Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KSaraSara FDK: Martha... A Gift From the Stars (1/1) - 09/09/23 05:19 AM
Can I still say Happy Ficlet Friday if the ficlet is kinda…sad? I mean… like sad in a wistful, uplifting way?

This is part of my Martha... series, but they’re pretty standalone. They’re all pretty short, especially this one.

I’d really love to know what you thought of this little ficlet!

Sara smile
This was so heart-wrenching. You did a great job of portraying Martha's feelings. Loved this.
This is beautiful and sad at the same time. It touched my heart in so many ways. Martha was such an important character in the show and you’ve nailed her in this series. The last two sentences sums it up perfectly:

And not a day went by that she didn’t send thanks into the great unknown for her gift from the stars.

Only now, she knew their names.

Thanks for this touching addition to the Martha series! I love it and look forward to more!
Aww, such thoughts!
Aww, love these and this is perfect.
Hi Sara!
Thank you to SuperBek for the kick in the pants to write *something*. And thanks for Bring too!
The usual pattern emerges: poke the author and work bubbles out.

Christmas two months ago
Huh, early March? I always thought Foundling was later in the year, somewhere in April? Is that just head canon or do we have an actual timeline reference?

It really shouldn’t be so hard to believe, given that her son flew and could fry bacon with his eyes,
He also held out against Lois’s wiles for an entire night.

This mysterious globe that had apparently been some navigation system for the spaceship that had brought him to Earth.
A gyroscope!

But he was a grown man, entitled to his own private life just like any other man on Earth.
LOIS: devil

Their legacy—that they’d never know how perfect and wonderful and amazing their son was, how selfless and altruistic he was. How smart and kind and loving and curious and compassionate—how super he was in every way that had nothing to do with his physiology.
Evil bunny: Clark’s truly the spearhead of an invasion. The projection was just a fake. The Kryptonians will arrive when he’s all grown up and if he fared well, debrief him and launch a tailor-made invasion.

And not a day went by that she didn’t send thanks into the great unknown for her gift from the stars.

Only now, she knew their names.

Also, awwwwww clap

wave Michael
Sara!! I loved this!! It was so well-written and wistful! My dear Martha!! And the last line hit home so hard!! Great job!! ❤
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