Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lisime12 Have a Little Faith in Me - 12/19/05 06:00 PM
Title: Have a Little Faith in Me.

Submitted: December 2005

Author’s notes

Shannon’s Notes: I had a great time writing this fic, even though we had our technical difficulties! I'd like to give special thanks to the BR for reading through the fic and making corrections. And how can I forget Lisa?!? She is so fun and great to write with. With the both of us working together, we share great ideas and make those ideas come to life. I hope everyone has fun reading it! Also, suggestions and comments are always welcome! I LOVE FoLCs!

Lisa’s Notes: Have a Little Faith in Me, has taken months and years to FINALLY get to this point between college classes for me, Shannon, computer crashes and e-mails forever lost in cyber space, I was doubting if this fic would ever see the light of day. But, that day is here thanks to Kmar for taking on the task to Beta read for us. We love you Kmar! Of course I can’t forget my partner in crime Shannon! Yes, with out her this bad boy would just be an idea that would never come to life, with her awesome writing talent she totally brought the characters to life and kept my crazy ideas in check ;-P. We’re freak’in geniuses! (hahaha just a silly inside joke between us.) Hope everyone enjoys it! All and any comments are welcome! we weren't sure if this would be a Nfic so if it is please put it in the Nfic folder. We just ask that the FDK be either posted in the fanfic section since shannon and I don't have the password or you can email me at: lisime1@msn.com

The sun peeks through the blinds and dances across the sheets waking Lois up from her slumber. She rolls to her side to see Clark’s side empty and the sheets in disarray. Lois reaches out to the empty spot. All she wants from Clark is for him to hold her…to tell her that he still loves her. A tear slides down from her cheek. A month ago Lois and Clark were overjoyed to hear that Lois was expecting but only a few months later their worlds crashed down on them when Lois suffered a miscarriage and slowly Lois and Clark got more distant from one another. Lois is blaming herself, but Clark, on the other hand, just wants to forget about it and move on with their lives. Lois seems to be stuck in her self-pity. Suddenly the bedroom door opens, cutting into Lois’ nightmares. Clark walks in dressed for work.

“Come on, we’re going to be late, and we still have to drive Shannon and Lisa to school.”

Lois stared at the ceiling as tears start to stream down her face, “I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?” Clark hisses as he fixes his tie in the mirror.

Lois gives him a narrow look, “You just don’t care do you?”

Clark rolls his eyes, “Of course I care, Lois, but you have to brush yourself off, jump back on, and move on.”

“Clark? Do you hear yourself? We didn’t lose a promotion at the Planet! We lost a son and you don’t even care! The Clark Kent I married would have! He would be holding me right now, telling me everything will be okay. He’d be telling me this isn’t my fault!” Lois sobbed.

“Lois-” Clark is interrupted by the bathroom door slamming closed. Clark sighs as he turns back to the mirror. He stares at himself blankly. He desperately wanted to rid Lois of this pain she is filling. He wants to wrap Lois in his arms and kiss her pain away, but over the past months Lois just seemed to withdrawal from him and everyone else around her. <She won’t open up to me so how can I help her feel better?> Clark shakes his head and walks downstairs where his twin daughters are waiting to leave for school. They too have been filling the icy result of the miscarriage and could only console Lois and Clark the best they could.

The Daily Planet newsroom is quiet and slow; everyone is going about his or her business until the elevator doors open and a yelling match seems to flood out. “You’ve never cared!” Lois screams, as she walks down the ramp to the bullpen.

Clark takes her gently by the arm and yells back, “Lois I don’t know what to say to you anymore. Before the... Before all this I could just kiss your troubles away and now…you don’t even let me touch you.”

Tears once again swell in Lois’ sad brown eyes. She never knew a person could cry so much.

“Clark….” She chokes trying to find the words. “I don’t need you to kiss me; I need you to hear me!”

“Then talk to me Lois! You have to have a little faith in me!” Clark yells back. Lois says nothing and runs to the bathroom.

Clark shakes his head, walks towards his desk, and buries his face into his hands. He needed to go somewhere; somewhere where he could think straight for awhile; somewhere quiet…the park?
Clark sat on the park bench wanting to just break down crying. He missed his wife and he missed his family. He missed the life he used to have. <God, please help me. I want my old life back. I want Lois to feel my love for her the way that she used to. I feel like she doesn’t trust me anymore. I wish that there was some way I could have helped the baby. My two girls are upset as well. God! Give me a sign it will get better…. > Clark began to tear now. The wind dried his tears as he got up to walk back home.
“Lois?” Perry called. “Where’s Clark?”

Lois looked around when she noticed Perry was talking to her and responded, “Oh, I think he went for a walk…. I’m not real sure though.”

“Oh, okay.” Perry says. “Listen I want you to go home and rest. You look exhausted and I get the feeling that you and Clark aren’t actually getting along, so I want you to go home and lay down for a while. Take a couple days off.” Perry ordered.

“Perry….” Lois began to argue.

Perry interrupted, “Lois, I want you to go home and rest. That’s the end. Period.”
Lois walked into the brownstone where she headed into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As she entered the kitchen, she found Clark sitting at the kitchen table. “Lois, I think we should talk.” Clark said.

“There’s nothing to talk about, Clark.”

“Honey!?! Please! I just want to talk to you. I feel like we’re falling apart!”

“Oh and I suppose that’s my fault too!?!”

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Don’t play stupid with me Clark Kent! We both know you have blamed me for our miscarriage!”

“Lois, I have never blamed you for that; where are you getting all this?”

“It’s the truth! You hate me! You never kiss me! You never hold me! This marriage is not the same! I miss it!”

“I miss it too, but you won’t talk to me! I don’t know what to do….”

“Clark, maybe…I don’t know….”

Clark turns away and begins to walk out of the kitchen, “I’m going for a walk.”

“See! This is what I’m talking about! You always walk away from everything!" Lois spat. Clark says nothing and just walks out the door.

Lois sighs, <maybe I should get out of the house myself. I’ll go visit Lucy.> With that, Lois dumps her tea and grabs her coat and keys.

Lisa and Shannon enter the brownstone, shedding their book bags from their shoulders and automatically walked toward the television when they hear something drop from upstairs, the twins jump; “What was that?” Shannon asks.

“Lisa, what if it’s some one breaking in?” Shannon asks as they both grab their baseball bats.

“Don’t be silly…from the second story window?” Lisa asked as they approached the master bedroom. Lisa reaches for the doorknob. When it turns and opens revealing a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes, the twins scream and hit the man with the bats, but instantly the bats shatter in thousands of small pieces.

The man looks down at the toothpicks that lay at his feet and the twins scream again as they run down the stairs.

“Who was that?” Shannon gasps as they hid under the dining room table.

“Who cares, we have to get dad.” Lisa whispers as the man and a woman with long brown hair and green eyes wearing a black robe of some kind walk towards the dining room.

“Good one Ching.” The woman laughs.

Ching sighs, “Zara, you know that I hate humans, why didn’t you come to this sloppy planet by yourself?”

Zara frowns, “Because my darling, I think we both need to be here to convince Clark that he is needed on New Krypton.”

“You guys are from Krypton?” Lisa asks still hiding under the table.

Zara smiles, “Yes, we need to speak to your father.”

“Well, uh…he’s not here; you’ll have to come back later.” Shannon calls out.

“We can’t wait.” Ching states clearly seeing no point in such childish games.

Suddenly, Lisa and Shannon get out from under the table and say, “Why do you need him?”

“None of your concern,” Ching says flatly.

Zara hits Ching lightly in the chest, “Your father once helped us fight a lordship that desperately wanted to take over New Krypton. Now we are in the same dilemma and we desperately need his help.”

Shannon scratches her head, “Well I don’t know if my da-”

“Girls are you home?” Clark calls from upstairs after flying in the master bedroom. “Why are there toothpicks on the floor up here!?!” Clark calls walking down the stairs stopping where he sees Zara and Ching in the living room.

Lois parked the car in the driveway and sighs. A day with her sister has ironically helped Lois sort through this horrible dilemma. Lois smiles for the first time in two months at her bag she held in her hand. <Nothing a little wine can’t fix. Maybe this will help Clark and I get closer.> Lois opens the door to see the twins sitting on the couch. Clark is leaning against the banister with his hands shoved in his pocket, and Zara and Ching are sitting down.

Lois cautiously walks in and looks at Clark, “What are they doing here?”

Clark sighs and whispers, “Lois, you better sit down.” Clark then looks at his daughters and says, “Girls please go upstairs.”

“But dad-”

“Now!” Clark says pointing to the stairs. Zara watches Lois and Clark close; something was different about them…Lois seemed in disarray, heavy bags placed themselves under Lois’ eyes, Zara also notices Lois’ body language toward Clark; how she keeps her distance from Clark and pushes him away anytime he tries to be affectionate. Clark on the other hand seems to be frustrated with emotions as Zara could hear his thoughts cry out for help. A five O’clock shadow has been slowly forming around Clark’s mouth, which seems to look as if it hadn’t smiles in months.

Lois tries to absorb what Clark just told her.

“They want me to go back to Krypton…they need my help again.”

Lois looks up at Clark, “You can’t go.”

Clark sighs, “Honey, I have to. I have a job to save those people up there.”

Lois gets to her feet and paces back and fourth,
“No, you don’t Clark! Aren’t you tired of saving millions of people that you don’t know! When you can’t even save your own family!?” Lois knew how selfish that sounded.

Ching sees a flicker of anger in Clark’s eyes. An anger that he has never seen Clark with when talking to Lois, “Lois! Don’t you dare put this on me! I’m not the one that…that…AHH! I have to go! You of all people should know that!”

Tears start to roll down her cheeks as Lois screams, “Clark, do you even think anymore!?! You have two daughters for crying out loud! You can’t be a savior for everyone!”

“Yeah, Lois, I can only be your hero can’t I? Do you hear how selfish you’re being! You’re willing to put a whole race at risk all because you can’t get over our baby’s death!” Clark cries realizing what he said and desperately wanted to take it back, but it was said and nothing could change it. “Lois-”

Lois holds up her hand, “No! Just shut up Clark! Go! Stay there for all I care! Don’t be surprised if I’m not here when you come home-if you even do come back home!”

“Lois, what are you saying?” Clark asks.

Tears now seem to pour out of Lois’ eyes, “I want a divorce!”

Clark flinches at the words, “What?”

“I want a divorce! Clark, I’m tired of you walking out when things get hard for you-when you can’t deal with your emotions or mine.” Lois says.

“Lois, no man on Earth or Krypton for that matter can deal with *your* emotions!”

Lois shakes her head, “See this is what I’m talking about. You make everything a damn joke!” With that said, Lois walks upstairs.

Clark follows like a lost puppy, “Lois, where are you going?”

“I’m packing and then going to help the girls pack. I’m staying with Lucy and then going to my mother’s house.” Lois says flatly.

“Lois, I’m sorry.” Clark whispers from the doorway of their bedroom, but Lois doesn’t answer and rage and frustration again fill Clark, “Fine! If this is what you want! Have a nice life!”

The girls rush out of their rooms frantic.

“What’s going on?” Shannon asks.

“Huh? Oh nothing…you two just go back to your room….” Clark said. <Great…what am I suppose to tell the girls?>

“Shannon, what’s going on?” Lisa who is very concerned asked.

“I don’t know but we have to find out.” Shannon responded.

“Oh…well, it’s obvious that it’s something serious because mom and dad have been arguing and now all of a sudden dad is devastated about something. I mean I saw tears in his eyes.”

“I feel sorry for him. But what could it be?”

“I said I don’t know!” Shannon responded annoyed.

“How about I talk to mom and you talk to dad. See what we can get out of them and put the pieces together.” Lisa suggested.

“All right, but let’s wait a few minutes and see if we can hear anything first…okay?”

“Okay.” Lisa said as she gathered next to Shannon to possibly hear something through the door.
“Lois, please let me in. I really want to talk to you.” Clark begged as tears ran down his cheeks.

Lois opened the door, “I have nothing to say to you Clark Kent!” Lois hollered, slamming the door in Clark’s face.

“Lois I don’t want to do this but if I have to break this door to get to you I will!” Clark warned in response to the door slamming in his face.

Lois once again flops on the bed; she grabs the phone and calls the only person she knows that can help her…Lucy. “Luc?” Lois sniffles. “Yeah, can you pick me up? Yeah, I can’t do this anymore. Just pick me up and I’ll tell you everything later.”

Clark starts to bang on the door, “Lois! For god sakes will you just open the door and let’s talk this over! It’s stupid to drag your sister into this!”

Clark steps back from the door as she opens it; she already has two bags in her hand, “Clark! We have already talked about this! You’re going to save New Krypton and I’m going to Lucy’s.” Lois yells as she chucks her bags down the steps landing at Zara’s feet.

Clark whips away the tears that were blinding his eyesight and yells, “Fine! Get a divorce from me! See if I care, but don’t think I won’t fight to death to get custody of the girls!”

Lois laughs for the first time in months, “Clark how on earth are you going to do that when you’re on New Krypton fighting a war!?! You would have to tell the judge everything…who you are-who you really are.”

Clark holds his head, he feels like he will pass out if he doesn’t get out of the house. So faster than the speed of light, he leaves with Ching and Zara at a distance.
Lisa pulls her head away from the door. “A divorce?”

“No way, you must have heard wrong.” Shannon says.

Lisa shakes her head, “No, you heard it too. Great then what’s going to happen to us?”

“What are you talking about Lisa? You heard dad, he’ll fight for us if he has to.” Shannon assured Lisa.

“Yeah, but what judge is going to grant him custody if he stays on New Krypton and lately I have a feeling that mom hasn’t really loved us.” Lisa says as she watches a blur of blue, yellow, and red pass by.

Shannon looks at Lisa, “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, come on Shannon, you see how mom and dad were all happy when they found out they were going to have their OWN child. They seemed happier than when they adopted us.”

Suddenly Lois opened the bedroom door, “Girls, pack some clothes. We’re going to Aunt Lucy’s.”
Superman flies faster and faster as the tears running down his face are disappearing quickly from the speed. Superman is going so fast he soon has to slow down from exhausted. He let’s himself just float past the winter’s clouds; he thinks on how his life and marriage are quickly going down the toilet. <It’s my entire fault…I should have told Lois to stay off her feet when she was pregnant…I should have told Zara and Ching that I couldn’t go…It’s not your fault Kal-El> a voice said in his head.

Superman looks around to see Ching and Zara fly next to him. Soon his self-pity turns into pure anger. “Kal-El-” Zara begins to say.

“Don’t! Just stop! This is your entire fault!” Superman screams.

“Kal-El we had nothing to do with this. This was going to happen sooner or later.” Ching says.

Superman shakes his head and again Ching sees a flicker of rage and frustration in Superman’s eyes. “If it weren’t for you, I’d still have my marriage! I would’ve had a home to go to! And now everything is gone all because of you two!” Superman yells getting in Ching’s face. Ching has now pulled Zara behind him shielding her from Superman, unsure of what he might do in his state of rage and sadness.

“Kal-El, this is just your emotions talking. It’s probably the best that you don’t have a human nipping at your heels anymore. Now you can focus on New Krypton.”

Superman takes Ching by the neck and says, “Lois was all I had! She was the one that kept me from breaking down all those times I couldn’t save someone. She used to bring happiness to my life! Now that’s all been ripped away because of you!”

Suddenly Superman’s hand curls into a strong fist but a small voice in his head brought him back from his rage and desperation.

Superman let’s go of Ching and whispers, “I’m sorry. I just want my life back.” Superman sobs as he falls to his knees.

Zara kneels next to him and tries to console him, “Clark, please come with us and clear your head for a little.”

Superman grabs his composure and says, “No, I have to see someone first.” With that Superman flies toward the only couple that truly understands him. Martha and Jonathon Kent.
“Son, why didn’t you and Lois sit down and talk about this?” Jonathon asked.

“Dad, I tried. We both did. It’s my fault though because after all this happened I just wasn’t the same.” Clark responded.

“Clark honey, what do you mean?” Asked Martha.

“I really wasn’t there for her like a husband should have been after his wife suffered through a tragic event like Lois did. I didn’t hold her when she was upset. I didn’t show her how much I love her. I mean especially when I found out about me having to go back to New Krypton; I immediately made my decision to go…not even thinking about Lois and the girls. I mean after I did all this to Lois and even the girls…I deserve a divorce. I just miss Lois and the twins. I know the girls know that I love them, but sometimes I wish I could go back in time and show and prove to Lois how much I truly love her…but it’s too late….” Clark just bounced down on the sofa, as he covered his eyes; tears ran down his face.

“Clark it’s not too late. It’s never too late to save a relationship for the one person that you truly love. And believe me, no matter how much you two aren’t getting along right now, I know that Lois has to be feeling the same way.” Martha said; trying to reassure Clark that Lois and his love was still possible.

Jonathon added, “Your mom is right. I mean look at all you and Lois have been through.”

“Yeah, I know. I just feel terrible because I mean it’s November 1st and Thanksgiving is almost here…I’m supposed to be with my wife and kids.”

“Go talk to her Clark.” Martha suggested.

Clark walked up to Lucy’s apartment, unsure of what may happen. He approached the door warily, knocking on it.

“Who is it?” A voice from behind the door asked.

Clark who knew the voice replied, “It’s me Shannon.”

Shannon quickly opened the door. “Dad!” Shannon gasped as she hugged Clark.

“Hey Shannon. Where are Lisa and your mom?” Clark asked.

“Lisa’s in the back bedroom and mom is….”

“Lois isn’t here Clark.” Lucy interrupted

Shannon. “Lisa, your dad’s here!”

“Hey Dad.” Lisa said as she rushed to the door.

“Hey.” Clark replied. “Lucy, do you know when Lois will be back?”

“No, I don’t Clark, but then again, why would you care?”

“Lucy, you know I love Lois….” Clark responded to defend himself. “I just want to talk to her. Please, let her know.”

Lucy a bit annoyed responded, “I suppose I could.”

“Thanks. Girls, do you want to go out to the mall with me to talk and get your mom a Christmas gift?”

“Yeah, sure.” Shannon and Lisa replied in unison.

Lucy stepped in and said, “I don’t know. You should check with your mom first and she’s not here.”

Lisa responded, “So what. Can’t you just tell her we’re with our dad?”

“I don’t know.”

“Geez Aunt Lucy. He’s our dad and you’re not going to stop us from seeing him. I know that my mom wouldn’t do that to us, even though at the moment they’re not getting along.” Shannon said as she defended Clark.

“If it’s that big of a deal, I’ll call her cell in a little bit. Bye.” Shannon finished as she went off with Lisa and Clark.

“So dad….” Lisa began, as she buckled her seatbelt, “What’s going on with you and mom and what’s this about New Krypton?”

“Well, first of all, I don’t want you two to worry about your mom and me. We’ll work things out. As far as me going to Krypton, I don’t exactly have a choice.” Clark responded.

“Sure you do….” Shannon said. “You either go or you don’t. It’s as simple as that.”

“Well I have to go. A lot of lives are in danger.”

“But what if something happens to you?” Shannon asked, concerned.

“Shannon, Lisa, I don’t want you two, or even your mom worrying about that. I’ll be okay. I survived the last war that Krypton had. I can survive it again.” Clark assured the girls.
After the girls and Clark went to the mall to buy Lois’ favorite perfume for Christmas they left to go back to Lucy’s apartment.

Clark was hoping that Lois was there so that he could talk to her, and possibly fix things. The girls were hoping the same as Clark; to fix things between Lois and Clark, as well as have Lois convince Clark to stay.

As Lisa, Shannon, and Clark approached the doorstep, Clark started to become nervous. Shannon knocked on the door to get in, when Lois answered it. Lois smiled at the girls as they came in then looked up at Clark, making direct eye contact with him.

“Hi.” Lois said.

“Hi.” Clark replied with a half smile. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” Lois gestured Clark to come in. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks. Girls, can I talk to your mom alone?”

“Yeah.” Lisa and Shannon replied in unison.

Lois looks up where she sees Lucy still standing in the living room. “Lucy, can you leave please?”

“Oh sure.” Lucy said, leaving.

“So….” Lois and Clark began in unison.

“Go ahead Clark.”

“Okay. Lois, I just want to tell you that I’m sorry. I’ve been ignoring you since…since…well you know.” Clark started, trying to avoid upsetting Lois with bringing up the miscarriage.

“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.”

“Well, I’m sorry for not being there for you. I should have put my arms around you and kissed your tears away like I used to. But the truth is, I felt as if we started to drift and once we got to a certain point, I was afraid. But I know I love you. No matter what, I’ll always love you. I want you to know that.” Clark ended as he dropped his face as his eyes swelled up with tears.

“Clark, of course I know that. I love you too.” Lois added as tears slid down her face.

Clark lifted his head up and covered his lips over hers. “I want things back to normal Lois.”

“Same here Clark. Um, does this mean that you’re not going to Krypton?”

“Huh? Well, Lois, honey, yeah I still have to go. In fact I have a conference tomorrow morning.”

“Clark!” Lois exclaimed. “This is the stuff I mean! If you want this relationship to work, you have to actually try and running away from your family especially when Thanksgiving is right around the corner isn't exactly thoughtful!”

“I’m not running away Lois! They need me!” Clark continued to argue.

“Well, your family needs you!”

“This is different!” Clark screamed.

“How so?!?”

“For one, it’s not like your lives are being threatened by extinction!”

“Maybe not for us, but for you it is!”

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“It means I decided not to change my mind about divorcing you.” Lois said as she walked to the kitchen.

“Lois, this is ridiculous. Look, the girls are here and I don’t want them hearing this! I told them goodbye and that I’d be seeing them again soon. And I came here to tell you that too. So, BYE.”

“Bye….” Lois said as she ignored Clark.

“If you want to see me tomorrow, you can find me at the press conference tomorrow morning.” Clark added then leaves.

News crews and reporters wait in the front of city hall in Metropolis. They had gotten a very strange message from Superman that he was going to hold a press conference at five but no one knew what it was about.

But many started to imagine what it would be; over the last months the citizens of Metropolis and especially the media saw a strange change in Superman’s attitude and appearance.

Superman was always happy to give interviews and sound bites, but now it seemed hard to come by, and Superman had slowly withdrawn from the world that loved him so deeply. Suddenly a blur of blue, red, and yellow passed the reporters and Superman stood at the podium. Reporters took pictures and gazed at The Man of Tomorrow who looked worn out and tired; his dark brown eyes turned light as they started to get glassy with tears.

“My fellow citizens,” He started but his voice choked as he looked around and didn’t see Lois anywhere in sight. “I am once again needed on my home planet to fight a war that seems worse then the last. So I ask all of you to be a hero and watch out for each other in my absence.”

Reporters gasped and whispered to each other and tried to ask questions, but Superman jumped off the platform to the ground and walked toward Zara and Ching.

He looked around once more to see if he could find Lois or even the twins for that matter…but all was lost. As he started to take flight, rain started to fall as if the angels themselves didn’t want to see Superman leave.
Lois watched LNN coverage to see what Clark would say. It was the first time Lois actually saw how tired and overwhelmed he was.

Lois’ heart started to pound when Clark began talking, but she knew what Clark was looking for when he paused. He had that <where is my wife> look on his face. But, as of now, Lois could care less, <why didn’t he come back to make up with me before he left. I guess he truly doesn’t love me anymore. > Lois thought as she watched Clark fly off.
New Krypton could rejoice once more, the mystical savior was back again to fight the evil that threatened their planet.

Women dressed in their finest; dripped in jewels and men dressed in the most honorable suits to greet the legendary, Kal-El.

Zara walked into Clark’s bedroom and saw Clark looking out the window at Earth that was now just a small dot in space. “Clark, everyone is waiting for you.” Zara whispered.

Clark shook his head. “No, tell them to celebrate without me.”

Zara frowned, “Clark, those men and women have to see you. You have to tell them that you will lead them to victory once again.”

A tear slid down Clark’s cheek. This was almost as worse as Kryptonite. No, it was worse…. “What does it matter? My wife and kids left me because of this. How can I possibly lead your people to victory when my life is ruined?”

Zara frowned once more. She never saw Clark cry. “Clark, please, just say something to them. They need the encouragement and so do you.”

“Whatever.” Clark mumbled as he got up and walked out of the bedroom with Zara to the ballroom to see a couple of hundred people waiting to hear something from the son of Jor-El.

Clark stood up on a chair with a glass of wine and said, “we are embarking on a treacherous road; one, that many of us may never want to take. I will lead sons, fathers, husbands, and grandfathers through this road and many of you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I will lead this planet to victory once again.” Suddenly, the ballroom broke out in cheers and applause that seemed silent to Clark, as he thought why Lois had not even said goodbye to him…he needed air.

Thanksgiving had come and gone in a flash, and December was here… Everyone was slowly getting back into their routine since Superman’s departure and ironically the crime rate had been declining a little. Lois too had gotten into a routine but when ever she slowed down or went to bed every night she would think of Clark and if he was ok.

‘I wonder if he’s ok…’ Lois thought as she sat at her desk and trying to re-read her article… she could just imagine Clark pointing out an error… other parts of the newsroom were booming with activity as everyone tried to get their articles in by the deadline that they had neglected to see a messenger walk into the newsroom.

He walked down the ramp, with a mission that at times hated. He walked up to Lois’ desk. “Mrs. Kent?” The man said as he took off his hat.

Lois looked up to see a boy no younger than Jimmy with green eyes and chestnut hair, wearing a black suit and a tag that said ‘Messenger of Krypton Kingdom’. “Yes?” Lois said as her stomach did a 360.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Kent but this is for you.” The man handed her a letter that was sealed with the kingdom logo.

Lois quickly opened it and read it over:

“At 12:00 midnight Earth time, an attack on Krypton was made and an explosion occurred. We are sorry to inform you that Kal-El, son of Jor-El and journalist Clark Kent were lost among the rubble and presumed dead.” Lois gasped and automatically tears welled in her eyes.

“No, no, this can’t be right.” Lois said looking at the man who seemed to start to tear up himself.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Kent.” The man said again.

Lois shook her head, “NO!” She now got the newsroom attention. “No, he told me he would be
safe! He told me he would come home!”

The man looked at the floor. “He also wanted me to give you this.” The messenger handed her a black velvet box.

Lois opened it and saw Clark’s wedding ring on a gold chain that she had given him the first time he went to New Krypton so he could keep it safe…as safe as his love for her.

“I’m terribly sorry Mrs. Kent.” With that, the messenger left.

Lois walked into Perry’s office in a haze; all the commotion in the Daily Planet seemed to go into slow motion as Lois entered. Perry looked up at Lois and saw her face, blank with emotion. “Lois, honey, what’s wrong?”

Lois stood there blankly as she looked at Clark’s ring, holding on to it so tight that it made an imprint in her hand. “Perry.” Lois choked.

“They’re gone!” She sobbed dropping to her knees.

Perry quickly kneeled next to Lois, “Honey, what do you mean?”

Lois didn’t have the strength to tell Perry and simply gave him the letter. Perry read the letter over and his eyes widened. “Dear god….”
Lois sat in the family room, starring and holding the necklace Clark had sent back with the messenger. She was worried about how the girls would handle it. She wondered how she could tell them due to the fact that she was still trying to grasp the news herself, but she knew that it would be public soon, and would rather have the girls hear it from her then from someone out on the streets.

At approximately 3 o’clock, the girls walk in, dropping their book bags at the door, and then heading straight for the kitchen. As they headed for the kitchen they noticed Lois sitting on the couch. The twins noticed dry tears and that her eyes were red. It was obvious that she had been crying all day.

“Mom?” Shannon said concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“Girls, you need to sit down.” Lois said, trying to think how she could possibly tell them that their father died.

“Mom, is everything okay?” Lisa said as she followed Shannon and sat down.

“No girls, everything isn’t okay.” Lois began.

“Today, at the Planet, a messenger from New Krypton came with a telegram.”

“Well, what did it say?” Shannon asked.

“It said well…it said that there was a massive explosion…and well…they said that your dad was…was…killed.”

"NO!" Lisa screams, running upstairs to her room.

Shannon looks up at Lois. "He’s dead?" Shannon asks in shock as tears run down her cheeks.

"Yes. Shannon I'm really sorry. I know how hard this must be." Shannon, who is very shocked, can hardly speak. "It's not fair! Why did this have to happen?"

"Honey, I don't know. But we can get through this."

"He promised me that he'd be all right! He promised!"

"Shannon, it's okay. As I said, we can get through this." Lois explains as she moves closer to Shannon to comfort her.

"No! I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, I just want my dad!" Shannon screams as she runs out of the house.

Lois gets up and is going to run after her but she decides that Shannon just needs to be alone, so she let it be. Lois went into Lisa's room to check on her.
Shannon walks down the streets of the city; it is the first time that she sees the city actually stop, everyone is either gathered around their car radios or store TV sets to hear of what had become of their beloved hero.

Shannon stops herself at a small shop where a group of people where standing listening to President Garland speak; he too seems to be shaken up by the news, “Fellow Americas, we will forever remember this day, the day that the world had fallen into darkness. At 12:00 midnight, the planet Krypton was ambushed by an air attack, reports of Superman are unknown and officials presume he is indeed dead.”

Shannon can hear a woman cry out and sob on her husband’s shoulder. Shannon walks on again, unsure of where she was going but anywhere was better then here. Shannon kicks a pebble < It’s all mom’s fault… if she just made up with dad… if she wasn’t so damn stubborn dad would still be alive. > She looks around once again to see people crying and already banners danced in the breeze saying < Superman will live in our hearts. > A tear slid down Shannon’s cheeks the Kent family always seems to get the ****ty end of the stick.
Lois walks up to Lucy’s guestroom and knocks, “Lisa sweetie can I come in?”

“I guess.” Lisa sniffles.

Lois walks in to see Lisa’s head shoved under her pillow, “Why did he leave us mom?” Lisa says as she looks back at Lois with glassy blue eyes.

Lois sat on the edge of the bed, “I’m not sure honey.”

Lisa put her head on Lois’ shoulder, “When me and Shannon saw dad, he almost laughed it off telling us that nothing would happen. I hate him for lying to us.”

“Hey, don’t say that. Lisa, you have to understand one thing about your father, he always tried to shield us from pain.” Lois whispers

“Yeah much good that did us, I just don’t understand why he went to that stupid planet in the first place. He doesn’t even now them!” Lisa cries.

“It was still his home Lisa and he felt he owed something to them. I remember the first time your father went there, your father practically kicked and screamed to stay here but inside he knew that he couldn’t turn his back on the one place that gave him a chance to live... a chance to love. No matter how human your father acted he was still a Kryptonian.” Lois whispers.

The smoke clears, the streets of Krypton where littered with rubble of what was once homes and stores. Ching lay amidst the rubble and came to hear the cries of his people. “Clark.” He mumbles as he opens his eyes unsure what had happened, but soon it hit him like a rock.

An air alarm has gone off signaling the army that intruders were coming, without thinking or talking he and Clark had jumped into a Krypton aircraft and started to fight the hoodlums that were threatening Krypton. Ching looks around for Kal-El, “Kal-El!” he calls out but he heard nothing.

All he can remember was seeing something bright come towards them. Ching concludes that their aircraft was knocked out of the sky without a clue of where Clark could be. Ching stumbles over the rubble and walks toward the palace that seemed damaged but nothing that would threaten its safety.

Around 6 o'clock, Shannon came through the door, where she met Lois and Lisa in the family room.

"Where have you been Shannon? I've been worried sick!" Lois complains.

"I was out walking. Why do you care?" Shannon responds with a bit of an attitude.

"Shannon, I love you. I know you're upset right now, but we have to accept the fact that dad isn't coming home." Lois tells Shannon.

"NO! He's not gone! He wouldn't leave us like that! He would fight to come back here and see us! He promised!" Shannon argues back beginning to cry.

"Shannon! I'm sorry, but he's not coming back!" Lois says.

"Shannon just calm down." Lisa says.

"No! I'm being told that my dad is dead and I know that he's not! I know he's alive, I just know it!"

"Shannon....” Lois tries to explain.

"Mom! I don't need your stupid advice. This is your entire fault anyway!"

"What, how is it my fault?" Lois asks.

"You made dad go! If it weren’t for you, he probably would still be alive! But no, you had to go and say I'm getting a divorce with you! It's all your fault!"

"Shannon shut up!" Lisa screams as she sees Lois fall to the couch in tears.

"Lisa, I can't believe you! Dad is missing and you don't even care!"

"Of course I care Shannon. But doing what you're doing isn't going to help. Especially when you're blaming mom!"

"Whatever!" Shannon screams. "I'm leaving! I'm not coming back until I find dad!" Shannon ends as she storms out of the house, as the door slams close.

Shannon walks down the streets of Metropolis. Rain began to fall and it is getting a bit chilly out as the night skies began to appear. <I just know dad's alive. I just know it! >. She passes the store with the TVs in the window. As she passes, she watched LNN continue to announce the tragedy that has occurred.

Shannon just wants to fall to her knees. <God, I can't live without my father. Please, he has to be alive. Help me God! > As she walks further down the city streets she stops at the Daily Planet. She wants to go inside and sit down at Clark's desk. <Who knows, maybe Perry's in there. He'll understand how I'm feeling>.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Lois is talking to Martha and Jonathon. The Kent's were trying their hardest to get the earliest flight to Metropolis. They are worried about their granddaughters and daughter-in-law.

They are feeling a lot of pain as well and can just imagine what pain Lois and the girls are going through and they obviously knew how rough Shannon is taking it.

"Lois, we should be there by 10 o'clock. Our plane leaves at 8 o'clock."

"All right, Thanks Martha. Bye." Lois responds as she hangs up the phone.

"Are Grandma and Grandpa Kent coming?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah, they'll be here at 10:00."

"Awesome." Lisa replies. "What about Shannon?"

"She'll be all right. If she's not back by then I'll have to go look for her. But right now, she needs to be left alone. She's confused."


Perry came out of his office, getting ready to leave when he notices Shannon sitting at Clark's desk. "Shannon, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing...just thinking." Shannon replies trying to hold her tears in.

"About your dad?"

"Yeah, I miss him."

"I know. It's going to be hard for you. As well as you sister and mom, but you can get through this."

"No Perry. I can't. You have no idea how much I miss my father. I...." Shannon broke down as she began to cry.

"Shannon, listen. I know it's going to be hard. But your dad wouldn't want you feeling like this. He'd want you to be strong about this; look after your mom and sister."

"Perry...it's hard. I mean whose going to be the one to drag me out of bed every morning with a squirt gun? Who’s going to play me a game of basketball one-on-one? Who’s going to be there when you need someone to talk to? And who's there going to be to love...like a father. Look at this picture of my dad and me at the lake last year. I'm going to miss that. It could never be the same if someone else did those things."

"Of course not. But all those fun times you and your dad had, you will always be able to keep. Even though he's not around where you can see him, he'll always be there to watch over you. He'll still come to your basketball games and cheer you on....” Perry began to tell Shannon, as he hopes to cheer her up.

"I don’t know Perry. I mean it's really hard when you lose someone that you're close to.” Shannon explains.

"I never said it was going to be easy. But, if you ever need to talk, I'll be here."

"Thanks Perry." Shannon says as she hugs Perry.

"Sure. Now does your mom know where you are?"

"Well, I told her that I was going for a walk."

"Okay. Hey, how about we go grab a bite to eat so we can talk more and I'll give you a lift home afterwards."

"All right. Sounds like a plan."

Lois put on her coat, “Ok, I’m going to look for Shannon, so Lisa try to get some rest.” Lisa nods.

Lois looks toward Martha and Jonathan who seems more confused then Lois, she goes over and hugs them and whispers, “I’m so sorry.”

Martha began to cry, “Oh honey this wasn’t your fault.”

“In a way it was.” Lois mumbles as she is about to go to the door she sees a ’67 gray Shelby with blue strips going along it pull into the driveway. Lois sighs when she sees Perry and Shannon get out of the car.

Lois opens the door, “Shannon, honey are you ok?”

“Yeah I guess.” Shannon mumbles and sees Martha and Jonathan; she automatically runs into their arms and starts to cry.

Lois looks back at Perry, “Thank you for bring her home Perry.”

Perry smiles, “Anything for you kid, is there anything I can do?”

Lois gives a half smile, “No, you’ve done plenty Perry.”

Perry nods, “Ok, but you now where to call if you need anything.” With that Perry pulls Lois into a hug and leaves. Lois turns around and faces the grieving family.

Everyone is asleep as Lois walks up the stairs to her bedroom; everyone decided there would be more room in the brownstone then Lucy’s apartment. Lois looks at the master bedroom door; a knuckle imprint is indented on it from Clark’s pounding of the door.

A tear once again slid down Lois’ tear stained cheek, she then sees the broken pieces of the bats and curses Ching and Zara for taking away the one good thing in her life.

Lois opens the door; the room is dark, cold and empty… the moon’s light falls upon the bed… the empty bed… Lois remembers all those nights that she fell asleep alone and wonders how she ever did it? She walks over to the bed and slips under the cold covers on Clark’s side, Lois lays there for a moment inhaling the scent of the Head and Shoulder shampoo he used, the aftershave he used… and the small hint of the Calvin Klein cologne… things that over time will slowly fade away, Lois thinks as she slowly falls asleep.

It is only five in the morning when Jonathan walks into the Daily Planet with a cardboard box under his arm… he is going to clean out Clark’s desk knowing none of the Kent woman are in any shape to do it themselves.

Jonathan steps out of the elevator into the dimly lit newsroom, which is deserted for the time being. He walks down the ramp and sits at Clark’s desk. Jonathan sits there for a moment, he shakes his head < It’s just not right. I shouldn’t be burying my son. > The first thing that Jonathan happens to pick up is a picture of Clark and him fishing out on the pond when Clark was no older then five.

A smile crossed Jonathan’s face to see how young he himself was, a time where he could actually keep up with Clark’s childish activities.


Jonathan turned around to see Perry walking toward him, “Oh Perry I didn’t realize anyone was here.”

Perry smiled, “Ah, I get up with the roosters.”

“Yeah I now what you mean.” Jonathan said as his eyes set on the picture that was now in the box.

Perry frowned as he placed a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder, “He was a good man because of you Jonathan.”

Jonathan nodded, “He was a good son. It just doesn’t seem right. I shouldn’t be planning his funeral, he should be planning mine.”

“Give it time Jonathan the pain will ease.” Perry reassures.

Jonathan smiled, “When we found Clark, it was a miracle.” His expression hardened “but it was so short lived.” Jonathan took the picture out of the box and placing it back on the desk, “I came here to clear out his desk thinking I could do it, but I’m not ready to except the fact that my son is gone.”

*** A few weeks later***

Lisa stood in front of city hall with about everyone in the city; President Garland had come to the city to dedicate a memorial for Superman and Clark. Lisa frowned, it seemed kind of funny to her that her father was so loved and then so unseen.

All of Metropolis was grieving for the man in the red, blue and yellow but very few where grieving for the mild mannered reporter that had a wife and two kids. Soon, President Garland stepped up to the podium, “My fellow Americas we have lost two great men that tried so hard to bring justice to the world. Clark Kent was a simple mild mannered reporter who fought for justice through his words in the Daily Planet newspaper. Superman fought for justice with his action and it seemed theses two great men seemed to have a unique balance. That is why I am here before you today to memorialize the hope and faith that they have seemed to spread throughout the city and the world.”

With that President Garland went over to a large black tarp that was covering something, “I give you the statue of the Truth, Justice and the American way.” He pulled the tarp down to show a large statue of Superman, his hands on his hips with a bold eagle perched on his shoulder.

Lois, the kids, Martha, and Jonathon walked into the brownstone after returning from the tribute the President made in recognition for the city's hero, Superman, and for mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent. They couldn't believe it. He was actually gone, forever.

The day was getting late. The girls were depressed and exhausted from the events that occurred in the past month…they were torn apart; crushed. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve and for the first time in their lives, their dad wasn't going to be there. He was always there Christmas Eve; whether they were at their home in Metropolis or in Smallville with the Kents. Clark was always with them.

"Girls, you doing okay?" Lois asks as she approaches them with a hug.

"I guess. It's so hard though." Lisa responds grabbing onto Lois.

"I know Lisa. Like I said this isn't going to be easy." Lois says, reassuring Lisa. "Shannon, how are you feeling?"

"I don't know. I don't know what to feel. I know that I have a huge hole in my heart that can never be filled again."

"I know. I know. It'll get better girls. I promise I'll be there with you girls throughout all this.” Lois promises with tears running down her cheeks.

Martha couldn't bare to see her two granddaughters upset like this. She tried to hold in her feelings by not crying so she wouldn't upset the girls, but tears began to slide down her face. Jonathon placed his arm around Martha.

Lisa buried her face in her hands. "He's not even going to be able to be here for Christmas or anything else ever again."

"Hey, listen, just like your mom said, we'll all get through this together." Jonathon explains to the girls.

Martha cuts in and replies, "Right. Your dad wouldn't want us moping around at Christmas time. He loved Christmas and he knew we all did. He wouldn't want you to be depressed for the Holidays."

"Your Grandma's right." Lois says agreeing with Martha. "Your dad helped me see what Christmas really is like with his love and his 'jolly' attitude around the holidays. I think, in honor of you dad, we should try and make this the best Christmas ever."

"That would be fun. Dad always made it fun." Lisa responds excitedly.

"Yeah," Lois says. "Shannon don't you think it'll be fun?"

"NO! That's stupid! I still really don't believe that he's dead. There's no way." Shannon exclaims, running upstairs to her bedroom, slamming the door.

Martha tries to comfort Lois. "Just give it time. She's just grieving and hasn't gotten past the denial stage."

"Martha, I don't know what to do. I feel so bad and....” Lois begins as she starts to cry again.

"I know, but it'll just take time."

"I'm going to bed." Lisa says as she hugs her mom and grandparents.

"Shannon, why do you have to be like that?" Lisa says.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do, you're not the only one that lost someone! We all did and everyone has accepted it but you. I know it's hard, but you have to step back into reality!"

"Yeah, okay. You're one to talk!"

"Shut up Shannon! I don't feel like fighting with you!"

"Figures, you always do this. Say stuff to start with me and then when I start fighting back you back down!"

"Just don't even talk to me. Good night Shannon!"

Lois went to bed early that night. She was exhausted. She missed Clark and regretted ever implying that she wanted a divorce. What was she thinking? Clark loved her and she knew that. She still loved him too.

As she lay in her bed, she stared at Clark's side. It was empty. She wished that all this were just a dream. She closed her eyes, holding them shut for a few seconds, hoping that when she opened them she would see Clark next to her. Clark would wake up and check and see if she was all right. He would reassure that she was safe in his arms, by holding her close and telling her that he loved her and he'd never leave her because he cared too much.

When she opened her eyes, he was still missing. She began to cry; laying there in the lonely dark, with only the moonlight shining through the windows of her bedroom. As the night passed, she slowly fell asleep, dreaming of her beloved Clark.

It was Christmas Eve today. Lois and the twins were still quietly asleep, even if it was almost two in the afternoon. Martha and Jonathon woke up with the roosters, as usual. Martha knew that she should start dinner and she didn't want to wake Lois. She knew that she has been through a lot, so she took it upon herself.

"Need any help Martha?" Jonathon asks.

"No dear, I got it. Thanks." Replies Martha.

"All right, let me know if you need any help." Jonathon adds as the phone rings. "I got it."

Jonathon picks the phone up and asks, "Hello?"

“Jonathan, it’s Ellen, I just wanted to make sure Lois and the girls were ok and we should be coming about six tonight.”

Jonathan nodded, “Yeah, their fine Ellen. Six? That sounds good. See you then.” With that Jonathan hung up the phone and shook his head; there would be another problem that Lois would have to face.
At dinner it was silent, suddenly Lois started to laugh and looked at her family who thought she was cracking up, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I can’t help it. I just remembered the time Clark fell off the roof that one Christmas and was hanging up side down tangled in the lights.”

Lisa tried not to choke on her soda, “Yeah and mom left him up there for like 20 minutes and there is dad hanging yelling at her ‘Lo-is get me down!”

For a moment laughter had come over the table and for once in a few days happiness came into play at the memories.

Jonathan smiled, “I remember the first time that Clark came to Smallville since he got the job at the Daily Planet, all Clark could talk about was Lois. He told me once that she’d be the one that he’d marry and he was a lucky man Lois.”

Lois smiled, “No Jonathan I was the lucky one, Clark showed me how to open up and embrace people around me. I wish I just could have done something for him.”

Martha smiled, “Oh honey you did, you gave him the life that he always wanted, that’s all Clark ever wanted.”

“And yet he walked away from it all.” Ellen mumbled.

Lois sighed, “Mom, please not today, not on Christmas Eve.”

“Why shouldn’t I? He put you and the girls through so much; I’m surprised that you actually stayed with him this long.” Ellen spat.

Lois was about to comment but Lisa gladly entered the ring, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” she yelled. “How can you possibly be so cold? Dad was a loving father and husband, and like you should talk * Ellen * it’s not like you had the fairytale marriage! You got some nerve saying all that stuff in front of Grandma and Grandpa, they raised dad up great, you should be happy that mom found some one like dad! But of course you can’t let people be happy when you don’t have what some one else does!” with that Lisa ran up stairs
Lois sighed as she put the last dish in the cabinet; Lois apologized to Martha and Jonathan until she was blue in the face, but Martha and Jonathan just hugged her and told her not to worry, it seemed that they had learned to turn the other cheek when Ellen talked.

Lois walked up the stairs and sighed as she got to her bedroom… facing it was getting harder every night. Lois walked into the dark room and headed toward the balcony doors and locked them knowing Clark would never be flying in and sweeping her off her feet ever again. Tears swelled in her brown eyes, “I’m sorry Clark.” Lois then climbed into bed and slowly fell asleep.
<CRASH! > Lois sat up looking around in the dark room, “Hello? Who’s there?” Lois demanded as she turned on the lights. Lois shielded her eyes for a moment and looked around to see one of her pictures had fallen off the dresser.

Lois sighed and got up to pick it up, she then saw it was her favorite picture of her and Clark when they won their first Kerth, it was now ripped from the broken glass. Tears once again tugged at Lois’ eyes, “no.” she sniffled when she happened to look up to the mirror to see some one hiding in the shadows.

Lois looked toward the person as she slowly got to her feet, “Who are you? Show yourself before I call the police.”

Without hesitation the man stepped into the dim light, Lois backed away, he wore a tattered black suit; he had a dark beard that was growing in thick and dark brown eyes that seemed to be tired.

Lois was about to open the door and yell for help but the man took her gently by the hand and into his arms, saying nothing; he pulled Lois into a passionate kiss.

He pulled away and said as his voice broke, “Lois I missed you so much.”

“Clark!” Lois squealed pulling him into another kiss.

Lois pulled away with a smile but then frowned, “Clark, I’m so sorry—“

Clark placed his finger on her lips, “No more apologies, and no more tears.” He then wrapped his hands around Lois’ waist falling onto the bed. Lois closed her eyes as Clark’s lips covered hers, her lips were starving for his love, and her heart was aching for it.

“Don’t ever leave me Clark.” Lois whispered

“I’ll never leave you again.” Clark whispered as he nuzzled his nose into her soft brown hair, the aroma of lilac shampoo and Paris perfume was overwhelming Clark’s senses. He too was starving for Lois’ love… her touch… Her forgiveness that she still wanted him as a husband… “I love you.” He breathed

“I love you too.” Lois whispered kissing him once more

Lois woke up to the sun gracefully falling on her face, she smiled, “Clark?” she turned to Clark’s side to see it was the way she left it, < it all was a dream. A stupid dream. How unfair can God be? > Lois tossed the covers over her head…. There was no reason for her to get up.

But then she felt his arms around her, his kiss on her neck… Lois turned hoping she wasn’t cracking up, “Clark.” She turned and he was there his black beard still intacted but trimmed and neater, but his brown eyes burned with love, he no longer had the hard look to him he had last night… he was her husband again… Lois put her hand to Clark’s face still not believing what she was seeing, “Are you real?”

Clark smiled as he kissed her, “As real as a person can get.”

“Did you see your parents yet?” Lois asks as she cuddles up, closer to Clark, happy to once again feel his hard stomach and lay on his warm chest.

“Yes, I did. They couldn’t believe it. Lois, I can’t tell you how hard all this has been for me…I mean I can just imagine how hard it was for my parents, our friends, you, and the girls.” Clark comments as he massages her head with a kiss.

“It was hard Clark, but I’m just glad to see you again; glad that I’m able to be in your arms again and feel your sweet touch. Most importantly, being able to tell and show how much you truly mean to me and how much I love you.” Lois says as a tear runs down her cheek.

“I love you too, Lois. And I want to fix all those other problems that we had before I had to leave for New Krypton. I don’t want this family to go through that stress and pain again.”

“I agree. But it is Christmas by the way, so how about we talk about those things later?” Lois suggests as she kisses him.

“That sounds good. By the way….”


“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.”

Lois replies, kissing Clark, “Merry Christmas.”

“How about we wake the girls up now since it’s nine in the morning; I peeked in their room to get a glimpse at them. I can’t even explain how much I have missed them.”

“Well, I have a better idea.” Lois begins. "When they see you again, they won’t believe it. So, how about you go down stairs and wait with your parents in the family room while I gather the girls up. Okay?”

“Sounds good.” Clark says with a short kiss on the lips.

As Lois got closer to the twins bedroom, she ran into Lisa.

“Merry Christmas, ready to open those gifts?” Lois asks excitedly.

“Yeah, I guess.” Lisa replies. “I have to go to the bathroom first though.”

“Okay, how about get Shannon up too and meet everyone downstairs. There’s a big surprise down there for you.”

“Okay.” Lisa responds, suspicious of what it could possibly be.

“The girls will be right down.” Lois said smiling as she sat down next to Clark, kissing his cheek.

Returning Lois’ kiss, Clark responds, “Yeah, I can’t wait to see them.”

“I’m so glad to see you again Clark!” Martha responds.

Jonathon adds, “Yes, we are all very happy. I can’t wait to see the kid’s faces. They were so devastated and still are. But, today, I don’t know….”

“Yeah, I can’t wait.” Looking up at Lois, smiling, winking and then a kiss.

“Shannon! Wake up! It’s Christmas!” Lisa explained, trying to wake her sister up.

“Leave me alone! I don’t care if it’s Christmas!” Shannon responds, putting her pillow over her head.

“Fine then, I’ll go down to see the great surprise mom told me about! So ha!” Lisa brags, trying to persuade Shannon to get up.

“I don’t care. Good night!”

“Mom?” Lisa calls coming down the stairs, into family room. “Shannon won’t get up and….” Lisa stops. “Oh my god! Dad!” Lisa runs to Clark. Dad, you’re alive!”

“Yep! Oh, Lisa, I’ve missed you so much!” Clark says, hugging her.

“I missed you too Dad!”

“See Lisa, I told you there was a big surprise for you down here.” Lois said smiling at her excited daughter.

“Where’d you say Shannon was Lisa?” Clark asks.

“She still in bed. She’s been a monster ever since she thought you had passed away.” Lisa responded.

“Really?” Clark asks surprised.

“Yeah. She ran off a few times and just went on rampages. Perry brought her back one night from the Planet. He found her pondering at your desk, not sure what to do.” Lois comments. “I mean Lisa was extremely upset as well, she just….”

“Dealt with her emotions in a better way.” Clark finished, feeling guilty for what has been going on.

“Yeah.” Lois nods agreeing. “Should we go up there and surprise her?” Lois asks Clark.

“Yeah, we can do that. We’ll be back.” Clark informs his parents and Lisa, as he took Lois’ hand and headed upstairs to wake Shannon.

“Man! Shannon’s to go frantic when she sees dad!” Lisa exclaims to her grandparents.

“Wait out here Clark then step in after she gets out of bed.” Lois suggests.

Clark nods, “Good idea.”

“Shannon, honey? Come on. Everyone is waiting for you to come down, especially a certain someone.”

“Mom, I don’t care who is down there. I’m tired and I don’t feel good. I hate Christmas.”

“Shannon, you never used to.”

“That’s before dad passed away. He always kept our Christmas spirit up and now he can’t.” Shannon said as she began to cry.

“Shannon, I know, but after you see this, you’re going to regret not coming down sooner.”

“No I won’t.”

“Fine, I’ll just have to send someone else in here.” Lois responds, going outside the door to get Clark.

“Shannon, just open your eyes and look who is in here besides me and you.”

“Fine! But, after I see, I’m going back to…. Dad!?! What? How’d you? Oh my god!” Shannon jumped up out of bed in a hurry to get to Clark.

“Hey Kiddo!” Clark exclaimed as he held Shannon in his arms. “I really missed you guys.”

“You missed us?!?” Shannon questioned Clark. “I don’t know what I would have done without you…I mean I know it has been almost 2 months but I was hurting.”

“I know, I heard. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Um, what exactly did you hear?”

“Well, that you ran a way a few times for one. Honey, I know you were upset but you know better than that.”

“I know Dad. I was just confused and didn’t know what to do.”

“I know that and everyone else seems to understand the circumstances.”

“Aren’t you glad you woke up now Shannon?” Lois asks her daughter as she gave her a hug.

“Mom, that’s like asking if the sky is blue. But yeah, I’m glad I got up, I just regret that I didn’t get up sooner.”

Clark giggling places his arms around Shannon and Lois and asks, “So, how about we go open those gifts. It’s really bugging me that I still don’t know what’s under that tree.”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” Shannon said.

Lisa and Shannon sat on the floor, while the adults sat on the couch talking among themselves and watching the twins open their presents. Shannon opened a box and smiles ear to ear, “Ha! The Gucci shoes that I’ve been dieing for! Thanks Mom!” Shannon squealed in delight as she tried her shoes on.

Lois laughed, “Yeah well I was feeling a little guilty.”

Lisa opened a present to find new art supplies and a canvas, Clark smiled, “Now you can go to the park and draw if you want.”

“Oh this is so cool. Thanks dad.” Lisa smiles.
Within a couple of more moments the floor was covered with wrapping paper.

While Lisa and Shannon were leaning against the couch fooling around with their presents Shannon says, “Oh I totally forgot about mom and Dad’s present.” Shannon then scrabbled to her feet and ran toward the stairs.

“Shannon! Wait for me!” Lisa yelled and ran toward her only to trip over the wrapping paper but before she could fall to the floor Clark caught her by the arm, “easy there.” He laughs as Lisa raced up the stairs.

Lois laughs with him as they hear another thud from upstairs as they went into the kitchen to make coffee, “Their just so excited to have you back.”

Clark took Lois by the hand and pulled her into his embrace, “I am too.” He leaned down and kissed Lois when she started to laugh hysterically,

“What’s so funny?”

Lois smiled as she ran her fingers through Clark’s beard, “Sorry but your beard was tickling me.”

Clark scratches it, “hum I guess I’m going to have to keep it.” Clark then wrapped his arms around Lois’ waist and kissed her again.

Lois turned away playfully, “Clark! Stop, your tickling me!”

Clark laughed, “That’s the whole point.” When he heard the twins storm down the steps “Ok we got your presents!”

“Let’s see what the girls got us.” Lois said as she took Clark by the hand and led him into the living room.

They sat on the couch and Lisa said, “Here you go mom this is from me and Shannon we picked it out before dad left.”

Lois inspected the small narrow box and concluded that it had to be perfume, and opened it to find it was her favorite perfume; Paris Perfume that coasted at least a $100, “Girls thank you! How did you ever get enough money to buy this?”

Shannon smiled, “Well since I’m working at the roller rink and Lisa is working at the restaurant we just pooled our money together and had enough.”

“Ok dad your turn.” Lois said as Lisa handed him a piece of paper, “I was going to buy a present but with the whole drama going on I just didn’t get time too.” Her eyes dropped to her feet, “and I didn’t think I needed too but I made this when we heard you ‘passed away.’”

Clark smiled as he flipped the paper over and saw a pencil drawing of Lois, Lisa and Shannon crying and hugging each other, as a single rose fell from Lois’ hand and there was an image of Clark behind Lois kissing her head like he was her guardian angel. Tears filled Clark’s eyes, “Oh Lisa, this is beautiful.”

Shannon then handed Clark a box, “this is my present, it’s nothing like Lisa’s drawing but I hope you like it.”

Clark opened the box and found a photo album; Clark flipped through it and found pictures of Lois and Clark’s wedding day and a picture Martha took when Clark and Lois adopted Lisa and Shannon and pictures of vacations they had taken… when times where simpler. “Shannon, thank you this is the best thing anyone has given me.”

Lois smiled as she watched Clark scratch his eye but she knew there was a tear that he was trying to hide “wait your not finished yet.” Lois then handed Clark a small black box, Clark opened it to find his wedding band with the chain attached, just the way he had sent it to Lois.

Lois took the ring out of the box and unlatched it from the chain and said, “You always told
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