Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: groobie FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 01:16 AM
Sorry about missing the last meeting...we took our son to Sea World. He loved the Sea Lion and Otter Show, but all he could talk about at the Shamu show was the backpack of the kid in the row in front of us. Sorry residents of Metropolis and Gotham...my son apparently prefers Spiderman. I'll make sure to stay glued to my computer during Sweeps month.

Good to see Perry, albeit rather briefly. I could always go for a guest star appearance by Cat in the future. And with the mention of Costmart in this episode, I hope that the casting department can get Mindy Church on the set.

Keep this story coming - it's great fun! thumbsup Susan
Posted By: Dave Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 01:30 AM
Dammit, they're on to me! I need to make this quick...

Loved it, as usual, Paul. Bad puns and all. <g> The allusion to Lois's case in the Congo was pure brilliance. Loved this bit:

"They were about as clean as a junkyard dog who'd been digging for scraps in the compost pile on a rainy day."

And I loved seeing the mysterious enforcer finally make it into the story. smile

Here's hoping I make it back before the whole thing is over, but if I don't... Well...

/me hops into an unremarkable car and drives away...
Posted By: JenniJac Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 01:51 AM
I love the way Timmy can write his way around anything. And the rest of the production people'd have to be really great to keep up with all the changes too.

But the REAALY great thing here is your writing Paul! Can't wait for the next part!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 02:36 AM
So Timmy denies being my father, hmmm? Well, men, you know. They're all the same. And - what's this? No Gotham scenes? No Batman? You mean I won't get to meet my evil stepfather??? And Superman won't wear a hawaiian shirt? whinging Okay, so who's intruding on my grief and fingering my shoulder??? mad Eh - Timmy???? You are here?!?! To admit you are my father??? Ah, I love you! rotflol But sometimes it's a good thing you have Clark with you:
Clark, also in dark clothing, seemed somewhat less at ease, although the letters "LEX" alone could perhaps have accounted for that.

Lois crept towards the door, then began working on the lock. ---- By the time the telltale click announced his partner's success, he had used his breath to point a camera in a more favorable direction, his heat vision to disable three alarms, his x-ray vision to find the most likely path to their target area (a lab which was, of course, lead-lined), and his hearing to locate all the guards.
LOL!!! rotflol Way to go, Clark!!!

Oh, and Clark, I noticed you didn't say much in this episode either. Does that mean you've still got a sore throat, or did you just remember what I said about being silent, sexy and mysterious?

Ahh! Paul, you've cheered me up so much that I don't even need to meet my evil stepfather the Bat anymore. Besides, who needs to meet George Clooney anyway?


P.S. After all this rolling on the floor, I don't think I need a vacuum-cleaner anymore. But I'd better invest in a super-sized washing-machine.
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 08:54 AM
Paul, just a quick note to let you know that I'm reading and enjoying your story. An interesting format.

Of course, the staff meetings are more entertaining than the Lois and Clark parts.

Tank (who wonders, since Paul is including bits from the comments in his staff meetings, if he shouldn't make a pitch for Lois to... naw, he'll save it for later)
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/29/06 06:32 PM
I'm still enjoying both bits. Darn the studios for pulling the plug on Gotham! It would have been great. Grr. And darn those paper execs for not allowing the investigation into Gotham. But it does figure that Lex is involved.

Can't wait for Tuesday!
Been kinda busy lately, and just caught up.

Good thing there's VCRs. wink

I LOVE THIS!!! The staff meetings are hilarious and a lot of fun, and the "show" itself is getting really interesting! smile1

So what is this enforcer? Are we still going to have a crossover? Will Batman come through, or will the honor be bestowed upon another hero? Or will it be dropped completely?

Oh the suspense...This is so COOL!!! hyper

And what's this about a guest villain??

Oh, one more thing: As much as I love this, I must complain. See, it's my muse. She loves this. A lot. In fact, she refuses to do any more work for me unless Timmy marries her. Or something. Her hyper-active gibbering is kinda hard to understand, so I'm taking a clue from the fact that all she does now is write "Mrs. Timmy" and "Mrs. Muse Timmy" all over her notebook. I gave her that notebook to write *stories* in!!!


Although I must confess, the writing is indeed very brilliant! Have I mentioned how much I love the production meetings? And the show? Both are excellent! smile

Uh...note to Timmy: if you find an absurd amount of valentines with...interesting messages on them...in your mailbox, please ignore them.
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 01/31/06 01:02 AM
Thanks for the comments, everyone!! smile

Susan - I like Spidey, too. smile Give your son a friendly *thwip* (not to be confused with the very different *thwap*) from me. wink Anyway, glad you could make it this time.

Dave - Glad you're liking the story, but... watch out. wink

Jenni - Thank you! blush

Ann -- rotflol Thanks! Your comments make for a great read in and of themselves, and give me some good material to work with, too. laugh

Incidentally, I didn't end up covering this in the meeting, but while Gotham and Metropolis do both have ties to NYC, it's established continuity that they're distinct cities. I think they're about 100 miles apart. (I found a site once which gave the "official" distances between Gotham, Metropolis, and NYC, but it's been a while...)

Tank - Thanks for dropping by. It's really good to hear that one of the harder critics in the fandom is enjoying my work. Sorry about the haircut thing, though. The "lost ep" format limits my options there.

Karen - Good to hear that you're still reading and enjoying. Thanks for letting me know. (And yeah - what stupid hat??)

Mary - Glad your VCR is working. *g* Welcome to the story.

Sorry about the muse, but the good news is that the story will be over on Sunday. Oh, and Timmy was mentioning something about making her a new notebook out of recycled paper. Something about appreciating fan mail, but only being able to keep so much...

Anyway, thanks again for all the comments, everyone!

Oh, one more thing... I'm moving my sleep schedule around this week, so that's going to affect posting time. I'll still post on Thursday and Sunday, but instead of 2am EST, it's going to be progressively later. (That's already starting, as you can see; it's about 3am now.)

Posted By: Psychofurball Re: FDK: The Inside Scoop (5/8) - 02/02/06 12:31 AM
Here we go!

It was very supportive," Seth hurriedly assured him.

Timmy looked tentatively hopeful.

Honesty forced Seth to qualify the remark. "Well, for the most part, anyway."

The brim went back down. Light reflected off the hat's message. "Do Not Disturb."
Oh god! LOL!

Seth shrugged. "Maybe. I guess I should skip over the part where she thinks Timmy is her father..."

"What?! Do I look old enough to be someone's father?"

"Well, in this day and age, who knows?" Seth asked, trying to keep a straight face. "But of a fifty-year-old woman? Probably not."
LMAO!! Paul...Your killing me here. I bet your enjoying it.

Another great part! Wish you would of posted the whole thing. But I know what fun is that? When you can torture us to death!

Rach laugh
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