Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Incognito FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 12:30 AM
Mt. St. Lois. Overgrown jealous baboon. Hee!

He should have known a game of chicken with Lois never went in anyone's favor.
And hee again.

I loved their conversation about friendship, honesty and secrets. And I love how off-kilter Lois has thrown Clark thus far.

Really enjoying the ride. smile
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 01:50 AM
Marcy, where have you and your Lois and Clark stories been all my life???? goofy

I'll come back and say more later, because this is so much too good to just leave with a measly little comment like that!!!

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 02:02 AM
Lois blanched only momentarily, before adding, “I suppose having Clark along will be okay. Besides, what better cover than honeymooners in the honeymoon suite, right, Chief?”

Clark, Jimmy, and Cat stared dumbstruck, as if Lois had grown two heads.
Snark. Their reactions were just great!

And good Lord. The bed thing. Clark, what in the world have you gotten yourself into?

Great part!
Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 02:39 AM
I think the Mt. St. Lois line is one of my favourites in this segment. I ROTFL'd.

I really enjoyed the reworking of this scene from HIM, Marcy - especially the turnaround of Lois inviting Clark into the bed. This is going to be fun. laugh

You had a verrrrrrrrrry nice steamy moment in there, too. /me fans herself rapidly.

His lips seemed to linger, before Lois lunged slightly forward and pulled him back to her again.
LOL! Hussy! goofy

And, I just loved this:

“May I kiss the bride?” As if on cue, Jimmy stepped into the room, beaming from ear to ear.
Amazing! For once, Jimmy's timing was perfect and he didn't interrupt anything. rotflol rotflol

Oh, and it seems I was so busy enjoying Clark being stymied over Lois's bed invite that I completely missed a really obvious typo at the very end of the segment, Marcy, blush so I quickly nipped in and corrected it in your post before I get thrown out of the Beta Readers Club. smile

LabRat smile
Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 02:48 AM
What a ride! That kiss...woo hoo! sloppy Wonderful conversation - you let both of them share their point of view with the other without having them actually come out and admit anything yet. I can't wait to see how sharing the bed turns out. wink Susan
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 11:34 AM
Wow this is great! I wish it were an nfic! Woo Hoo! More soon. Laura
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 11:54 AM
Loved the kiss, but even more than that I loved the conversation about trust, Marcy. It was so layered, containing so many different meanings, and it was just perfect. smile

Keep up the great work! thumbsup

By the way, since the theme of trust seems so important to the story, why not use it in some way as a title? If you're still trying to come up with a title, that is.

Wendy smile
Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 01:28 PM
The trick would be creating opportunities for him to use the powers without him figuring out she knew the truth.
Ha! I knew she'd have fun being in the know! I can just see it; this undercover assignment's going to be great fun!! laugh

From the minute they had entered the hotel, it had been one newlywed joke after another. And the bellboy was unaware his life was dangling over the precipice of Lois Lane's sanity. There was only so much a woman could take.

After she pulls him back for more and deepens it, surely he'll figure out that it's more than a ruse for her?!?! wink

The "death-by-chocolate cake" made me ROFL. laugh

“Okay, fine, but you're telling me if I had a really big secret, as my partner you wouldn't want me to tell you?”

“I might not, if it was something that could ruin our friendship. Everyone has secrets, Lois. Some are just bigger than others."
I really love this - the places this could go... it's limitless!

You know, I'm supposed to be this great investigative reporter. And yet I seem to have a knack for total blindness when it comes to the men in my life. No one ever seems to turn out to be what they present themselves to be. And I am always the last one to know.”
Well he's blind too if he doesn't figure out she knows his secret after not only that whole conversation about big secrets, but especially after that particular comment!! wink

Oh, Marcy, I'm really enjoying this! You've captured the characters and atmosphere so nicely. More soon, please!!!!! smile

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 01:57 PM
"LMK what you think", huh? Well, Marcy, what is there to think about a chapter which opens like this:
The rest of the weekend was a flurry of room service, chocolate espressos, and double fudge crunch bars, as Lois turned what should have been a weekend of R & R into a spy operation. Of course, she was pretty sure the crooks wouldn't show until Monday night. They had made that pretty clear from the calendar date she'd seen them circle.
Lois knew when the crooks would make their next move because of the calendar date she'd seen them circle! Marcy, the sweet corniness of this is like something taken out of a 1950s screwball comedy! razz goofy

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 02:38 PM
And the bellboy was unaware his life was dangling over the precipice of Lois Lane's sanity.
Oh, thanks for reminding me, Nicole. I thought that was one of the most hysterically hilarious lines in the entire segment. rotflol rotflol rotflol

Finally, I want to thank Labrat for betareading Marcy's story and ridding her excellent prose of its little typos and things. Thanks, Labrat, for making a great story even more enjoyable for all us Lois and Clark fans!
blush Awww, thanks, Ann. Marcy's text is pretty clean copy though, I don't have a lot to do. Really the hardest part is trying to concentrate on finding the edits through laughing myself silly at her humour or sighing over the WAFFy bits. laugh
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/09/05 10:00 PM
This is awesome! Please write more soon! Another great segment to a well written story. cat
Posted By: Kent28 Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/10/05 12:22 AM
blush blush blush blush
awww...thanks, everyone. However, don't let Labrat fool you. She is being VERY modest. I know for a fact it looks a heck of alot better after she gets done with it.
I am really enjoying all this feedback, just hope the next parts don't disappoint, and that the ole' muse keeps the ideas coming. Like I said, I have no idea what the next scene looks like until I write it. And I had intended to make this very short and sweet, but the characters don't seem to be cooperating with me! huh
Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/10/05 01:21 AM
but the characters don't seem to be cooperating with me!
Har! Welcome to the world of Lois and Clark, Marcy. help

Oh, and trust me - I've had to edit waaaaaaaaaay worse copy than yours over the years. Yours is a breeze! (It also helps when the story is great. <g>) Not a chore at all.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Kent28 Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/10/05 01:41 AM
Only yesterday, I went into my story file, just to jot down a two line note, and unexpectedly found myself in the middle of a conversation between them I hadn't anticipated at all. Had no idea what they were waffling on about for the first ten minutes of it. [Help]
ROTFLOL!!!! I think I am only beginning to understand. smile
Well, I just emailed you the next couple scenes. Hopefully, they won't disappoint. Anxiously awaiting your br comments. It's been awhile since I've checked my email this often! hyper hyper hyper
Marcy laugh laugh
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: Untitled 4/? by Kent28 - 12/10/05 09:26 PM
TOC, your reply was wonderful. thumbsup
I could not agree more.

His heartbeat accelerated as he drew closer in, and the soft floral notes of Lois' perfume permeated his nasal cavity. His mind clouded only momentarily as she smiled a hundred watt smile up at him,

Lois blanched only momentarily, before adding, “I suppose having Clark along will be okay. Besides, what better cover than honeymooners in the honeymoon suite, right, Chief?”
I didn't see that one coming. The reaction she received whas funny.

I was grinning when I read the conversation about secrets and trust between L and C. That was fantastic. That was so well written and the so-called hidden meanings laced throughout were great. It is amazing nothing obvious came out!
Gee Clark is afraid!

I've been calling this one to myself - It's Clear as Blue and White. Not very imaginative, but for some reason my very happy Id is calling it that. My mind usually likes to change titles on me...that makes it hard to find them later! blush dizzy

EDIT: Marcy and Labrat - you two are hillarious!
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