Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 03:28 AM
Story is here.

Sorry it's not much. If anyone feels inspired to take it further, go for it. smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 02:01 PM
Hi Mary,

Well…well…well…somebody’s been to the F…udge Castle laugh It does track with the imaging though clap

Clark smiled and shook his head as he reached into one of the boxes beside her. “If anything, Honey, I thought you'd be more disbelieving of the part about H.G. Wells.”
I’m not 100% sure if it was here or right from the get go, that I realized we’re talking about non-fake soldiers based on the picture and Lois’s exclamation.

watching the light in the old man's eyes brighten as he re-told the story so vividly that Clark could practically hear the roar of airplanes...
That’s just the crop-duster 12-y/o Clark is hearing over at the Ross-farm. Other side of town or not, it still sounds like his mother’s sewing machine.

“Can you honestly imagine someone with a secret like yours willingly walking into a building full of reporters?
Or joining the military?

Packing peanuts flew every which way. “And her! Can you picture me in *any* universe as a dainty, high-heeled civilian who spends all day writing about which politician was caught in bed with which celebrity?
/marks checkboxes at ‘dainty’, ‘high-heeled’, ‘civilian’/

LOIS: *Dainty*?

Well, she does require a lot of rescuing and she is quite easy to carry to safety after. Not so easy to carry to safety *before* the getting-caught through. Will hiss and scratch when getting pulled off a fire escape by an overprotective super hero.

...And then they heard a sharp pounding on the door. “Major Kent? Major Lane?”
Ever since J.A.G.: Aren’t there rules against giving husband and wife joint assignments?

Clark sighed, recognizing the voice. “Just a minute, Captain!”

“Do you think they have one of *him*, too?” Lois muttered.
jawdrop James Olsen made it to Captain already?

So many questions. So many possibilities. So many…strings jittering about!

wave Michael
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Darth Michael
Hi Mary,

Hi Darth! wave

Well…well…well…somebody’s been to the F…udge Castle laugh It does track with the imaging though

Titles are hard, and that's all I have to say on the matter. (Chtongueeek)

Or joining the military?

As a matter of fact, there's a perfect explanation for that...right behind you. *runs away*

Ever since J.A.G.: Aren’t there rules against giving husband and wife joint assignments?

I honestly don't know. Research was difficult since I'm currently on slow-as-dialup internet for the rest of the month. I saw a blurb that "special arrangements can be made for married couples", but not much detail.

James Olsen made it to Captain already?

Either this story is set a little further in the future, or he saved a general from godzilla, or the author miscounted and he should have been a lieutenant. blush

If I ever come back to this universe, I'll probably tweak it; but for now, let it stand as a memorial of my folly.

Thanks for commenting; your comments always brighten my day. ^_^
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 07:52 PM
Okay this is absolutely adorable Queenie! I absolutely love it! Thank you! clap
Posted By: Morgana Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 08:35 PM
Major Kent and Lane are perfect, no matter what world they live on! thumbsup

But, in the picture provided for the challenge, Clark has Jones on his nametag. dizzy
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 08:45 PM
V: Glad you like! laugh

Morgana: Yeah, I think if I were going to do a longer one, I would have gone full "someone else adopted him" elseworld, but as it is, the challenge did just say "inspired by", so it's all good. smile
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/17/20 09:37 PM
Of course Jimmy's a captain. He's in charge of the General White's personal transportation. (In other words, the motor pool.) Very important job, that - the horns on the Humvees must be tuned correctly.

I think this is completely, totally, absolutely brilliant. And Major Lane complaining about her counterpart's choice of vocation? Priceless!

This, however:

“Lois, I don't know what the deal is with that universe, but...”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “But?”

“I find it very telling that even in such a strange alternate reality, they still found each other.”

isn't a bit funny. But it's perfect! He couldn't have said anything better than this at this point in time. And given that H.G. surely let them peek at the other dimension, it's on point, too.

Excellent, Queenie. You have done it again. You have successfully mixed humor with pathos and laced it with the personalities of Lois Lane and Clark Kent. My humble applause to you. clap notworthy clap notworthy clap

I can't wait until you top it next time. It'll be epic because it will have to be.

Of course, we don't know where Lois' scar came from. We don't know if they're Army or Air Force or Marines, or why they've been transferred to this base. Lois' rant hints that she's the only one who knows about Clark's extra talents - which makes me think that maybe they're in a counter-intelligence unit. Or, maybe, they were in charge of security in an embassy that was attacked and she was wounded while defending it. Or they were deployed in a live fire zone. Or-

Naw, I'll stop now. It's just that having had a father who was an officer in the USAF for over thirty years, I got to learn about lots of interesting stuff, usually second-hand. And because he was in Strategic Air Command in the 60s (the ones with the nukes), he couldn't talk about his work at home. Used to frustrate my mother a lot.

If you want to extend this and you need some military knowledge from a former dependent's point of view, let me know. I'd love to work with you.

If not, that's okay. Just keep finding your inspiration where you will. Everything I've read of yours is outstanding. Keep up the great work!

Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/18/20 02:02 AM
Terry, thanks for the offer (and all the flattery). blush I might take you up on it one of these days. smile
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/18/20 03:26 AM
Queenie, none of what I wrote was flattery. It is my unbiased, unassailable, irrefutable opinion. It's as valid as anyone else's, and carried just as much weight (almost none, actually).

But I meant every word I wrote. I do not flatter. I had to learn how to critique musicians - and if you think writers are touchy, then tell a guitarist to back off on the second chorus - which is an art form in and of itself. Had I any constructive criticism, you would have read it. I don't. I drool when I read your tales. They're tight, nothing wasted, and I wish I could write like that.

Oh, I did forget to ask you if you knew what Whiskey Tango Foxtrot resolves to (I think you probably do) in military parlance. It's not unlike the acronym SNAFU.

Keep writing so we can keep enjoying!

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/18/20 03:52 AM
Queenie - I love it! It's hysterical to me that Lois would be so worked up about being a reporter in another world. And of COURSE Captain Jimmius Interruptus would be found in their world. I'm envisioning Lois' scar as being procured in the Congo during some military operation of another (just as alt Lois disappeared in the Congo - this one managed to survive that little excursion). Thanks for the fun ficlet!
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/18/20 04:28 PM
Terry: Aww, shucks! Thanks! blush And yes, I know the term; it was the best fitting title I could think of at the time. As I said: titles are hard. :p

Chakram: Thanks! ^_^

And of course, if anyone wants to take this plot bunny and run with it, feel free! There's probably a million things that can be done with this concept. smile
Posted By: Daytonagirl Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/18/20 09:20 PM
This was great. clap

Loved Captain Jimmious Interruptus. rotflol
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/20/20 11:32 PM
A fun story. Thanks for sharing.

Be well,
Posted By: BlindPassenger Re: Fdk: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - 05/26/20 05:54 AM
Haha, that was a funny Little tale. I have hardly Problems to imagine a Military Clark, though I can totally see Lois as someone in-command. :-) Fascinating , how they got there? I asume Lois' father is here the General Lane again, instead of being a doctor, like he is on Supergirl and Smallville. If his attitude towards Superman is the same here, Lois (and Clark) will have a hard time at the Military if he has a higher Position than them...
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