With clenched fists I meet his gaze. I wish I could physically throw him out. I've never wanted to harm anyone. But right in this moment I’d love to cause him pain, even a fraction of what I'm feeling.

Luthor turns back to Lois and bends down to pick up the ring. Smiling, he hands it back to her as if she just dropped it by accident. Then he slips his arm around her shoulders. Trapped in her corner, she can't escape his grasp.

“Come on, my dear, I’m afraid we’re wasting our time here.” He places another kiss into her hair. “It saddens me that your so-called friend does not care about your happiness.”

In vain, Lois tries to shake his arm off her shoulder, her eyes wide and seeming to beg for my help. I can see Luthor’s grip around her shoulder tighten.

My anger flares. I should have stepped in a long time ago, I should never have let him come this far.

“Let her go, Luthor.” I ground out. “Get out of my apartment, now. You’re not welcome here.”

The rage returns the feeling to my numb limbs and I hold onto it. All my life I've kept a tight rein on that particular emotion. But now I turn it into my anchor. Gritting my teeth against the onslaught of searing pain, I push through the weakness.

Within a few steps, I'm face to face with Luthor and grab his lapels. “Get out of here now!”

Luthor smiles, unfazed. “Don’t worry, we’ll leave.”

Lois bends forward, untangling herself from his grip with a jerk. “No! I'm not coming with you.”

Her reaction startles him enough that I can shove Luthor away from Lois. I barely manage to remain on my feet, though, and catch myself against the wall as I position myself between Lois and Luthor. Dark spots dance before my eyes.

Yet, I stand my ground. “Leave her alone!”

But my strength is dwindling fast with the kryptonite so close. It's getting hard to ignore the white-hot agony stabbing through my body. Cotton wool fills my head.

Through the haze of pain, I notice that Luthor pulls out a revolver and points it at me. “Nobody gets in the way of what I want.”

I glare at him. “Get out of my apartment.”

There's a shriek behind me. “Clark, no!”

He presses the nuzzle of the revolver against my chest. “Or what?”

A growl of frustration escapes me. What am I supposed to do? Despite all my efforts, I can't save her. With the kryptonite wrecking havoc in my system, I'm completely useless. I'd stand a better chance fighting Luthor, if I were a regular guy.

The room is spinning around me. “Do you plan on marrying her at gun point, too?”

I hear a sob from behind me. “Lex, please, don’t do this.”

“Come with me, and your sorry excuse for a partner will live.”

“No!” Lois opens the door to my balcony and yells, “Help, Superman!”

God, how I wish I could come.

“Yes, Lois, call your hero.” Luthor laughs. The revolver changes its target, now trained on her. “I have a little surprise for him.”

Luthor pulls out the pendant and an eerie green glow lights up his face. I can't quite stifle the grunt of pain and stagger back toward Lois in a desperate attempt to protect her. Through the fog in my brain I feel her body against my back. More cool air hits me, sending a chill down my sweat soaked body.

“Leave her alone.” The voice doesn’t sound like my own, a rasp so hoarse it’s barely a whisper.

The world spins around me like crazy. Pain explodes in my chest the moment I hear the bang. I can’t breathe. I tumble back and hit something soft. The world tilts as I fall. But there's no ground to stop me.

Her scream pierces the night. “Clark!”

“Lois!” Luthor’s face gets away from me as I descend. His eyes are wide open, his face contorted in pain and despair before he disappears from my view.

Hands on my body clutch around me for support that I can no longer offer. I hold onto them.

She's falling with me.

My heart stops.

And something inside me stirs.

A surge of powers I didn't know I still possessed.

With a strangled cry I fight gravity. It's not enough to pull us upward, but I manage to break our fall and find some forward momentum, speeding away from the alley behind my building and down the deserted streets.

I turn us around until she's cradled in my arms and slow us down just in time. We crash into a pile of trash bags and cardboard boxes that collapse on us.

The last bit of air rushes out of my lungs as the pain in my chest hits me full force. I try to gulp in another breath, but my rips protest. And the black spots before my eyes coalesce to solid darkness.
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