Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Morgana FDK: Empire Chapter Three of Four - 04/13/20 05:07 PM

It has been awhile since the last post on this story. Very glad to finally start posting again. Originally this was supposed to be five chapters, but after looking over the material I figured only one more was needed to tie everything up. wave

Again, this is Lex Luthor and Aykira Milan finally getting a chance at a little happiness.

The fight scene was done with the generous help of Ken Janney!

Any and all comments are most welcome. peep
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Empire Chapter Three of Four - 04/14/20 02:27 PM
Glad to see this story is back! dance

Originally Posted by Morgana
Suddenly an intense blue light, like a nimbus appeared, splitting the darkness into shards. An older man wearing a heavy black overcoat and bowler hat stepped out of the center of the halo … right in front of the car. Aykira screamed in terror and the man, seeing a moving vehicle coming toward him, mimicked the emotion and jumped to get out of the way. Instinct kicked in and she turned right to miss him and then slammed on the brakes, sending the car skidding down the street on ancient wheels, desperately trying to find purchase on the slick pavement.

What a way to meet Herb!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Patting himself all over he said, “Aha! Happily no bones were broken. I … I never should have allowed Andros to set the coordinates, that … that young man still has a great deal to learn.”

That makes sense.

Originally Posted by Morgana
“Quite certain. As a point of fact I must contact my colleague, Andrus. Barring any mishaps, he should be able to collect me in the morning. He’s a capital surgeon and can attend to my ankle without me bothering the medical establishment here.”

jawdrop What a scary scenario. Andrus as a surgeon??? shock

Enjoyed the fight scene. Go Aykira!

Love the letter and gift!

Looking forward to Part 4.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Empire Chapter Three of Four - 04/16/20 02:11 PM
Hiya Ciuadora! Thanks so much for commenting!

Yes, this story needed to return. I plan on posting the final chapter next week.

What a way to meet Herb!

Nearly killing a man as he step out of a nimbus of light in the middle of the street on a snowy night is a rather novel way for the writer/time traveler H.G. Wells and Aykira to meet. grin

Having Andrus as a surgeon would be better than his talents as a member of the Time Corps. I wonder if the cast of Timeless could have used him?

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