Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Incognito FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 12/31/05 11:56 PM
Yay, a longish chapter. Thank you! smile

The children are adorable and I love how Lois is trying to do the best she can with them. And it's interesting how she's suspicious of Clark because of the Superman thing. Looking forward to seeing her reaction to that revelation.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/01/06 12:48 AM
Thank you for changinging your avatar back. I like this one better! peep

This was a great installment! I love how the motherly thing is coming somewhat naturally to Lois. And I love this Clark. He is so helpful and understanding. But, wait until Lois finds out that Clark is Superman! hail
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/01/06 04:50 AM
Chriscy, you say that you love kidfics, and here it certainly shows in the best possible way! The kids here are adorable, especially Lori. I'm not such an all-out kid lover myself, but how can you not love this?
I was so scared! And there were monsters and scary people and they were chasing Jack and me and I fell. And then I called for you and I was crying and I was crying and you weren't there.
FoLCs, isn't this a perfect description of one of those childhood nightmares that you, too, must remember having? Except that Lori's nightmare may have been for real, the way she talks about Clark and Jack and herself all being hurt by kryptonite - that sounds plausible - and Lois not being there, which we know is true! Wow! Is it even remotely possible that Lois's family was attacked by someone using kryptonite, while she herself was on the lam having a coffee with Lucy? Well, probably not, because I guess it really only is the kind of nightmare that a half-Kryptonian child missing her mother might be having. Yeah, probably. But this is great stuff, the way you write Lori so that it takes me down memory lane back to my childhood. And I love the way you bring out the caring mother in Lois!

And then how you write Clark! So caring, so tender and so - full of lies? Arrgghh! He's lying to her AGAIN!!! He's not going to TELL her that she is married to SUPERMAN???
He knew he was just putting off the inevitable, but he didn't relish going through the whole revelation thing again with her, considering how it went last time.
GRRRR... mad Did you know that back in the sixties, the Flash, the fastest man on earth, who was then Barry Allen, was the first of the comic book heroes from DC Comics to get married? And did you know that he didn't tell his wife that the man she was married to was anything more than plain old Barry Allen at all? I remember a story where he was sneaking out of bed at night to run off and do his heroics without her having any sort of clue about her husband's extracurricular activities!

But, hey! Chriscy, I'm so glad to see that Lois in your story isn't taken in all that easily. She's spying on Clark when he's telling Lori that she mustn't talk to Mommy about Superman at all. And then the next morning, she is greeting Lori and Jack so sweetly - I loved that! - but she doesn't kiss Clark, not at first:
Lois noticed that he looked very handsome and she almost wanted to return his warmth, but she held back. He wasn't as innocent as he appeared; she thought she could trust him, but he was hiding something from her! So instead, she settled for a polite good morning. Lois noticed that his smile faltered.
Ah, but she doesn't get away with that:
"Mommy, you forgot to kiss Daddy good morning!" Jack said pointedly.
LOL! Well, there's nothing for it, she has to kiss him:
She eyed Clark warily before stepping to him and quickly pressing a kiss to his face, then separating from him just as suddenly.
Ah, but she isn't getting away from him that easily:
"Daddy!" Lori whined and motioned at Lois.

"Alright, alright. Fine." Lois said impatiently as she walked back to Clark's side and waited for his slightly hesitant, hasty kiss.
Oh, Lois, you don't know what you are letting yourself in for:
She wasn't prepared for the chill that raced down her spine when Clark's lips touched her, making them blush.
Lois and Clark's children as matchmakers for their parents! I love it! Hey, I love all of this. It's an absolutely delightful story, Chriscy. Can't wait for the next part! smile1


P.S. Lori, eh? To me, that name comes with all sorts of bad associations and connotations, because of the way Lori Lemaris the mermaid came between Lois and Clark so awfully about ten years ago in the comic books. Anyway, in part two of your story, you called Clark and Lois's daughter Lora - Lora Marie Kent. Not Lori. And their son was called Jonathan Clark Kent.

P.P.S. That's a great new avatar! thumbsup
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/01/06 08:01 AM
Thank you for another update, I really enjoyed some Kent family time and you wrote a perfectly hesitant Lois, if I may say so.

Can't wait for the trouble with Superman to begin laugh
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/01/06 11:18 AM
Good description of a nightmare from a superchild!! The green rock!! wink

Jose hyper
Posted By: ChriscyK Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/02/06 02:41 PM
Hi! I wanted to post a longer chapter to make up for the wait. smile We're getting into more kid-intensive territory here, so thanks for sticking with me! laugh

And Ann, Lori's dream description was actually inspired by Lois' description of being abducted by aliens (can't remember which episode)...remember how she told Clark that she was screaming and screaming and he wasn't there, then he said it was his fault, etc.? It's been fun deciding how the kids should take after Lois and Clark. I actually just love children in general - maybe that's why I like kidfic so much. smile And "Lori" and "Jack" are just nicknames; I figured that Lois & Clark would like to cuten their kids' names like lots of parents do. smile I know Lora to Lori doesn't shorten the name at all, but it just sounds like a cute name to me. goofy

Anyway, I'm in the process of mapping out where the story should be headed in the end (well, I know how the end should go, it's the journey I need to figure out), but the block has passed, thankfully. Keep you eyes peeled! smile
Posted By: lovetvfan Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/03/06 01:52 PM
Another good post on this story! It's getting better and better. Can't wait for the next update!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/03/06 03:12 PM
Loved it! More soon. Laura
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/04/06 01:02 PM
Nice chapter! clap Next part, please! grovel

Andreia smile
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/07/06 05:01 PM

Great part. clap
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/09/06 12:35 PM
Chriscy, where are you??? wildguy wildguy wildguy
Posted By: ChriscyK Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/09/06 08:50 PM
Hi! I'm still here, I really am!

Sorry about the longer wait, but unfortunately I wasn't able to meet my goal for finishing before school starts again and since I'm taking an overload of courses this semester, the story's going to roll out a lot more slowly. I'm really sorry! I'm still writing and I promise I won't leave everyone hanging, but please be patient because from now on, unless if I have a huge chunk of free time for some reason, the story's going to come out a lot more slowly than it did before.

I was afraid this would happen, and I apologize again! Thanks for staying with me though, but be assured that the story's going to keep coming...just a lot more slowly.

Chriscy blush
Posted By: angelic_editor Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/09/06 09:20 PM
I'm so sorry I've just now gotten caught up with "Future Perfect" -- otherwise, I would've commented long ago!

Excellent, excellent premise. I love how you've characterized Lois here: she's her usual skeptical, strong-willed self, but she's also willing to make an honest go at being a mom for the first time in her memory. My heart aches for her and the rest of the family, but you've played Lois so well, even down to the smallest detail, like the turquoise toothbrush reference. Which I loved.

And Clark! Talk about the perfect husband! (Well, aside from that whole by-the-way-honey-I'm-Superman business that she'll eventually have to hear). *melts*

Eep. Sorry, I think I'm babbling. I just know how nerve-wracking it can be to post a first fic, as I recently did, and want to let you know you're doing a great job with this story. Please, keep writing!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 01/09/06 09:40 PM
Good to hear from you, Criscy! And.... While a lot of us here on these boards would really like you to neglect your courses so that you can quickly finish your excellent story, you really shouldn't listen to us, you know. frown

But.... When we are waiting for something as good as your story, the waiting will certainly be worth it! smile

Posted By: Snave Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 05/18/06 08:55 PM

Just wanted you to know that we out here haven't forgotten this story! It has a really great premise, and the few chapters I've seen are great. When school pressures (or whatever) permit, we sure hope that you get a chance to come back to it!

-- A rabid fan
Posted By: Snave Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 12/27/06 09:03 PM
Lois (over her shoulder): How long can you hold your breath?

Clark (hiding a grin): A long time, Lois. A long time.

Well, we've been holding ours (at least I've been holding mine) for just about a year. I really hope that you haven't given up on this story; it has a terrific premise; and besides, the cliffhanger it ended on (has driven; is driving; continues to drive) me CRAZY!!

It would sure be nice if you could post at least one more chapter, just to get us (read 'me') off the tenterhooks. (Besides, maybe if you did, you might decide to finish it. laugh )

With bated breath,

-- Snave
Posted By: kateydidnt Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 12/28/06 02:17 PM
Lois (over her shoulder): How long can you hold your breath?

Clark (hiding a grin): A long time, Lois. A long time.

Well, we've been holding ours (at least I've been holding mine) for just about a year. I really hope that you haven't given up on this story; it has a terrific premise; and besides, the cliffhanger it ended on (has driven; is driving; continues to drive) me CRAZY!!

It would sure be nice if you could post at least one more chapter, just to get us (read 'me') off the tenterhooks. (Besides, maybe if you did, you might decide to finish it. )

With bated breath,
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Future Perfect 5/? - 12/28/06 02:28 PM
Add me to nagging list. laugh

Nag... nag... nag... wildguy wildguy wildguy

Chriscy, where are you???? spider
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