Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: angelic_editor Prequel (1/2): Terms of Endearment - 01/22/06 10:48 PM
Title: Prequel (1/2) for the upcoming "Terms of Endearment"
Author: angelic_editor
Rating: PG for mild language
Summary: This is a sequel to "Terms of Estrangement," which can be found here . It's probably best if you read "Terms of Estrangement" first, as this takes place directly after the events depicted. Now, Clark and Lois deal with the repercussions of his revelation.
Feedback: Better than chocolate, especially since I'm so new at this. Be brutal, kids.
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine; the words are. Please don't take legal action, as poor college students aren't worth suing, anyway.
Miscellaneous: What started out as a short vignette has turned into a multi-part story, thanks to the amazing feedback from readers! At first I was worried I couldn't do justice to the story I wanted to tell, but you've all been so wonderful and supportive that I find I can't stop writing until 4 a.m.! Seriously, guys, I can't thank you enough for your kind words of encouragement; I hope you enjoy.

Driving away from the wreck of the day
And the light’s always red in the rear-view
Desperately close to a coffin of hope
I’d cheat destiny just to be near you
— “Wreck of the Day,” Anna Nalick

Lois Lane sat at the deserted intersection, waiting for the light to change from red to green.

This is ridiculous, she thought. Why am I stopping for a red light at 3 a.m.?

And then her conscience kicked her in the temple.

Oh, yeah. Because it’s the right thing to do, she mocked herself. And I’m nothing if not civic-minded.

Lois sighed, not amused by this running monologue in the slightest. She was desperate for a distraction from her earlier conversation with Clark Kent, but her mental babble was no help. Driving aimlessly through Metropolis for the last hour had gotten her no closer to any sort of closure.

Clark. Superman. They were the same person.

And you’re a fool for not seeing it yourself.

Lois wanted nothing more than to lambaste Clark for not telling her sooner. Every instinct was screaming for her to do just that.

But she hadn’t — at least, not yet.

The damnable thing was, she loved him. At the moment, she couldn’t work up even a spark of her usual fury, though she was still struggling to sort out the jagged pieces of this sadistic farce of a jigsaw puzzle in her mind.

So Clark is Superman. It’s a lot to deal with — for both of us, she amended. And he’s just having a bad night.

Lois swallowed hard against the rejection-sized bruise mottling her heart.

It’s just business, not a personal attack on you. Don’t undermine his feelings, even if he did show you the door.

She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to erase the last two hours. The emotional onslaught was nearly too much to bear.

You idiot — too much to bear? What does Clark go through every single day?

She sighed, thinking back to the depthless pain she’d seen in Clark’s eyes. He’d looked so old then, so weary. His voice echoed in her head, rough with feeling. She heard the hurt and frustration that tinged his words.

“I — I couldn’t — I just — I just couldn’t. It wasn’t enough. I tried, but it wasn’t enough.”

Lois swallowed hard once more, doing her best to focus on the red light in front of her. Difficult, seeing as how it was underwater.

“How do you tell a seven-year-old that her mom will never walk again? Tell me, please — how does Superman explain that even he can’t help everyone? That he can’t fix everything at once?”

Lois’ heart constricted. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel in frustration.

Oh, Clark, I’m sorry — I wish I’d known. I wish I’d seen behind the glasses, I wish I hadn’t acted so foolishly, I wish I knew what to do. I wish I could show you how much I want to understand how you do what you do.

Her knuckles were white.

You’ve carried this around for so long, alone, and now, you must be so scared …

Lois’ mouth dropped open in horror.

Oh, God. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you.

Hurriedly checking the empty streets once more, she made a sharp, illegal U-turn and headed toward Clark’s apartment.

I really, really hope you didn’t leave. Be there, Clark. You have to be there.
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