Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Jerseygrl FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/27/22 08:12 PM
Thanks for reading!
Posted By: CarrieRene Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/27/22 09:23 PM
Oh, boy. I can't wait to see where you take this.
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/27/22 09:24 PM
Interesting start! Can't wait to see where it goes! hyper

I've often wondered what would happen in this scenario, or if someone had picked up and pieced back together the ripped envelope from the trash can. I like how you emphasized Lois recognizing her own handwriting -- that seems like the only way she would believe the truth of the words.

Thanks for sharing!! smile1

Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 12:10 AM
Thanks!! Glad you’re enjoying it!
Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 12:13 AM
Right? This ending has bothered me for years now, but I guess that’s the best fodder for fan fiction. Thanks for the comment!
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 12:37 AM
Yay!!! Welcome to the boards!! Like you and others, this one always bothered me too, so I’m glad we get to see your take on what happens! smile1

Sara smile
Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 02:09 AM
Thanks so much!! And thanks for the pointers and heads up about this space, looking forward!!
Posted By: Penny_Lane Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 02:50 AM
Very good Jerseygrl! Can't wait to read how this plays out. smile1

Welcome to the boards. wave
Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/28/22 10:20 AM
Thanks so much!! Glad you’re enjoying it!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/29/22 07:48 PM
Hi Jerseygrl!

Welcome to the boards! party

Disclaimer for new members: my FDK is most often a lot of (hopefully) funny asides and tangents triggered by some quote from the text and possibly also quite tongue in cheek from time to time.
And what if Lois had actually been the one to see it instead?

as well as some kind of tip about a new budding crime syndicate that she received late the night before from Bobby Bigmouth, the most reliable of all her sources…
A syndicate trying to shrink portions at restaurants while keeping the prices at the original level?

“I’ve still got eight minutes,” she said. “What did I get him?” She paused as Jimmy handed her a gift
Is that from the show? Either way, laugh

And Clark Kent was definitely considered part of that fat.
/Points at Pilot and “It’s nine o’clock”/
LOIS: /plugs ears/ lalalala

Her head shot up, meeting a familiar pair of dark, brown eyes that twinkled suggestively right at her… And then, against her will, she felt her heart start racing in response, her heart thumping hard against her ribs.
Awww…her Superman-response!

Lois sighed. That man was a menace.
Clark Kent. Causing heart palpations in impressionable professional women sine 1993.

No time, chief,” she replied, tossing the present at his desk. He picked it up, contemplating it for a moment. “Oh, and here,” she added, dropping the card right beside it. “Happy birthday, or whatever…”
Wow, am wondering if Perry can feel the love as much as I can.

He held it up, jamming his finger under the glued flap, and then he started to tear it open— And that’s when she saw it. Or she thought she did… But it had to have been her imagination. It had to have said something else…

“Ah, good idea, Kent,” Perry said. “Now, Lois, I can’t wait to see what you bought this year. Your gifts are always so… thoughtful.”
Perry really should be more appreciative of his present. After all, Lois just gave him the scoop of the century. And he didn't even acknowledge it.

But Lois barely heard him at all, she was so entranced by the envelope, which was now under Perry’s hand. She needed to see it. She needed to know. So she did what she did best— And she went for it.

But no, the words were there, clearly written with a black pen, and even in her own handwriting, no less.
Oh look, a mystery! Let’s forget about that messy Superman business and focus on the mystery, shall we?
LOIS: Mystery? hyper

Looking forward to finding our where this is going. 3 parts also feel like something easily squeezed into a tight reading schedule /eyes longer stories that have been neglected so far/

wave Michael
Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/30/22 12:55 AM
Wow thanks so much for the read and the comments! And thanks for the warm welcome, glad to be here!
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/30/22 02:31 PM
Count me amongel everyone waiting for the next part!

Also, I really like how the beginning jumps right in without any mention of the time travel, since Lois wouldn't remember that part. It puts us in her shoes: she doesn't know how the note got there, and if you didn't see the episode, you don't either. It's a very nice touch. smile
Posted By: Jerseygrl Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 11/30/22 02:50 PM
Thanks! Yeah, the time travel was completely irrelevant to the story, actually, since Lois wouldn’t have any memory of it. Thanks so much for the comment! I’ll try to get the next chapter up here today.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK The Card (1/3) - 03/25/23 02:36 PM
Wasn't able to read this story previously, but now I'm taking time to catch up. I really enjoy your fast paced writing style! Nice take on this story and perhaps we will read more from you in the future
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