Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Incognito FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 04:26 AM
Fascinating one-shot, Chris. Perry is probably my favourite supporting character on the show, and this is the first story I've read from his POV. Interesting take on one of the important issues regarding Clark's decision to feign death and keep Lois in the dark in TOGOM.

I particularly liked those opening paragraphs, as they quickly captured my attention. Lovely.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 04:59 AM
Yes, this is fascinating, Chris, but confusing too. Are you actually telling us that Clark is really dead? Does that mean that in your story, Clark really *isn't* Superman? (Kind of an intriguing idea...) Or maybe he was shot with a kryptonite bullet, somewhat like in Stopquitdont's story, Unexplained Events?

I totally agree with Incognito, though, that it is very nice to read a Perry White story now and again! Lane Smith, whose passing I deeply regret, turned Perry into a wonderfully lovable character. Just the title of your story, "Because He Can Yodel", is enough to turn this story into a minor LC classic. But... Hmmm. Because he can yodel... So, Perry did become editor of the Daily Planet because he can yodel? Not because he is smart? He isn't smart? So he is wrong about Clark being dead? thumbsup

Posted By: ccmalo Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 08:00 AM
Since it's a TOGOM interlude we know that although Clark appears to be dead at the end of this, he's not really. But for those horrific hours in the newsroom, Perry of course, doesn't know that. Interesting to see how you developed this - Perry could as easily have come down on the other side of his gut instinct that CK=S, and sat back waiting for the resurrection. <g>

Beautifully written, as always, Chris. Trickier to achieve than what it appears, given your seemingly effortless prose, when you realize that it's all Perry's POV and that his voice comes through as distinctive as ever. smile

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 09:08 AM
Wonderful, Chris! I wish I had more time to check out the ton of things on the forum this week that are begging me to open them up <g>, but I was told I had to read this and glad I did!

And, yes, you realise this just begs a sequel. What is Perry's reaction when he realises he was right all along? Is he disappointed in Clark? Does he understand? Does he even decide to have it out with him. "Step into my office, Kent!" <g>

LabRat smile
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 10:00 AM
I loved the first paragraph! hyper

Jose clap
Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 11:02 AM
Oh, come on...where's part 2?! You can't leave it here! I liked seeing Perry's POV on the situation, but how would he feel about Clark once he sees him alive again? There's no way he would believe the cloning story. He might feel some small vindication at being right, but he's very protective of Lois - what would be his reaction at how Clark hurt her by pretending to be dead? Unanswered questions screaming for a sequel! thumbsup Susan
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 11:52 AM
Beautiful, Chris! I love it! notworthy

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 05:56 PM
Well, you already know what I think of this, Chris - and you see that I'm not the only person screaming for a sequel! goofy

You hooked me totally from the first line. You've caught Perry perfectly, as Carol says, and the whole thing flows so seamlessly, so believably. I can feel Perry's sadness, disbelief, confusion and deep grief so clearly as I read this.

And these final lines brought a lump to my throat:

Clark Kent had been a good man. Bright, honourable, hard-working and kind. A loving and dutiful son. He'd been popular, easily making friends out of his colleagues. He'd brightened up the office with his ready grins and friendly banter. He'd even cracked open the cynical shell of one of the most single-minded and contrary women it had ever been Perry's pleasure to work with.

And Perry White hadn't known him at all. He couldn't have, because Clark Kent wasn't the man Perry had thought him to be.

Clark Kent wasn't Superman.

And, no matter how much Perry might wish otherwise, Clark wasn't going to walk, miraculously unscathed, into the newsroom.

Of course, as we all know, Clark does... and I still want more. wildguy wildguy

Rat, I'm glad you found time to read this - I knew you'd love it. wink

*adds to my Kerth list*

Wendy smile
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/03/05 09:44 PM
Wonderful, Chris! Poor Perry, going from absolutely sure he knows what's what to being so shook up that he's questioning all he knows. I just feel so sorry for him.

I'd also like to see a sequel, and see Perry's reaction! laugh
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/04/05 03:36 AM

This is wonderful. smile1 Thanks for sharing it. I would love to read a sequel. What will Perry's reaction be when Clark returns?

Tricia cool
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/04/05 04:52 AM
Hi Chris,

Congratulations on writing a TOGOM rewrite, and one that is so original and from a different POV.

You have captured Perry's character so well and the whole story flows beautifully. I can feel Perry's shock and grief.

But yes, Perry is going to have to rethink his suspicions once again when Clark does walk back into the newsroom. I'd love to see a sequel. smile

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Krissie Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/04/05 05:17 PM
A quick note to say thank you for all your kind words! I'm delighted that readers have enjoyed my vignette.

Yes, this is fascinating, Chris, but confusing too. Are you actually telling us that Clark is really dead? Does that mean that in your story, Clark really *isn't* Superman? (Kind of intriguing idea...) Or maybe he was shot with a kryptonite bullet, somewhat like in Stopquitdont's story, Unexplained Events?
Ann, I'm sorry that you were confused. You clearly weren't the only person who was!

As Carol suggested, I wrote this as an interlude to the episode. I was assuming that events would unfold as they had done on the show. That means that Clark didn't tell Lois that he had survived the bullet and that he was Superman. When Clark does reappear, Perry (presumably) will rethink the conclusions he reached in this story.

I'm fascinated that various people have, however, questioned whether I've really killed Clark off, or whether he really isn't Superman in this universe. Amazing how different people can read stories in different ways.

Thank you to everyone else who commented.

LabRat: if I ever write a sequel to this -- and I have no immediate plans -- I'd like to use the title "Step Into My Office, Kent". It's too good to pass up.

Thanks again.

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/04/05 05:54 PM
LabRat: if I ever write a sequel to this -- and I have no immediate plans -- I'd like to use the title "Step Into My Office, Kent". It's too good to pass up.

It would be kind of cool, wouldn't it? Course, you know that if you have a title for a story, that means you have to write it. I'm sure that's a writing rule. <G>

LabRat smile
Posted By: KathyB Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/06/05 07:04 PM
I caught up with this one today and I just have to say that

1) I was not at all confused smile , and

2) this:

Just as he knew that the sun would rise every morning and set every evening, just as he knew that Elvis was alive and well and living incognito with a tribe in the Amazon basin, just as he knew that the Metropolis Oaks were the worst baseball team in the country, and just as he knew that no reporter should ever go into Suicide Slum without back-up, Perry White had known that Clark Kent was Superman. There were few certainties in the world, but that had been one of them.
may be one of the best opening paragraphs I have ever read in a fic. smile

Awesome story, Chris. I don't think it needs a sequel -- I thought it made perfect sense as a stand-alone -- but I would certainly be happy to read one, should you ever get the time/drive to write it. smile

Posted By: Krissie Re: FDK: Because He Can Yodel - 12/10/05 04:48 AM
A very quick and belated thank you to Kathy for your wonderful comments, too. smile I was particularly flattered by your comments about the opening paragraph!

A couple of people have now said that they don't think this story needs a sequel. I'm of the same mind myself, but...

If I can figure out how to...

Well, one day there might be one. But probably not.

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