Lois & Clark Forums
Summary: Follows part 2, Taming the Butterflies. Part 3 picks up several months after part 2. I've compressed some of the timeline to make a few events work, but they still happen in order that the series happens. This story covers events in 'The Phoenix' and 'Top Copy' with some references to episodes prior.

A/N: Part 3 has been split into 4 sections due to length. This is section b. Section a can be found here.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, merely exercising my imagination. Excerpts taken from 'The Phoenix' and 'Top copy.'


Her statement given, she left the interview room to be greeted by Clark, waiting with a paper cup of coffee. She accepted it from him thankfully, and took a sip. It tasted awful, but it was hot and caffeinated. She suspected Clark had added sugar instead of her usual sweetener. He had a habit of doing that when he thought she needed it. He gently wrapped one arm around her and steered her towards the exit, and out to the parking lot where he’d parked the Jeep. Wordlessly, she climbed into the passenger side, did up her seatbelt, and sat back, eyes closed.

Once at the Planet, they’d typed their story, and submitted it, before leaving again. Daylight was rapidly fading, the shadows lengthening, and Lois kept her eyes closed against the brightness of the low sun, not really caring where Clark drove her to. She felt numb. Giving her statement had been cleansing in a way, as this time she wasn’t the duped fiancé, instead fully aware of how cruel and sinister Lex could be.

After Lex’s death, she had been questioned more than once to see if she had any knowledge or inside information about Lex’s criminal activities. She remembered feeling terrified that she would be implicated in something she had no idea was occurring, and feeling deeply ashamed and embarrassed that she had been clueless to what Lex was capable of. Henderson had interviewed and questioned her both times, but his manner this time was different. Despite their working relationship all those months ago, she had sensed his wariness as he asked questions that he seemed to think she would know the answer to. It had felt like he was doubting her ability to be an investigative reporter as she couldn’t see beyond Lex’s façade.

This interview had been better, easier to get through. She’d given her statement of facts, answered some questions, and that was all. At no time did she feel her abilities were under scrutiny; if anything Henderson seemed to appreciate her skill in recalling events, thanks to years of training her mind to remember them accurately. You couldn’t write a factual story if your mind couldn’t remember what had happened in meticulous detail.

Their first stop was to the Planet where she and Clark quickly typed up the story of Lex’s arrest and Gretchen’s death. There would be a bigger story to work on tomorrow, tying all the lose ends together, but for tonight, their main headline was Lex in custody. Somehow, Clark managed to keep everyone away from her, leaving her to write, and he to help edit. She sent the story off and they left, still managing to avoid those that were hanging around, trying to make their deadlines.

Once again she hopped into the passenger seat, letting Clark drive, and he drove her to her apartment. Once upstairs she vacantly glanced around the living room. She began to mentally check off the list of next steps for the evening. Clark, who was currently using her bathroom, would eventually leave. Maybe she could convince him to stay for dinner, and a movie, but inevitably he would go home. They always did. Some unspoken agreement between them meant they hadn’t spent the night together while they’d been dating, at least not until last night.

Today she’d watched two people die: Gretchen and Sheldon Bender. Witnessing a life end was something that she would never get used to. Ramin, Ronnie and Nigel, along with the chunk of Kryptonite, were out there somewhere, having fled before Superman arrived. She hadn’t heard any reports of their capture, and Superman hadn’t been around to ask. She also needed to warn him about the Kryptonite, as she’d left that out of her report to the police.

Glancing around her apartment she saw shadows of Lex everywhere. After his death she had removed any items he had given her, any pictures of him, anything that reminded her of him, but she couldn’t remove the memories of him in her home. Thankfully that hadn’t been often, he had preferred the luxury of his own living quarters, but she had recollections of him idly touching her belongings, inspecting her book collection, browsing her VHS tapes. She shuddered as she remembered feeling as though her choices were below his expectations of her. Maybe she should redecorate soon, reorganize and get rid of some stuff. Perhaps those memories, far more infrequent all these months later, would stop. She smiled weakly at Clark as he exited her bedroom, hoping he wouldn’t leave soon.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Clark, can we go somewhere else?” She blurted out. She couldn’t stay here tonight, not alone.

“Of course. Where would you like to go?”

“Can I stay with you?” Suddenly she was nervous. What if he took that request the wrong way? Was there a wrong way to interpret that? They were a couple after all. “I mean; I can’t stay here. I don’t want to be by myself and I don’t want to be here, not that there’s anything wrong with my apartment, I’m sure it’s safe. Well, maybe it isn’t. Nigel is still out there. I can’t see Ramin or Ronnie coming for me, but Nigel would. Oh! Clark! I need to find Superman.”

At his frown, she realized she hadn’t told him yet. “Clark, Nigel had Kryptonite.” She watched curiously as he paled a little. Interpreting that as a sign he was worried for Superman, she continued. “It wasn’t a big chunk, it just fit in Lex’s hand. Ronnie had it hidden in his mechanical arm, and Nigel took it from Lex. There’s a chance that Ramin doesn’t know what it is though.”

“I’ll let Superman know,” Clark answered, the colour returning to his face. “Go grab what you need for tonight and tomorrow, and we’ll head over to my place. Do you want takeout?”

Feeling a rush of relief that she would not be staying the night here, Lois headed to her room to pack. “Sounds good. If you order now, we can pick it up on the way.”


For the second night in a row she found herself scrubbing her skin raw in a shower that wasn’t at her home. Two days of dealing with Lex in close proximity had left her pale skin dry, and as she scrubbed, reddened. Thankfully, this night she was out of tears, too exhausted to cry, and the relief of knowing Lex was behind bars and unable to hurt her, gave her some comfort. Plus, she was with Clark, who was currently waiting patiently for her to finish showering before they ate.

She laughed at herself as she remembered Superman rescuing her. She must have been truly terrified to think that it was Clark that was holding her, and not Superman. Clark couldn’t fly! What would he have been doing there, flying no less? Yet there was something about that moment that was nagging her in the back of her mind, just out of reach. The way Superman had held her was different, she knew, but what specifically, she couldn’t say.

That fateful night, several months ago, when she and Clark had first kissed, her emotional attachment to two men had changed in mere moments, though it had taken her a while to realize it. The day after the kiss, Superman had arrived to rescue her from the Prankster, her first question had been to ask if he’d seen Clark anywhere. As she and Clark began to date, she initially hadn’t noticed the shift in her attitude towards Superman, and it had taken some introspection around Christmas, to realize there had been a subtle change in Superman too. She could have sworn in the past there were times she could see desire in his eyes, directed towards her, and moments of incredible tenderness that had existed between them. That was gone, and a comfortable comradery was established in its place. There was something about Superman though, that she couldn’t shake from her mind, something familiar. It was a recent insight, something that was just out of reach in her thoughts, something she couldn’t put her finger on, nagging her whenever she saw him.

She gave her hair one final rinse in the shower as the water chilled. She’d spent far too long scrubbing and daydreaming. Poor Clark was going to be starving! She turned off the water and reached for her towel. No more daydreaming of Superman, she scolded herself.

Dry, changed, and after an unsuccessful hunt for a hair dryer, with wet hair, Lois left the bathroom and joined Clark who had set the table and had their dinner plated. She sat and took a bite, surprised that it was still hot despite her dallying in the shower. Dinner was eaten in relative silence, not from reticence, but from both of them experiencing another long, tiring day. Once they had finished and the dishes cleared up, Clark excused himself to have a shower, and Lois curled up on the couch, turning the TV on to whatever sitcom happened to be on.


She was in Superman’s arms again, she could feel the warmth emanating from his body, and snuggled in closer, but something wasn’t quite right. It was not spandex she could feel, but cotton and she could smell Clark’s cologne. She opened her eyes with a start and found herself in Clark’s arms, being gently lowered onto his bed. She stirred and their eyes met.

“Hey,” he whispered. “Go back to sleep.” He leaned down to kiss her.

“Where are you going to sleep?” She asked drowsily.

“On the couch.”

At his words she reached out to him, grasping his hand in hers. “Stay, please.”

He hesitated. “Lois…”

“Just stay with me tonight. Please?” She didn’t want to be alone, she wanted to be wrapped in his arms all night. She could feel his uncertainty though their joined hands as he wavered, and tugged him closer to her. “Please?” She asked again.

“Ok, I’ll go turn everything off. I’ll be right back.”

She watched as the darkness became darker as Clark turned all the lights off and walked over to the other side of the bed. She felt the sheets pull back and the bed sink as he first sat, then lay down. She heard the click of his glasses as he folded the arms and set them on the bedside table, before she felt him roll over, spooning her, as he pulled her towards him with his arm draped over her waist. He kissed her head and whispered a goodnight. She was warm, safe, and comforted, quickly falling asleep.


The sun streaming though the window woke her, and when the scent of freshly brewed coffee permeated her senses, and she opened her eyes, initially confused, before remembering with a smile, where she was. She stayed under the covers, delighting in the rare feeling of being completely rested and relaxed. She hadn’t slept that well in weeks, despite the strange dreams she’d had. It was amazing what her mind conjured up while she was fast asleep, she mused. She’d often had nightmares after witnessing awful situations, she was sure many other journalists did too. Every horrific story left a mark, and it seemed to play out in her sleep. Last night was different. Despite being held by Lex and watching two people die yesterday, her dreams had been about Clark, or rather, Superman, except it had been Clark in the spandex suit.

“Morning.” Clark’s voice pulled her from her daydreams. She sat herself up in bed as he handed her a mug of steaming coffee.

“Mmmm, thanks Clark,” she said as she accepted the mug, taking a small sip. “How’d you know I was awake?”

“I heard you.”

Lois barely avoided frowning at him. She hadn’t made any noises had she? Super hearing, her mind whispered treacherously. She coughed as she inhaled a sip of coffee as Clark rescued the mug from her hands.

“I’ll have breakfast ready in a moment.” He placed the mug on the bedside table and leaned in to kiss her. “Good morning, Lois,” he grinned.

She sighed as he left the bedroom. She could get used to waking up like this! Their first night together, under stressful circumstances, but now that fear of that particular type of intimacy was no more, it was time to face the next fear – that dreaded four letter word.

In the bathroom she changed and got ready. Their day off yesterday had been scrapped while they’d chased after Lex, but it was a fair trade for a great story. It happened regularly, where their work week shuffled due to an investigation. Today was another day off, and while she had errands to do, she wanted to stop in at the Planet and make sure any loose ends were tied up.

Thinking absently of the prior day while applying her makeup, she remembered blurting out to Lex her declaration of love towards Clark. Cursing as her eyes watered from the sudden intrusion of the mascara brush into her eye, she groped for some toilet paper to stem the tears. Beginning the process of cleaning up the mess so she could reapply her makeup, she puzzled over how she had been freely able to tell Lex, in Superman’s presence no less, that she loved Clark, but couldn’t say those words to Clark. In fairness, she argued with herself, she hadn’t permitted herself to think of that particular four letter word in regards to Clark, afraid it would ruin their relationship.

She stared at herself in Clark’s bathroom mirror. She’d just spent the night with him, though it had just been sleeping, it had felt so right. It wasn’t fair to Clark that she’d proclaimed her love for him in front of two other people, and he didn’t know yet. Their investigation was done, it was their day off, nothing to distract her from having a heart to heart with him. She cleaned up her makeup and left the bathroom, packing up her overnight bag. Tonight. She’d pick up take out, head back to Clark’s, and they’d talk tonight.


“That fax from Iberia should be here in a few minutes, then we can finally get out of here,” remarked Clark as he returned from yet another trip to the fax machine. “Ok, your move,” he said as he sat down.

“I know,” she responded quietly, staring at the chess board. “It’s been my move for a while.”

“What do you mean? I just…”

“No, something else.” She was annoyed. They were supposed to be having a nice quiet dinner somewhere that was private, not at the paper, where they couldn’t have the conversation she’d wanted to have all day. Instead, one of Clark’s sources had contacted him, claiming to have information for them that he’d fax through, so here they sat, waiting, playing chess to pass the time.

“Lois? What is is?” Clark asked.

“It’s about us, and what happened yesterday.”


“I mean, not last night,” blushing as her thoughts immediately went to where she had spent the night. “But, yesterday, when I was being held by Lex. Something happened and I wanted to talk to you about it. It wasn’t planned, it just sort of happened, and I’ve been waiting all day to talk to you but…” She trailed off as she noticed the distanced look in Clarks eyes, his head turned slightly as if he was listening to someone else.

“Lois, please, hold that thought,” Clark interrupted as he stood.

“Hold that thought?”

“I’m sorry, just that I have to, uh, return this video. It’s really important.” He grabbed a VHS from his desk and ran off.

“It’s me, right?” She said to the empty seat across from her when she remembered her musings from earlier today and snorted in laughter. “That’s it, Clark’s rushed off to go be Superman. Ha! I’ve finally gone there. I’m actually going insane. And now I’m talking to myself, in the empty newsroom.”

She pushed the chess board further onto her desk and wandered over to the fax machine to see if anything had come through yet.

But, what if… She idly turned towards the televisions which were always on the various news stations, minus sound at this time of night, and pondered. She’d never seen them together, yet they seemed to be good friends, and Clark always knew how to get hold of Superman, regardless of the time of day. Superman never revealed where he went, or what he did, when he wasn’t helping in Metropolis. She had always assumed that he flew around the world, helping out, but the news didn’t support that. While he was to be found all over the world where there was a disaster, he wasn’t in the news for aborting bank robberies, car jackings, and such, like he was here.

She wandered to Clark’s desk and left the fax that had arrived in his inbox tray, after taking a cursory look to ensure it wasn’t something urgent. Picking up the framed photo of him and his parents, she took it over to Jimmy’s desk and rifled through the photos he had lying scattered around. Finding what she was looking for, she compared the photo of Clark and one of Superman.

They were alike. Similar hair, though Superman’s was off his face and gelled back, Clark’s was wavier, a lock always falling over his forehead, yet the same colour. Besides, Superman was taller, though she couldn’t tell that from the two pictures, and she reasoned, she hadn’t really studied exactly how tall they were. Superman just seemed taller, though in his photo he was standing straight with his arms crossed. The muscles… Superman was well defined, that suit didn’t leave much to the imagination! Clark, he was strong, and while it had been a while since she’d seen him without a shirt on, she’d certainly felt his muscles as he’d hugged and carried her yesterday evening, and the evening before. She smiled gently as she remembered their night at the marina and the shadow of Clark through the glass door as he’d changed.

She shook her head, bringing herself out of her daydream, laughing. She placed Jimmy’s Superman photo back on his disaster of a desk, and took Clark’s photo back to it’s normal place. “This is ridiculous,” she muttered. Grabbing a piece of paper, she scribbled a note to Clark, saying the fax had come through, adding she was heading home, and returned to her own desk to grab her purse and coat. Heading towards the elevator, a news report caught her eye. A high rise in downtown Metropolis was ablaze, and Lois returned to hunt for a remote to turn the volume up. The sound up, she heard as a reporter announced that Superman was on the scene, the person who had jumped from the fire had been rescued, and Superman was now helping the firefighters control the fire.

“Huh,” she exclaimed. “Just a coincidence, right?” Turning the volume back down, she headed to the elevator, deep in thought.
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