Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Morgana Empire Chapter Four of Four - 04/25/20 09:19 PM
Chapter Four

Metropolis 1988

Thanks to Mr. Wells’ assistance, every aspect of Aykira Milan’s life took an upturn for the better. With the money he provided, all her school debts and outstanding bills were quickly paid off. She purchased a new Ford Taurus, replacing the ancient Volkswagen. Only a month after the astounding adventure in time with the remaining funds she moved across country to Seattle into a comfortable one bedroom apartment. Something slightly more upscale than an artist’s garret. After making the rounds of many companies, she was hired by Nanite to work in its growing marketing department. Her job was to work as the administrative assistant for the three people who ran the sub department of event planning.

Almost immediately she learned there was a great deal more to creating events than to simply know where to place a table. An event coordinator needed to know what type of tables would be best for the number of attendees and the size of the venue where the event takes place. Did the napkins have the matching color as well as company logo embossed on the surface? Was the lighting correct? Did the location have up-to-date audio/visual equipment and was there someone on site to effect repairs if anything went wrong? Were the catering services efficient, organized and most important of all, have great tasting edibles?
Within a year of being hired, the company had grown so much that event planning became its own department and she was promoted to project coordinator with a staff of two.

What she told Lex earlier was true. Working for Nanite was financially rewarding, but Aykira had burning ambitions of her own to fulfill. Having forged a strong reputation within the industry, after five years she left Nanite and the west coast to start her own event planning company, Orion Events, specializing in upscale events for technology companies. One of the first technology companies on the east coast to sign a contract with her was S.T.A.R. Labs. It was a wise choice, planning happenings for high-powered executives and their clients allowed sterling opportunities to learn about the latest advancements in bio-engineering, communications and computers.

Over the years she had heard both unpleasant and encouraging tales about the man she once admired and whose life she had saved. Lex Luthor was an astute businessman and the companies under his control reflected the attitude of its founder. True, he also contributed to many charitable organizations, most notable of which was for cancer research. But several affluent ones in the business world thought he did this not only because of the massive tax write-offs, but also to salve his conscience.

During a technology convention in San Francisco, she met Dominique Cox, a former LexCorp executive. Aykira made the joke of saying that someday it was inevitable that her company would have dealing with LexCorp. The older woman said bitterly, “If you set one foot out of line from Luthor’s standards, that monster will try every means possible to destroy you. Avoid working for him if possible!”

That knowledge seemed to follow with all the other things she was hearing about him. Until several weeks later, another former LexCorp employee informed Aykira exactly why Mrs. Cox was no longer employed by the corporation. Obliviously trying to steal a company from its founder would definitely be seen by the founder in an unfavorable light. It all made sense, but she was still cautious and determined to follow that advice: avoid working and meeting Mr. Luthor.

Was it right sending her back in time to save Luthor’s life, only to bring so much hurt to countless others whose livihoods depended on the companies absorbed and then discarded by LexCorp? Repeatedly over the years she thought, perhaps it was time for her to approach and call in that favor? Ask him to become the man he should be?

As H.G. had alluded to in his note, there were occasions when she helped correct certain errors in the time continuum. In all but two situations the memories of her involvements were kept intact. He had explained that prior knowledge about those specific missions would have detrimental effects on her own life.

A year prior to the LexTower affair, H.G. had unexpectedly appeared at her home in New York. There was nothing usual about that, but when he asked if she would be willing, with her considerable business and technology contacts, to keep an eye on certain persons in the financial world and Lex Luthor. It was more than a little surprising. Orion Events had an office in New York which was as close as she wanted to be to a certain billionaire, whose home base thankfully was Metropolis, New Troy. The prospect of meeting him again was intriguing, nonetheless, time travel is tricky, and it seemed like a risk to intentionally encounter him again in the present.

At least that was her plan, until her Chief of Staff called her about an inaugural gala that would be taking place in Metropolis. It would be necessary to send her most talented second-in-command to handle that event, while she remained firmly in the background and kept an eye on those involved.

Orion Events had a solid reputation for planning outstanding events and as a result demanding politicians, actors and masters of industry always wanted her to personally run the helm of their events. She avoided extensive involvement with politicians and actors, relegating those persons to her second-tier support staff. Those were ‘bread and butter’ clients. It was more important to concentrate on science and technology, where her main support staff truly shined. Which is why her second-in-command, Andreas Jensen, started working with Asabi to create the most wonderous gala event for opening the new skyscraper headquarters for the corporation known as LexCorp.

H.G. had not contacted her in some time she wondered if their association had come to an end. Surely not, he would make contact when it suited the timeline and not a moment sooner. Now in her mid-thirties, with a comfortable bank account and stock portfolio, she wanted to step back and allow her highly trained staff to handle the major clients and enjoy life.

It was not long afterwards an unexpected visitor arrived at her newly renovated brownstone, which had a gourmet kitchen, spa bathroom and home office. The visitor was a man wearing a black bowler hat. He came to present her with a mission.

It was time to save Lex Luthor again … this time from himself.


So many thoughts and memories raced around her mind like snowflakes in the wind on a cold, dark night. After the previous evening’s easy, yet strangely intimate conversation, she hoped he would listen to reason. H.G. Wells said this precise task would not be easy, perhaps even unpleasant. Could Lex Luthor, billionaire, not realize she was trying to save his life? Not heeding the warnings they had spoken of on the terrace would lead him to disaster and like the series of paintings his time on earth would end as did the fifth painting; in utter desolation. LexCorp would be carved up like some gigantic pie and distributed among the most able of its executives and like Alexander the Great’s empire, the pieces could never equal the whole. Without Lex’s business acumen, in time the various companies due to bungling mismanagement would be purchased by other conglomerates or simply cease to exist.

But then again, if he did listen and made sincere efforts to change, LexCorp and its subsidiaries would thrive and help mankind along the path to Utopia. How often does a man like him get a chance for redemption on such a scale? Exactly how all of this was going to take place Wells refused to say.

When they talked last night, she glimpsed insights to someone who had grown disillusioned of building lifeless monuments to his ego. This was a man who sought, no craved more, he wanted warmth and companionship. Perhaps even children who could carry on his name and legacy? Such dreams were right and commendable, yet much more difficult to achieve than he knew.

Also, could she allow her heart to walk down the path beyond infatuation? Delicate fingers touched moist lips, remembering the sensuous kiss they had shared on the terrace and how opulent shivers of delight tingled her very insides. It had been a long while since her last relationship. Could such a thing be seriously contemplated? Racial differences aside, there would be those in the upper-echelons of society who would consider her an interloper. After all, she was an event planner. Her company served their needs. How dare she dream of dating one of the most sought after bachelors in the world? She shook her head and laughed softly to herself. Such thoughts were merely speculation, nothing could happen without him making a complete metamorphosis.

She picked up the cashmere stole from a chair and carefully wrapped it around her shoulders, the sinuously rich fabric clung to her body, accentuating its graceful curves.

Suddenly a resonant male voice broke through her thoughts. “Good morning my sweet. Where are you going?”

She turned, surprised to see him awake and said. “Home. It’s smart to leave before the regular staff arrives. Not to put too fine a point on the matter, but you do have something of a reputation with the ladies. Currently, no one knows about last night and it needs to stay that way. Later this morning Andreas and I need to discuss what went right and what went wrong behind the scenes. Besides, it wouldn’t do for my staff to think I don’t have time for them.”

At first Lex was silent, than he quickly sat up, pushed aside the blanket, stood and then he spoke with earnestness. “A.J. Milan is a businessperson of the first circles. But I am asking the woman, Aykira if she could set aside a fraction of that time to be spent with me? Last night’s conversation was only the beginning. We need to get to know one another on a more intimate footing and that can only happen through time. I … I don’t want to wait another decade to see you again.”

She felt a shifting of something between them. The atmosphere was not one of tension, but one of new friendship and growing trust. Still a single cautious word slipped out. “Why?”
He moved towards her, his dark, intense eyes never leaving her face. “Because last night marked a turning point for me. You were right. I was on the terrace of a building created as a monument to my own vanity … alone. If I were to die in five or ten years who would be there to mourn me besides acquaintances, accountants and perhaps an ex-lover or two? My past is not something to boast about. I no longer wish to harm anyone. Rather it’s time to give back to humanity, rather than steal from it.”

A lump formed in her throat, she wanted so much to believe him, but remembering the stories about his demanding personality, said, “Pretty words, dear one. But do they emerge freely from your heart or are they spoken merely to entice me?”

He took her hand and kissed it, not indicating any offense had been taken by her words. “Yes. How can I prove it?”

“We discussed a number of things last night, which might convince me, but there is only one which must be considered.”

He nodded and grew thoughtful. “Taking down Intergang legally will be a considerably dangerous undertaking, one I cannot accomplish alone.”

“No. It shouldn’t be. Why not turn in your evidence to the Daily Planet reporter Cleat Johnson?”

Lex shook his head. “Cleat Johnson? Are you serious? The man is an antique!”

“If not him than perhaps … his protégé, Lois Lane?” She said this with a touch of hesitation in her voice. She was well aware of the complex part the young woman would eventually play in Lex’s life if he did not walk a different path. A path leading to his suicide to avoid capture by the police. Suicide that would transpire because he leapt from this very building on his wedding day to the young reporter. She could not allow that to happen, yet she must be careful, very circumspect as H.G. Wells had warned her to be.

“Ms. Lane is an ambitious, yet untried amateur, but perhaps with Mr. Johnson’s assistance she can learn by trial of fire. Ah well, if it must be done, let’s use the best investigative reporter in the city to lead the charge. Intergang might suspect where this information the Daily Planet will print is coming from and there are bound to be retaliations. Aykira, will you stand by me as well? Not publicly of course, that would be too dangerous. Still, this is a great deal to ask of a woman who has only known me for a total of twelve hours.”

A tiny mental laugh bubbled up as Aykira thought, “If only he knew! With the support of H.G. Wells and his companions Intergang was not a factor to worry about.” Rather than answering, with those words, she stroked his cheek, coarse with the stubble of beard that held tiny flecks of gray and said in a firm voice, “Intergang does not frighten me Lex, after all, I am the woman who defeated three strong men in a back alley. I can take care of myself. This metamorphosis you are undertaking is fascinating to me. I want to stand by your side … if you wish.”

A deep breath escaped, he had been holding it in, waiting to hear her words.

“So, we shall be together in this adventure?” Lex asked with a hopeful tone.

Aykira cocked an eyebrow and said warmly, “Is there a better way to learn about each other?”

A genuine smile of happiness tugged at Lex’s lips. It was a clear smile, pure and without a hint of artifice. Leaning back on their old banter he said. “I know of a better way to learn at least one aspect of our personality.”

Knowing the words for the tease they were, she answered slyly. “Not tonight … or rather this morning, Lex. There will be time enough to explore that after Intergang is put away. An exploration, I very much look forward to!”

He looked down into those enchanting hazel eyes, they drew him in like twin threads of gossamer steel. Unhurriedly, he gathered her into his strong arms and their lips met. Aykira responded immediately, surprising herself with heightened passion. His mouth was so warm, the touch of his lips soft, yet maddeningly teasing. He tasted tentatively with his tongue, and she opened her mouth with a low moan.

Aykira felt his kiss was not at all like the first time last night, but one steeped in a fervor that burns slowly and promises so much more passion to come. As with the first night all those years ago, he is alive and kicking, not from a near death experience but now with the promise of a real life to come. Of a determination to forge a better future, not just for himself but for them as a couple. Perhaps … perhaps as a family? With this kiss they are connected and will embrace the hope of endless tomorrows.

She eagerly anticipated the days to come…

Lex Luthor gave into a mental sigh of relief. If he could have found her, Aykira was the woman he should have married years ago. Such a moral compass as hers would have righted him in the direction he should have been in all along. He was thinking about having a proper life last night. Not one filled with well-dressed miscreants that only did his bidding or women who only wanted him for what he could provide materially, but a real partner to share time with. Aykira was correct about the Thomas Cole paintings. If he did not want his life and everything he had accomplished to end in desolation than it was time to repay her for saving him yet again.

In his mind’s eye, he could already see the type of diamond and emerald engagement ring he would have handcrafted for her by the famed jewelry designer Layne O’Neil. Afterwards they would sit down to design the matching wedding bands, they would eventually wear.

He could hardly wait!

The End

CostMart camouflages for Crime syndicate!
December 12, 1988
By Cleat Johnson

It was revealed today that international shopping chain, CostMart is actually a cover for the shadowy criminal organization known as Intergang. Hundreds of files and incriminating documents from the company were given to this reporter anonymously. Owner and founder Bill Church could not be reached to make a statement.
Story on A2.

Church Family charged with corruption
January 26, 1989
By Cleat Johnson
with contributions from L. Lane

Today, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation descended upon the mansion of Bill and Mindy Church, they were charged and arrested for multiple counts of fraud and racketeering. Since they are considered a flight risk no bail has been set. Bill Church, Jr., who is the operations manager for CostMart, was also arrested in his Metropolis townhouse.
Story on A3.

Intergang Smashed!
August 1, 1989
By Cleat Johnson and Lois Lane

After months of legal chicanery, the sensational criminal trial of the Churches has reached a verdict of guilty. All three members of the family will be sent to federal prison in upstate New Troy. The criminal organization know as Intergang started by Bill Church has been dismantled and destroyed. CostMart stocks which since this entire debacle began have tumbled into near worthlessness were purchased today by LexCorp. It will no longer be known as CostMart. The new name is yet to be determined.
Story on B1.

Crusading Investigative Reporter Cleat Johnson retires.
August 10, 1989
Editorial By Perry White

Time to say good-bye to a good friend and long-time colleague. After a lengthy career in journalism, the well-respected reporter, Jonas (Cleat) Johnson is putting away his battered, world weary Underwood typewriter and retiring. His award winning articles have covered the gamut from the seamy underworld of horse racing, to his last series of stories chronicling the fall of Bill Church and his criminal empire. Cleat’s like an Elvis song, ya gotta love him.

Billionaire Lex Luthor weds entrepreneur Aykira Milan
Sept 8, 1989
By Cat Grant

Many a Metropolis socialite’s mother was stunned to discover that one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet was married today. The ceremony was held at Mr. Luthor’s luxurious villa on the Island of Santorini before an intimate circle of friends. The maid of honor was Lois Lane and the best man’s name is Asabi. The bride was given away by an old family friend, George Wells.
Story on B1

Mysterious Man of Steel arrives in Metropolis!
September 12, 1993
By Lois Lane

The world was stunned today when a man wearing blue and red spandex appeared aboard the shuttle and saved it by swallowing a bomb!
That’s right dear readers, a man swallowed a bomb, survived its explosion, and then without the least bit of effort, raised the space shuttle beyond the Earth’s outer atmosphere to dock with the International Space Station. Metropolis and the world are very curious about the Man of Steel!
Story on A2

Hottest Team in town marry!
October 4, 1996
By James Olsen

This past Saturday was special day for two of the Daily Planet’s best known reporters, Lois Lane and Clark Kent. They were married in Smallville, Kansas, the groom’s hometown. Surrounded by friends, family members and besides this reporter, several members of the newspaper’s staff. There were also several of Metropolis’ elite citizens, heading the list was billionaire Lex Luthor and his beautiful wife, Aykira, who have grown very close to the couple.
After a simple reception held at the Kent’s home, the couple slipped away to an undisclosed location to enjoy their honeymoon.

Author’s note: The paintings by Thomas Cole and the music of Frank Sinatra were the some of the inspirations for this short story.

"It Was A Very Good Year"
When I was seventeen it was a very good year
It was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights
We'd hide from the lights on the village green
When I was seventeen
When I was twenty-one it was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls who lived up the stair
With all that perfumed hair and it came undone
When I was twenty-one
Then I was thirty-five it was a very good year
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means, we'd ride in limousines their chauffeurs would drive
When I was thirty-five
But now the days are short, I'm in the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as vintage wine from fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs, and it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year
It was a mess of good years

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