Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi O Tempora, O Mores 1/1 - 11/19/20 07:32 PM
I have to admit, I'm feeling a little depressed right now. Corona, Lockdown and the likes. So, I tried to cheer myself up with a bit of sillyness. Hope you like it.

O Tempora O Mores

The room was dark except for the eerie light of a computer screen. H.G. Wells stumbled over a couple of empty cans and a pile of pizza boxes that were lying on the floor. There was a lot of trash that clattered most of the room and made it almost impossible for H.G. Wells to work his way through. A dark figure sat in front of the computer and stared at the screen. Despite the noise Wells had created, the man didn’t even flinch. His face looked pale in the faint light. An unkempt beard covered most of the man’s face and his hair was tangled.

H.G. Wells cleared his throat. “What do you want, Tempus? Are you cooking up some evil plan to destroy Utopia?”

Tempus laughed bleakly. “I wish I was. Herb, I’m bored.” He turned to Wells and heaved a sigh. “I mean, look at this.” Tempus pointed at the screen. “I want to wreak some havoc in the lives of Lois and Clark. But there were only two stories on the boards about me since April. And in one of them I was just Lex Luthor’s sidekick! That’s inacceptable!”

“Luthor was your sidekick,” Wells corrected good-naturedly.

“Same difference,” Tempus lamented. “I work alone! Do you think they would need a new villain in Smallville to destroy the lives of Lois and Clark there?”

H.G. Wells shook his head. “That show has been cancelled some time ago. And your Lois and Clark were Lois’ mother and some obscure scientist, if I remember correctly.”

Tempus muttered a curse. “But there’s going to be that new Lois and Superman thing on CW. Perhaps they need another villain?”

“I don’t think so. Besides, using you would be plagiarism.”

“Don’t be such a slow-poke.” Tempus groaned. “I could be a great asset to the show.” A dreamy expression appeared on his face as he leaned back. “First I’m going to open Lois’ eyes. I always loved my line ‘Hello? Duh? Clark Kent is Superman!’ That’s a classic! And as for the rest – you’re the author. I bet you can come up with a good plot.”

“From what I heard, Lois and Clark will already be married and have a son. It’s a safe bet that she knows about his secret.” H.G. Wells said.

“You know what, Herb? Sometimes I really do miss my nine thousand channels.”

The End
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